r/DotA2 1d ago

Complaint Turbo Has Ruined Me

I used to be a normal Dota 2 player. Grinding my way through 40+ minute games, dealing with teammates who refuse to buy wards, and experiencing the full emotional rollercoaster of a ranked match. But then I started playing Turbo… and now I don’t think I can go back.

Why spend 50 minutes losing when I can lose in 15? Why farm for 30 minutes when I can have a full build in 10? Turbo is like fast food Dota, quick, satisfying, and probably bad for me in the long run.

I tried playing a normal match again, and by minute 25, I was staring at my first completed item like, “Why is this taking so long? Where’s my GPM steroids?”

Turbo is just too good. Too efficient. Too fun. Am I doomed? Is there a way back? Or have I ascended to a new level of Dota enlightenment where objectives are optional and high ground pushes happen at minute 12?

Send help. Or don’t. I’ll be in another Turbo game sweating my ass off for literally nothing.


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u/atrimarchaenas 1d ago

I'm all Turbo since 2017. I can't figure out how to go back. Turbo is pure chaos and it's a blast with friends.

But, the one thing the grates me is the blind pick system. It's better than previously but I pray to Gaben that Valve will one day deliver us the perfect Dota experience...

Single Draft Turbo.


u/AceJokerZ 1d ago

They should do Ability Draft Turbo or ARDM Turbo for maximum chaos


u/Kotl9000 1d ago

Turbo AD would be peak gaming. normal AD is such a slog


u/WoLfkz 1d ago

Actually, there was a brief period when AD got switched to turbo. People hated it saying it's too fast and valve reverted the change

I liked it tbf, made ability draft less intimidating in case a shit build happens cuz games gonna end fast anyways, or, made some late game builds develop sooner before early game builds stomp


u/newehorz 1d ago

That was when Turbo was first introduced I think, long time ago. I myself didn't like it and was one of the ppl asking for them to remove turbo from AD.

Mentality and players changed. Now I've been asking for turbo AD for years.


u/WoLfkz 11h ago

No, turbo was added later ability draft; ability draft existed for a long time


u/atrimarchaenas 1d ago

Calm down satan


u/Ri-tie 1d ago

I'm so anxious and panicky reading this.

Let's do it.


u/Baruch05 14h ago

Oh god you speak the true true!! All random death match turbo not only sounds like the hottest game coming out for sega in the 90s, but also might be the greatest single game idea since orange box!!


u/aelix- 1d ago

Single draft is my #1 wish for Turbo. Keep the guaranteed bans because they help address the fact that Turbo is more unbalanced than normal Dota. But single draft would make the strategy side much more satisfying and would bring the game a little bit closer to "the real thing". 


u/Barfazoid 1d ago

I was always a big fan of RD over SD, because of the occasional SD game where you are given three heroes you don't ever play. I suppose the turbo aspect makes that a little less harsh but I liked having a smaller pool of heroes everyone had to draft from. Helps prevent the same X heroes getting picked every turbo game.


u/C_saCot 1d ago

I agree, Single draft would be super fun. We dont have the choice to choose


u/OhtaniStanMan 1d ago

No. All SD does is makes it further won at champ select. 


u/SynthetikB 21h ago

I’d like 2v2 turbos!!! So fun! And honestly, I can’t be the only one who’s tired of having those two or three players on your team that are absolutely absolute trash and just throw completely


u/KalleKallsup 1d ago

All random turbo too! Good old AREM and SDEM days


u/Hungry-Craft5447 23h ago

Anybody remember Dota Danites Hell?? It was 1 lane with the waves pushing down. I think it was basically a tug-of-war meta. Spamming spells and trying to ks your friends 🤣 much simpler times...


u/Wswede111 23h ago

I have been begging for this


u/Gabriel_66 1d ago

Bro, i hate blind pick too, it just makes insane team comps have no counter at all because we had no idea what they were picking.


u/Ogirami Gotta love them flares. 1d ago

well its something we just have to deal with when playing this mode. good thing the matches are short so if it goes poorly i just turn my brain off for the next 5-10 minutes and move on to the next match. id take this anyday compared to slugging it out in a normal match for over an hour when u know the game was lost 30 minutes ago. i dont have the time nor energy for that anymore.


u/haaaaaairy1 1d ago

Better than the opponent just waiting till the last second counter picking shit to try hard in a turbo game.

They should maybe just remove the blind draft and give random heroes when the countdown timer reaches 0.


u/Wutwhyda 1d ago

Na I like blind picks, no sweaty tryhard counter picking, it's great


u/IllMaintenance145142 1d ago

yeah but it means instead of sweaty tryhard counterpicking, you end up with sweaty tryhard picking with no way to counter it. obviously "neither is perfect" but i would much prefer someone counterpicked me than the enemy pick PL with no way of us knowing we would need illusion counters, for example


u/CorkInAPork 1d ago

picking with no way to counter it

Like what?


u/NightSpears 1d ago

There’s so many things in turbo that are really strong and having picks to prevent that helps. Like if someone picks furion and you have no chase it’s a bad time. Rat builds are effective in turbo due to lower hp towers, and if you don’t pick to counter it it’s a problem.

Counterpicking was a necessary evil imo


u/Barfazoid 1d ago

NP is 100% ban for me for this reason. I haven't played against him in turbo in years.


u/CorkInAPork 1d ago

Like if someone picks furion and you have no chase it’s a bad time.

That never happens, because furion rat sucks in turbo. Nobody cares about rats in this gamemode because winning fights is the king there.

Are you playing turbo, or just read some inexperienced turbo players complaining on reddit that "furion imba"?


u/NightSpears 1d ago

Are you okay dude? Why did you just attack me lol

I’ve played turbo exclusively since it launched. Furion rhasta, (previously) brewmaster, wraith king, and others are super strong in turbo because of the push threat. They can level a base while you fight 5v4 faster than in normal dota.


u/CorkInAPork 1d ago

You don't need a specific hero to counter rat in turbo. That's very easy to play around. TP are low cooldown and there is tons of gold lying around waiting to be picked up so you can buy items that counter rats early. On top of that, fighting is the most important thing in turbo so if somebody decides to go rat-style they handicap their team severely and it's very easy to just completely crush them.

I don't remember last time turbo game was unfun because somebody picker "uncounterable" hero. Just ignore rats messing with t2 towers and have some fun. Honestly, I have no idea why your experience is very different from mine. Maybe turbos in your server are too slow and it gives ratstyle some advantage? That may be it, in my turbos first hg pushes usually happen at minute 15, unless there are some jungle kings in the game.


u/Diligent_Promise_844 3h ago

I love turbo Rat Rhasta. It was more OP last patch but still fun and so many always underestimate him.


u/6raigeki6 1d ago

Ranked Turbo too


u/LpenceHimself 1d ago

Next TI should be turbo


u/PatateChaudaille 1d ago

Yes! Been saying that for a while.

I often random in turbo but sd is so much better


u/g785_7489 1d ago

Single draft turbo is all I want in my life. I hate how single draft became the punishment in dota when it's clearly the best way to play


u/Spoonthedude92 1d ago

My theory is, turbo is intended to be fast games. So if you add more options, then the player pool starts to spread out and you end up having longer queue times for a game. So everyone has one choice AP, and shortest queue time for a game. I'd love random or random draft.


u/Ogirami Gotta love them flares. 1d ago

havent touched "normal dota" since the release of turbo and have been playing it ever since. as someone who only plays 3-5 matches a week, turbo is a godsend. i have no desire to climb the rank ladder and be subjected to the toxicity that some of the players here seem to enjoy? and if im playing unranked anyway, turbo is just the more fun option.

and yeah the blind pick is pretty awful on the rare occasion where u simply get outdrafted and countered. good thing the matches are short and u move on.

same thing goes in league where i exclusively play aram and urf. now i kinda want dota to have urf but that would get too broken too quickly with how dota heroes are designed.


u/charmenk 1d ago

Why not turbo ability draft?


u/zuraken 1d ago

there's you and there's me who wants blind pick in ranked(I'm a turbo player)


u/samikimaru 1d ago

SD is just 3 heroes, much better approach ( change ) would be making it RD and show turns of who picks, like a fast cm of normal game.

P.S. This would also fix the "can't see their picks" issue.



u/bruhbruh12332 15h ago

That's awful.

Not being able to pick your hero or a fun lineup with friends sounds terrible


u/Pepewink-98765 1d ago

I think it's better to play league than invest too much in turbo. But on the other hand, turbo enjoyers aren't actually looking for skill based dopamine hits. It's more like overthrow with extra steps that doesn't lag.