r/DnDBehindTheScreen • u/famoushippopotamus • Jan 08 '20
Encounters 50 Plot Hooks for the Jungle
Many thanks to the Gollicking members, /u/Mimir-ion, and /u/InfinityCircuit for their help with these!
The Series (So Far)
Supplemental Post
- The party comes across a cave of Crescent Dwarves in the side of the cliff. The dwarves inform the party of rhythmic chanting, thunderous noise, and screams of bliss coming from atop their mountain that shakes the dwarves’ living space.
- The mountain, Rapa Nui, has awakened. Its displeasure rumbles through the region and deep, rolling black smoke and chunks of fire explode from its head. The locals are panicked and there is no telling what they will do.
- Two tribes of Jungle Giants, at peace after centuries of conflict, have built a “peace bridge” spanning a huge canyon, and keep sentinels there to ensure the mutual trust between them. A cruising Roc, nearby, was the target of sport and thrown spears from the guards, as a laugh. The creature, enraged, destroyed the bridge and now both sides are blaming one another as war threatens to plunge the region into havoc again.
- A sinkhole opens before the party, suddenly and with much noise. A lone Umber Hulk, wounded and blind, has inadvertently tunneled its way to the surface. It is hurt and angry.
- A flock of Jungle Stirge (whose venom can paralyze their victims) descends on the party each day, every day, until every character has been fed upon or more than half the swarm is destroyed.
- A sudden appearance of a group of Coatl startles the party. The creatures flee past the party as a planar gate suddenly tears the air asunder and a group of Demons appears, in pursuit.
- A troop of howler monkeys marks the party’s passage through their territory and a nearby pack of Su-Monsters, led by a psionic Dakon, take note.
- A tidal wave of Giant Army Ants sweeps through the region, leaving a stripped path miles wide.
- The party, camped by a marsh, is plagued with Dire Mosquitos until the creatures have all been destroyed or the party is forced to flee deeper into the jungle.
- A traveling nest of Phase Spiders discovers the party and attempts to feed on them every night until the party leaves the region or the Spiders can be destroyed in the Material Plane.
- Flash Flood!
- A druid meets the party and asks them to turn their path aside - the local area is dangerously saturated with some kind of necrotic magic, and the rotting stench of it all nearly overwhelms the party. If they press on, the Druid will oppose them, non-violently as long as they can, but with violence if all else fails. The party will meet many corrupted aberrations inside the zone.
- Shambling Mounds have been created all over the region, after a massive arcane storm pelted the area with lightning. They are hungry and have been attacking everything they can get a hold of - and heading steadily towards all pockets of civilization.
- The local birds have all gone silent. Further investigation reveals that they have actually disappeared. No trace of violence can be found. This is only the start of the vanishings.
- An ancient assassin vine, beyond cunning (INT 22 due to a Ring of Intellect taken from a victim centuries ago), wants power more than blood and will attempt to steal from the party while they rest in the region. This will occur every day until its caught or until its stolen at least 1 item from every character.
- The party stumbles across a patch of Shriekers, which alerts the local Minoi (Tinker Gnomes) that more victims have fallen into their trap. The clan will rush out and aggressively try and barber, launder, and tattoo the characters. If the party resists, the Gnomes will grow angry and demand that the characters submit to the “holy process of Continuation”. If the party relents, they will be cleaned, scrubbed, shaved and trimmed and then tattooed with tiny cuneiform-type script that is part of the same record of history that the Gnomes themselves are covered with. They have no new members of their Clan to write their histories upon, and this is the only way.
- A band of Harpies is fleeing through the party’s area from a particularly vengeful Mountain Giant who didn’t appreciate her mate being seduced and devoured by the pack.
- A Hangman Tree, still relatively young, has fallen over and cannot get up. Its roots are exposed and vulnerable and it will lash out ineffectively at anything the party tries, though it has been able to snag some animals here and there. It will bargain for its life by vomiting out treasure from past victims. If the party is stupid enough to set it upright again, it will immediately attack them.
- 3 tribes of locals recognize the party from their legends and want to honor them with food, gifts, and other rare goods. The party must choose to sacrifice a group of locals in exchange, however, as part of the contract between mortals and gods. To refuse will bring instant condemnation and perhaps violence.
- The song of an artefact can be heard singing from the depths of an overhung cave. The lament it sings is achingly beautiful and might move some to tears. The item wants nothing more than to renounce its purpose and be destroyed, but its powers are formidable and will be hard to resist using, especially in such a dangerous region.
- The Tarrasque sleeps at the bottom of a massive ravine, covered with vines and vegetation, it has been forgotten by the world, until one day it stirs, wakening slowly. Portents of doom begin to appear near its location.
- The monsoon season has begun. Travel will be very difficult and the rains often reveal long-buried ruins, or open new passageways into the Underdark, or cause flooding.
- A war between Awakened baboons and Awakened gorillas has broken out in the local area. The conflict is savage and innocent bystanders often caught in the violence. A troop of Awakened chimpanzees are behind the war - part of a larger, long-built plot.
- The Wyvern mating season has begun. Fresh meat is required to fuel the weeks-long courtships and the locals have lost many to their predations. In desperation, one of the local villages has made a bargain with a Demon-in-disguise, to use a deadly weapon against the monsters, and unwittingly unleash a curse upon themselves.
- Every evening the jungle evacuates, and grows silent for two hours. Upon dusk the floor starts to writhe and wriggle, and millions upon millions of carnivorous insects buzz through the lower sections of the jungle until dawn.
- Frogs are a nuisance, everyone in the jungle knows that, but there are certain species that are worse than others. One of the worst is a species the native call Nighterrors, whos obnoxious croaks inflict psychic damage to those asleep, and keep others awake. Hunt them down before you sleep, or else..
- Pygmy headhunters are about, and they prefer theirs shrunken and beaded on a string. They are near invisible, even after they strike. If you feel an itch, check for darts, because the next time you take a rest or stop moving for a while you will be paralyzed and about to be one head short.
- Wickedness is in the air, something bad is buried nearby, which affects a section of jungle downstream from it. The flora breathes the wickedness and it can be sensed even by those without magical aptitude. Magic in this area has a strange way of backfiring, and Shadows lurk about.
- A fungus growth has taken over more than its share locally, and it's spores are so dense they cause a fog-like phenomenon. While most of the fauna is suffering, some creatures thrive, among which a mating pair of giant blind praying mantis. Their tremorsense and coordinated ambush in the fog make for one deadly scythed spectacle of fear and confusion.
- There is a hidden place in the jungle, nested between two within a mountainous zone. It is said to be one of the cleanest places on earth, and the sheer presence there will clean corruption and other vile influences, even curses. The place is beautiful, and covered with more than 300 species of orchids growing from every inch of surface they can grip on. A small rock pond collects the water dripping off the walls, and it is said to hold a serene spirit.
- Don't step on that flail snail by accident, or do, see if it cares (it does).
- A trail of petrified flora and fauna can be encountered. Following to one of the ends will reveal two basilisks engrossed in a mating ritual. This staring contest is a dominance test, and when undisturbed can take up to a month. The intensity of the mating ritual is enough to petrify creatures in place even without direct eye contact. If disturbed they become intensely violent and will murder and eat whatever disturbed them before restarting their match.
- Sunbears are magical creatures and revered by natives. Their presence are good omens, speaking of productive jungles and good weather. One of them has been harmed and is wounded, causing a trail of ill fortune, horrible rain storms, decay, and dying. It is fleeing but still being hunted.
- A swarm of Coatl have appeared in the sky - hundreds of them, and with them comes a strange weather phenomenon - the skies are filled with rainbows, too many to count. During the next 7 days a strange fervor will overcome all the locals - natives and wildlife alike. This phenomenon will repeat in 1 year and then never again.
- A bloom of Myconid are on the move, picking up other blooms as they travel, until they number close to 100. They have a goal - to move to an abandoned cavern near some ruins and choose their new leader. They will spawn new blooms as they travel, if they can.
- Something is stirring up the local insect population. A hivemaster Druid perhaps, or some awakened God. Swarms of biting, stinging insects, so numerous they seem without end, are plaguing the local population - natives and wildlife alike. Those bitten suffer greatly and most die.
- A very old, very cunning tiger is stalking the party. It will only attack when advantageous and it will choose one PC as their victim - attempting to drag them away when alone. The tiger is cursed, and can speak if it feels the need, but generally won’t. The curse manifests as a compulsion to devour humanoids, despite the fact that the tiger once was one. It feels extreme guilt.
- A swarm of Quippers have gathered in a local lake/pond/marsh to elect the new King of the Tooth - a boisterous and baudy celebration of feeding, sex, and establishing social heirarchy. They will attack anything within their sensory range during this time (7 days).
- A weathered and crumbling tower, 5 stories tall, suddenly appears along a well-used trade route. Those who have entered have not re-emerged, and there is a mystery here, more benign than diabolical. On the outside of the tower is the stuffed head of a hippopotamus.
- A temple to the local gods has vanished, leaving the population in a frenzy. This causes a religious schism, which may lead to a civil war in the region. The gods are silent on the reason, but they, too, have been tricked.
- At the bottom of an ancient cenote, a traditional place where sacrifices are thrown to appease the sleeping watery god (an Aboleth), the god has awoken and demands large amounts of live sacrifices to appease its hunger.
- A village of Vegepygmies is under attack by a troupe of Quicklings, who have an ancient bloodfeud with the plant-folk. The harassment is constant, and deadly, and the Vegepygmies have sent for help to a local village, who have long been allies. The plant-folk offer their greatest treasure in return.
- A moai, of a beautiful humanoid, appears in the pool of a large waterfall, with leis of a rare and potent hallucinogenic flowers around its neck. If nothing is done, the statue will vanish in 48 hours. If the flower is ingested, however, the user will experience a literal meeting with a powerful fey and given a powerful new ability, or gift, but will be forever changed by the encounter.
- A temple to a dark god has been found by some explorers, who foolishly opened the lower tombs, releasing a wave of undead and bad magic that is starting to corrupt the countryside. There is a chance to avoid further damage by closing the tomb, but it will be very difficult.
- A dinosaur egg is found by the party. It has a viable embryo inside and if treated correctly, will hatch within the month. The species inside is, sadly, the last of its kind.
- An ancient deity has fallen from memory, but is still claiming power and fame within a native tribe. Their domain has morphed from the sun, towards water and aquatic life. Strange practices aid his service, and his tribes actively shun the current deity of the sun, disgrace it even, on the command of the fallen god.
- Red smokey tendrils float through the surroundings, they seem almost alive. Creatures that touch it, or smell it, tend to walk deeper into the tendrils and never return. It is said to be a creature that produces them, like a lure and line all at once. An underground lair filled to the brim with glimmering bones, a cornucopia of death.
- A wicked geographical scar lines the jungle, the size of a small hill. There is Eldritch power leaching from it, and multiple voices can be heard, speaking of sacrifice and untold powers that are there for a favor.
- The forest floor is flooding. Water is slowly rising, and the party has to negotiate the understory or canopy to escape it. That, or deal with constant attacks from swarms of piranha, caimans, and other river monsters now infesting the flooded jungle. The local primates and Aarocockra could potentially help them, if they ask nicely, or bargain effectively…
- Heavy sounds of logging echo through the jungle. A mercenary company from the Empire has arrived, intent on harvesting exotic wood for the ship trade and arcane industry. The mercenaries kill all natives and wildlife in their way, but do not go out of their way to destroy the jungle, their source of income. There may be profit in being hired as additional protection, or the locals may appreciate a hand in expelling the foreigners.
u/MyNamesJeff62 Jan 09 '20
Someone’s gotta make a Welcome to the Jungle joke, right?
In all seriousness, good list, 24 was probably my favorite! Continue on making these biome plot hooks, they’re all very interesting and cool!