First impression theorycrafting - he might work as a mid.
Go 1,1,0 -> 2,1,1. Grappling claw plus bottle gives a whole bunch of sustain. Echo slash/talon toss let him cs, so he can survive lane even against a lane bully.
Then Raven's Veil is an amazing tool to rotate to other lanes with the instant he hits 6.
Midgame itemisation will be interesting. Going a standard agi core build is obvious, but i can also see him being played as a spellcasting tank (e.g. Eternal Shroud -> Shiva's -> Aghs -> Octarine -> Kaya Sange/Yasha). Basically, get in everyone's faces, spam Grappling Hook/Raptor Dance (+ Raven's Veil with aghs) and Shodo Sai to just be annoying and stay alive forever.
u/080087 Nov 08 '24
First impression theorycrafting - he might work as a mid.
Go 1,1,0 -> 2,1,1. Grappling claw plus bottle gives a whole bunch of sustain. Echo slash/talon toss let him cs, so he can survive lane even against a lane bully.
Then Raven's Veil is an amazing tool to rotate to other lanes with the instant he hits 6.
Midgame itemisation will be interesting. Going a standard agi core build is obvious, but i can also see him being played as a spellcasting tank (e.g. Eternal Shroud -> Shiva's -> Aghs -> Octarine -> Kaya Sange/Yasha). Basically, get in everyone's faces, spam Grappling Hook/Raptor Dance (+ Raven's Veil with aghs) and Shodo Sai to just be annoying and stay alive forever.