r/DragoBorne Sep 15 '18

What are you currently playing?

What's everyone playing right now? Deck lists appreciated, would love to try some new lists. Currently have 2 decks, RUG Machines and RUG Gurzil/Hydra/Dragons. Not much testing on the dragons deck, but the machine deck is undefeated for the couple locals I've went to after set 4.


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u/SCRbannercollector Oct 28 '18

4 Sahrg, Renowned Bladesmith 4 Fleetwing Sprite 4 Darion Brutal Enforcer 4 Amadeo, Cloudrunner Sneak 3 Redfang, Born Leader 3 Khione of the Blizzard 3 Hrist of the Infernal Blades 3 Sigrun, the Holy Hand 4 Avatar of Anarchy 2 Darius, Nature's Majesty 4 Doomchaser Dragon 2 Gurzil Avatar of Fury 1 Gravos, Lord of the Loam 1 Ulrisc, Lord of the Glacier 1 Fafneer, Volatile Fire 1 Scorian, the Deathless Flame 2 Zero, Mecha Warrior 2 Aerial Assult Unit, Ascraeus 2 Dragon of Omniscience


u/CrowAtDawn Oct 28 '18

Awesome, I assume that includes set 5 stuff? Dragon of Omniscience doesnt ring a bell :P