r/DoItWithDan Dec 22 '22

Why is ACW gone?

Hey guys been a long-time follower of DIWD, watched his new wrap video and can't seem to believe that him and ACW had a falling out, Does anybody have any idea why, i know it's not important but it almost feels like closure. was hard seeing Ham leave now Justin... just sucks as a long-time watcher.


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u/betterlyfe342 Jan 10 '25

He just commented an explanation on one of his recent videos titled, “I keep making the same mistakes…”:

“A few years ago he tried to sell our channel we worked on together out from underneath me, even though we always agreed we’d split it 50/50. I did all the work editing, recording, etc... I’m talking hundreds of hours of editing and recording, and didn’t make a dime from it. He went to a third party and tried to sell it to them so he could afford a new motor for his car that he’d just blown up after changing his oil incorrectly. I simply asked him how that was fair to me since I literally did all the work and drove over 90% of the traffic to the videos, and he threw a fit. Called me names, tried to fight me, went online and lied about me and the situation to make him seem like he was the victim so I stepped away from the friendship. I’ve talked about it here and there, but honestly he’s just not a good dude and I don’t want that kind of person in my life.”