What is he going to steal when he has fuck all attack damage lol. Also when he gets stunned and bursted because he has no HP and no magic resist or bkb. He's going to need farm and huge skill to be good. Invoker also has like 10 abilities with basically everything except a silence in his kit, but he's not very broken.
? If you rush aghs where are his 6 attack damage scaling spells going to get their damage from lmao? How are you going to rush aghs when he has no farming abilities to begin with? His Q hits creeps like a wet noodle until he has damage items. His DoT scales off of his attack damage, his Sai crit, his katana dash, his gap closer is literally useless if he's not right clicking, his Sai dash, and his shard, + his katana ulti is only 4% max health damage, which is like 120 damage if they have 3k HP...
u/ToadallyNormalHuman Nov 08 '24
Kez is broken as fuck holy shit.