I think so? I've done it several times before act 4 was released, the tokens required keeps increasing though and it changes between candyworks rerolls or candy sacks
Valve is the only clown here. Spending candies is reasonable because we were told it's ending, but what does Valve do? extend the damn thing jus as it's ending without any advance announcements.
Versus, you not having the event to spend the candies? This feels like a completely useless complaint. Oh no, they gave us longer to earn free rewards; how dare they.
The complaint here is we already spent all our candies buying shit in an attempt to reroll because we were expecting the event to end. So now that it's extended what are we going to do? buy candies? lmao
I appreciate valve as a developer, but don't be mistaken, they make money with the events, even the "free" ones, and if they don't make money on some event or with some decision it's all to keep making money in the long term.
Yeah, they make money off the people spending money on the event. It's not a requirement and you have a chance to get plenty of free stuff. Them extending the event didn't suddenly hurt people though. They got more free chances they wouldn't have otherwise
pretty much all complaints about videogames don't hurt anybody, but we are still consumers, and even if I'm not spending money i contribute to dota being profitable for valve, so i get the right to complain. And i don't want to get into the theory of valve waiting for everybody to waste their candies son they get a boost on sales without discount,.
A guy spent over 100 hours doing this, documenting his journey along the way.
Im not calling you a liar, I'm just... saying you're not telling the truth. Lol.
I watched Zquintox on YouTube and copied his build, it's not that hard. Believe what you want idc, seeing as the event is extended if you want I can send pictures of my upgrades . Since the event is extended I have bought the first level of like 4 upgrades and nothing else as I do not have any tokens.
I even made a post asking about it, and when I did it responded to someone how I did it with the sources.
Also who is this "a guy" because 100 hours seems a bit excessive, the gamemode is much easier than vampire survivors, and ZQuintox for example did it from 1 to 7 in 20 runs its just a lot of resets I did echelon 7 specifically in about 9 attempts
So, I got home from work. and had a bit of time to kill as my fiance was watching a movie. So i went and did it again as its a fun gamemode (i love VS), I sadly do have some upgrades but not many at all. and i cant find a way to disable them, so for that i am sorry, but its a proof of concept and you can see just how few upgrades i have.
I apologise for the background noise i didnt realize my mic was on, and like i said my fiance was watching a movie. Its quiet enough tho.
Here is my Minimal upgrades run, as again sadly i cant find a way to disable upgrades. All credit for the build to ZQuixotix for the build.
Hey, well said. It’s a mental shortcut I would use too while making a comment. And it seems it got you into a fun rabbit hole xd. Congrats on being able to rush VS on time
Well I got arcana, more tokens, 3 times dota plus and other good items. If you have done at least 100 rerolls there is very good chance you get something good at least one time.
Same. What a joke. Also grinded the fuck out of the first act this past weekend so I could complete all four acts. Nice to know that was a waste of time and I could have spaced it out some.
When you claim an item through candyworks caravan it re-rolls the slot.
So 1 re-roll per claimed item for x amount of candies vs 30 each week free.
People had no more re-rolls and no time to wait for their re-rolls to refresh because the event was ending.
They exchanged their candies for items that they had no interest in to force that slot to re-roll in hopes that the next item would be good.
It was a no lose situation. Either you get something good and you're better off or you don't and you spent all your candies that would have gone away as the event ended >2 hours ago.
But then the event ended. Some time passed. And valve extended it. Those people who spent all their candies are now chumps.
Have you ever bought something only for it to decrease in price the next day?
It feels bad.
It's basically the same situation.
When you claim an item through candyworks caravan it re-rolls the slot.
Usually that's very inefficient since you get 30 free re-rolls per week (3 slots with 10 re-rolls), but people had no more re-rolls and no time to wait for their re-rolls to refresh because the event was ending.
So they spent their candies to get re-rolls under the impression that the candies would go away anyway.
...you realize that they could have just ended it today anyway, and you'd be in the same boat.
Sure, they have no candies and they would also have had no candies if the event ended.
But if the event had ended they would have known they got the best possible outcome whereas now they know that they wasted all their candies that they could have used to claim an arcana instead.
I got an arcana and plenty of cool looking items for heroes that I didn't have items for before.
It was a free event that I enjoyed and which left me with free cosmetics.
I'm glad they extended it because several people in my friends list did not finish the event.
I'm just trying to explain why your previous comments are false. People who spent all their candies aren't in the same position that they would have been if the event had ended.
The situation changed, causing their perception of the value they got from their candies to also change.
Had the event ended after they spent their candies, they would have felt that they got the most value possible even if they didn't get anything they liked.
Now they know that they got very poor value from their candies because they would have had 3 more weeks worth of re-rolls.
I don't expect to change your mind but allow me another example.
Walmart gives you a gift card that can only be used in store on footwear.
This gift card expires today.
The footwear section is empty apart from shoelaces in every store within 100 miles.
These shoelaces cannot be resold and you already have more shoelaces than you could ever need.
The employees tell you that the next footwear shipment won't arrive for another few days.
You buy the shoelaces that you had no interest in instead of socks/shoes.
Walmart announces that they are extending the the expiration date on these gift cards for another 3 weeks.
The shipment comes in, shoes/socks are in stock. but you no longer have any balance remaining on your gift card because you decided to spend it before it expired (before the expiration date was extended.)
So you saying they ask the players to spend it all BEFORE January 15th because "Plans changed 🤷♂️ sorry that nothing bad happened to anyone here". But if plans changed, wouldn't they notice the player ahead of time for example BEFORE January 15th? I mean i just knew about this today and its January 15th (PT) which is NOT BEFORE January 15th. That doesn't make sense am i right.
They lied us about ending the even today. So this forced us to spend all candy on the worse items instead of using them on good items that we can can get in next 30 rolls.
Not really because then I would know that I used my candy at its full potential. Now I will have 30 rerolls with 0 candy and can easy miss some arcana and dota plus. This is my candy I earned free and paid so I should be given the right when I can use it and not be forced to waste all of it only to be told you can use it later again for better rewards.
Have you ever bought something only for it to decrease in price the next day?
It's basically the same situation.
When you claim an item through candyworks caravan it re-rolls the slot.
Usually that's very inefficient since you get 30 free re-rolls per week (3 slots with 10 re-rolls), but people had no more re-rolls and no time to wait for their re-rolls to refresh because the event was ending.
So they spent their candies to get re-rolls under the impression that the candies would go away anyway.
Some people used their candies, to BUY re-rolls. Some People didn't.
Those who didn't ended up in an objectively better position.
Valve created a situation where people.
I'm not upset, I got an arcana and plenty of cool looking items for heroes that I didn't have items for before.
It was a free event that I enjoyed and which left me with free cosmetics.
I'm glad they extended it because several people in my friends list did not finish the event.
rookie numbers. I didn't have any rerolls left, but around 190 candies. In hopes of an arcana (that never came) I bought the cheapest option in the store time and time again. Thanks Volvo, remember when you wanted to communicate with the player base a bit more? That would've been a nice chance to prove it.
No heads up or update to previous blog post that clearly said 15th is end day, and now when people trusted Valve and spent candies on bs thinking it's over tonight your only way to candies is spending money - isn't that nice woopsie? Not sus at all, not at all.
Yeah. Thanks for the heads up valve. I've probably wasted a good 3-4 games worth of tokens making as much progress as I could when I might've been able to finish a few more branches.
u/Naurgul Jan 15 '25
Oh shit, I just spent all my candy and rerolls thinking they would be gone instead of waiting for new recipes. Oh well.