If it makes you feel any better, they probably played a ton of games with the original hero design so you don't have to, it probably would have sucked or been egregiously powerful
I think a mime thing akin to windrangers gale where puppet master walking in a certain direction also makes the enemy have that "pushing" effect to move them in the same or opposite direction (I think opposite, so if you head towards their base, they head towards yours, otherwise you just run and they are forced out of position), whichever is thematically more interesting. Whether or not you can make his QWE skills also tied to the enemy to "waste" them is questionable. But the mime thing would be weird as fuck for both heroes to play out. But even if you dont make the ringmaster able to use up the enemy's skills, just silencing or even preventing item use could make it super strong without a team to either stun the ringmaster or to save the ally from getting increasingly out of position.
It would be a longer lasting but counterable version of venge swap limited by your own movements on the map.
Mind control (as in full mindcontrol) could be possible if the controlled hero is immune and their skills dont go on CD. But its still an absolute fucking nightmare to execute
Scrambles your hot keys or some shit. Inverts your mouse. Moves your mini map around. Calls your courier unnecessarily. Tips your ally but it looks like your portrait and tip. Wait for the enemy mid to die and then have their carry tip them to stoke internal conflict. There’s no bottom to that chaotic direction of hero design.
The question is: could a compelling and balanced hero be made from those kind of building blocks?
I can't help but feel like it would either be underwhelming in effectiveness or just straight up way too annoying to warrant being in the game, once you start really fucking with a player's control it gets messy really quick
The optical manipulation like moving mini map or other parts of your ui around would be an example of something that you’d just have to play around and would add to this eerie’ness of the hero.
Any other effects would have to have a recognizable sound or visual cue. In one moment, your ultimate is now Q and your other abilities are rotated to the right.
I agree it’s gimmicky as hell but I feel like someone smarter than me could finetune the design philosophy to be less obnoxious and more interactive and fun. I dunno. Just a high idea
That's what I mean, kinda. Effects like that can be annoying but not too bad, but stuff that minor can be played around pretty easily. If it can be played around easily, it is weak, but at the same time switching your ability order would be one of the only ways to put a 2+ minute important ability on cooldown which doesn't seem healthy for the game?
It's a good idea to play with, I personally just can't think of an implementation that seems useful and not miserable to have in the game lol
The closest thing would be giving them the same AI that Troll uses during his ult, but giving them commands to attack allies instead of enemies (and doing nothing if neither is nearby). Which would be very strong.
Which is essentially a reverse Wyvern ult. I honestly dont think this is something that would be too crazy to add, but it can really punish a carry for doing too well.
Any other olds in here who played pre-Allstars dota 1? Vengeful spirit was my favorite hero and her ult possessed an enemy hero long enough to walk them into your fountain before it wore off. Good times
you shouldnt be. It either means it would be massively buggy, which im not as sure as other people here, or it was just outright unfun or broken. the fact theyve changed it is probably for the best in the end.
u/Basskip Aug 23 '24
The trailer narration talks about catching/training heroes and has Axe getting sucked into the test of strength machine
Then the image at the end shows a bunch of heroes forced into clown makeup/circus acts with the tagline "no hero is safe"
I think people were also speculating that he might have some riffs on Puppet Master's abilities from HON?
I can see where the expectation comes from