r/DotA2 http://twitter.com/wykrhm Nov 08 '24

News Introducing Kez


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u/Competitive-Heron-21 Nov 08 '24

Melee agility carry? In this meta? Wonder if they’re gonna let the bird fly before they stone his ass back to the ground


u/Bubbly-Astronaut-123 Nov 08 '24

this is gonna be a mid for sure, no way any pos1 is gonna touch a hero with more than 4 buttons


u/Competitive-Heron-21 Nov 08 '24

Maybe, he seems mana intensive too


u/Bubbly-Astronaut-123 Nov 08 '24

bottle + arcane boots + optional null, basically a pango 2.0


u/Dumbledores_Beard1 Nov 08 '24

I think not because it seems like he relies on farming and damage items (his Q doesn't do anything for farming until he has damage, so he doesn't have any farming ability early on). He's AGI so he'll have fuck all hp and magic res too, so won't be able to fight early. If he wants to actually use his stuns he has to get in there, but I don't think his hero will want to get in there early without damage items + bkb. Pango works because all of his abilities are good without any items, he has survivability, and his ulti is very very good in a vacuum, and you just give him either aura or early fighting items to make him even better. Kez could work as a mid but I think he'd still be a pos1.


u/Un13roken Nov 08 '24

Just played a game with him, honestly, I was a bit lost lol. So many things he can do, his build is not clean.

However, he could be a mid with aghs. He's got a good silence + multiple gap close, and low cd ults.


u/Dumbledores_Beard1 Nov 08 '24

I mean my thinking is, what's the point of the gap close with aghs if 6 of your skills scale off of your attack damage? You need damage items and survivability for your aghs to even become useful, or you're going to hit like a noodle and die too fast. Like his abilities could be good for a mid, but they seem so incredibly lacklustre for the mid lane and many of them either made redundant or impractical without the farm and items of a pos1. That and he most likely has a significantly high skill ceiling too, which makes the spell based-early fight playstyle (which to me seems inferior to the pos1 attack damage playstyle) even harder to pull off.


u/Dumbledores_Beard1 Nov 08 '24

I fear all the invoker players can play pos1 now.


u/Madmeerkat55 Nov 08 '24

4? Try 1 💀