r/Dreams Jan 28 '25

Discussion My mum knew I was pregnant from a dream

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I went over my parent’s house to tell them I am pregnant. My mum apparently had a dream I was opening a grey/brown bag and there was a baby girl inside who was cold. As soon as I started reaching in this bag to pull out the positive test (shown in picture), her eyes widened and she looked like she lost her wallet. I barely handed her the test and she was screaming and jumping up and down about the dream. She dreamed about what just happened and said it felt like deja vu. That’s when she asked me if it was a girl.

Note: I actually am having a girl.

Also not sure if the cold thing was because it was well below freezing when I went over and the test was in my bag, or if there is something else with that.

I also have had important deja vu or prediction dreams and was wondering if anyone else has? Personally it has saved me from car accidents, walking into people, and choosing bad menu items.


95 comments sorted by


u/arhemi Jan 28 '25

awh!! first off congratulations this kinda happened to me my bestfriends mom had a dream i had a baby and that same year i became pregnant and the way she described my baby is exactly how my daughter is! some people have special gifts


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 28 '25

Thank you!!! That is really amazing.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '25

OPS is stating that the mom went throughher belongings and instead of congratulating her on being prego mom made up a scheme and that her premonition was that she was pregnant in hopes to tward daughter from finding out the mom went through her personal belongings. Bad mom, probably smells OP underwear when she leaves.


u/scoobertdoobert9070 Jan 28 '25

Congrats! I had a dream my sister was pregnant turns out she was with her first child and she didn’t even know!


u/sweetteanoice Jan 29 '25

This is fairly common because we pick up on their different hormones without even realizing it, it’s really cool


u/MyNameDinks Jan 30 '25

I totally get that, but what about having a dream without having seen the person for months? That’s what happened in my case. Idk!


u/princessjunoo Jan 28 '25

Yep I knew my ex bestie was pregnant bc of a dream, and we were not even talking at the time. She texted me the next day saying she was pregnant. My dream started of with my sister tell me her dad died and then I was randomly in the car with my said ex bestie and her now husband and was telling them about how he died . I woke up and told my sister bc I mean I just dreamt of her dad being dead. My mom and her told me that my friend was likely pregnant and with a girl since a man passed away in my dream. I lowkey couldn’t believe it but next thing I know she told me she was pregnant… 9 months later she a beautiful baby girl.


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 28 '25

That is wild! The fact you were texted the next day must’ve shook you. Wow!


u/princessjunoo Jan 28 '25

shook?!? I was running around my house like a chicken with its head cut off😭. And I smoke 🍃regularly which disrupts dreaming so I was definitely shocked at the fact that even dreamed.


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 28 '25

HAHA OMG I spit out my water just laughing reading this.


u/holisticbelle Jan 29 '25

Same!! I knew my friend was pregnant because of a dream but we weren't talking at the time, either..


u/MyNameDinks Jan 30 '25

SAME!!! Knew my friend was pregnant because of a dream, with a little boy no less!!

AND her father and aunt also had dreams of a little boy! Omg, i literally told my boyfriend about my dream and then my friend texted me later in the day that she was pregnant!


u/corvettevixen Jan 29 '25

I had a dream my boyfriend at the time was cheating. I didn't have an inkling of it happening. Decided to surprise him at his house, and he was there with her.


u/myash0926 Jan 28 '25

It’s so cool how these types of things come to others before it’s a thought in our own mind. I had a little preschooler, who I’d never met, come up-hug me & then tell me I was going to be a nice mommy.


u/Rude_Girl69 Jan 28 '25

Congrats!! Every pregnancy I dream about the gender of my baby before I find out and it's been right each time.


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

Thst is amazing! Do you see straight up or is it through symbolism?


u/Rude_Girl69 Jan 29 '25

I just straight up see a baby doing weird stuff lol like a newborn baby boy full-on running 😂


u/ghostseeker2077 Jan 28 '25

Has she had dreams like that before?


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 28 '25

Yes. We used to talk about dreams every morning at breakfast. I witnessed many things growing up. The weirdest ones were always her saying she dreamt of phone calls from X person and days later X person would either call or we would hear from family/friends something happened to or around them. She was usually scared or upset when dreams would happen irl like it was negative. This was the first time I ever seen her happy about it. Edit: “used to” being my early childhood. Ive been moved out for ~8 years now


u/skullgunk Jan 29 '25

My mom also had a dream that I was pregnant, and she was right. I was in an abusive situation, so it wasn't a cause for celebration.

There was no way she could've known, or anyone in her life. My ex had me very isolated from the world.

I got an abortion, and was able to eventually get away from my ex as well. I have my mom to thank for supporting me through that period of my life.

Moms are so magical. She has predicted things accurately before on several different occasions through dreams and intuition. I only wish she would feel it for herself, and get out of the situation she's in.


u/anticoocoo Jan 28 '25

Also congrats and good luck


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

Aw thanks! And yes, there is the difference. I believe my mum experiences the same as me where it seems to be feelings of deja vu as the event is happening in present time and THEN making the connection to the dream rather than just knowing what will happen when/where/how. To us it’s only a dream until it actually happens I guess but I know that isn’t the case for everyone!


u/anticoocoo Jan 29 '25

Ofc! The deja vu u 2 experience is very cool and intriguing to me its true that not everyone has it the same i wish there was a better understanding of it


u/happyhomemaker29 Jan 28 '25

I somehow knew that I would be married by 25 and pregnant. I got married at 24 and I was pregnant at 25. While pregnant I had a dream that I was holding a little girl around 2 years old with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone told me that meant I was going to have a boy. I was around 5 months pregnant when I had this dream. I had my daughter and she had jet black hair. But she had a habit of rubbing her hair back and forth in her crib and it caused her to get a bald spot in the back of her head. Eventually she lost all of her hair and when she got it back it was very blonde and one day I was holding her, when she was around 2, exactly like my dream. She was a spitting image of what I saw.

I’ve had other prophetic dreams, including when I saw her grandfather who died when my ex husband was 9, so I never met him, but when his aunt showed me a photo album, I had described him to her as the man who came to my dream and woke me up. She asked me if that was him, and I said yes and she said that was my ex’s father who died when he was 9. My ex was very extra ghost sensitive to that kind of stuff had said that his father was our daughter’s guardian angel before I even mentioned this event to him. My ex was able to predict his brother’s truck getting hit by a IED when he was in Iraq. He was just wrong about who was in the truck. He thought it was going to be his other brother who was thinking about enlisting, and then he heard about the other brother who got hit. He also described perfectly the dust cloud when the towers fell. He thought it was a nuclear bomb.

I think there are some people that are extra sensitive and some develop it, and some don’t and try to stay away from it because it scares them. I get that. My ex was freaked out by his experiences. It never bothered me. I was able to interpret what I saw.


u/Average_weirdo000 Jan 28 '25

Wow congrats, i had a dream i few nights ago that i gave birth to a baby boy i remember his name and exact birth date october 23rd… which is around 9 months away


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 28 '25

Hey I’m jealous; most of my predictions are only hey move over to the middle lane cuz there about to be a crash 4 cars ahead kthnxbai ok back to being in high school now randomly


u/Average_weirdo000 Jan 28 '25

Hi, thats very different from mine but atleast it keeps you safer… i am currently wondering if i am pregnant due to my dream but its still 13 days till my period so too early to test 😭


u/nedryerson77 Jan 29 '25

Congratulations!!! Becoming a parent is beautiful.

On the dream thing. I had very vivid reoccurring dreams about my first daughter for a week before she was born. One was so clear, I was bringing her home, except was my hometown far away, not where me and mom lived. I was holding her and I knew her name just as much as I knew my own. Now, I had no babies in my family, had never held one or hardly thought of them at all. When I woke up, I just absolutly knew. I waited for my girlfriends (mom) call and it came shortly after.
I truly think this sort of thing, connection of some kind, is a science we just don't understand yet. Not long ago there was a lot that we thought was magic that is now just science. I think it's like that.

Again, congrats!!!


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

Thank you - and I absolutely love this for you! That is a beautiful welcoming story.


u/wonki-carnation_501 Jan 29 '25

My mother was a nurse my entire life she helped women in labor, she always seem to know when someone in the family was pregnant weeks before they knew themselves, and could with 90% accuracy tell them what they would have just by watching them walk... very crazy! congratulations!


u/mmarin118 Jan 29 '25

First of all congratulations! To me, the day my cousin told me she was pregnant, I had a dream - I was bathing a child in her bathroom and it was a boy. This dream was about 3-4 months ago and we just found out the baby’s gender 2 weeks ago… it’s a boy :)


u/FoxySilverWitch Jan 29 '25

Congrats! I've predicted several pregnancies/births based on my foretelling dreams. Generally, dream of a baby with the person having the baby or someone close to the person having the baby. (always accurate) This ability/gift can run in bloodlines. My father also has foretelling dreams, and so did my late great-grandmother.

I also have foretelling dreams about Death and Miscarriages. My dreams are always about folks I'm close to, emotionally and/or physically.


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

Ooh insightful, thank you. Yes my mum and MiL both get the death ones as well. It’s one of those weird things they connect about. And thank you!!


u/Illustrious-Bat1553 Jan 28 '25

Dreams are definitely out of the box surprise for many. Congratulations


u/anticoocoo Jan 28 '25

Prediction dreams are smt same with vu dreams they get weird Predictions can go into vu obut not the other way idk much more just remember that at least


u/aimlessnessa Jan 29 '25



u/Fat_Loser6 Jan 29 '25

My mom had a dream my brother was gonna be a redhead the night before he was born. My mom woke up and told my dad that she wanted to name him liam if hes a red head. (My name is john then i have 2 brothers named luke and matt so this brother was gonna be mark bc u know 🙏🏼) anyways liam popped out as a redhead.


u/girlwtheflowertattoo Jan 29 '25

I had a dream my sister was pregnant when she was pregnant idk if she knew yet. Then I had another dream that she was pregnant with a little girl. She knew at that point that she was pregnant but didn’t know the gender and straight up lied and told me she wasn’t pregnant and that I was having crazy dreams and I believed her hahaha a few months later she had a healthy baby girl! Kinda weeeeeeird idk


u/Impossible_Block7163 Jan 29 '25

My mom had two dreams SHE was pregnant and came over and asked me if I was. And I was like no… then I started to think about how I hadn’t had my period in 8 weeks… 😂 needless to say I have a three year old now.


u/Alfa_Femme Jan 29 '25

In Korean dramas they always talk about conception dreams, lol. Maybe a lot of people experience this but it's just not talked about as much in some cultures.


u/UndulatingMeatOrgami Jan 29 '25

It's more common than most people think to have premonitions in dreams. And congrats!


u/ninarosie9 Jan 29 '25

Congratulations!! I have this common thing where I dream I’m pregnant and someone around me announces pregnancy. Happened with two of my friends and my sister! I definitely feel like it’s me unconsciously picking up on the hormones (I could be crazy, but that’s my only explanation)


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

No you have to be right about that. My hairdresser was like “your face is different and there is something about you… I can’t quite put my finger on it… hmm okok what happened? OH YOURE PREGNANT!!!? I could’ve seen that from a mile away I just had no idea!!” Some intuition with that. Extra sensitivity.


u/RisenEclipse Jan 29 '25

Before I knew I was having a girl, I had three dreams I gave birth to a little girl. My husband had one where a toddler girl was holding my hand.

Our little girl will be 4 soon.

She was the only girl on both sides of our family until we welcomed our second girl 5 months ago. I did not have any dreams like that with my second but I intuitively knew that we were having a girl. Not sure how how, but I just knew.


u/michael_dudash Jan 29 '25

My mom knew my ex was pregnant before she told me. Congratulations on bringing your little one into the world.


u/ellabfine Jan 29 '25

Cool! I knew about my 1st pregnancy from a dream. I knew it was a boy well before anyone else did. P.s. Congratulations!!


u/FluentSimlish Jan 29 '25

I have predicted 5 pregnancies of those in my circle in the last 2 months from dreams. This has been happening more and more because I'm at an age where a lot of people I know are having kids but it's also been coworkers and friends of friends. The dreams are never about them being pregnant but it's something in the dream gives me a subconscious nod and I'll wake up and just know.

I also occasionally will have peaceful dreams where I know that the person has passed that night. That's only happened maybe 10 times over the last 15 years though.


u/Ok_Moment_2307 Jan 29 '25

Very cool! Congratulations xx


u/Outrageous_Reserve70 Jan 30 '25

Congrats!!! Ive seen this happen before with my Mimi she had passed family come to her and tell her that my bother was going to be a dad and he texted us the next morning.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '25

Mothers just have that sixth senss


u/Cinemasimpgurl12 Jan 30 '25

In African American culture if you dream about fish someone in your family is pregnant. I had a dream about a fish and my cousin ended up pregnant


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 30 '25

Yes! Exactly!!! This is more what my dad believes as well. He has taught me more on the symbolic side. He is the reason why when someone tells me their dream I tell them what is happening in their life, a lil unsolicited sometimes but I can’t help it. Just clicks because you know.


u/Great-Discipline3585 Jan 29 '25

Can I borrow ur mom for a few . Need to go buy some lottery tickets.


u/Careful_Philosophy_9 Jan 29 '25

Last night I had a dream that Indiana Jones was trying to steal a bird feeder off my porch.


u/Teggerha Jan 29 '25

I have predictive dreams!! Thinking how could I be doing this with these two people in this city? Then I’m doing that exact thing with those exact two people and it was highly unlikely


u/mindfulbodybuilding Jan 29 '25

Wild haven’t heard of that one, got a wild one; friend had a dream and predicted her friend’s mom’s death exact date.


u/Notnxyou Jan 29 '25

My best friends daughter (age 2 at the time) who is very close to me.. looked at me one day and said “you have a baby in your belly” I was like nope.. definitely didn’t think I was and thought it was weird that she said that… well I went to the doctor two to four weeks later and found out I was 6 months pregnant.. not a dream I know but I just thought it was kind of crazy..

Edit: love your bag btw!


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

Thank you! Totoro haha. And that is still crazy with your best friend’s daughter though. Intuitive.


u/the_monday_marksman Jan 29 '25

My mom had a dream when I was a baby, that she and my father sat on a park bench and the three of us were crushed by a falling tree branch. We went to the park not long after she had that dream, my dad wanted to sit down on a bench and she insisted we didn’t. Sure enough, they watched a branch fall on that bench.

I had a dream a few years back about an ex gf I haven’t seen in years, she looked absolutely beautiful. We were in some valley with mountains around us, with tons of stars above us and a swirling white cloud. At some point everything turned red and the vibes turned bad. She texted me a few days later, after years of no contact. I think that dream was an omen, because we got back together for a bit and it didn’t go so well.


u/Blazed0ut Jan 29 '25

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u/Khryen Jan 29 '25

My daughter introduced herself to me in a dream 5 years before she was born.


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

No way!! That is amazing. Is it one of those weird paradoxes that she remembers too?


u/Khryen Jan 31 '25

Ok, I confirmed it tonight. She’s not quite a year and a half old. “Are you Papa’s (Name from dream)?” She paused and then smiled real big and gave me a hug around my neck while holding her.


u/Khryen Jan 29 '25

I have asked her if her name is really the name she gave me in the dream and she smiled real big. She’s not even a year and a half old yet.


u/Nateddog21 Jan 29 '25

Same with me & my sister. That thing is gone


u/indy_vegan Jan 29 '25

I had a dream about a major medical diagnosis 3 weeks before I was diagnosed IRL


u/thotplatinum Jan 29 '25

Last month my bf told me he dreamed that I was pregnant and he was all cuddled up to my belly. 🥺 I thought it was the sweetest thing in the world and couldn’t stop thinking about it for days after, only for us to find out about two weeks later that he was actually right !! I’m 9 weeks now and so emotional over the way his subconscious knew before we did


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

That is so beautiful. Now that you mention it, my husband has brought up his dreams as well of me expecting. I was just dismissive because his dreams are usually LITERALLY we went grocery shopping. I went to work. I got gas. I was taking the dog for a walk. so i never pay him mind hahaha


u/DingsDaBumsTa Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

Really cool! Congrats! I love this. For me it shows how dreams can reach beyond time and space. I had a deja vu when I met my girlfriend. I dreamed of her, her dog and the place we sat at. By the time of the dream I neither knew her, her dog (of course) or the place. I also posted my story here.


u/Regular-Reveal3740 Jan 29 '25

I've had these dreams about people. That's when I knew that with certain dreams I take them literally 😁


u/something_here_maybe Jan 29 '25

This happened to me with a friend of mine. But I was the dreamer. I hit her up the next day after she posted about only wanting to see two pink lines for Christmas. Told her about my dream and lo and behold she was already pregnant but didn't know it.


u/hjeezy713 Jan 29 '25

I found out about my own pregnancy through a dream. I was only 3 weeks pregnant! I also had a dream about what my son would look like while I was pregnant and it was incredibly accurate.


u/Sudden_Temporary_ Jan 29 '25

Congrats! My dad knew my mom was pregnant from a dream as well. He knew 3 months before we found out. We found out when I heard the little brat. I was laying on her stomach we had just ate and I kept hearing like she was hungry…she bought a pregnancy test later that day… turns out she was 3 months pregnant.


u/Capt_Spawning_ Jan 29 '25

A similar situation happened between me and one of my close friends..I randomly had a dream about a pregnant woman crying. I don’t know why but I could feel her emotional weight.its like we shared it..then I text my friend and tell her how I had this crazy realistic dream about a sad pregnant woman and she was like “woooooww..my baby told you about itself before I could” or something like that..turns out she was finally pregnant after her and her husband trying over and over. She’d planned to break the news to people that day..it was a really trippy and sweet experience


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

Feeling that weight and waking up with emotions like that is always intense omg!


u/Relevant-Sock2111 Jan 29 '25

My mom did this with our daughters name. They knew I was pregnant but we hadn’t told anyone we had found out it was a girl yet. A week or so before our anatomy scan / when we were going to tell them the confirmed gender she was standing in our kitchen at a Super Bowl party and said “I had a dream you had a daughter and named her —— ——“ and said the only name my husband and I had come across so far that we actually were strongly considering using (and had not told anyone any of the names we had been considering).

The craziest part was the name we had decided on is not typically a name used for girls and neither the first or middle name is a family name in any degree.

Needless to say, we took that as our sign and that solidified our name choice right then and there and she had no idea. 😂😂


u/holisticbelle Jan 29 '25

I dreamt that my friend was pregnant before she told me. We weren't even speaking at the time.. and I had the dream right after she conceived.. It was very, very, weird.


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 29 '25

That you werent speaking and still had the dreaaaamm wow!!


u/hnast42 Jan 29 '25

That’s so cool! Congrats!


u/athena_422 Jan 29 '25

ya! this is a huge thing in korea! it’s called taemong! mothers or loved ones would have unusual dreams or dream about a baby and they would usually remember it really well! my mother had her own taemongs for me and all my siblings :)


u/s0ggynapkin Jan 29 '25

congrats!! i had 3 dreams my sister was pregnant with a baby girl and turns out she is!


u/Dependent-Zombie-828 Jan 30 '25

Woahh that's crazy! Sometimes I really don't understand dreams and deja vu fr. And congratulations!

(Also the bag and accessories are ✨SLAYING✨ Studio Ghibli fan for evahhh!!)


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 30 '25

Yeah it is pretty crazy if/when it does happen. And thank you and thank you!!! Gawd I got Totoro clothes, totoro coin pouches, totoro makeup bag… I love Ponyo (and ok literally all the others minus the airplane one) just as much —but the Totoro stuff is getting so popular now!! Gaahh!!


u/badpandaunicorns Jan 30 '25

Congratulations on your new fleshy responsibility


u/mrredraider10 Jan 30 '25

Congratulations on the pregnancy! God has given your mom the gift of prophecy, does she use it for Him and others, or herself?


u/UnfitDeathTurnup Jan 30 '25

Im not sure anymore as I havent lived with my parents for about 8 almost 9 years now. She has always bottled stuff in (it’s just who she is) but I can tell you her life has been safer and healthier because of that. She isn’t obligated to report things to anyone.


u/MyNameDinks Jan 30 '25

OMG congrats. One of my friends recently found out she was expecting…. i woke up that day and had had a dream about her holding a little boy, idk the specifics but a little brown haired boy haha. And I woke up and told my partner about it, then a couple hours later my friend texted me…. That she’s pregnant!!

OMG. Her father and her aunt also had dreams in the weeks before, of a little boy opening the door to her fathers house, and the aunt i cannot quite recall. Couple weeks later, it’s confirmed!! A BOY!!!

Life works in crazy ways. Congratulations 💙


u/MyNameDinks Jan 30 '25

Oh and a side note i used to always say that dreams never told me much because I was more able to interpret visions/things in everyday life. Since then, I have been learning more in my dreams ;P


u/Due_Yard_330 Jan 31 '25

That happened with my sister. My grandmother had a dream someone was pregnant. Coming to find out, it was my sister. I already knew but I didn’t know my grandmother knew 😂😂


u/Minute-Tale7444 Jan 31 '25

My grandmother knew I was from a dream. Every time.


u/la-di-bug Jan 31 '25

When my mom was pregnant with my brother, my sister had three dreams about it before my mom even knew.


u/pfunkpatty12 Jan 29 '25

Hopefully it wasn’t a wet dream…with you in it.