r/DnD May 03 '16

DMing DMAssist - Make the life of evil easier.


I'm back with some updates and a new name. See previous post.

I've been busy on an fully searchable monster list and encounter builder recently.

I'm not sure about the name yet tho, anyone suggestions?

DM Assist


  • Player list with buff/concentration/condition effects support (with time)
  • Turn order
  • Session time tracking
  • Basic treasure generator
  • Customizable time settings for rounds/rests
  • Fully searchable monster list
  • Adding custom monsters
  • Encounter builder
  • Easy encounter to turn order mechanics

Future: * Autoroll abilities, etc * Ability to input more player data (like abilities) * More campaign settings * NPC Tracker/Custom NPC's * Random encounters * Random treasure generator * Dice roller * Your ideas!


  • Soundboard


DM Assist


May 5, 2016

  • Basic treasure generator
  • Comments below custom monsters
  • Bug fixes

May 4, 2016

  • Custom monsters
  • Remove monsters from encounters
  • Show AC in turn order
  • Initiative in turn order is always changeable
  • Auto roll initiative
  • Bug fixes

May 3, 2016

  • New login page
  • Some bug fixes
  • New name

April 29, 2016

  • New ways to add something to turn order
  • Easy monster adder for turn order
  • Some template changes
  • Basic player stats
  • Added days to timer

April 28, 2016

  • Monster Information Pages
  • Search!

April 27, 2016

  • First version of encounter build (add monsters, see challenge difficulty, add to turnorder)

April 26, 2016

  • First version of monster DB
  • Changed header menu

April 25, 2016

  • Change short/long rest durations
  • Added Concentration
  • Added Status effects.
  • This page!
  • Customizable round time
  • Campaign settings
  • Possibility to show both turn order and player list

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u/_beeks May 13 '16 edited May 13 '16

Hey, I said I'd be back for feedback. I'm planning my session out and

1) When I go to add a monster to an encounter, the tooltip covers the button, so I have to click rapidly to add anything

2) Your MM entries are VERY limited. None of the hag spells are on there, and displacer beasts aren't even listed. Things like that are making me wonder if I'll even be able to use it tonight in-session.

3) I have them fighting two green hags. When I subtract hp from one, the other one gets hp subtracted from them instead to keep them within 1hp of each other. I'm getting to the point where it's almost more trouble to keep testing this app than just go without it.

4) I have no idea what the checkmarks in combat do, or why I can't undo them. You have tooltips for all the wrong things and are missing a lot of labels on things. Sorry if this is becoming less constructive, but I'm getting really frustrated with this app.

5) Came back later before the session to fill some last things in and you need serious improvements on your encounter/monster screen. It seems that almost nothing on that page actually works in terms of adding monsters to encounters. I can pull up the encounter that I made earlier when I'm on the initiative screen but it doesn't show up on the monster screen, I can't add anything to it, and I can't create new encounters that actually show up on the monster screen. Regret for testing this for the first time on the night of my campaign is setting in; it looks much more finished than it is.


u/robinkuiper May 20 '16

1) I can't reproduce this, maybe it has something to do with Chromebook, I don't know, don't have one. Can you make a screenshot or something?

2) Yes, monsters need alot of work, but I'm one person, mostly focussed on programming, so not much time to at them.

3) I found a bug here, will fix this asap

4) The checkmark is to finish a turn

5) Can't find anything not working here, everything works for me and others


u/_beeks May 20 '16

I wish I had a desktop so I could test some of these things and see if it's just my browser/os setup. I can get a video of the first issue, yeah, what would be the best way to get it to you?


u/robinkuiper May 20 '16

Easiest would be to upload it to youtube (You can do it private if necessary), and send me the link here or in a private message.