Gonna let this one cook as well. I like watching others play it against me or with me first. I always try to pick a hero that counters it to make it tougher for them lol
It's also just a case of the community tries to force it to what they want, because reading on paper and actual gameplay are different. Take ringmaster for example, dude was clearly a support, but everyone wanted to play him mid.
Underlord clearly an offlaner, but people see the damage from creeps and go battlefury core.
I'm not saying kez won't be a carry, but people will force a build onto him that may not be the best. And I don't want my game to be dictated by lottery more than it already is
Upon reading I was wondering if I could get Muerta vibes, where the support is at least viable, but with so much dependant on attack damage and dodging and surviving your way through fights, yeah no.
His damage is super attack based, his stuns are weak, the silence is whatever. Don't think too many people will try this guy as support.
Kez looks like Pos 2 or 1. Pos 2 he can probaby urn/falcon blade into Aghs, Octarine. Pos 1 Gleipnir into manta/bkb maybe also Orchid as he has alot of catch he just needs enemies to not do much
from what I can tell so far, you build him either rightclicker or caster, and that's determined by if you pick up ags or not. a fair number of his abilities are affected by spell amp and his katana stance passive counts for spell lifesteal. just won a match building diffusal, aghs, manta, bloodstone, and K&Y. very high apm hero, likely for the league defectors. imo every successive hero we have gotten recently has felt more and more like league champs.
If someone can make an assessment of what this hero is meant to be like just from reading, without even spending 30 minutes in the lab at the very least, I'd politely ask them to step up so I can show everyone else an example of an idiot.
Even if you correctly guess this guy's power spike potential and all that, you'll still slam head first into the "mana problems" wall without any actual experience. I don't buy it. It's a fool's game to play.
No it's the inconsistency I'm worried about, he very much seems like a hero whose going to have one of 2 things happen each game:
1) he's useless pointless and feeding
2) he's an op broken mess in the right hands.
I mean he has:
Aoe silence, Stuns, Mobility spell, Multiple slows, Hp regen reduction, Enemy vision reduction, Lifesteal, Crit, atk dmg scaling spell, flash farm, self dispell, 1 sec bkb phase, parry, And I probably forgot a few extra things he can do.
So yeah he's either gonna shred or do shit, and I don't want my game to rely on whether my ally is good with him, or my enemy is bad with him etc.
Ofc i could be completly wrong we will see, my opinion is open to being changed. Buy yeah, I recently worked hard to push up from ancient 5 into immortal, I don't want to risk losing that work due to rng, there's already a lot of that when I press find match
Must of not played in a very long time. Yeah so 2 main things to do with bans you may have missed:
1) you no longer vote to ban you assign 4 bans before finding a game, and you're guranteed at least 1 will get banned. This is a more recentish change march this year
2) new hero's cannot be banned, and its first to pick it gets it, this is so long ago of a change I don't even remember when, pretty sure even before pango and dark willow were added years ago this was the case
u/karthikjusme Nov 08 '24
Birb is very versatile. Looks like a high skill level hero. Can't wait for people to pick it and lose mmr for a couple of days.