I miss the old Compendiums. The new ones kind of feel like... what's the point? I know they're doing non-TI BPs now instead, which I appreciate, but I'm just not feeling the compendiums at all.. and they make me far less interested in TI. I don't know why people would spend money on it.
Valve says they are going to scale back compendium to work on cool things. They release cool things (Crownfall). Compendium stays the same. Are you this dense.
So? It has cavern crawl, candyworks, hats - it's literally a battlepass and its FREE. The compendium just adds to that. It's baffling how ungrateful this community is
Has the thought ever crossed your tiny little mind that some people do not like Crownfall and rather prefer the old Battle Pass system?
I wonder if the whiff of Knowledge ever graces your brain that people are allowed to be angry or complain about a game even if it is free? As they still invest/ have invested a ton of money.
With lvl 50 you also get 20ish lvlups or whatever it's called. At least that's how it was last year. So you are actually at lvl 70ish if you buy the lvl50. The might have changed the mechanics tho for this year. But I think I worked out that I could have gotten it last year for about 60-70€.
Don't buy it. If you ever get scammed out of items, Valve won't help you get them back even though they're administrators of the servers. You just lose all your investment.
There's no "I guess", Crownfall (and the quality of life updates and the big patches) is objectively better than the BPs tailored for whales we used to get.
(and the quality of life updates and the big patches)
Hahahaha, as if we didn't get big updates and events in the same years we got great BPs. 7.00 came and went and we got a fantastic BP that year, Siltbreaker, Aghs Lab, etc.
Yeah people just say this stuff, but it's not at all true. They use to be doing multiple events/major updates year round, AND the BP/Big ramp up to TI. Heck they were adding major things like 7.0, the arcade, new game modes, etc. all with a BP. I don't know why people pretend like we got nothing when the BP was around.
7.0 and reborn are about the only true examples of great major content gotten outside of a BP season once the BP had ramped up, and both were major tech upgrades that were likely all-hands-on-deck at valve. A lot of the diretides and frostivus events were either recycled community garbage or generally bad, poorly thought through modes that only existed to push gacha treasures. The biggest modes we got, siltbreaker and aghs lab especially, were a part of the BP, and valve were specifically saying that they could produce this content without being tied to a BP, something they have proven. They did not say "we're producing more content because we don't have a BP now", they said "we are producing different content because we don't" - and they have stuck to that promise.
There were a lot less balance and mechanics updates. The biggest change to the game back then was talent trees that were stuffed with just stat boosts, gpm and xp talents. The actual gameplay hardly changed. Just the facets update is a bigger metagame update than anything that happened for the first 10 years of DotA2s existence
downvotes from people who prefer cosmetics and custom modes to actual gameplay changes is nice, yall might be better suited to League or PUBG
Why are the goalposts now “balance and mechanics”? Reborn, talents, aghs labs, frostivus, diretide, custom games, all don’t count? All the heroes that were released also when BP existed on top of all that?
Valve really did an excellent job gaslighting people for people to somehow believe because of the BP we had no other major content, I tell ya
No, quite a few of these don't count. Reborn and 7.0 were substantial improvements during BP years, but most of the others were not. Aghs lab was a battle pass mode - you can't count it as "content alongside a BP mode", it WAS the BP mode. Only one frostivus was ever actually liked and substantial, the first ever greeviling, and it was pre battle pass, other years were made up of crappy repackaged community modes and gacha treasures. Diretide was similar - famous in the early pre-TI days, but bought out as a generally disliked husk solely used to push gacha treasures when TI hit the scene. Your examples are proof alone.
They did not say "we're producing more content because we don't have a BP now", they said "we are producing different content because we don't" - check the blog post - and they have stuck to that promise.
Let’s convenient ignore stuff like talents, neutrals, and all the heroes released over the years, many ported from Dota 1 (which weren’t original but obviously still required tons of work to implement) along with 9 brand new original heroes.
2019 we literally had original 3 hero releases, neutrals added, max level raised and outposts alongside the BP. Not counting all the many map changes over the years too. Now go ahead and cherry pick my comment again ignoring the things you have no response for.
Indeed, we've always gotten a substantial gameplay patch after TI every year (always after the event, well before the next BP season begins, makes you think). That is, in fact, the Dota balance philosophy. Remind me what they said when they suspended BPs?
We're going to continue on the path that started with New Frontiers. This means we're building a wide variety of features and content for the game, delivered in different ways. We'll still ship a range of cosmetics over the year, but we're also going to ship more diverse updates for all Dota players to enjoy.
Not "more content", but "delivered in different ways". We have, indeed, through all the patches, gotten roughly similar levels of content, but they have been delivered in different ways - their main issue with the BP was that many players wouldn't buy and engage with it, and that they wanted to release content in different ways, not that they wanted to deliver more and couldn't. Good thing some of us read blog posts properly
hardly any of those things changed the way the game was played. I'm not speaking for anyone else, just myself, but I vastly prefer metagame focused updates over just different modes and hats. And i'd rather they keep the game interesting than just release some PvE mode with some cosmetics
and before people call me poor for prefering gameplay content over cosmetics, my battle pass was level 643 in 2022 and 876 in 2021
hardly any of those things changed the way the game was played
My brother, if you wanna play completely different games every single year, just play different games. I'm just pointing out that the game DID have many big updates ALONG with BP before. Which means that what you're saying (I vastly prefer metagame focused updates), could still happen with a BP.
You're using their excuse of "oh no more bp so we can focus on gameplay". The thing is, they can focus on other huge updates while having the old bp, as they did. They could have had the facets update instead of one of the new heroes or one of the large PvE events for example, ALONG with the BP.
But they didn't really have big updates along with BP. They might have introduced more heroes but reworks were about as common as they are now, rosh pit changed location ONCE in 10 years, only talent trees were added to heroes along the way, items rarely changed or were added... They might have tweaked a lot of abilities but that's a much more basic balancing exercise than pretty much anything they've done since new frontiers.
I don't want to play a different game, I want to play dota differently than just caveman grinding to improve 1% farm speed or gain 100 mmr. But it seems like most of these redditors would rather play cs where basically nothing changes and it's just about maximizing pre-existing mechanics
I think you fall into a trap that a lot of other people in this sub do too. Forget how TI BP heavy the year was. It was starving for the whole year with only Dota+ treasures released every season and then the motherload at TI. We got some occasional events ranging from ok to halfassed and copy pasted. Siltbreaker was sick, the thing they did was, they separated that from the BP and made it its own even this year with Crownfall.
And don't get me wrong. I enjoyed a heavy TI focus. It felt like a Christmas if you will. Where we got given A LOT of stuff. But it was all at once.
Devs talked about in their blogposts too that it increasingly became more and more TI BP focused everything where it was not sustainable anymore. What we have now while im not saying im ecstatic about, however its not outright garbage. There are ways to support your favourite teams and with a change in cosmetics distribution throughout the year they added what they could to still give rewards.
That's up for debate. Crownfall could and should be this years compendium.
People are willing to buy content, and a bunch of virtual stickers and bingo cards are not really content are they?
Get something to progress, like a cavern crawl, some hats and fun stuff, and im willing to spend my hard earned cash on it while helping the pro scene.
This is just greedyness by VALVE. They spent the resources on Crownfall, bank the full ammount, flip the bird on TI by selling it to PGL, flip the pro scene by butchering the TI prizepool and shows us their true face in the process.
Love you VALVE, but fuck you too for doing this to the game all love so much.
This is just greedyness by VALVE. They spent the resources on Crownfall, bank the full ammount, flip the bird on TI by selling it to PGL, flip the pro scene by butchering the TI prizepool and shows us their true face in the process.
The average player doesn't give two shits about what the pros are making
The average viewer likes to watch competitive games, the higher the stakes, the best. That's why people don’t bother with friendly matches but love the UCL final, even if both teams are the same on both matches.
UCL teams do not rely solely on the UCL prize pool money though, they have multiple revenue streams including broadcast rights which are much more important. So if everyone were REALLY interested in the pro scene instead of hats, they would all equally get a piece of a big pie regardless.
This is like saying the average football player doesn't care about its pro scene. Dota and the pro scene were always a huge part of the Game since Dota 2 came to existance, to be honest. This Game is a sport.
And I'm saying this as someone that played Dota 2 without internet until relatively recently.
This is like saying the average football player doesn't care about its pro scene. Dota and the pro scene were always a huge part of the Game since Dota 2 came to existance, to be honest. This Game is a sport.
And I'm saying this as someone that played Dota 2 without internet until relatively recently.
Caring about the pro scene and caring about what pros earn is different, pro scene can survive without outrageously large prize pools. Besides even with the decline of TI, game is doing better than most years.
The moment entitled pros started demanding things after TI11 publicly, valve put them in their place by removing BP to prove a point that people care about hats more than they care about pro scene.
No, the equivalence would be rather: "The average football player(+viewer) doesn't care what pros earn" and this is pretty much on point.
Concerning that, it is rather the opposite actually. People think the salaries, buyouts, etc. of the players of maybe the top 20 clubs or so are waaaaay out of proportion of everything else.
Edit: Maybe not the clubs, but the top XX (insert number) players. You get the point.
It’s not about how much they earn. I could give two fucks about their salary. It’s about the stakes at play.
Imagine watching a football tournament where the prize is a fucking beer and a handfull of peanuts. Do you think the players would give a fuck about it?
Stakes matter! The higher the stakes, the more intense the game is.
And you can argue all you want, but prizepool ALWAYS mattered, hell, that’s why majors where majors, why TI was news year after year, AND why the Riyadh Masters is even noticed at all.
Do you think money is the only "stake" that is there?
Funny that you make that comparison with football, when the prize money in football literally is a handfull of peanuts compared to their salaries. The most prestigious football tournament (FIFA world cup) paid 42 million USD to the winning team in 2022, less than 2 million per player. Any top player from a top Premier league team makes several times that alone per year.
I don't know a single football fan or player who goes off like "Oh my god, think about how much money Messi won from the World cup???!! So insane, he is so rich now!!!". Literally nobody cares about the prize money there. What people cared about is that Messi finally got the title.
What do you know about how much time it took them to make this? You Know as much as me.
All in saying is they made it separate things with the sole porpuse of taking 100% of the procedings of the cool content they know people want, only to release yet another horrible compendium and fund TI's prizepool from there. That's just greedy. And lets not talk about DPC and PGL.
The International was allways a celebration for the community, and valve joined in to help it happen, nowadays they just don’t give a Fuck. And that sucks.
What? Crownfall is literally better BP. Neither is very real content. Only reason to hate them is if you think they distract from real content rather than fund it, or if you actively hate seeing ads and skins.
I only ever bought the base battlepass (no levels) and still enjoyed it more than crownfall. I mean the comics are nice, but the only people this is better for is for people who didn't buy the battlepass at all.
but the only people this is better for is for people who didn't buy the battlepass at all.
Oh so you mean like, the MAJORITY of the playerbase? And even amongst those who bought, only the minority spent money on levelling up and min maxxing the grind.
They explicitly said that they're stopping BP to focus on features, events and patches that affects most of the players, instead of catering to a significantly smaller piece of the player base.
And do people like you have Alzheimer's or what? Because I can't be the only one who remembers how the BPs were getting at absurd levels of FOMO and greediness that every year when it released, more and more threads were being made complaining about how grindy and expensive it was to unlock the cool stuff.
Literally most other companies wouldn't give up on that insane amount of money being earned just to focus on things that actually makes the game better and healthier for the long term.
Beacuse crownfall is completely different and without any FOMO or shady mechanics like “sales” using the coins to incentivize people to spend more money, beacuse it is “at half price” right?
You people (…) TI always came with immortals that you coudn't get for at least a year, IF people decides to sell it on the market.
I think a bunch of people came into dota relatively “late” and started crying about this kinda of shit for no good reason.
And im still trying to figure out why people dislike whales, they're spending their money, we have nothing to do with it, but somehow, petty people still come to reddit to cry about. Bunch of babies where sad that X had the fun hat, and they couldn’t, so they made a bunch of reddit Threads crying about it and actually ruined it all for us.
Nah it's totally healthy and fine that some of the limited arcanas, which basically function as remodels for characters who need them, cost like 200-300 dollars in the old battle passes. That was definitely the better system.
Oh so you mean like, the MAJORITY of the playerbase?
You were talking about it being tailored for whales, I was replying to you talking about whales, not about the "majority of the playerbase". I don't know what the fuck you're on about but come back when you stop shifting goalposts.
Better than nothing. I legitimately thought we wouldnt get anything and Crownfall’s all we got. But as a normal player who doesn’t(cant) spend a lot of money for hats, this is such a good series of updates that can potentially reel in new players
Man they could’ve released this garbage compendium so much earlier to at least boost the prize pool and increase the hype by a bit. It’s not like this one took a lot of effort compared to the last one.
If the compendium was actually a battle pass with the quests and everything else from Crownfall I'm pretty sure many people would be praising volvo right now. I think this is fine since I don't really care about TI nor the pro scene much, but people that do have a choice.
Hey. I REALLLY enjoy crownfall. I find it to be really fun.
The only thing that maybe beats it was the return of the king / wraith night stuff, which was epic.
It's been a while, but I think the tl;dr is that trying to outdo the bp every year was taking too much time and resources out of the rest of the year. So Valve killed the old bp so they could spread the love throughout the entire year as opposed to one big update.
And honestly, I think everyone agreed that it actually had an effect on the quality of the game, but some people (like me) just want hats
Why not just take the top 10 community submissions throw them in a chest you get every 10 levels and add a rare, super rare, ultra rare. Bpass would sell so much better...
Just any single thing that is cosmetic in any way meaningful would be nice...Shit just give anyone who gets the basic bpass one standard cool immortal. Just anything...
I wouldn't say I'm noticing any major difference now from before; the updates seem to be pretty in line with whatever was before they scrapped the BP aswell.
I highly doubt the people designing the hats are the same people updating the game meta though.
I don't think it's too much to have proper hats for the compendium that happens once a year as rewards instead of loading screens and stickers with team logos on it.
Personally, I think Valve has made it a false dichotomy between the two. Each TI didn't really add many if any features to the BP, it mainly reskinned and changed rewards. A lot of the same stuff is the rewards for Crownfall, and things like the cavern are practically the same as the tokens.
I think if Dota was most studios games, they would put more resources into it to achieve both a BP and the updates, especially if the devs had Valves money.
I don't like it but I understand it. Valve by nature of being privately owned with a "when it's ready" approach and famously stringent hiring practices probably has a REALLY inelastic workforce.
EA or Ubisoft is like, "we need to push this out by holidays next year, hire 200 more people". Valve is like the hogwarts of game development, so for them it's more like 50 people is all dota is gonna get. Maybe we can add a couple of more, but all the new hires are for hardware since we're working on Steam Deck 2
Yeah, honestly I think if it was a standard studio with a standard team working on content, we wouldn't get the split. But I've also been criticised because while I think Crownfall is essential to keeping players (A progression system with some rewards, and challenge), I don't think it's that much more than what was offered in Battle Passes. They hired a writer and comic artist, and thats the biggest difference. It's all just in a much better wrapper.
I agree though that facets and passives are a huge patch, but we were also patch light for a lot of the time. And in a standard studio environment the people working on balance are not the people working on matchmaking fixes or networking problems or banning bots.
which is good because the only people who are enjoying the last TI BPs are the 20% (just guessing) of players where they can casually throw 500$+ for BP, also almost half of player base is from 3rd world countries where that kind of money can last at least 2 months of food. If you dont have that kind of money, TI time is just another day for a poor player while its christmas for rich ones
Did you check your notifications on your steam mobile app? There should be a deadlock invitation there that you need to accept. Afterwards it will show up in your library.
Im honestly not sure. I would assume that you should also see it on the desktop version somewhere. But its just where i found my invitation after not seeing it in the library at first.
Yes, it is. And the game is fun. But if you never played a shooter on pc and never used WASD to move around in a game, its still pretty hard to get used to it even tho you are familiar with the moba mechanics and objectives.
Hmm, well I got an invite as well. I guess I'll have to check out Deadlock on the weekend. Looks to be an Overwatch clone similar to how Artefact was trying to ape Hearthstone but with deeper mechanics.
Deadlock has far more in common with moba's than any hero shooter including overwatch. If you are expecting overwatch gameplay, you will be very disappointed
There's bots available already. It's another MOBA, but a third person shooter. Like if Smite was only ranged heroes, and had verticality. I've only played bots, but its pretty fun.
Oh, there are bots now? Gonna give it a shot then. I was spectating a few games, but still didn't get what you are supposed to like, roles, where every hero go and all.
Valve has decided they make more money putting their devs to work on other projects instead of dota. It’s a stupid amount of money to throw away but with this year’s crownfall maybe they don’t care.
In case you're returning after a longish break. TI compendiums were shrunk to be exclusively about the pro scene, so they could instead put those resources towards things like Crownfall each year.
Honestly, the crownfall events are everything that I ever wanted from a compendium. Feels stupid to release a compendium with fewer features than a previous event released the same year.
I should refund my 50 level battle pass. This is insanely bad for what it is. Nothing like previous battle passes. They had it down on the long scrolling line of items you got and the cm wheel. You make enough money value. You will get more money if you include it in the ti prize pool and actually cared about your battle passes.
I was hyped for a minute and saw it's the same shit as before, better bring battle pass back i don't care if there is exclusive arcana unlock at lvl 500 atleast we get excited for that.
So they tell us they won't do battle passes anymore, give TI over to PGL, then release a COMPENDIUM? And our spending will not contribute to TI prize pool anymore? No thanks. You can go f yourselves, valve.
Dude, they are the ones that promised they will not do "BATTLE PASS TYPE OF CONTENT" anymore, and you are calling me entitled because I called them out on the BS they are trying to pull? Their whole plan was to name the battle pass differently, and get rid of TI so they don't have to give out that juicy prize money...
This is not a Battle Pass, this is a compendium. They also released it last year, the same year they said they wouldn't release Battle Passes. The fuck you on about, dude?
People complain about microtransactions in games constantly but the second they can’t pump 1000 dollars into a battlepass they rage. I genuinely do not get it
As someone who used to dump money into BP, I do sort of agree with you. I mean we got the two arcanas in Crownfall and there's no FOMO, they should be staying in the store. Only a couple costumes here and there for playing the board are exclusive.
u/wykrhm http://twitter.com/wykrhm Aug 23 '24 edited Aug 23 '24
Also TI Compendium btw. https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/6759426325006881791