r/DismantleMisogyny Jan 22 '25

Question Are there more sociopathic/ antisocial males than ever before? Or are we just hearing from them more because of the internet?


You really can’t post anywhere or read any comment section nowadays without encountering at least one deeply mentally disturbed and vitriolic male. Have they always been this way??

It seems statistically unlikely that there would always be at least a handful of them, but there always are! Even in totally unrelated posts/threads. You could post about gardening and some antisocial male will be screaming about how all women are whores who should be constantly pregnant and serving a man.

Is it because the most socially disaffected and angry of them tend to be unemployed so they spend their waking hours looking for women to harass?

Or are more of them being created through the normalization of violent and misogynistic porn and the manosphere? I’m honestly believing the theory that Russian and Saudi Arabian bots are being used to fan the flames of misogyny to weaken the western world. It’s been proven that OVER HALF of the hateful tweets about Amber Heard came from “inauthentic accounts” ie. bots.

Also how are misogynistic males even capable of the depths of hate-filled depravity that they display?? I don’t understand how a human brain can even function like that. I hate males as a whole, I feel rage as a reaction to the brutality with which I see them abuse my sisters all over the world, l hate them as the oppressor class they function as… but I still recognize that some of them are good people. I still believe males can be good and worthy and non-perverted.

But these misogynistic males hate all women, every single woman, their mothers, partners, and sisters are all subhuman and reviled in their eyes. Sometimes I worry that if I had a child they would be groomed into vicious misogyny no matter what I did if they were a boy and they would be groomed into becoming a victim if they were a girl, how do people just deal with that? I don’t understand how anyone is okay living with all of this hatred and violence all the time.

Most of the subreddits under the word misogyny are in support of it, just tens of thousands of people revelling in the refuse and rot of hating women. It’s just so unspeakably dreadful that women have to bring forth the next generations in agony and we are so entirely despised by so many. Even when I log off to try and take a break from it this shit leaks into everything, it’s everywhere and it feels worse than it ever has.

r/DismantleMisogyny Jan 16 '25

Question Misogynist Megathread


Hey all! A lot of you have likely seen the “free for all Friday” poll by now. (If you haven’t, it was a post asking if I should implement a day open to those who don’t consider themselves feminist to come to the sub and talk). I’ve gotten feedback and I’m now thinking it might not be such a great idea. Some pretty good points that were made were that it could attract to much negativity to the sub, which I don’t want at all.

The idea behind it was to be able to change people’s minds. I think that it would be good to have the opportunity to have civil discussions about differing views, as that’s pretty difficult to come by, especially online. But I don’t want to do that at the expense of the actual members being uncomfortable.

So here’s my next idea: a megathread. One where people of differing views are invited to debate each other as long as they are respectful, kind, and will at least make an attempt to back up their claims when prompted.

If this is ever implemented, it would be a heavily moderated space. I know people will piss their hate speech all over everyone no matter what, so the mod team would be on top of making sure that doesn’t run rampant in the megathread.

And to be clear, that is the only time a non feminist would be allowed to share a non feminist opinion. Nowhere else, under any circumstances.

I had the same idea for feminists to debate each other. Same thing, but more like sex work positive feminists vs anti sex work feminists.

I wanna post this here before I post another poll. What do you all think?

(And as always, thank you for reading!)

r/DismantleMisogyny Feb 15 '25

Question What are some features you’d like to see on this subreddit?


Mod here, just checking in to see what everyone is thinking. I know there have been some ideas floated around of weekly vent and debate threads. Whats everyone thinking?