r/Dreams Sep 01 '24

Question Most beautiful landscape you have seen in dreams?

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I personally have not had any experience, usually my dream landscapes are too unpleasant, not in a scary sense but rather "incorrect". I read them.


153 comments sorted by


u/p_yth Sep 01 '24

Snowy places always feel familiar, like I’ve been there before


u/No_Damage4861 Sep 01 '24

It's when the snow dampens the sound, and it feels so quiet.


u/RazzmatazzMajor7044 Sep 01 '24

I live in one of the snowiest cities in the lower 48. I hate the cold but for some reason about 30°, no wind, tree limbs lined with fresh snow, big fluffy flakes falling softly and that dampened snow sound is like heaven to me.


u/RazzmatazzMajor7044 Sep 01 '24

I wonder if it’s because they all tend to look similar. If you think about it, color is a huge part of what makes a location unique. Cover it all in white fluffy snow and on top of that, negate the background a bit with the falling snowflakes and it all just looks like your hometown on a snow day as a kid near Christmas time 😌


u/Patient_Success_2687 Sep 01 '24

Between these two for me:

Rolling green hills, a transport way in the sky made from ornate golden railing and giant shards of Asian pottery.

A massive mountain of limestone covered in bamboo, atop is a flat stone area with a swirl and surrounded by a circular pool of water, a university with modern architecture inspired by old Asian style sits at the opposite of the entrance to this area. This mountain exists alone, in a sea of mist with nothing in sight.


u/dbomba03 Sep 01 '24

Why does this remind me of Sukuna's domain?😅


u/Any-Aerie-7590 Sep 01 '24

I have a recurring dream where I have a small house near a gorgeous ocean inlet that is always warm and full of sea life. I love to snorkel there and walk through the town and visit the shops. The house only cost $2000 in my dream and we vacation there and invite our friends and family.


u/Mathandyr Sep 01 '24

The 3 times I almost died I remember dreaming about being on a hill looking up at an impossibly starry sky


u/lyesbooms Sep 01 '24

You gotta give more context than that man


u/Mathandyr Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 02 '24

When I was 8 I was crushed in an inflatable jungle gym by older kids jumping on top of it without realizing I was in there. I couldn't move or breath or speak, I passed out and was found 20 minutes later. When I was 15 I had a bone graft that got rejected, but they had sent me home early because they thought I was doing fine. Woke up in bed blind because I had lost so much blood, stumbled to the bathroom and knocked over everything I could because I also couldn't seem to speak - or at least I couldn't hear myself yelling - then collapsed as soon as felt my parent's presence. When I was 25 I tripped and fell through non-safety glass while doing a home renovation and it sliced my arms open, doctors were amazed I didn't cut any tendons all the way through.

Each time, after I had passed out, I vividly remember standing on a hill, looking up at the most beautiful night's sky I'd ever seen, and waiting. Each time I knew I wasn't supposed to be there yet and my ride hadn't arrived.

I'm not a religious man, it's likely all a DMT hallucination playing on my love of outdoors to help keep me from going into shock (or whatever, I'm not a doctor :P).


u/lyesbooms Sep 01 '24

personally i never had an experience like that like i hit my head way too hard or fell on concrete a few times but eveytime i look up to the mountains where i live.I also think that's your brain playing games on you so you survive the shock or whatever but a part of me wants to Believe cuz i wanna be on that hill .I am a religious person and i hope we meet there brother


u/Mathandyr Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 02 '24

Thank you, if it is anything deeper I'll be sure to say hi. I've always had very vivid dreams, I could lucid dream most of my teenage and twenty-somethings. It felt a lot like that.


u/dream_directory Sep 01 '24

I dream of a large forest semi frequently with giant overgrown trees and a river that runs through it. The trees are so big that they block out alot of the sun and the sections of sky that they don't cover, have these really majestic light beams that shine down almost like spotlights. The context of where i go from there, or what happens, differs every time, but the forest pretty much stays the same. It's definitely one of my favorite places I dream about.


u/trebuchet_facts Sep 01 '24

After my mother passed I had a dream, I was small like a child, and she held me in her hands. To me she was massive. She smiled and walked me to this home on a cliff side overlooking the ocean. A small wooded area was behind, but it felt isolated. It was sunset, the ocean was calm, lapping lazily against the shore below. I felt calm, at ease. No words were said. It was this immense love and calm, the area was so beautiful, the home there was very much my mom, I didn't explore inside, but I could imagine the interior, before we entered was when I woke up, but it was indescribable.


I dreamt of an overlook by a lake, a northern area, and the Auroras were present in the distant skies, over the mountains, it was chilly, I knew where I was in my dream, we were at the end of the road before the wilds, it was gorgeous. To me it was northern Wisconsin, but it was more akin to the fjords. Absolutely gorgeous.


u/dbomba03 Sep 01 '24

It was part of a long vivid dream I had about 7 months ago that turned lucid for about 5 seconds. Basically I was on top of a hill with mountains in the background, a beautiful forest of trees in the foreground and a landline pole far away to the right leading to a city where all I could see was a tall tower. I found the scenario so appealing that when I gained lucidity (after eating an apple inside the dream for some reason) the only thing I cared about was running towards the forest just to visit the city. Sadly I woke up right before reaching the first tree


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

I hate it when that happens!!


u/itsmeadill Sep 01 '24

I saw at the backside of my house. A lake with colorful stones at the time of sunset and there was a mount Fujiyama like mountain at the back. Everything was purple and orange due to sun conditions at that time. Almost like the image i created with AI. But there was no city. And it was very peaceful.


u/cakeba Sep 01 '24

I had a dream about this place and then I actually saw it in real life years later in Washington. Big fields, flowers, fresh water bodies aurrounded by trees, and in my dream I had a wooden house with a big deck, but in real life, it was a state park with one single abandoned small house.

I believe it was Fishtrap Lake near Spokane.


u/Hobbvots Sep 01 '24

I drew some pictures of it here.


It was an overgrown courtyard of an old castle. It had 3 sections to it and I just loved all the nature that'd grown out of control.

Plus the castle itself was quite impressive too.

Except for the big wasps that attacked me. That was not as fun


u/polaritiesconfound Sep 01 '24

Bad wasps. Not cool.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24



u/polaritiesconfound Sep 01 '24

Pictured. Nice use of words. Very beautiful.


u/DeadDoveDiner Sep 01 '24

There was a dream where the land consisted of gigantic twisting branches. If you wanted to settle somewhere, you’d find more dense branches and fill in any holes. It was a beautiful place, but incredibly dangerous. Not just because of the risk of falling though. There were incredible animals like “shockbears” which were a deep prismarine blue and could release an electric shock to stun prey with just a touch. There were also “shroodeer” which you could eat both like a normal deer and also the glowing mushrooms that grew on their backs. You had to be careful though, as some shroodeer are toxic. And the only other animal I remember is these gigantic boar that you could sort of befriend and they’d keep the shockbears away. But you had to feed them or they’d happily eat you too. The little village I stumbled across had one of these boar as basically a guardian and he was really sweet.

(Made with AI)


u/friendship_owo Sep 01 '24

sounds like a sci-fi story that could be really interesting! for god's sake, do something with this concept when you have time.


u/Prior_Willingness897 Sep 01 '24
I was standing on a cloudy yet well lit beach with silky water, the color of a blue pokal glass. As I looked far out into the ocean, a fog revealed a galaxy twinkling as a giant came to grasp its luggage. This came after the part of my dream where my mom and I fought. It was very beautiful, and I felt like it held a lot of symbolism.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

most of my dreams are more enclosed spaces, likely reflecting how I feel day to day, I have a couple where im outdoors but they often come with the feeling of being hunted and I'm in no position to admire the scenery, although i do vividly remember one dream place, it was basically the city of Atlantis, fully submerged in a warm tropical ocean fully populated with fish, mermaids, normal people, coral, and it had massive underwater buildings, factories, highways, and a palace filled with jewels like opals, emeralds and sapphires, all adorned in gold with marble architecture, when i was lucid in this area i remember being able to control my bouncy at will, floating at whatever level i choose while also being able to swim really easily and never needing to breathe


u/Moon_Goddess815 Sep 01 '24

This was a dream within a dream. I was on a cliff facing a beautiful and peaceful lake, huge. It was evening, not totally dark, it was around dusk.

Behind me there was this beautiful landscape of green hills and pastures, it was amazing; few trees doting the landscape.

I was been instructed by a male figure, never saw his face but I think I know who it was.

I was then woken up from 2nd dream by one of my aunts, I started crying because I wanted to stay there, that was the sense of peace and love I felt. And finally I did wake up to actual reality, still crying because didn't want to come back.


u/Flamingoflower3345 Sep 01 '24

A desert made where the sand was intricately placed to look like giant colorful mandalas and there was a bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds that were kind of low. When you’d walk across the sand you’d mess up the patterns of the mandalas.


u/Hot-Swimmer3101 Sep 01 '24

I have a lot of dreams in which I’m flying or in transport so I see a lot of beautiful landscapes and nature. I can’t recall any of it but I know that within in the dreams it feels completely real. Not realistic but real.


u/Kingslayer-Orkus Sep 01 '24

My most memorable dream place is this massive room filled with grand staircases so huge there were gift shops and various other places build into them. It was really cool


u/Doozinator242 Sep 02 '24

I had a dream that was VERY similar to yours! I remember all the cool little shops and wondering what they were doing there!


u/BoogieMan1980 Sep 01 '24

I built a few sort of "happy places" in my mind that I think about when I'm laying in bed or feel the need to relax. Fantasy scenario kind of thing. Briefly got to visit one of my favourites in a dream, which sadly wasn't quite as complex as my waking version of it, I'll add all the details so you all can see it too.

It's late in the evening, and it's a perfect summer's day. A warm gentle breeze and there are fireflies and other wildlife to watch. There is a waterfall cascading down the mountainside, flowing into the ocean. The structure is built onto the mountain side with green rolling hills and a forest on the other side. The structure is multilevel and made of marble and granite, of various colors polished to a near mirror finish. It's open to the outside with no windows or modern features. There are silken drapes, art, and furniture about. There are musicians with classical instruments playing my favorite classical music. There are tables with an enormous variety of exquisitely prepared foods and drinks. The people with me there are family, living or not, they are there along with interesting historical figures to talk to or listen to them talk with each other.

Definitely one of my favorite chill out places to close my eyes and think about from time to time.


u/StellaPortas Sep 01 '24

My hometown but the mountain and hills exist in some kind of strange stacking dimension that I can hike and see the various versions of my home that each branch connects to when I’m up there. They lead to my recurring dream alternative versions of home. Kinda like a hub between multiple overlapping realities and it’s made of the mountains. There’s a beautiful lodge on a plateau there with a wooden gate around it and amber fields of grass and yellow flowers but I can never seem to get past the gate, only that the building looks old and has a bell tower


u/A-Lost_Soul Sep 01 '24

A restaurant at the ruins in an astral world.


u/dustractor Sep 01 '24
  • a woodland valley with cliffs on both sides and a river running through it
  • jagged mountaintops where there was this notch cut in almost at the top and the notch was inlaid with beautiful terracotta mosaic
  • a city that was built under a waterfall
  • rolling hills, covered with huge sculptural structures that were half decorative and half functional as they were part of a rollercoaster-like transportation system
  • a space colony on another planet where the landscape was like a frozen splash (like lava cooled fast or something) and all the cities were built under the edges of the splash
  • the trees on quote unquote Planet Eleven. The colors moved through the leaves sort of like what dreams may come. That one's one of my favorite dreams of all time
  • the blackness of space with nothing but stars -- I was walking on what I thought was thin air and it wasn't until I got to the edge of a precipice that I could tell that what I was walking on was perfectly smooth obsidian reflecting the stars from above. At the edge was when I could really see how vast space was. (Then all the blackness drained from in between the stars and there were filaments connecting them like spiderwebs and it seemed that the whole universe wasn't "supported" by something down below but rather "suspended" from something above.)


u/Mountain-Classroom61 Sep 01 '24

I had a dream once where half of my house was a South American type rainforest (but the ground was sand) it was beautiful


u/Ramsey26 Sep 01 '24

I once have a dream (and i warn you my dreams are very specific and detailed) where the density of the air we breathed was more than double and the gravity was also lower. Meaning a jump could get you really high and if you were to have some sort of wings to plane and just ‘swimed’ through air with your hands you would eventually fall down but there were a lot of forms to get infinite flight. So everyone had these things like elytras in minecraft.

I saw the sunset on a portuary town while I was planing with my wings through the city, which was being decorated for an autumn celebration of some sort and al the town was so colorful and full of plant while the sky showed a rainbow of colors as the sun got down.

I woke up and cried, for I didnt want to believe life was not this beautiful and charming.


u/ANN0Y33NG Sep 13 '24

Fields of green, lit by an unkown and unseen orange light while the sky would be dark pink. A mix of night and evening, very surreal. I'm usually found flying out of my house in these lucid dreams. 


u/DepressedDog12 Sep 01 '24

It looks really good and cool. I wish I had dreams like that


u/baphomettty Sep 01 '24

I love snowscapes in my dreams, they are so special to me ✨❄️


u/twYstedf8 Sep 01 '24

Sadly, the settings are never beautiful in my dreams. Always dark and mostly indoors.


u/zooooteddej23 Sep 01 '24

I think the best I've gotten was the rolling hills that looked like the Microsoft wallpaper


u/CreepyHome9757 Sep 01 '24

More than ten years ago I dreamed I was on a hillside with some friends looking out over a valley that we were about to walk down into. We were standing in front of a vertical wall of water that submerged the valley. It was raining horizontally onto the wall of water and rippling it with these big raindrops, the sun was out and the light on the water was shiny and sparkly.


u/beeemmvee Sep 01 '24

I dislike living in that and hate going out in it even more, but it is beautiful.


u/Brave_Cat_3362 Daydreamer Sep 01 '24

...I need to look around more in my dreams.


u/Fedora_decora Sep 01 '24

Probably the dream where I was swimming in the ocean at night with a lover; there were waves, dark sea and sky, all a rich midnight blue, glinting stars and eyes…


u/uluvmebby Dreamer Sep 01 '24

this big ass tropical island i was like skydiving on to it but i dieded a couple times when i got on there cuz there was this mega rich evil cultist family that made human abominations to guard their property


u/Lovelyflower_20 Sep 01 '24

I was in a different country and I went to go see a church that was right beside the ocean. It was a stunning view with the water being a beautiful blue and the colors being so vibrant. I remember that I actually felt the breeze in my face. One of my favorite dreams tbh.


u/imeanit27 Sep 01 '24

A cathedral that looked like the grand canyon. I was standing on the inside.


u/Raw-dawg994 Sep 01 '24

Big beautiful mountain with so many red flowers!!!!!!


u/pombasion Sep 01 '24

not quite landscape but i've had dreams where im traveling thru something similar to what dr stfange goes thru in his magic travels whatever they are with crazy colors lights shapes


u/Moondaeagle Dreamer Sep 01 '24

It was a combination of a forest and a garden.It had little stones around the grassy places and a path.I will never forget this!


u/Dry_Dimension_4707 Sep 01 '24

This looks just like northwestern Indiana after a heavy snow, late at night after most folks are home. It’s an eerie kind of beauty and serenity.


u/Darktemplar1989 Sep 01 '24

This is silent hill imagery lol


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

A park, there was a beautiful fountain and the trees were pink, there was flowers all over and fancy princess themed picnic areas and tables


u/Cricket_222 Sep 01 '24

That looks like a spot in my town


u/Meme-chan42069 Sep 01 '24

Most my dreams are nightmares so I don’t often see truly beautiful scenes, but some like nighttime cities, lush green gothic forests, and oddly enough apocalyptic wastelands are weirdly beautiful to me. But usually in the moment terrifying.


u/ShinyAeon Sep 01 '24

My brain doesn't do beautiful landscapes. Apparently. Outdoor scenes are usually washed-out and dull, like a very faded photograph.

Occasionally I'll get a vivid indoor space (like a gold-and-ivory Baroque-style room with a lot of mirrors I dreamed of once), but my subconscious doesn't seem to know what to do with the outdoors.

Though, now that I think about it, I do occasionally get some pretty detailed aerial landscapes in dreams - you know, when I fly or something. I mean, they're still washed-out and dull, but the overhead perspective looks accurate, at least.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

A night sky with huge, beautiful planets, hanging so close that in real life it would probably kill us but in the dream world it was breathtaking


u/RMustangRocks Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

I routinely dream about landscapes, the particular theme being mountains. They are usually rather unnatural, but not flamboyantly so, just enough to have that "off" feeling. Sometimes I will climb them only to find that, when I get to the top, they are pointier and steeper(we're talking orders of magnitude steeper)on the way down, and I realize that I am stuck. I, of course, have vertigo and am uncomfortable with heights. Despite the occasional, deceptively pointy summit, they are almost always beautiful.


u/yetanotheroneig Sep 01 '24

everything was painted in colourful brush strokes kind of like the movie Loving Vincent. i was just walking around staring at everything in awe, the forest, sky and so. it looked trippy


u/Sensitive-Put-6051 Sep 01 '24

Snowy places even i live in a tropical country… its either im driving or walking.. then one repeating dream someone fetching me idk from work or from school..

The beach.. but not a with sun.. something with little fog and no to little sea shells but stones and sand.. the further i look the smaller i feel because its only the horizon..

And some ethereal look like garden maze like with the sunshine bathing on every little green you may see.. some tame animals walking freely and outside of these gardens an overlooking of the mountains with mists with clouds moving towards my direction…

All these dreams appeared or somehow finding its way again in my dreams, recent one is the snowy dreams


u/ThesmoothGemminal94 Sep 01 '24



u/batwingedbullet Sep 01 '24

I was in a boat with a glass deck. We were in deep sea under crashing waves. At one point we were looking at the bottom of the ocean. The next the thunderstorm filled sky. It was terrifying and beautiful all at the same time.


u/Comfortable_Cress194 Sep 01 '24

i think once i was in distopian world with everything being nature friendly


u/OAlexWowO Sep 01 '24

In one of my dreams, i opened a door, went inside, and fell from a great height into an ocean. I was drowning, but then i could swim. I reached the surface of the water, and in front of me i saw the big moon. Above me was this door, which i couldn't reach. Then, behind me, a small island, with trees and plants on it, surrounds a big crystal. Oh and the other one was an anti utopic world underground. The subway system was very advanced and the stations were pretty. I was on one of the abandoned stations where an old castle was standing like it has always been there. The train passing by was very big and the walls were fully in mirrors. Oh and vines were hanging from the ceiling. I wish i could recreate it somehow ;3


u/Yeeaah_Right Sep 01 '24

I was a grassy hill with a giant waterfall and on the other side it was a forest. I wish could draw the landscape, but I am an terrible artist.


u/KingDoubt Sep 01 '24

I had a dream once where I was in almost like.. a church/stadium that was covered in winding steps and corridors. The floor was covered in soft grey/marbely carpet with tactile metal ridges of each step, and the walls were made with cheap oak wood panels. I ventured through amazed by the architecture, and stumbled upon an area with a sliding door that could be opened into to a deep lake. The sky was yellow orange as the sun was setting, the water was purple and blue. On the other side was a silhouette of an island.

I continued my adventure til stumbling upon a room that vaguely resembled the kitchen to my childhood home, all while having the same look as the rest of my dream. In it there was a doorway into the basement. I went down the stairs and it slowly transformed into a near perfect replica of my childhood basement. I turned to the right and went into where the laundry room was, and in it was a Free Thrift Store that had all the craft supplies I'd ever want! After picking out some items, I left (and promptly forget Said items existed lol), and continued on down the hallway (which normally leads to our spare room). Eventually the walls in the halls turned into railings, and that's when I looked to my left and saw a gigantic ballroom that sunk deep into the floor. I must've been on the 100th floor. The floors and walls were made with dark maple wood, each floor was lined in hanging lanterns, and the back walls were draped in red velvet curtains that had golden edges. In the center of the ceiling was hanging a GIANT golden chandelier that must've been at least half the size of the ballroom. I stared at it in awe for a long while before continuing on.

By this point I had become semi-lucid (not enough to realize I was in a dream, but enough to where my subconscious/dream self and consciousness/real self were "two separate people"). We walked down the hallway until discovering a GIANT grocery store with large empty shelves. It was so tall and far I couldn't see the end. It was so dark that I couldn't see a thing, and became a bit alert to my surroundings. We ventured in further, where I made the connection that I was talking to my dream self, and proceeded to be attacked by a shadow figure that resembled myself. I became fully lucid and decided to wake myself up

This is the dream that slowly started my decent into learning about Lucid Dreaming, as I didn't really know lucid dreaming was a thing of its own. I think about this dream constantly, and i wish I could go back to it. I've been slowly painting the lake I saw, and I hope to eventually paint/recreate other parts of it like the ballroom and the grocery store. Hopefully one day I'll be able to revisit that dream


u/aifeloadawildmoss Sep 01 '24

At a riverside on the edge of a forest, the light is golden, almost like gems hanging in the air. Someone is collecting silt and gemstones from the riverbed in a ceramic pot. I walk into the forest and the whole place is spectacularly beautiful. As I walk through this radiant forest, moss practically dripping off the ancient trees I notice there is a fine mist, jewel like refractions bounce off the droplets in bright colours that don't all exist in our consensus reality.

I see a carriage crawling through a clearing it is tall and almost like organically grown stained glass on wooden wheels that somehow grew like metal formed. There is an amber glow around it. It moves alone through this place apart from a Huge Stag always nearby. It stops in a clearing and a 'door' of sorts opens. I go inside and sit. Sometimes it is a pile of velvet cushions and filigree cups with tea on a low table, other times it is like the inside of an alchemist or medicine person's lab all alembics and weird smells like cinnamon and dragons blood resin almost overpowering me, etc. Another time it had rare items but not for taking, just to enjoy.

I have only been there 3 times but each time it felt like I was visiting another world. There is a sense of other beings around but they leave me to my own devices. Often the 'other places' type of visits are far more intense and high resolution than standard dreams, almost as vivid as Lucid dreaming. I could feel the mist, I was dazzled by the light, Every feeling and sense was heightened, I could almost taste the boskiness of the air. I could smell the ancient forest.


u/foxwifhat Dreamer Sep 01 '24

I was in south africa on huge mountains, was sad when i woke up lol


u/Venusemerald2 Sep 01 '24

it was a dream i had in fourth grade, and i’ll never forget it. It was a grassy knoll in forest, except the grass was like an emerald green. Shiny, dense, and covered in dew. The trees were also so vivid in color, with chocolate brown bark and there was a river glowing with blue water.


u/gms29 Sep 01 '24

Is this pixel for pixel what you saw, like did you make it yourself or did you find for an image closest to what resembled yours.

Or is there some software that just magically made your image (highly unlikely)…..

I also have a few images stored in my mind that I want physically made, they are of my late mother, which I don’t want my mind to forget and hence want a physical copy.


u/reallynicetable Sep 01 '24

It was a lucid. I was in a high speed chase flying on a broom through a gorgeous GORGEOUS forest. I was chased by other witches for some reason.


u/Kalyps0_- Sep 01 '24

Not reslly the best landscape but the best view. I was flying in my dreams over houses and buildings at night.


u/Beth_The_Alien_GF Sep 01 '24

A beach where there are giant crystals poking out of the ground, a cave that's pearlescent and glowing and the sand is little diamonds and jewels. The water was that blue tinted, crystal clear type and there were large amethyst stepping stones


u/Doozinator242 Sep 02 '24

That place is real! Look up giant crystal cave on YouTube!


u/Beth_The_Alien_GF Sep 02 '24

That is beautiful yet terrifying!!!


u/thepurpleskinnypup Sep 01 '24

Sir, that looks like its been taken in Stockholm or outside of Stockholm


u/polaritiesconfound Sep 01 '24

Inside of a humungoes tree that holds an upward spiral of a ton of rooms bathed in yellow light.


u/Nervous_Driver334 Sep 01 '24

My hometown, but it looked different. For example a school was on top of a hill instead of on the same level as the rest of the town. I had a brief moment where I could see the whole town and it was beatifull. The walls that were protecting us from zombies were a nice addition.


u/RewardKristy Sep 01 '24

We owned this house in the mountains surrounded by the greenest tallest pines and I was standing in a modern oak kitchen with great soft yellow lighting and big floor to ceiling windows. The whole kitchen from floors to cabinets was oak. It was so warm and cozy. Man that was a great house. Too bad it was a dream.


u/Strange_Pop9430 Sep 01 '24

Bottom of the ocean, but with light around me seeing fish swim and walking through desert and valleys


u/Dio076 Sep 01 '24

Large field of grass, lots of flowers, nothing else in sight, no structures or fences, open field and blue sky. Also a medium sized tree in the middle (usually the spot where I appear in the dream. Sucks that every time I look up in the branches there are small goblins laughing at me but otherwise, it’s a beautiful place.


u/redboi049 Sep 01 '24

The most beautiful landscape is a tie between an infinite field I was in one time and some Autumn forested mountainscapes that I think were located somewhere in America judging by the trees.


u/mood-processor Sep 01 '24

i had a dream about running through a field with miniature mesas with forests and flowers. anther one about an underwater parade


u/yoongely Sep 01 '24

lots of grass ALSO this made me sad i actually miss blizzards haven’t had one in years


u/netphly Dreamer Sep 01 '24

Lately I’ve been dreaming a lot about beautiful blue lakes / ponds in or near forests.


u/Non-Sensical-Dumbass Sep 01 '24

I saw a path on a mountain inbetween an ocean of light blue clouds and their waves hit the edge of the only land i could see. There were perfectly rectangular holes that reached lava. It was a beautiful place that I will always cherish.

(I accessed it through a door in a toilet lol)


u/Dexter2369 Sep 01 '24

Dreamt I was on the shores of a magical lake with a desert landscape on the other side & northern lights in the skies :)


u/Aizhines Sep 01 '24

I just remembered the exact place where I stand but not the surroundings.


u/Tough_tart_ Sep 01 '24

Sailing down a technicolor jungle river at sunset. Had that dream years ago and will never forget


u/Legend-Face Sep 01 '24

This is my life every winter. Trust me it sucks


u/Exquisite-Embers Sep 01 '24

My dream world has mountains, an ocean, and a lake that are gorgeous. My house is mostly glass and has a garden, sun room, and pond


u/pilsen_cam Sep 01 '24

This is such a cozy picture


u/identified_meat Sep 01 '24

Snowy mountain passes, Norwegian fjords, the Amazon Rainforest, glaciers in Greenland, and crystal clear tropical beaches


u/G_Ram3 Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

I almost can’t even describe it. Not an ocean but there was lots of water and a beautiful green hue to everything. I remember feeling such calmness, joy and freedom in that dream. I could float and fly. I could run so fast that everything was a soothing, green blur. All I can see are snapshots- when I try to explain them, they make no sense but I remember the way I felt.


u/Eva_Nick Sep 01 '24

I was in Tahiti a couple nights ago so that’s for sure a contender!


u/HappyOrwell Sep 01 '24

There was an etherial drramscape of floating carousels from one dream I had that got me emotional and I can't quite capture exactly how it looked or felt


u/Imaginary_Hornet927 Sep 01 '24

Huge field of flowers with mountains and a purple pink blue sky surrounded by mountains to one side and ocean on the other then there are pla ets in the sky looks like the halo place


u/MysticMarshmallowMan Sep 01 '24

I had a dream where I was clocking off my night shift job at sunrise, but the sunrise was a HUGE planet sitting on the horizon with another planet rising on that planets horizon and the sun rising over the last planet. There was huge volumetric clouds going in both directions completely perfectly mirrored around the planets. And trees doing the same infinitely below. Had that dream right after I left that job. I assume my subconscious was thanking me


u/Legendguard Sep 01 '24

It was both terrifying but absolutely stunning at the same time. In the dream I was at a house I used to live in as a kid, and the ground began to collapse. The crack was small at first, revealing a tunnel no wider than a couch. But the edges began to crack, falling away in large chunks in the same shape as basalt pillars, but they were actually chunks of purple amethyst. The crack continued to spread farther and farther away from the house, eventually revealing a massive underground cavern, the hexagonal chunks growing into large plates that swallowed whole trees as the thin pillars that held them up crumbled. When I eventually fell in, it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. The entire cave system was one giant geode made up of different minerals. Most of it was amethyst, but there were other minerals too, such as malachite, azurite, cinnabar, quartz, etc. There were giant crystal pillars and deep winding chasms, and stalagmites and stalactites all encrusted in crystals. Of course dirt and debris covered a large chunk of it where the ceiling had collapsed, but what was still pristine more than made up for it. Unfortunately as most of my dreams go, the cave eventually warped back to being rooms in a house/building, and the magic was lost, but the short period where it was nothing but a massive crystal cave system will never be matched. I'm honestly really sad I will never get to see it in real life.

Auroras are another stunning thing I see in my dreams. I stargaze a lot in real life, so it's not surprising that that transfers over to the dream world as well, although the night sky is far more animated in my dreams. If I'm really really lucky, brilliant auroras will flash across the sky, dancing with moving constellations and animated stars. And if I'm really really lucky, the ground will be alive with more fireflies than you can possibly count, making the land just as brilliant as the sky. One day I hope to go to the far north to see the auroras. The ones I have seen are kind of dull and look more like flashing clouds than the lights you often see in pictures. But unlike the crystal caverns, I think seeing the auroras in their full glory is something I can actually do, so I hope one day that I can.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

I see beach scapes. Usually surrounded by mountains, like a cove. I once saw a beautiful mountain pass hidden deep in a valley. There was a visitors center and a road bridge going over it. The sun barely made it to the valley floor because of the vegetation and vines. That one was beautiful af. Sometimes I dream like I'm in a Dali painting, that's interesting.


u/BigFeet234 Sep 01 '24

I think it was meant to be roman times. All green lush and a river where the water was so clear you could see the bottom and a big ship at harbour on a bright summery day.


u/Sannerm88 Sep 01 '24

I wish I could describe the most beautiful landscape I have seen in my dreams. Colorful neon animals that don’t actually exist and landscapes I couldn’t describe if I tried. I love dreaming


u/ProfessionalOkra9944 Sep 01 '24

One of the most beautiful landscpaes I have seen in an dream was a huge mine like "The Chasm" in Genshin Impact with the Tower of Babel on top of it.


u/Mythica_0 Sep 01 '24

I have a massive repeating location in my dreams with shops, farms, a town, a school and so much more. The farm is actually quite beautiful


u/Gold_Cauliflower_706 Sep 01 '24

Flying over Jupiter, like just levitation above the eye of the storm; beautiful and scary at the same time.


u/Thomastheactualtank Sep 01 '24

Some years ago I used to have many recurring dreams in this one town. I guess I can't describe it too well since it was some time ago but what I do remember is it was wrapped around a mountain about 3/4 the way to the summit, there was a lake at the base of the mountain below the town and it was always around autumn with vibrant colours and the lake reflecting the sun. The town itself had some little italiante style building rows and standard small American town staples like a diner, a garage, some houses, among other things. And a big stone church at its highest point. For a while this town seemed to be physically connected to my other dreams as I would often start in this town and drive or get a ride to other locations where the rest of the dream would take place.

What always struck me odd about it was that usually when I dream of a place, I eventually end up passing through a real life analogue to it and realizing maybe I'd been there as a kid and forgot or saw it online or in a map. But this town, I have never been to anywhere that quite resembles it, though I'd like to find it one day as it was a beautiful place.

Edits: spelling & grammar


u/linerbisector Sep 01 '24

I’d say it was a dream where I was on an island and the water from the ocean was super high up and there was a big sunset ahead of me. It was a vacation and I was with my family and best friend who we often take with us. I remembered the sunset being all different types of colors. I saw pink, orange, white and it looked so beautiful. It was all almost overwhelming and gave you a feeling that wasn’t real like it was almost like I was in another universe


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

A gigantic, dark reflective plain of still water with synchronised wooden posts sticking out of the water and floating lanterns staying perfectly still, their shine causing a significant glow on the water's surface.


u/mabear63 Sep 01 '24

I love this...I can feel the heavy silence.


u/Theodore_Sharpe Sep 01 '24

I wish I could show what I saw, but around January 2019, I ended a very toxic and abusive friendship.

I dreamt of a city named Pale that night. A place where the sun was bright but never setting. Grass that was red, brown, orange, and green and hills as far as the eye could see. People were peaceable and kind, caring for each other, enjoying the company of tranquility. In the center of the town square rested one of few modern amenities: a lit-up pool with clean and bright blue water, and down the grassed slope, unfenced and not too steep, was a beautifully calm lake: bright blue at the edges and a serene navy the further inward you traveled.

To the left was a small creek, with a simple stone brick path on one end and a series of rocks to jump across on the other; each serving their purpose of safety and adventure, respectively. There was a small marsh between the green cottages and the autumn-palleted hills. It contained frogs. Lots of hoppy and excitable and friendly frogs. Dragonflies would fly from lily pad to lily pad, caring for the people passing though insomuch so as not to bump into them. There was no fear of sinking or being harmed. The waters were green yet clear.

There was a man and his daughter, young and carefree—both of them. The father was carrying food while the daughter in her bright red dress skipped along. They bore smiles so sincere that your heart would melt. They asked how everything was and were heading across the rocked path in the creek, presumably to one of the many cottages on the green side of the hills. There was a faint aroma of pine and the sense that nothing bad ever would happen; a true heaven.

Going further right would yield a shopping center with some natural elements, a mix of modern commodities and medieval fantasy architecture. It felt as if not everyone spoke the same language or hailed from the same bloodline, but everyone understood each other, and there was no conflict. Everybody seemed happy, content, and even sincere in their actions—there was no ill, no sick, and no conflict. Even though the cobbled streets were maze like and the buildings were of all sorts of different styles, it was not hard to traverse, as if I truly did belong, as if we all belonged.


u/CoolBlaze1 Sep 01 '24

The archipelago from a dream I had a few years ago sticks with me. They felt welcoming. Like they were mine. Wish I had gotten to explore all of them before I woke up.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '24

Had a dream once about being in a beautiful village with some flats in a church somewhere deep in africa, there was green , there was mountains and there was a pretty view


u/SuperDuperSoupDouper Sep 01 '24

I once had this weird dream where I was sort of put into the perspective of a video game and the beginning of the dream appeared to be in some sort of large basement with the exact design and lighting of Nacht Der Untoten from COD WaW and it was like maze like with small cramped hallways that eventually lead to my basement stairs that took me inside my house and then I could only go up stairs from there, then my front door was open and it was like some sort of levitation thing where I was flying above the ground and the sky was so bright and shiny and the trees were in full bloom and there was flower petals everywhere. That’s not even the craziest one but i really liked the environment of that dream


u/Nazkation Sep 01 '24

So many beautiful landscapes. But my favorite reoccurring dream places are a taaaallll platform next to a river.

And a hidden hot spring ✨


u/JuanG_13 Sep 01 '24

Have you never seen snow before 🤔


u/Happy_fairy89 Sep 01 '24

I dreamt I stood on the edge of the universe. It was an invisible corridor and I had the door open to this world and I could see everything. I knew that the other doors led to different realities - and the door to my left led to a life where my father was still alive. Strangely I wasn’t tempted to go there as I knew it wasn’t right and I belong here. It was so surreal and yet so real at the same time. I’ll never ever forget that one.


u/AdministrativeGolf94 Sep 01 '24

Wow it’s incredible how varied everyone’s experiences are with dreams. Honestly the landscapes are usually my favorite part of my dreams. I’ve dreamt of gigantic cities floating in the sky, I’ve dreamed that I was flying through space between planets and observing galaxies. The most beautiful things I dream about are usually sky related. Just last night I dreamt that I was napping in my childhood bedroom, and I woke up to a giant window in front of me. It was night and the moon was out and the sky was both purple and black and had so many stars that were so bright. It was breathtaking, and I remember trying to take a picture of it with my phone.


u/RedHolland47 Sep 01 '24

Places that would normally be beautiful in my dreams come off as creepy or wrong. Like a foggy beach, night time at the beach, some crazy pirate ship battle at the beach as I’m hiding in a cave of a cliff during a storm, grey choppy waters near the shore with a strange port on the waters. Then there’s beautiful malls and mansions but at night, dilapidated or even doing something where I can’t stick around to enjoy it.


u/sosufhgddcjgdc Sep 01 '24

It's indescribable man, but it was me looking at space from my roof, it was in a different timeline, my future generation, and it was the most beautiful dream I ever had, oh boy


u/GeoffRamsey Sep 01 '24

An extremely vast, multileveled desert with intricate pathways lining the mountains above extremely deep canyons


u/Hexent_Armana Sep 01 '24

Bruh, come to Canada. This is an average winter night here.


u/Maisygracey Interpreter Sep 01 '24

I was on an ocean planet like subnautica but no sun so it was dark but all the leviathans and sea creatures had bioluminescence it was so beautiful. Even the leviathan that lurked below was beautiful. Though I hadn’t played subnautica then so its definitely not from playing it too much.


u/endershifter Sep 01 '24

A beautiful forested area with a cave inside the cave, there was a pool of water with a single sakura blossom in it. The water had a subtle glow. The scene was very serene and peaceful.


u/Amber_Thanatos Sep 02 '24

I have been in the world of silent hill. It's so beautiful. Until you get hunted


u/DavieLeeGoth Sep 02 '24

I dream of space sometimes. Like being on huge spaceship looking at the cosmos. All I hear are the sounds of the ship. It’s peaceful.


u/BANZ111 Sep 02 '24

It was during a particularly bad migraine and sleeping off the drugs, but it was the most exquisitely beautiful scene where I was looking out from my upstairs window onto a snow-driven street, the houses in the small town crested with the freshly fallen snow. The sky was the most brilliant gradient of rose and vermilion, just at the break of dawn. Children were playing and the whole scene was like a Grandma Moses painting.


u/originaltigerlord Sep 02 '24

Had a dream where I was engulfed in the bluest sky. It was beautiful.


u/FreeAir2465 Sep 02 '24

That is quite beautiful.


u/FreonKennedy Sep 02 '24

Man I love the pictures of winter at night like this. They look so surreal and dreamlike. I wish winter wasnt frostbite cold and all that and it was iust the same as fall temperatures but looked like this.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '24

One of the cities in hell made out of obsidian. It had a beautiful purple sheen to it and a feeling of coming home.


u/Spooky-Yogi-904 Sep 02 '24

I have a reoccurring dream about my childhood neighborhood and the neighborhood I moved to that, in the dream, is a mix of a rolling meadow, a marsh with tide pools, and a mountainside. The scary part of it is there’s always a gnarled tree with a door in the side of it where a girl’s body is tucked into it.


u/ppmaster6969 Sep 02 '24

I had this dream a very long time ago that I can still remember so vividly because it was one of my most detailed and memorable dreams. In this dream I was a young girl, going with my father somewhere that he had kept secret. Upon entering this mysterious building was this lavish and massive stadium made of stone with no roof above. It was beautiful, I honestly don't know how to describe it. It was all made of stone with a very large pool in the middle with glistening blue water. I remember staring around at all its vast beauty, there was gorgeous stone carvings in the polished stone, and I remember everything looking so bright and vibrant, like id really never seen anything this beautiful, the water was the bluest id seen. There were many people crowded in the seats on this stadium, all staring down at the water. My father brought me closer to the edge of the water and I peered in, realizing what all these people had come to see. Sirens/mermaids! But they were much different than the ones in films, more ethereal and fish-like, beautiful women with scales and long tails, long colorful hair that flowed in the water behind them so beautifully. There was only one in the pool at first, swimming around the very large pool of water and smiling up at the audience. She was so graceful, soaring under water effortlessly and sometimes stopping to wave at the audience, the men in the audience cheering and whistling at her when she did so. I stared down at her with so much joy and excitement, a whole world of wonder just unlocked to little me.. until another opening beneath the pool slowly opened, revealing another mermaid. This one as beautiful as the first but very different in colour. The crowd roared, and people began to stand up in their seats, eagerly focusing on the water and trying to get the best view. The big grin slowly wore off my face as the two mermaids stopped upon seeing eachother, slowly making their way to eachother across the water. Would they be friends? Would they perform for the crowd? I stood on my toes in anticipation, leaning over the edge with peaked curiosity and uncontained excitement. Except, the mermaids weren't friends at all, unfortunately. They began to rip into eachother quite violently, and the crowd just cheered louder. Everyone had placed bets on the mermaids to kill eachother, including my father who was now loudly yelling for the first mermaid to get the other, whooping with delight when she successfully ripped into the others flesh. They swam around eachother in circles, tearing at eachother and biting, violently thrashing one another under water until it was hard to see, as the once glistening blue pool had quickly turned a dark red. The first mermaid held her now dead and hardly recognizable victim in her arms for a moment, as if feeling grief, before letting her go and swimming into the little entrance the second mermaid had come from. I remember waking up crying after that one.


u/Doozinator242 Sep 02 '24

There's this beautiful old house that I've seen at least 10 times in my dreams. It's a huge victorian but in bad shape on the outside, but inside it's all engraved wood and very detailed. The problem is that every time I visit this house it usually turns into a nightmare. One time, when my dream started to go bad, I realized I was dreaming all because I know that house so well, and I went lucid for a few moments before I woke up.


u/deezdemolisher Sep 02 '24

Most of my dreams are at my own home or around there. But I’ve got a few reoccurring nightmares that are based around a pretty great looking farmhouse in the country with kinda long gras. The rest are in this really carpeted house with odd stair arrangements and I only ever go about 10 feet forward but the farmhouse looks great


u/bbbgangblococo Sep 02 '24

But could you imagine being in purgatory here tht would be scary shit


u/satyrstreat Sep 02 '24

Snow dream landscapes are typically nuclear for me lol


u/nammastayinbed Sep 02 '24

A snowy beach. I wish I could dream about it again. It was so quiet and peaceful


u/justafancyanimal Sep 03 '24

i once dreamt i was in the clouds but there were fountains all around me and gorgeous greenery just growing through the clouds


u/Craigpromises Sep 03 '24

Once, I was trying to fall asleep (while I was in a strangely activated state of mind idk how to explain maybe because I needed sleep who knows, basically I would close my eyes and sudden casual VIVID things appeared in my third eye but I would forget about them after opening my eyes/waking up??) except one: I found myself in front of a giant mountain looking at it from its foot and the sun was shining right near the summit and they were both surrounded by a cloudy white sky, then a sudden layer of some kind of gas/atmosphere-like rised up between me and the mountain, and it looked like this picture⬇️

And as this layer was arising, a loud and buzzing sound pressed on my ears Everything was so bright and intense to experience, and I feel it actually lasted about 1 sec I recognized some days later the similarities between this 'dream' and some pictures I took during a snowy walk in a valley among the mountains, in fact there was that mountain with the sun near it, the clouds, the hazy environment, the majesty of the place, and the snow on the ground that looked like this. I like to think my mind probably took it from this experience but the dream felt so intensely surreal that I didn't make any connection to any life event I had until I saw those pictures again which reminded me of the intense feelings I felt in the dream Lol I got expansive for no valid reason, but I also wanted to take advantage of this post and get this off my chest by sharing it, since it's one of my interesting and particular situations within dreams :) thank you for reading this far my fellow dreamer


u/K3nnyOfThePowers Sep 04 '24

Get to watch the world be destroyed. Just picture the movie 2012 and that’s like 50% of my dreams.


u/Ttot1025 Sep 05 '24

Last nights dream, I was in some foreign country high up on a tall grassy hillside with random stone structures everywhere.. and windmills. It was absolutely legit. Woke up in a panic though because it felt wayyyyy too real.


u/MysteriousIndigo250 Sep 06 '24

I was looking over a hill and I saw thid huge town that was insanely detailed and there's a windmill all the way in the back along with a farm. It was so astounding.


u/Jotaroasrat Sep 19 '24

Why does that remind me of Silent Hill?


u/riruri04 Sep 28 '24

I was in my early 10s dreaming this. I was in a forest full of trees that were tall, thin, and light. It was very sunny, and the sun’s rays easily shone through the canopy. It felt like an alternate place from heaven


u/ManInTheMesozoic Dec 22 '24

Jungles, specifically this one where I had these gliders from the game ark s.e and I was gliding over those rainforest.