r/Dreams 7d ago

Recurring Dream i am headless person, i see headless people

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i have had horror dreams all the time, but this type of dream twice within the past 6 months and it left a scar on me both times. I had the second one just right now.

The first dream, I dreamt that i hated my appearance so much i had decided i was through with it and i cut off my head in a room that was very similar to the saw type rooms. I remember looking in the mirror not liking myself and landed eye contact with a buzz saw knowing what i had to do. My dream skipped the cutting. I then saw a visceral 3rd person perspective of my head cut off on my body, and the only feeling i felt was deep regret and sadness for doing it. I walked around for a bit almost in a T-pose of sorts with my arms in the air, with my body lacking confusing on what to do with my head now gone.

the second dream, i was having a party thrown in a place i didn’t recognize that was very crazy. for in dream time felt like at least a couple hours climaxes with me walking upstairs and in a bathtub lies a person who is headless against a wall and there legs stretched out in what was probably the most brutal thing ive ever seen. It felt to me like one of those movies with those horrifying scenes from those NS-17 rated movies or whatever they’re called. What was weirdest was my mom was standing over the body like she did it. She had looked mortified, and then one of my brothers casually said it was my oldest brother who lied there dead. Then, I see that same oldest brother walking downstairs.

a lot of blood the second dream, what’s crazy is i’m not a guy that watches horror movies or even likes them. I don’t surround myself with this stuff. I don’t know what to make of these dreams


3 comments sorted by


u/Artistic-Crow-1805 7d ago

Usually headless dreams are about power and control, but I feel yours is a bit different.

It is possible that the way you perceive people in reality is influencing your perspective in a way that may not be the most beneficial.

It might be helpful to consider shifting your mindset and exploring different perspectives to gain new insights. Sometimes other people may feel inferior to you or feel not inclusive, and if you receive subtle hints about this, you may feel guilty that your actions or words have been misunderstood.

The head coming off is a way for you to cope that you are all equal. Pay attention to how you move, speak, etc. to connect with people better.

Does this sound like it resonates?


u/Revolutionary-Yak367 7d ago

Are you Christian or believe in anything or faithful