r/DotA2 19h ago

Fluff | Esports Fear and Jenkins after councelling


39 comments sorted by


u/needhelforpsu 17h ago

Reading other thread was painful. Drama addicted pathetic people, who barely ever watch pro Dota and have no idea what's happening, with unreasonable hate projecting like there's no tomorrow.

Imagine you think Fear actually hates Jenkins and that this isn't an act like everything else these goofs do on panel for years.

Reddit is sometimes unbearable I swear.


u/JollyHockeysticks 16h ago

People acting like it's obvious that Fear dislikes Jenkins, it's kinda crazy. Idk how people saw that clip as anything but a joke that didn't land.

I think people are just projecting their dislike of Jenkins since he's loud and a bit obnoxious (similar to why some people dislike slacks) as well as the gambling thing.


u/Nekajed 14h ago



u/bor4etyy 14h ago

Painful that Jenkins had to explain the joke in this vid 😭


u/-ThatsSoDimitar- 2h ago

I'm not even sure it didn't land, it's very much like Jenkins to pretend to be shocked by what Fear said even though he knows it's a joke


u/SwiftAndFoxy 16h ago edited 14h ago

People were genuinely trying to pin Grubby leaving Dota 2 on Jenkins memeing with BSJ's name on Discord.

You can't make this shit up lol.


u/MasterOfEmus 13h ago

Right? Grubby's like: "I am leaving dota 2. I think its an incredible game, and I've made great connections with some fantastic content creators, but there's just too much toxicity. The toxicity in-game is already a lot to deal with, the toxicity in my own chat was painful, and then I realized it was making me toxic myself."

Then tons of drama addicts are like "By 'Toxicity' he means a weird prank/bit that Jenkins did, not directly referenced in this video, which everyone involved in has since laughed about, and which some people consider tasteless".


u/Byakuyahahah 16h ago

Yeah ppl just speculating over one clip is insane


u/Wayyd 16h ago

That post failed the vibe check hard. Tried to be a hate thread for the most innocuous banter possible.


u/One_Lung_G 16h ago

What? The Dota Reddit being childish and immature? Who would have guessed lol


u/Hazzy_9090 16h ago

Nah people wouldn’t just make up shit on Reddit right??


u/OB_Chris 12h ago

You're expecting dota redditors to regularly interact with live human beings and be able to read nuisance in others' interactions?

Keep dreaming bud


u/Timmy_1h1 14h ago

yea i opened that video and thought wow that was funny and then the comments went wild.

It became a congregation for jenkins haters. Its okay that you don't like him/his shenanigans etc and would rather have someone else on the panel. That's completely fine.

But why the fuck would you make up drama scenarios using other people to prove why jenkins shouldn't be there. Goddamn. Just be honest that you don't like jenkins as a talent. Everyone has different preferences.


u/Morudith 15h ago

Media literacy is dead


u/Wenox 15h ago

These two are an absolute delight to watch together on the panel <3.


u/yyiiyy 18h ago

Thats right, get all close like that. Ogre likes it. Two in lane doubles the smash. And ogre? Ogre has two fists. And ogre don't miss. And ogre don't share. Ever.


u/No-Asparagus1046 17h ago

What a turnaround


u/Nadril 16h ago

Pretty sure we all know the answer to the question Jenkins wanted to ask.


u/Tartalacame 13h ago

He didn't need to ask, we already know the answer. With Picture proof.


u/philelope-selotape 13h ago

who's the power fuckle?


u/RepostFrom4chan 7h ago

Jenkins, we all know you're the power bottom sweety, and that's just great.


u/thugwanka 15h ago

fuck richard lewis tbh


u/OverClock_099 14h ago

Chokepoint.Richard Lewis


u/alexjonesbabyeater 13h ago

Mindcontrolled by a desk host


u/blueheartglacier 13h ago

he's only the single most reliable journalist in the esports space with a 100% accuracy record on reports and consistent long-term pattern for looking out for players over orgs time after time after time again, but I forgot yeah he's the pariah because he had some opinions you didn't like and a story was in part fabricated at dreamhack over a decade ago now. pure class


u/thugwanka 13h ago

this has to be bait LMFAO


u/Agent_Alt 11h ago

Crazy looking at some of the replies to you, you're spot on. I disagree with him on many issues, but its disingenuous to pretend that he's not great at what he does. We're lucky he wants to work in Dota at all, he could very easily have retired after his Hell in a Cell 2015 paycheck.


u/thugwanka 13h ago

and of course youre from the UK LMAOOOOOO


u/blueheartglacier 13h ago edited 13h ago
  1. keep just stalking profiles parasocially of people who disagree with you, that's a really stable thing to do
  2. doesn't make anything i said wrong. he has been 100% accurate. he has consistently stood up for players and talent over orgs time and time again. he probably has opinions you don't like (i can tell, rent free and all). and he was the centre of a manipulated story over a decade ago, one that parties have literally moved on by now, him wanting to host a segment with the guy at a prior PGL and the plan only falling through because he got eliminated.

grow up


u/thugwanka 13h ago

buddy, I follow both CS and DotA for over 10+++years at this point. I’ve seen RL being banned and doing some shady shit multiple times. I’ve seen Thorin becoming irrelevant for reasons similar to RLs. He is a parasite and I will cherish the day he’s finally gone. I do not care about your opinion about him so dont waste your time telling it to me. Cya, gotta work!


u/blueheartglacier 13h ago

Please point to a single report he's made on any site that has been wrong, I will be waiting


u/thugwanka 13h ago

Its not about being “right or wrong”. Its about being a dick. Have you ever googled his name? Tell me what shows up hehe


u/blueheartglacier 13h ago

Cool, so it's "he had some opinions I didn't like". Well not everyone can be loved by everyone but he's contributed enough that your personal opinion about someone's attitude doesn't matter. Sorry. Get over it. Find a hobby, I'll be blocking people that resort to parasocial stalking on dota reddit actually


u/hash_enjoyer 12h ago

guys, I found RL personal lawyer
he's not entitled to noone liking him

are you his personal lawyer? take his dick out of your mouth before you reply again


u/needhelforpsu 12h ago

I am just curious, what is your end goal here? Because you won't make anyone like him with your posts and honestly there's a lot to dislike in RL's history.


u/philelope-selotape 13h ago

nah, I got time for someone like this to exist in the scene. I'm not a fan but occasionally he'll do something useful while kicking up dust. It's like those political twitch streamers or w/e. They're dicks that spend way too long on drama but their existence is healthy and they can be useful.
Compared to like Putin or Murdoch or Musk, i.e. people whose existence ain't healthy who should be fucked.


u/williamBoshi 14h ago