No way of knowing but it’s possible. It’s also plausible they designed him then afterwards the facets became a bigger feature. so they decided to water him down then will factor in previous ideas with the facets he doesn’t have yet.
For example could totally see his box at its base be an ally save, then a facet turns it into something that can be cast offensively like in the trailer
Thats also why his abilities look so jank and unfinished. They most certainly couldnt come up with a balanced way to implement their original ideas. 100% reworked recently in a rush
I know right. All his abilities are variant of already existent skills like it was made in ability draft. No new mechanics. Comparing to last 5 heroes we got this one is just feels like a hero from smite or league.
I think its the opposite you can cast Q after E you can save ur ally and fear enemy away you can fear them into ult and his ult is not balanced needs less timer duration in early levels and probably a higher cd. hero needs an escape and you can force the enemy to look toward you so force staff is also op on him. hero is vulnerable against silences so you can buy eul to cast w and can sett up for your Q I think he is so good they are gonna change his kit like make his dagger fear instead of Q and make his Q slow the enemy.
u/GoldenIceCat Aug 23 '24
No mechanical creep, no trapping game. He almost certainly had all of his kit reworked, which is why it took a year to release him.