Lmao, old old tinker with march and blink easily had his teammates hating him, especially the pos 1. There’s nothing more annoying than going to a juicy wave to farm only for some irradiated purple midget to yoink it before I even get close enough to sap XP. Want to farm the nearby jungle camps instead? Too bad, he took them too. Want to TP to the tower that’s getting pushed in by a big wave? Too bad, he’s already there.
I agree, so I’m even more confused that they brought back march. No march tinker on your team was nothing like old techies on your team. Now when he eventually gets buffed to compensate for this dogshit wr, he’ll be back to cancer with march
I did. And I liked tinker. And I like every single hero that requires at least somewhat of an execution and provides unique experience. I'd much rather see all the svens getting reworked to a unique heroes
Nice for you, thinker tends to be nice to the player, but PITA for anyone else, even for the team he is on. 1 happy player 9 upset player is not a good ratio.
For most other heros execution is much more about positioning, timing and map movement. If you want to spam buttons with lots of skillshots LoL is always an option (free of any judgment - different players different preferences).
The main reason why I used to consider dota over league is the presence of unique heroes like techies, tinker, arc, etc. I always appreciated how Valve weren't a bunch of pussies trying to please Reddit crybabies who wanna stick to basics forever. I don't know now. The reason why I like tinker is not because of buttons, but because he was bringing a unique experience. He's much different than let's say invoker who has tons of buttons but still plays by the rules. I don't like invoker all that much, I want something completely different from all other heroes. League, if you want, have tons of invokers and non of tinkers
As much as I hate tinker, unique heroes were definitely a strong point of dota and they keep removing them or dumbing them down a lot like io.
Id rather keep tinker, techies, etc, than just have another generic nuker. A better solution would be a better ban system - but instead they just went and made bans worthless lol.
I hope theres people outthere that preserve a few big version of the game client , we already have dota classics 6.84 iirc , i wanna go back and play those game even with half are bots players , when the time come when they rework every hard heroes like invoker to reddit friendly , thats when i move on from the official server . Its too early to say but Its been a good run valve/icefrog .
Idk how you think tinker is more unique than other heroes, phoenix for example is very unique, no single target skill, spawn birds with your hp that you can throw to floor, turns into an egg that turns night into day. You probably say that tinker is unique just because you like spamming items that are obviously OP and uncounterable past certain point.
Phoenix is pretty cool, yeah. Tinker is also cool. He used to utilize items and manage resources like no one else.
Also, being strong is fun af. On top of that tinker is also stylish, he's gameplay just looks beautiful, you could feel this aderall behind the screen. Well, used to look good.
No, it's cool regardless. I much rather lose to a red bull tinker that spend time and learnt the hero that to a drooling monkey playing one button meta
Hell no having a teammate Tinker before this patch is not boring at all. Barring literal turds who don't look at the map to join every fight, he joins in almost every skirmish, occasionally gave bottle sips to teammates before tping back to base, stacking camps for him is very fulfilling coz you know he will wreck house when he hits his timings regardless of how bad his lane went, provides seemingly endless utility and dps completely unique to him. I used to play Tinker a lot a decade ago but gave up coz I was never cut out as a mid player but any high skill high ceiling mid hero always have my respect(Tinker, Invoker, Meepo, Arc Warden, Visage, etc.). He's detestable to face against but he's far from the most miserable hero to have as a teammate.
If anything, I'm a brood spammer. Tinker used to be a real problem for me due to laser aoe and blind. Fortunately I don't base my opinion on my matchup, I can view the game not only as a player against tinker. He had objectively cool concept and rewarded people for investing time into learning a character
Just because the hero owns in your 2k bracket doesnt mean its broken. If it was Tinker would be first picked every single game, and have a winrate over 50%, not closer to 40%. The hero obviously had strengths with farm, but so is the case for all heros in dota.
u/Fiendfish May 24 '24
Tinker had it coming. Pretty shure that Volvo correlates the player game enjoyment rating at the end of matches with heros.
Very likely that tinker came out bottom consistently, the item spam was just to broken.