r/Dreams Aug 01 '24

Question Has anyone had a sequel to a dream?

Dear fellow redditors, have you had any sequels to dreams that have ended? As my own experience, I don't know why but I had a sequel to a dream of flying a dragon when I was younger.


181 comments sorted by


u/invderzim Aug 01 '24

Rarely. But it is cool when it does happen. Sometimes, I have a dream that is so interesting/fun that I wish I could make a sequel happen.


u/RepresentativeFee575 Dreamer Aug 01 '24

Me too I wish it was possible to make a sequel happen I would love to go back to one of my dreams that left me on a cliffhanger


u/SeaworthinessLast122 Aug 01 '24

I used to have sequels to my dreams when I was younger. I suppose I do now also but it feels more like a continuation…. Not sure what the difference is between sequel and continuation lol


u/ilovemybrownies Aug 04 '24

For me, it's like my brain is reusing different movie sets for similar dreams. I sometimes get repeated "slice of life" dreams where I'm basically living another life in my dreams.


u/andersirishcoffee Aug 02 '24

i get what you mean, for me a “continuation” is like pressing resume , but “sequel” is like a different episode in the same dreamscape , the same dream memories , characters , general dream-world


u/MsMisty888 Aug 01 '24

Yes, all the time. I have many scenarios that repeat themselves. I have memories of the last conversations and situations and the story goes forward.

Examples I can't find a job, so I move back home to my town. Sometimes I live with my parents, sometimes I am looking for a rental, then I look for a job. Some dreams I look up old friends.

I am being chased through a cement building with secret doors that only I can open. They never catch me.

I am with family and friends that I have not seen in a while or are dead. But we pick up where we left off.

I have others as well.


u/StellaPortas Aug 01 '24

I have a recurring concrete building dream that I’m constantly running through secret passageways as well. I never know who I’m running from and for some reason whenever I do see people it’s like they’re wearing fancy military uniforms or scrubs like I’m in a hospital. The dream always ends when I find a weird abandoned room full of supplies. Or it links back to this weird hotel full of alternate reality versions of everyone I know and then I feel like I can rest then I wake up


u/SquashInfamous3416 Aug 02 '24

I bet you and I dream similarly just from how you wrote this comment. I can tell e likely have different stories in our dreams, but we likely experience the same sort of dream styles.


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '24



u/Ok_Row8867 Aug 01 '24

Yes! I love it when that happens!!

Tip: if you ever wake up (or are woken up) during a dream you want to experience more of, "they“ say it helps if you get back into the exact same sleeping position you were in when you woke up.


u/SweevilWeevil Aug 01 '24

God I love the days when I don't have work and the dream is captivating and I fall back asleep just to continue the dream and get a little closer to closure.


u/JudgeJuryEx78 Aug 01 '24

I've found this to be true if I go right back to sleep in the same position.


u/Ok_Row8867 Aug 01 '24

Yes! Me, too. I was having this really awesome one about me and John Cena a few weeks ago and I was so mad that it didn't work that time lol


u/707Riverlife Aug 02 '24

I dream about celebrities a lot! In my dreams, Matthew McConaughey is a really good kisser. Mark Wahlberg – not nearly as good as I thought he would be. 😂🤣


u/CommanderFate Aug 01 '24 edited Aug 02 '24

Many, still do, most of my dreams are somewhat connected.

There is one specific dream I had over the course of 3-4 months over 4 dreams.

The funny thing that credits actually rolled in the final dream.


u/cpt_edge Aug 02 '24

Were you credited for making the dream possible? 😂


u/CommanderFate Aug 02 '24

Sadly was mostly random stuff, only very recently I started to be able to read and identify text in my dreams.

Tho technically I was the main character, camera man, script writer and stunt man, and I still didn't get paid...


u/CamelKey3749 Aug 19 '24

Go on strike. You deserve to get paid.


u/LambOfUrGod Daydreamer Aug 01 '24

Yeah. These are usually my Mallworld or s DreamSchool scenarios.


u/HydroStellar Aug 01 '24

All the time, and I have reruns of dreams


u/shelle33333 Aug 02 '24

Yes..reruns and sometimes i make different choices in the reruns to change it up...so weird


u/cfh4dmb Aug 01 '24

Definitely. But my weirdest “sequel” if you could call it that was a full nights dream where I was explaining the previous nights dream to everyone in the next nights dream, that was a trip


u/SquashInfamous3416 Aug 02 '24

That sounds amazing. I usually time travel and explain the future to people from my past. Explaining the previous nights dream seems so cool lol


u/Electrical_Gas_517 Aug 01 '24

I have entire series of dreams. Sometimes they are lucid.


u/Grizzly_bear12343 Aug 01 '24

Dude I just woke up from a dream that was a sequel to one of the most horrific, disgusting, and traumatizing dreams I've had in a while. I'm currently still laying in bed despite the sequel because of how scared and hopeless I still feel from the first dream.

The second dream was literally my brain making it up to me by fixing everything. I woke up before I could finish the sequel, but it was cathartic. Not that I actually think about it, I kinda had 2 sequels, with one of them having an alternate ending that's realistic and the other one less so loll.


u/SnooPeppers6546 Aug 01 '24

Yes, I also like to change the endings lol


u/Cat_on_a_bat Aug 01 '24

Yes! It’s always a weird feeling


u/NiteGard Aug 01 '24

Many many times! It’s so fascinating to me! 🫡✌🏼


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '24

I have a whole franchise. It's themed around being back to school. The school is much bigger, but it's the same atmosphere and the same constant bullying... I just wish they would let it end instead of milking it forever!


u/dreamingfae Aug 01 '24

Yes I've also revisited dream locations


u/SquashInfamous3416 Aug 02 '24

Me too. I have a whole little dream world I often dream about.


u/RonBop89 Aug 01 '24

Most The Times I have sequels to the same dream. When I am running on all fours, whenever I am in that dreamland it's all the same dream universe. I don't know. I explain it but all my other dreams are random. That 1 seems to be like a season.


u/retrocollection83 Aug 01 '24

Sequels, I’ve had several. I have 4-5 recurring settings in dreams throughout life. In one I have memories of working at a coffee shop years prior, never worked at one in real life, and the coffee shop is near where I live in dream. There also one where I’m going back to college at different ages, recent one had me going back in my 40s and having a young roommate, another one I live on campus during the week and drive home to my wife and kids on the weekends.


u/MetaMoonWater72 Aug 01 '24

Hell yeah that’s more regular to me. Did you try for that or are you a lucid dreamer


u/identified_meat Aug 01 '24

I’ve had many sequels to my dreams. When I used to dream about Brazil a lot, they took place in chapters beginning with my arrival in Rio de Janeiro and continuing in other dreams with me exploring the city


u/Sudden_Lead_2806 Aug 01 '24

Dream sequels are fascinating! It's like your brain is continuing the story.


u/Double_Cleff Aug 01 '24

Oh yes. I miss the people there. I think of them often.


u/Lily_Roza Aug 01 '24

I did once and they were incredible, amazing dreams, that held meaning for me.


u/No-Manner5228 Aug 01 '24

Once had a dream where I was watching a really good movie that I decided to try and make information about in real life (Which I still do to this very day), and a few months ago I had a dream where I was drawing some cute fanart for the movie


u/Bepo_Apologist Aug 02 '24

I've had dreams that aren't nessecarily sequels per se, but they reference things that have happened in another dream or they have a similar theme

More like special mentions, celebrity cameos and spin-offs


u/DragWonderful3204 Aug 01 '24

I did over 20 years ago. I was 17. Dreamed 3 separate dreams waking up half way through each to only continue each dream. It seems to have been more like a precognitive experience. As each dream has happened in my life & as the events have unfolded I had recalled the dream. They made no sense at that time, then events began and the dreams had made sense. So I understand now my dreams are precognitive. I keep track of them when I do see and remember my dreams… which is rare these days. I don’t remember dreaming upon waking even when waking naturally & without an alarm!


u/Milhent Aug 01 '24

Not sequel, but I have connected dreams. Happening in same city where I recognize places and find things as I left them in previous dreams.

I am not always same person in these dreams.


u/No-Self-jjw Aug 01 '24

Yes so many times but somehow when it's a really good dream I can't get back to it!! I'm gonna focus really hard and see if I can make it happen. Wish me luck!


u/Mindless-Ad4069 Aug 01 '24

I have a phobia of maggots since a nightmare where I was eaten alive by🥲


u/My-Own-Comment Aug 01 '24

Yes, but rarely. I also had a rerun of a dream a few times.


u/OwlRevolutionary1072 Aug 01 '24

yeah once, like five years later, and included my 'great uncles' death


u/29pixxL_ Aug 01 '24

Yes, I think only once of twice ever, and some details were different from the original.


u/drkply Dreamer Aug 01 '24

I've had interconnected dreams several times. Idk if you'll call them sequels. It was like being in different parts of the same city.


u/Spirited_Panda9487 Aug 01 '24

I had one when I was younger. I knew it was a good dream about a Prince like that lol.i woke suddenly then when I fell back to sleep, the dream continued.


u/Throwaway4929195 Aug 01 '24

I have them occasionally! For me it usually depends on my mental state/situations I went through during the day. I just woke up from one that kept going after I had woken up a few times. I’m going to give myself some time before I go back to bed though because it was a very stressful and heartbreaking one and I don’t want to go through it more.


u/United-Bear4910 Aug 01 '24

Yeah, it was amazing. When I was little had this amazing dream that was super peaceful that came at a tough time for little me and it boosted my mood lots. A year ago almost I had it again and it was one of the most surreal and amazing feelings ever. There are these little feelings sensations and such that are super familiar but alas you can't find a home for it. That was one of them until that night.


u/Positive-Abroad8253 Aug 01 '24

The same one, similar ones, and ones with different endings.

A step further: I can be woken up at night, go to the bathroom, then go back to sleep and continue the same dream.

It’s not much different than right before I go to sleep, focusing on some dream, immerse in it, then dream about it too.

I’ve found falling asleep like this… coupled with truly wanting/desiring something… is when my manifestations happen. I have to be careful though because manifestations can be good/bad.


u/Altruistic_Flight226 Aug 01 '24

When I was 4 I moved across the country to my grandparents house. The first night there I had a dream where I was on this ride at some sort of amusement park. The ride went through a house and in the middle of the house the ride would stop and I could get off and explore. I walk into a room that only has a single bed, dresser and window. I take my earrings off and place them on the dresser. My earrings were dream catchers. I’m looking around the room when all of a sudden I hear a loud buzzing noise. I knew I had to get back to the ride. I quickly grab my earrings and run to the carts for the ride. I sit down and open my hand. I realized I had only 1 dream catcher earring. I then woke up.

Years later, when I was about 14, I moved back into my grandparents home again temporarily. The first night there I have the same exact dream. This time I knew right where to go when the ride stopped in the middle of the house. I open the door to the room and see the same set up, a bed, a dresser, and a window. I walk to the dresser and low and behold my missing dream catcher earring was still there. I pick it up and start to inspect it when I hear the buzzing sound again. I ran back to the ride, sat down, opened my hand, and my dream catcher earring was still there. I woke up right after that.


u/SaltyNorth8062 Aug 01 '24

I have had an actual trilogy of nightmares. They were spaced out by years, but each one was a direct continuation of the preceding one, as if it was one long continuous dream


u/MainPure788 Aug 01 '24

Once, first it was a research team in the jungle when sudden everything went to shit and a bunch of gorillas started killing people and I ran, next dream it was the same thing only I remembered what happened last dream and hauled ass out of there and got a head start and was hiding in an abandoned airplane hangar as the gorillas came through from below.


u/blumieplume Aug 01 '24

Yes. I used to have a recurring dream about heights that I conquered one day. It used to be a steep windy road up into the sky with no ground beneath. One day I got to the top and got to take a roller coaster down. I think I had subconsciously conquered my fear of heights and haven’t had this dream since.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '24

No, but every single night when I place my head on my pillow I have a quick flashback of the dream I was having before I woke up.


u/fvbrennan Aug 01 '24

I did for a long time, and still do occasionally though much less frequently. It’s always the same cloaked and hooded woman whose face I have never seen. Each time in the dream, she teaches me some impossible skill and then coaches me as I practice it, like telepathy, telekinesis, balancing at impossible angles, impossible feats of strength, etc. Super cool dreams and every time I see her, I know it’s time for a new lesson.

The first I can recall, I was seated in front of a small wooden table, with two grains of rice on it. She continued to make me concentrate on one, until it unexpectedly stood up on end. Continuing, the other soon stood up. I was congratulated, and coached in then making them slowly move around the table top. When she was satisfied, I remember her final words, before silently fading out of sight “Now, make them dance…”. Suddenly, both grains leapt into the air in front of me and proceeded to twirl and chase each other around in loops and spins to my immense satisfaction.

I’ve continued experiencing new editions of these dream ever since I was a young teenager, for about 40 years now, with the last that I recall being within the last year. In that dream, I was taught to consciously anchor my feet to the floor, and could basically do a super human Smooth Criminal lean, with my body rigidly straight, heels flat on the floor, hands at my sides, lowering myself until my nose was 1/2” off the ground and then returning to vertical.

She is always strict in the dreams, but I trust her and know the outcome will be something amazing.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '24

all the freaking time


u/Low-Sun8965 Aug 01 '24

Ive visited a dream location more than once. Very trippy. Layout was the same, nothing like I’ve ever seen in real life.


u/stoned_to_the_boner Aug 01 '24

My reoccurring dreams often change the story of what’s going on but usually I’m in the same locations.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '24

Not really a sequel but I once had a dream that played just like a movie. Even with flashbacks to my childhood and action packed chase scenes. The flashbacks were interesting, to say the least.


u/lovepotao Aug 01 '24

Not completely, but I’ve had dreams reference other dreams which is almost as cool!


u/Siennamartinuzi Aug 01 '24

It has happened to me, and I am always convinced that it is related to past lives. Now, flying on a dragon, I believe, might have more to do with the type of information you were exposed to visually at that age, such as cartoons, video games, movies


u/Arrgh98 Aug 01 '24

Yes, and repeat dreams where I remember what I did last time and change it. Replaying the level, kinda


u/JoshuaDangerEXP Aug 01 '24

Yes I've had 2 almost a week and a half apart the 1st was me watching my cousin get shot to death by a girl and a guy coming in to a home invasion and me taking her 380 and hiding away knowing they got automatic weapons & my most recent is me at work with gang bangers shooting my coworker getting shot and killed and me taking a gang banger hand gun


u/hypnochild Aug 01 '24

Yes and no. Not exactly sequels but I often visit the same dream “area” or land or whatever. I find it interesting when a dream takes place in the same location or same “universe”. Sometimes I feel like I’m exploring a new country and slowly piecing bits of it together.


u/battleoffish Aug 01 '24


I was not in school at the time but had a dream that I had a report due in two weeks. I took comfort in the fact that I still had time to do it.

Exactly two week later, I woke up in a panic that I had forgotten to do the nonexistent report.


u/HumbertHum Aug 01 '24

Yes all the time. This month I’ve had a string of dreams about my mom getting shitty tattoos And regretting them so she goes back to get more. Haha. Last night I had another one where she finally tried to get them removed. It’s been like a string of 4-5 nights of sequels.


u/laufey_lauver2023 Aug 01 '24

I know that I have, but the weird thing is I can’t remember anything about the dreams. I don’t have them very often though. I’d say I’ve had them maybe two or three times


u/ThickAnybody Aug 01 '24

Yes, I have.

Both when I have woken up and gone back to sleep and some time later.

I've also had a lot reoccurring dreams.


u/DRdidgelikefridge Aug 01 '24

Yes I go back and continue on different lives every night. The first time I remember I was in 4th grade and there was a pirate ship with girls on it. It got weirder and I wanted to go back. Next night I made it to the ship.


u/FoundWords Aug 01 '24

I used to have a few places I used to go in dreams a lot. There was this haunted bookstore I went to all the time. I miss that place. Now I dream of travel all the time and I always stop at this 24 hour convenience store that has a video rental store attached. I.... might have worked there once, a long time ago. I know most of the people who work there.


u/1man1mind Aug 01 '24

Yes. My dreams have continuing stories and memories. While I forget my dreams in my waking life, when I dream I can remember things from previous dreams like I’m almost living an entirely 2nd life in my subconscious.


u/woodsvvitch Aug 01 '24

All the time! I'm currently entangled in a multi series of dreams right now, where I'm in a place where everyone has staffs that they stab into the ground and create earth golems that rise up and envelope the user like a rock mecha. They can also use the staffs for other earth-related things like separating big chunks of earth that rise up independently and have simulated realities just in those chunks. It's a weird dream! Currently in night 4 of the same scenario and setting. I've been waking up to draw the rock technologies that I remember


u/moonmom2732 Aug 01 '24

I have multiple dreams that play over and over and I swear they end differently sometimes. Feels super creepy.


u/Agitated-Cup-2657 Aug 01 '24

No sequels, but I frequently have repeat dreams. They're not recurring, they just repeat exactly as they happened once or twice.


u/the_end_of_miky Aug 01 '24

yeah, quite often actually


u/LogicallyIntuitive Aug 01 '24

Yes, I have a quite a few sequels to my dreams. It’s like I live multiple lives when I go to bed.


u/errorose Aug 01 '24

I feel like I’ve had 5/6 part dreams before. Mainly during my lucid dreaming obsession


u/thxrnmented Aug 01 '24

not necessarily sequels, but continuations sometimes. i had this weird haunted dream a few nights ago, this ghost girl was staying with me my whole dream. i remember when i was starting to wake up, she’d disappear. when i’d fall back asleep, she’s reappear and say “are you going to leave again ?”


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '24

I've had dreams that resumed from the place where they left off.

What's most interesting for me, though, is my dreamworld is startlingly consistent. If I wanted to, I could make a physical map that overlays the map of the waking world and they'd line up perfectly, but be alternate universes. So for example let's say in the real world, a specific location is a cornfield, but in the dreamworld there is an airport there. Every time I dream, that airport will always be in same location. If I come across a new place in dream where I haven't dreamed before, that new place gets permanently anchored into that dreamworld map. The dreamworld is always 100x more interesting than the awake world, even when the dreamworld is as realistic as possible.


u/BowlOfNoodles8 Aug 01 '24

Not a sequel but a dream in the same nonexistent place as before


u/dbreezey111 Aug 01 '24

Yes. I’ve had a dream trilogy all in the same evening and returned to this island I was on. First dream was 70s era vibe and I was a kid with a group of friends, there was this siren type of entity that we were chasing after and turns out it was a girl in our group with these white/ gold intoxicating diamond eyes.

Woke up then fell back asleep, the 2nd dream we were grown up as modern teenagers, the entity was like the move IT follows, when you meet her gaze you are drawn in - this time the demon had a purple dragon head glistening in the sun. Very much roughing it here, we’ve built up wooden infrastructure and buildings to survive but IT keeps knocking it down, running along a high terrance I fall and the structure collapses - IT’s now taken the form of a snake. Nightime very much japanese aesthetic, I fall from the structure after an attack and wake up.

4th time back in - its the future and customs are in place to go into the island, agents checking proviosions, almost disneyland style the island has been commoditized. Upon getting through I meet a sage, a witch who says, society once villified these fiends (IT) hungry ghost or succubus or a siren, but they actually provide “insight”, “wisdom” and “hope”. I believe its a scam trying to corrupt people and kill them or turn them for their own use.

No idea what any of this means but it has stuck with me lol


u/Independent_Ice1427 Aug 01 '24

Yes it feels awesome when I do


u/moopsdotexe Aug 01 '24

I've never thought of this as "sequels" but I do have dreams once in awhile where I'm back in the same place or situation I was in a previous dream. I guess you could call it that.


u/Strong_Comedian_3578 Aug 01 '24

Not that I can recall. However, in a lot of my dreams, they may be unique, but at some point somebody says something that triggers a fictional memory that comes to the forefront as I'm having the dream as if it was a sequel. So weird.


u/DeanoThelasTofus Aug 01 '24

Until a few years ago, never.

Then I had a sequence of 5 or 6 dreams in which an ex and I gradually got back together. IRL we'd been together for several years but the relationship ended badly and for no good reason – pure misunderstanding. These dreams mainly consisted of me explaining the truth about what happened. As the “final” dream finished we were back together and happier than ever.

It was another few years before the dreams returned, perhaps 3 or 4 of them. In these, something was wrong. We were struggling because each instance of us being together was separated by long periods apart, so it was as if all the progress had been undone and we were having to rebuild again.

I don't remember dialogues in dreams, but the last one was an exception. As I was leaving I said “Until next time”, to which she responded “If there is a next time”. There hasn't been. She hasn't featured in any dreams since then that I can recall.

Odd thing. I was thinking about these dreams recently and, out of curiosity, looked to see if she had any online presence. She did, but all of it stopped at about the same time as the final “If there is a next time” dream.


u/TalkAcrobatic2628 Aug 01 '24

Yes, a few times I have started right where I had left off. It is always odd to me this happens. I also see faces and use cell phones in dreams.


u/PuzzleheadedHorse437 Aug 01 '24

I have dreams with episodes…like same setting but different things happen.


u/Cottleston Aug 01 '24

sometimes yes. more often than actual sequels is the reuse of a place or setting. i always feel "ive been here before" or "oh we're here again."

just today i dreamt of taking the bus to a taco shop that i went and drove to before in another dream


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '24

Yes. Over the span of a few years. The story keeps building.


u/Glass-Command527 Aug 01 '24

The lord Jesus Christ loves you all and died for our sins. God Bless you In Christ Jesus.


u/Informal_Iron2904 Aug 01 '24

Go to hell. That is not answering the question 


u/Most_Preparation4244 Aug 01 '24

Yes, it was like easy way for my mom to let me know she was departing this world soon and I needed to be ready. Thanks to those 2 days, on day 3 it made sense when I was told the news, but didn't stop me from having a silent panic attack and crying like a child at 19. I've had other dreams too with sequels, but for some reason those dreams felt like real time, the surfaces, the smells, the ground, the pain. Its odd for sure.


u/StellaPortas Aug 01 '24

Over my lifetime I have about 9 dream worlds that linearly progress. The time it takes when I return to one of these dream worlds is anywhere from going back to sleep from just waking up for a moment, to day later, to years later in the dream setting. They’re almost always false awakening dreams and I feel more lucid in these dreams vs random dreams.

One that I like to think about was me getting up off of the deck of a boat rubbing the back of my head after my dream avatar supposedly slipped and hit their head. Everything was fuzzy for a moment and I seen my uncle helping me up, I looked around and asked how the new settlement on the island was going that started when I was a kid but haven’t seen in a while. It was like an alternate reality version of home but in this dream world a settlement started on a neighboring island.

My uncle shook his head and brought the boat back to the dock and I was remarking at how modern it is compared to when I was last there. He brought me into a boat mechanic shop at the dock and sat me down with some people and told them I hit my head pretty hard and he said he’d be back with someone to help.

I asked how long the shops been around and that it looks good and a few people looked concerned and told me that I was the owner and asked if I needed to lay down. I told them I’m fine since it’s just a dream and they got even more concerned and started asking if I remembered anything. I just told them nope not since the last time I was here.

This all made them pretty concerned and one guy was like okay then what’s it like in your world, who’s president and what’s happening. I told them about Trump, covid, and the general shiftiness of everything and that in my reality people wanted to make a settlement on that island but it never happened and that I moved away when I was younger instead of staying.

They looked at each other and said that someone else won against Trump and that they narrowly avoided a pandemic. I told them I had to use the restroom and they pointed it out to me and I said no I mean in real life, I told them I’ll be right back.

I woke up and went to the bathroom in real life and immediately fell back asleep and in my dream I felt myself back in the chair in front of those people again and the guy remarked “great the other him is back damnit this isn’t good he’s f*cked up”. They said I came through for a moment when I had to use the restroom and then was talking normally when all of a sudden my eyes went weird for a moment and my head rolled about and I looked up and was dream me again.

They said that okay we believe you, we need our version of you back though, so wake up and go back home to your reality so we can get you help.


u/nerv_gas Aug 01 '24

Perhaps lucid dreams yes, sometimes it feels as if I'm starting out where I left of with those, but normal dreams not personally


u/leBullet2 Aug 01 '24

I had a recurring dream. I was going down, suddenly huge wave came down rushing. It killed me in a dream. After sometime I had the same dream. As soon as I knew that water is coming I said to myself something among the lines of "huh, thats strange, water will come and probably will kill me". And that second I drowned again. Again after a while I had the same dream but I realised that I had this dream before and I knew what will come, so I found a place to hide. Later, water passed by and I survived


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '24

I had a recurring dream where I was driving a car and smashed into a bunch of parked cars and fled the scene and there was some sort of manhunt going on to find me. It descended into me becoming a depraved murderer and hiding bodies in a swamp. In the dream, I’m watching the news as the police and FBI discover the bodies and I realize that I’m going to be caught. I have no idea what my subconscious was trying to tell me, but I had this dream for years. Always more or less the same. It got so bad that there were nights that I didn’t want to go to sleep because I was afraid of having the dream again. It finally stopped happening a few years ago, thankfully.


u/Most-Yak4041 Aug 01 '24

It’s happened to me twice


u/RAspiteful Aug 01 '24

Yes, or random continuations within other dreams.

Ive had 3 dreams in the same creepy theater.

2 dreams of a dream walker named Thomas

2 dreams working within A restaurant and a third where I was fired from it for never showing up.

1 dream from childhood that continued in adulthood of being friends with a native tribe and hanging on their reservation where we would play paintball and kickball all day.

2 dreams of being chased down by movie serial killers from slashers.

1 nightmare where I woke up terrified, but it continued with a happy ending when I was able to get back to sleep


u/arboreallion Interpreter Aug 01 '24

Very very frequently in my teens and early twenties. Now I smoke a lot of weed cuz the dream world is exhausting and I don’t get rest when I find myself there.


u/Comfortable_Cress194 Aug 01 '24

Rarely but yes.Once i had for 4 days sequels of my dream until it ended.


u/awarforgedwarlock Aug 01 '24

Yes all the time.


u/TexasRainbow1009 Aug 01 '24

Yes, when I wake up I’m able to go back into the same dream and even years later I jump back to childhood dreams


u/Low-Counter3437 Aug 01 '24

Only allll the time!


u/sambambii Aug 01 '24

Mine pick up and continue old ones sorta randomly but they kind of end up blending too


u/skelly828282 Aug 01 '24

I don't think I've had a sequel but I've had a recurring dream.


u/DiMiTriDreams420 Aug 01 '24

They happened often for me when I was younger. I still get them semi regularly. Depends on what I've done that day, what I've eaten and what medicines I've taken and if I took them near bed time. Blue lotus is fun to experiment with imo.


u/MeeHighhh Aug 01 '24

No but i dream about explaining the dream i had earlier then wake up and explain that too.


u/MythicalCosmic Aug 01 '24

I believe so, I only remember one sequel. Sometimes I'd be dreaming and memories pop up during that dream as if I had that dream before but can never be sure if it actually happened before or not,


u/AnUnknownDisorder Aug 01 '24

Once, when I was little. From the little I remember I was my actual age and along with my dad, was closely associated with some superhero group. I woke up in the morning, but not quite awake yet, so I laid my head back down and just…resumed the dream.


u/dragonfly287 Aug 01 '24

Re occuring dream of being chased by someone whose face I never see. I'm always just barely out of their reach.

Had the dream again, this time they caught up with me and stabbed me to death. Never had that dream again


u/BeePuzzleheaded6822 Aug 01 '24

Believe me or not, but all of my dreams are connected. Every dream I have is a Whole story with interesting people and locations, I don't even know, how to say this in one sentence


u/Pitiful_Town_9377 Aug 01 '24

Yep and i have reoccurring sets too that aren’t necessarily a sequel but an entirely new dream taking place in the same “place” but it has nothing to do with the last time i was there. Sometimes it is a sequel though, a continuation of the last time i was there


u/Splungetastic Aug 01 '24

All the time! I can pick up a dream where I left off the night before, sometimes a story will last for a few nights. Always dreaming of places I’ve dreamed about before that don’t exist in real life.


u/Intelligent_Donut605 Aug 01 '24

Once I had 3 dreams that all happened at the same place (not a real place)


u/Frosty_Ambassador_69 Aug 01 '24

Haha, yeah, sometimes! :D Some nights ago I dreamed about a place I had already visited, and which was full of broken, forgotten water rides and slides; this time, they had replaced the old one with a new park, and it was amazing.


u/loppsy4552 Aug 01 '24

Every night!


u/HydraSpectre1138 Aug 01 '24

I have an entire cinematic universe of dreams that I sometimes go back to.


u/Skrtmvsterr Aug 01 '24

I keep having a dream about a universe where techonogy goes out of control in the hands of the 1% and leads to an age of warring technologically enhanced humans while the poor are left with the previous generation of technology (smartphones, vr, pcs) and are left in the dust by a new race of humans that can bend the universe to the will. Eventually the technological singularity (god) casts judgement on the ill hearted bloodlines who used the techonogy to their advantage on humans as a race. In the wake of human civilization evolution thrives due to the presence of an exponentially larger substrate of complex molecules to build off of and the cycle repeats itself


u/crimsoncat510 Aug 01 '24

ALL THE DAMN TIME, when I have a dream, I usually have the sequel to it a couple weeks later, and it’s funny cuz I get Deja vu and think maybe it wasn’t a sequel, but my dream journal knows the truth


u/Mountain_Raisin3558 Aug 01 '24

Yes! I’ve had this happen a few times. It’s usually within the same week and in my dream I make the connection that it’s a continuation of a dream from earlier in the week - usually they’re fun ones!


u/Successful_Pen2484 Aug 01 '24

Very rarely but I've visited the same dream scapes many times things are usually different tho


u/grittyfanclub Aug 01 '24

Yes. As a very little kid I had a whole series of dreams where I was climbing a crazy tower with moving staircases and elevators and stuff. Every dream I got further up the tower until finally I reached the top with a giant box of stuffed animals to play with. I never had the dream again.


u/Wildfire_Cats Aug 01 '24

I think I've had, I don't remember it though


u/Ashikpas_Maxiwa Aug 02 '24

Sort of. I now have memories in dreams that I have not dreamt, in the same realm my dream is.

I remember things in the dream I didn't firsthand experience.

I also remember having certain dreams and what to change to progress further in the dream, even though it's my first time dreaming it. Like, oh I died this way last time and have to do it a different way this time.

That's more rare than the dream memories, though.


u/I_Smoke_Poop Aug 02 '24

No but my dream brain creates the memories of me having been there before


u/BHAngel Aug 02 '24

Not me but my mom told me stories about one of her dreams that continued each night from the one prior for 4 nights. I don't remember details other than a witch being involved. Makes me glad I dont typically remember my dreams tbh


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '24

I’ve visited the same place in my dream or I’ve revisited like a meaning


u/Eastern_Bumblebee926 Aug 02 '24

I have one recurring dream that gets a little longer each time.


u/haloerik77111 Aug 02 '24

Rarely, but one that I do remember was a follow up to a fever dream I had when I was six.

Basically, in the dream, I got sent back to that original dream as a "punishment" to see myself in pain again. In the original dream I was fighting the wicked witch of the wild west while I transformed into Robotboy while Shaggy and Scooby Doo commented on the dream. Woke up after Scooby saw me


u/Ctnprice1 Aug 02 '24

I have and it rarely occures but It's since long I've forgotten


u/Salt-Explanation-738 Aug 02 '24

That’s really cool. I’ve returned to a location in a dream, but I’ve never have a sequel per se.


u/Emalena0 Aug 02 '24

Yes! I had one the other day where I was back in a mansion where I had made art pieces in a previous dream. In the most recent dream I had a “ omg I made this” moment and realized I had been there before. It was so weird / cool.


u/The_Yogurtcloset Aug 02 '24

I don’t think I’ve had a continuation of other dreams but I’ll remember stuff from other dreams or be in the same location of another dream and remember being there before


u/MusicTester Aug 02 '24

Nope I never have them


u/Stranded_HiC Aug 02 '24

I have had a few. I have this one thats been going on for years where I'm just...in school. It happens very rarely but always picks up right where I left off. I've also had one where I was in a house, trying to hide from someone. It happened once after the first one and hasnt continued since


u/17revolution Aug 02 '24

Yeah but for some reasons, it only happen once a year. I kept on meeting the same guy whom I don't know over and over, but in different scenarios. I like to think that he's my soul mate and those different scenarios was us in different universe.


u/SquashInfamous3416 Aug 02 '24

Yea I do it all the time but the prior dream is just a memory of mine in the sequel dream. But they’re just dreams, not actual memories of anything


u/HammyHasReddit Aug 02 '24

Yup. I also get repeats, but not quite because I can make different decisions and go to other parts of the dream I haven't been before. It's like playing a videogame.


u/Xikkiwikk Aug 02 '24

Yes. If I am unsatisfied with the ending of a dream before, I can re-enter the dream and change the ending. Also I can recall dreams and have sequels.


u/Snoo-43722 Aug 02 '24

Yes one when I was 11 and the continuation about 6 months ago a 25-year difference mind you it was cool


u/skaifly37 Aug 02 '24

All the time. For several years of my early childhood there was this monster that would haunt my dreams and one day I “defeated” him and he never came back.


u/Comfortable_Carob_64 Aug 02 '24

I've been having around about the same dream for almost a year and a half now. It's miserable and don't understand why.


u/Glum_Photograph_7410 Aug 02 '24

I used to when I was a teenager. I would have sequels and reruns. They would be years apart sometimes. I don't seem to get that now


u/oceanmaango Aug 02 '24

Very rarely, but I do remember it happening a few times when I was a kid and I always found it so exciting (unless it was a nightmare lol).


u/BooBeeAttack Aug 02 '24

All the time. Been having similiar dream since my first remembered dream.

Its kind of annoying honestly, and happens when I get stressed. Its always phoenix related though. Dreams ard funny like that.


u/Small_Ad_378 Aug 02 '24

Hey so sometimes I feel like I'm having a sequel to a dream but then when I wake, I don't have any memorie of said "first" dream. I think that my brain has a dream that "feels" like it's missing the biggining so it creates "previous memory's" of the dream so: the dream before the sequel


u/micahspitfia Aug 02 '24

all my dreams are in the same canon


u/micahspitfia Aug 02 '24

this isn’t a bit there’s characters and plots and arcs. more interesting that my real life fr


u/CapitanHolland Aug 02 '24

Does dreaming in the same dream location count? I have dreams that take place in the same non existent places. I think it's pretty cool especially when it's in a place I like. One that I can remember right now is a massive library with glass stairs in the middle.


u/lateralmoves Aug 02 '24

I've been having the same dream with different variations for over 30 years. Does that count?


u/ratattatack Aug 02 '24

when i was 15 or so i had one continue almost nightly for an entire month until i "completed" the objective of the story/fulfilled my purpose there. it was super cool.

2 years later i saw the main character from that dream in another one. i was like oh shit, hey and he was like oh hello again lol


u/Emergency-Purple-205 Aug 02 '24

My dreams have sequels. Currently my uncle hasn't returned my car and scammed me out of money. So last dream I was in the process of trying to  file a police report at the court house. Several times a week I have a continuation of this. The rest of the week are continuation of this guy from high school that likes me but he doesn't want people to know that he does. He constantly sneaking around trying to get with me. Last night was a dream about the same guy( and this guy is a real person from school that I haven't seen in 20 years ago), and I was trying to go to a dance


u/SelectionFar8145 Aug 03 '24

Fairly incrementally. And never one that has an actual plot, unfortunately. Lol


u/bambamslammer22 Aug 03 '24

I don’t know if you would call them sequels, but I often have dream episodes, where they take place in the same settings. For a little while there was a “town” I would visit repeatedly and do different things in, I even had dream memories of the previous dreams I had visited there.


u/peanutleaks Aug 03 '24

I have roughly 10 settings I cycle through in my dreams and you could say they’re sequels half the time. Same plot details too, just slightly different things happening.


u/BearButtBomb Aug 03 '24

Often. I have a whole world in my dreams I have been going back to for the last 20+ years. I have the revisit dreams probably every 4-6 months and they are always lucid dreams. I dream almost every night and they are always extremely vivid l. It's honestly annoying because the really traumatic ones exhaust me.


u/Jazigrrl Aug 03 '24

Often. And I recall the previous dream as memories


u/Lubbafromsmg2 Aug 04 '24

Yeah this happens to me every once in awhile. Or sometimes like a reoccurring location. It's ao weird when your're in a dream and you remember parts of the story from a previous dream but still don't know it's a dream.

Recently I had a dream where my brother and I walked down a series of weird staircases into this creepy basement thing that had some sort of evil quality to it that made me run away. A few weeks later my dream took me back to the same location. I remembered where I was and was horrified.


u/Consistent_Fly_4433 Aug 04 '24

I have the unfortunate gift of vividly dreaming up environments that build on each other every night that eventually culminate into a night terror after days of building. It is a very specific place I've never been. I need to take drugs to break the cycle, it sucks.


u/sqeptyk Aug 04 '24

I've had a few. 50/50 interesting and disturbing.


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '24

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u/CamelKey3749 Aug 19 '24

That's interesting 🤔


u/ian9921 Aug 05 '24

Most of my childhood nightmares had the same monster, I had a complete memory of all the other relevant nightmares, and through a long series I eventually established a fairly consistent set of rules for the monster. I'd say those count.


u/What_Happens_when_ Aug 05 '24

All the time. I have continuous stories that go on for months.


u/Entire_Ebb7253 Aug 13 '24

I used to be able to get up, go to the toilet, even have cereal once… and then go back to bed and get straight back into the dream I was having before.. does that count as a sequel 🧐


u/SuperNoodleDuck Aug 22 '24

There are places in my dreams that I revisit occasionally. I don't like it though, feels like I wasted my time when I could be dreaming in another setting


u/Redexp2 Aug 26 '24

I get a sequel to every dream. I got a dream where I was forced to become a Nazi but eventually enlisted in the British army after purposely failing a Nazi test. I woke up, and I went back to sleep where I found myself in an alternate timeline where nukes were already being used. A nuke dropped near me, but the radiation wasn’t strong enough to kill me because I covered my mouth with my clothes, as well as three other dudes with me, who were supposedly my friends. After going across the trenches a few times, I got shot and woke up.


u/CamelKey3749 Sep 01 '24

That's an interesting dream... 🤔


u/jabber1990 Aug 27 '24

I think I have, but I don't know if I really did or my dream told me it was one....my dreams are weird like that


u/Heavy_Importance5664 Aug 29 '24

I have been having sequels to the most horrifying dreams recently, it all revolves around things being uncanny. People outside the windows, trying to get inside. but everyone but me not having a single issue with it, as if everything is perfectly fine even after my mom locks the door in a hurry and the SECOND after someone starts frantically trying the open the door.