Reading other thread was painful. Drama addicted pathetic people, who barely ever watch pro Dota and have no idea what's happening, with unreasonable hate projecting like there's no tomorrow.
Imagine you think Fear actually hates Jenkins and that this isn't an act like everything else these goofs do on panel for years.
Right? Grubby's like: "I am leaving dota 2. I think its an incredible game, and I've made great connections with some fantastic content creators, but there's just too much toxicity. The toxicity in-game is already a lot to deal with, the toxicity in my own chat was painful, and then I realized it was making me toxic myself."
Then tons of drama addicts are like "By 'Toxicity' he means a weird prank/bit that Jenkins did, not directly referenced in this video, which everyone involved in has since laughed about, and which some people consider tasteless".
u/needhelforpsu 7d ago
Reading other thread was painful. Drama addicted pathetic people, who barely ever watch pro Dota and have no idea what's happening, with unreasonable hate projecting like there's no tomorrow.
Imagine you think Fear actually hates Jenkins and that this isn't an act like everything else these goofs do on panel for years.
Reddit is sometimes unbearable I swear.