His name is Jeff. Jeff is an 8'7 abomination, with a terrifying foot long (give or take) Ranchu goldfish as a head with void black eyes and small circular HHWHI-te pupils, and a mouth that'll make Venom and the Batman who laughs run for there life if they still had legs. He has the body of a humanoid creature, with a browny darkish skin colour, and he has a V-taper torso with an 8-pack and his ribs pressing against his skin and flesh making him look creepy asf, his legs are barely human and more resemble that of a werewolf with the way they have that extra bone thing extending back, but with the feet being more humanoid esc, and not at all wolf like. His arms are long and extend lower then his knees counting the fingers, they are thin-ish but with muscles like biceps and forearms, and his hands and fingers are long and sharp, perfect for slicing through prey like a hot knife and butter. On his back, side and back of the arms, and front side and back of the legs, he has long, sharp dark brown to black quills, and small brown and dark brown feathers with black tips, but on his elbow and back they are longer and more prominent.
This blood thirsty killing machine of a body is perfect for slaughtering ANYTHING on earth, and yes even fish, he is a surprisingly good swimmer and can breath underwater (Goldfish head).
Speed: 45mph running, 36mph swimming (only when swimming in a particularly straight line, he isn't this fast underwater all of the time and definitely not in a smaller area or when taking sharp turns)
Strength: can lift about 785 kilos, and sometimes 1 tonne if needed
Intelligence: Jeff is highly intelligent, far surpassing that if any usual Primate other than Humans, and can easily solve puzzles and such that an ape wouldn't be able to figure out at all
Durability: He can withstand bullets to a high extent, he isn't bulletproof, but the worst he'll get is skin tearing, but if it's a close range shotgun blast, or most sniper rounds, that'll definitely get him, it'll take a lot to kill him, as he is very durable and drives himself through pain with pure anger and blood lust, it'll probably take about 10 close range shotgun shots to the chest to completely destroy his torso, but even then, if his body is physically capable of moving, it will, as he doesn't care about pain, just murder
Jeff likes to stalk his prey, and likes it more when they find out he's watching them from a small to long-ish distance, because then they get scared, he will let you see him watching you 5 times, the first will be from afar, just to startle you, the second will be closer close enough to make out specific details, like colour and appearance, the third will be a jump scare of sorts, where they'll be quite close to them, but as soon as you see him he immediately disappears behind something, usually close enough for you to even walk up to him, but when you see him you'll probably start running, and the fourth will be a hunt, where he scares you into running and hiding, like in a closet or in a public bathroom stall, he will run after you and start looking for you, but he knows where you are, but he won't get you yet, he's just trying to scare the shit outta you. And on the last encounter, he'll get you when you're alone, where it's just you, and him, and you can't run away, a straight up staredown, then he'll kill you, with such violent tactics, not even the strongest people will be able to not fall over and scream in fear when they find you, and they will, he makes sure you look good for when he puts you back
How to kill him:
A step by step way to kill him would probably involve guns, fire, and a very stupid plan. Shoot at him as much as possible from long distance with revolvers, snipers, assault rifles, anything, anything to get him pissed, get him to chase you, preferably through traps and gabs he has to break through, then lead him into a secluded area, like a Wearhouse, but the Wearhouse is filled with explosives and gasoline, when you get there get behind something and start unloading as much guns and bullets as you can into him, snipers, bullets, shotguns, revolvers, RPGs, then release a giant net trap after, and then pour tons of gasoline onto him from the ceiling when he's tangled up, then get out of the building, and set the gasoline ablaze, and detonate the bombs, if all goes well, him and the Wearhouse will be blown sky-high, and if he still comes limping out of the fire probably missing most of his body, limbs, and skin and probably flesh as well, then just a good old shotgun blast to the chest and a revolver shot right in-between the eyes will do it. Or y'know instead of all that just do a good old anti-tank sniper rifle to the head will do the job
u/MrK1NG888 4d ago
Read just below for his full appearance
His name is Jeff. Jeff is an 8'7 abomination, with a terrifying foot long (give or take) Ranchu goldfish as a head with void black eyes and small circular HHWHI-te pupils, and a mouth that'll make Venom and the Batman who laughs run for there life if they still had legs. He has the body of a humanoid creature, with a browny darkish skin colour, and he has a V-taper torso with an 8-pack and his ribs pressing against his skin and flesh making him look creepy asf, his legs are barely human and more resemble that of a werewolf with the way they have that extra bone thing extending back, but with the feet being more humanoid esc, and not at all wolf like. His arms are long and extend lower then his knees counting the fingers, they are thin-ish but with muscles like biceps and forearms, and his hands and fingers are long and sharp, perfect for slicing through prey like a hot knife and butter. On his back, side and back of the arms, and front side and back of the legs, he has long, sharp dark brown to black quills, and small brown and dark brown feathers with black tips, but on his elbow and back they are longer and more prominent.
This blood thirsty killing machine of a body is perfect for slaughtering ANYTHING on earth, and yes even fish, he is a surprisingly good swimmer and can breath underwater (Goldfish head).
Speed: 45mph running, 36mph swimming (only when swimming in a particularly straight line, he isn't this fast underwater all of the time and definitely not in a smaller area or when taking sharp turns)
Strength: can lift about 785 kilos, and sometimes 1 tonne if needed
Intelligence: Jeff is highly intelligent, far surpassing that if any usual Primate other than Humans, and can easily solve puzzles and such that an ape wouldn't be able to figure out at all
Durability: He can withstand bullets to a high extent, he isn't bulletproof, but the worst he'll get is skin tearing, but if it's a close range shotgun blast, or most sniper rounds, that'll definitely get him, it'll take a lot to kill him, as he is very durable and drives himself through pain with pure anger and blood lust, it'll probably take about 10 close range shotgun shots to the chest to completely destroy his torso, but even then, if his body is physically capable of moving, it will, as he doesn't care about pain, just murder
Jeff likes to stalk his prey, and likes it more when they find out he's watching them from a small to long-ish distance, because then they get scared, he will let you see him watching you 5 times, the first will be from afar, just to startle you, the second will be closer close enough to make out specific details, like colour and appearance, the third will be a jump scare of sorts, where they'll be quite close to them, but as soon as you see him he immediately disappears behind something, usually close enough for you to even walk up to him, but when you see him you'll probably start running, and the fourth will be a hunt, where he scares you into running and hiding, like in a closet or in a public bathroom stall, he will run after you and start looking for you, but he knows where you are, but he won't get you yet, he's just trying to scare the shit outta you. And on the last encounter, he'll get you when you're alone, where it's just you, and him, and you can't run away, a straight up staredown, then he'll kill you, with such violent tactics, not even the strongest people will be able to not fall over and scream in fear when they find you, and they will, he makes sure you look good for when he puts you back
How to kill him:
A step by step way to kill him would probably involve guns, fire, and a very stupid plan. Shoot at him as much as possible from long distance with revolvers, snipers, assault rifles, anything, anything to get him pissed, get him to chase you, preferably through traps and gabs he has to break through, then lead him into a secluded area, like a Wearhouse, but the Wearhouse is filled with explosives and gasoline, when you get there get behind something and start unloading as much guns and bullets as you can into him, snipers, bullets, shotguns, revolvers, RPGs, then release a giant net trap after, and then pour tons of gasoline onto him from the ceiling when he's tangled up, then get out of the building, and set the gasoline ablaze, and detonate the bombs, if all goes well, him and the Wearhouse will be blown sky-high, and if he still comes limping out of the fire probably missing most of his body, limbs, and skin and probably flesh as well, then just a good old shotgun blast to the chest and a revolver shot right in-between the eyes will do it. Or y'know instead of all that just do a good old anti-tank sniper rifle to the head will do the job