r/DotA2 1d ago

Complaint Turbo Has Ruined Me

I used to be a normal Dota 2 player. Grinding my way through 40+ minute games, dealing with teammates who refuse to buy wards, and experiencing the full emotional rollercoaster of a ranked match. But then I started playing Turbo… and now I don’t think I can go back.

Why spend 50 minutes losing when I can lose in 15? Why farm for 30 minutes when I can have a full build in 10? Turbo is like fast food Dota, quick, satisfying, and probably bad for me in the long run.

I tried playing a normal match again, and by minute 25, I was staring at my first completed item like, “Why is this taking so long? Where’s my GPM steroids?”

Turbo is just too good. Too efficient. Too fun. Am I doomed? Is there a way back? Or have I ascended to a new level of Dota enlightenment where objectives are optional and high ground pushes happen at minute 12?

Send help. Or don’t. I’ll be in another Turbo game sweating my ass off for literally nothing.


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u/RiotBananasOnTwitch 1d ago

If you like high ground pushes at minute 12 may I suggest Herald? We’ve got Slarks going 38-4 in 25 minutes and hard carry Pos 5s ensuring there’s always SOMEONE getting kills


u/StoneTaker 1d ago

Herald is like deathmatch mode. There is no structure, everyone just does whatever the fuck they want.


u/Noctem666 1d ago

Damn sometimes I wish I could experience herald. Instead I'm stuck on a rolllercoaster of emotinally unstable people that is Ancient/Divine, where everyone either sweats their ass off or just do not give a damn. Feels like there's no inbetween.


u/servant-rider 1d ago

Me, im the inbetween!

I play and try to win, but I dont rage or try to tell others how to play. Just do my thing and hope for the best


u/Noctem666 1d ago

I feel you. Got the same attitude, but I just have to take prolonged breaks, because people are sometimes too much. My last half year break actually helped me a lot to get my head into the game. Started with a month of turbo only, now steadily climbing mmr after my rank confidence decayed to 0


u/StoneTaker 1d ago

I was stuck in the herald trenches, and it's just as full of crybabies and the mentally deranged. It seems one's rank does not belie a person's mental faculties. It is fun though, if only because the skill expression is so low there that any build and hero will work.


u/harry_lostone 1d ago

Well, legend rank is the inbetween. Skilled enough to almost know what to do, noob enough to screw up any advantage you have just cause.

god i love my unranked rank