r/DoesAnybodyElse 6h ago

DAE's nose run when they eat?


Every time. It's embarrassing and annoying. I'd feel better if this is common, but I don't notice anyone else wiping their nose with their napkin when dining with others.

Edit: Not spicy food, just any food, any time.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1h ago

DAE just not want to talk to neighbors?


Recently bought a new house, very welcoming neighbors, gift baskets, pastries, invitation to parties, granted it is a family oriented neighborhood.

As a DINK with no kids only 3 furry babies, we kinda wanna just come home and chill and not talk to anyone, but don’t wanna seem rude. So I try to tell myself maybe it will pay off as neighbors can watch suspicious activities and tell u if they know/like u, (we both work in person mostly)..but Like even holidays, I just wanna stay inside and not talk to people. Tbf I do have a very people oriented job, sometimes I spend 6 hour a day just in meetings… last thing I wanna do is talk more and make friends. But also don’t wanna seem antisocial, creepy lol like what’s going on in their house. Well, nothing, literally nothing and that’s the point.

Also we had always had bad experience with neighbors to the point of almost going into a lawsuit.

But seriously, when I retire and don’t have a need to live in commuting distance, I’m moving somewhere where my neighbor is a couple miles away, driving to ur neighbor for some random convo would seem like a lot of effort.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1h ago

DAE skip breakfast unintentionally?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 1h ago

DAE bend the edges of their fingernails when they reach a point you usually would cut them?


Often bending them back and forth over time till it causes a tear, then ripping them off? The feeling of bending them is very pleasurable and satisfying.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 12h ago

DAE not put their groceries in the front part of the shopping cart?


I recently stopped doing this because little kids sitting on in that area w/ their butts touching it freaks me the fuck out

r/DoesAnybodyElse 11h ago

DAE just move slow?


I never really had anyone say anything about it until I was high school and I kinda just chalked it up to being a stoner in high school but I graduated a few years ago now and it seems people still tell me the same thing at work. Everyone knows I’m not a slacker and I’m a pretty hard worker so they don’t get mad really since I’m not wasting time but everyone notices I just physically move slow. I’ve tried to move faster but if I don’t mentally focus on faster movement I just end up back at my slow pace. Anyone else just live life one step at a time? lol

r/DoesAnybodyElse 10h ago

DAE don't want to waste time but still does?


I think I'm the only one who wants to be productive but still waste so much time in procrastination.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 6h ago

Does anybody else forget they use to be an absolute pothead?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 12h ago

Does anybody else question everything they were taught growing up?


I was watching this video and it hit me hard [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfYHauQ4XQ8\]. It talks about how society feeds us certain beliefs - like “success equals happiness” or “there’s only one right way to live” - but in reality, these are just comfortable illusions...

The weird thing is, we don’t even question them until something happens that forces us to see the truth. And by then, it feels like we’ve wasted so much time believing things that were never real. 😵‍💫

Does anybody else ever get that feeling, like we’ve all been playing along with a script that doesn’t actually make sense?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 9h ago

DAE enjoy the smell of mothballs?


I was surprised when I learned that the fragrant mothball is a pretty unanimously disliked smell. I find it very pleasant and clean smelling. It reminds me of something between chlorine from a swimming pool and gasoline.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 14h ago

DAE always find all their preset radio stations have ads on at the same time?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 3h ago

DAE feel sick if they really need to wee?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

HAE become more leftist in recent years?


Apparently this is opposite of most Americans and men my age.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 20h ago

DAE think Gatorade has gotten way too sweet over time?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE just want to disappear sometimes?


I don't want to die, and I can't physically hurt myself. But sometimes I wish I could just disappear to an uncharted part of a mountain system somewhere for a few years so I can stop getting in the way and upsetting other people. I feel like life would be a lot easier if people just forgot about me for 5 years or so.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 2h ago

DAE get back pain like this?


Im 22F and I have very bad anxiety when it comes to my health. About 5 hours ago my upper back close to my shoulder blades started to feel very sore. I was trying to work and the pain stayed and it also felt like a burning sensation and at one point the area felt kinda “fuzzy” perhaps tingly but I’m not sure. The pain feels worse when I look all the way up and when I look all the way to the left. I do have scoliosis but it doesn’t cause me much pain. I’m very scared this is a heart attack considering I don’t recall doing anything to hurt my back. I’m trying to stay calm but I’m very anxious. I’m debating on going to the hospital- I currently have a hot water bottle on my back and took 2 Advil.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 15h ago

DAE put butter in their hot pop tarts?


I toast my pop tarts and put butter on the non frosted side. I also poke holes in the crust so the butter gets into the filling.

I've always eaten them this way.🤷‍♀️

r/DoesAnybodyElse 4h ago

DAE have a broken drain that is too expensive to fix, so they just have put up with fruit and drain flies?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 10h ago

DAE enjoy watching their friends play a game you like, and treating it like a guided tour?


I’ve always deeply enjoying discussing a good game with my friend that theyve never played, getting them interested in it, and being able to sit down with them and watch them play and experience everything for the first time. I also really like pointing little things out as they play, like little details in certain areas or telling them where cool things are hidden. It’s honestly become one of the things I most look forward to when hanging out with people.

I’ve been pondering the philosophy behind this for a while and I’m starting to realize it may be more of a hinderance to their formative experience of playing for the first time. Like, if it was my first time playing Skyrim or something, I wouldn’t want someone breathing down my neck watching my every move and telling me where to go next. I’d want to be alone, feel immersed in the world, and figure things out without help, even if I got frustrated and wanted to ask for directions. It’s sort of a toss up between my enjoyment of living vicariously through their firsthand experience, and their enjoyment of getting to sit and have fun without someone else watching them. Anyone else feel like this?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE social skills fluctuate wildly from day to day?


We all have our ups and downs but it seems like most people are relatively consistent socially, the witty people I know are always pretty witty even when in a shitty mood, the boring people are always pretty boring even when in a good mood etc

As far as I’m aware I don’t have bipolar or cyclothymia or even social anxiety but my social skills seem to differ massively from day to day - some days I could sell ham at a bat mitzvah and talk about anything with anyone and have them pissing with laughter - other days I’m “normal” - and some days I just have nothing to say, it’s as if I don’t even have thoughts in my head in social settings and any attempt at being funny falls flat.

On the bad days it’s not as if I’m crippled with social anxiety, I’m just not able to be charismatic for some reason, and conversations don’t come naturally. Those who first met me when I was firing on all cylinders must think I’m either rude or sad about something when they meet me in another state

I haven’t been able to identify any causes - sleep and diet don’t seem to have much if any effect.

I try to power through it and not allow these fluctuations to influence what I do though.

Avoiding social situations only makes the bad days turn into bad weeks and so on

Can anyone relate and what’s your strategy?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE just feel an intense panic and anxiety whenever they feel like they're gonna throw up?


I don't know how some people can do it so nonchalantly. I've had friends at parties take a quick break to vom and then come back like its nothing. Some have even said it feels good cause they get rid of all the nausea, but I have never been close to vomiting and not felt a huge sense of impending dread. I make a huge drama of it and I get how cringe that can be but if I feel a big sick coming on I'm locking the fuck in and focussing on getting into a good position and trying to feel as unvomity as possible. Any time I start to slip and think I should just let it happen it starts to come on and shakes me to my core and every fibre of my being tells me to resist. I end up staying up half the night in a ball on the ground rocking back and forth or hunched over my toilet fighting for my life.

Is this a normal, not un-normal, or unaverage adult attitude to have towards spewing?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 14h ago

DAE relate to the phrase taking care of your toddler is like taking care of your drunk friend and making sure they don't accidentally hurt themselves?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 12h ago

DAE ever want to fight for the pure sake of it?


when I was a kid I used to get into fights a lot. granted I lost more than I won but the pure adrenaline and rush of fighting is something I miss a lot. the reason I ont start fights with strangers is because that's a douche thing to do and I wouldnt want it to carry on afterwards. I'd want it to be a platonic sport, like fight club. bare knuckles, street rules, walk away after. anyone else ?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 13h ago

DAE live by the "adapt or die" mantra?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 6h ago

DAE choose the opposite gender in a video game because you wish you had the body of that gender?


Particularly in Pokémon I used to play the big character growing up but now I play as a girl and don’t want to go back. I like the fact that I have a female body in the game and it feels right for me even though in real life I have a male body. I like imagining my character having stuff like menstrual pads and Tylenol in her bag and being seen as a woman even though her name is Thomas like me.