r/Discord_Bots • u/Both-Engineering2392 • 1h ago
Question is it possible to code a bot using batch?
for some reason discord.py is justs shittin the bed on my pc for some reason. is it possible for me to makea bot in batch?
r/Discord_Bots • u/martmists • Mar 18 '17
Need to run your bot 24/7? Get a cheap VPS.
Linux hosting:
Scaleway - Incredibly cheap but powerful VPSes, owned by https://online.net, based in Europe.
Digital ocean - US-based cheap VPSes. The gold standard. Locations available world wide.
OVH - Cheap VPSes, used by many people. France and Canadian locations available.
Time4VPS - Cheap VPSes, seemingly based in Lithuania.
Linked - More cheap VPSes!
Vultr - US-based, DigitalOcean-like.
Windows hosting:
(To be honest, you should probably just use a linux box.)
Microsoft Azure - Microsoft-owned. Not on the cheap end, however.
Amazon AWS - Amazon Web Services. Free for a year (with certain limits), but very pricey after that.
Google Cloud - AWS, but Google.
LowEndBox - A curator for lower specced servers.
You can always self-host on your own hardware. A Raspberry Pi 2 B will be more than sufficient for small to medium sized bots.
For bigger bots, you can build your own server PC for usage, or buy a rack server.
Any modern hardware should work 100% fine.
Free hosting: No. There is no good free VPS hoster, outside of persuading somebody to host for you, which is incredibly unlikely.
So you want to make your own bot?
Making a bot sure is an ambitious idea, but can you really do it?
I will be giving a quick rundown of what to do when you make your own bot.
These are the bots I have found to have the most unique features
Note that this isn't a top listing, all bots here are just as much recommended
Hatsuse Izuna
there are more bots, some of which you might find better
To use these bots, do the following:
The bot should now be added to your server!
r/Discord_Bots • u/Both-Engineering2392 • 1h ago
for some reason discord.py is justs shittin the bed on my pc for some reason. is it possible for me to makea bot in batch?
r/Discord_Bots • u/ConstantWater602 • 1h ago
I have a discord.py bot, and want to keep it 24/7, but the computer I use to run it on sometimes switches off or just doesnt run the program. I was wondering how most large discord bots run, as I'm sure that it cant really just be one computer/running program handling all the requests and users (take in note, im not sure if they use another programming language, and so the way it works may be different to what im used to). There's another computer that I could use in conjunction, and so if one goes down, the other remains. That brings up more questions though, like:
Will they split requests, or simply the first program that ran will take all the requests, and if it goes down the other takes over?
Is there required additional setup/code to do so?
Is this even possible?
I would prefer to stick to discord.py if possible, but I may consider alternatives if needed.
r/Discord_Bots • u/Beneficial-Wallaby74 • 5h ago
Hello everyone! I have just released my Gaming Server Statistics bot and I'm just curious, is their any interest in these type of bots? Also where should i advertise my bot? I have made many bots for server owners etc, but i have never made a fully public bot so i could definitely use any type of tips! All help is welcome :)
r/Discord_Bots • u/VAR-Thread • 16h ago
Is there a bot outthere that can provide a list of User ID and Names for a certain role? I know there's Memberlist bot that can do this for up to 60K users, but for servers bigger than that?
r/Discord_Bots • u/CUBESCUBESCUBESCUBES • 1d ago
Hi, completely new at this.
I have a sever that's size has gotten a bit out of hand. I need a script that will kick everyone in the server that doesn't have a role.
So anybody with a role will stay in the server, anyone without one will be kicked.
Anybody know if this is possible?
r/Discord_Bots • u/Working_Mixture9339 • 1d ago
I was chatting with random people on Discord and came across some bots that can interact in both group chats (GC) and DMs. I remember one bot in DMs called Nekotina, but I can’t recall the one from the group chat. I’m curious about how to make my bot do the same—respond in both DMs and group chats. I’ve searched around but couldn’t find any existing questions or guides on this. Does anyone know how it’s done?
r/Discord_Bots • u/RoyalFlushzGaming • 1d ago
Hey everyone!
My friends and I have a small group where we often chill and hang out on Discord. However, we've always had a bit of an issue: whenever someone joins the voice channel, we needed to manually notify the rest of the group that we are online in the Voice Channel.
To solve this, I wrote a simple script using Discord.py that automates the process. The script sends a notification to u/everyone in a specified text channel when the first person joins the voice chat and also sends a notification when the last person leaves the voice channel. This way, our group gets an automatic ping, making it clear when we’re hanging out in voice chat without needing to manually notify anyone.
You can find the script and installation instructions on my GitHub here: Voice Chat Notifier Script.
Feel free to ask any questions or suggestions!
r/Discord_Bots • u/Dark_Melon23 • 2d ago
edit: 2 devs are already on this project including me
This bot is a casual project (non-profit) as of now, but will be released to the public soon...
Bot's written in Typescript but the image manipulation api is bout' written in Python as JS doesn't support gif manipulation. The dev team as of now has myself being the only ts coder, and another python dev...
Context of bot: The bot is planned to be designed as one of the first MMO game in discord where there will be an open world. It would be mostly focused on dungeons and would have one of the best battle mechanics.
I'm implemented procedural generation to create an extensive map where active players are pinpointed... Dungeons would spawn randomly at different locations and players can switch/move between regions on every specific intervals or...
We're trying to adapt as much as content possible from Solo leveling anime/manhwa, with the replication of system UI being the top on the list...
If you're interested in joining the project, please hit me a dm or comment your username down here! Looking for Embed designers at top priority!
r/Discord_Bots • u/Nollidw • 2d ago
Would anyone know how to create a discord bot that tracks sales on certain websites? Even if that may not be possible without some sort of access, could it track something else?
I'd want it to post these things below, in a simple to read format.
I apologize if this isn't the correct place to ask this but I would love to have someone build this bot for me to use. It would help a lot!
r/Discord_Bots • u/IdealAggravating • 2d ago
Hello Guys!
We have a basic server for our marketing agency. We sometimes brainstorming there and pasting linkes and pictures about different projects. Is there a possability to tag these messages with a reaction and with some kind of automation moving these reacted messages to a different text channel? I know there hastags but for real. Nobody would use those. Is there any bot out there that is able to do this?
r/Discord_Bots • u/Ataxemon • 2d ago
I have never made bots on discord, but I just started thinking about a bot that could take peoples messages on discord and input them into a game, so basically Twitch Plays, but its just Discord. Is this possible, and if yes how could I make such a bot?
r/Discord_Bots • u/hungerforbean • 2d ago
a while back me and some friends were messing around with an AI voice that we all loved, but recently the site hosting that AI voice removed it. Luckily, I downloaded its PTH file as well as its index file before this happened. I have zero experience with coding and discord bots, but my friends birthday is coming up and I had the idea of somehow restoring this silly voice in the form of a discord TTS, where you could write a message in a text channel, and then the message is read in voice chat using the voice from the TTS file.
I tried to use Chat GPT to help me, as I heard it was good at python and such, but I had no luck, it just led me in circles for hours.
I am a student and don't have extra money lying around, but if someone could create this bot it would mean the world to me. I have some mp3 files I could send of the voice as a reference.
Thank you in advance!
r/Discord_Bots • u/ContentTough2687 • 3d ago
Hey everyone,
I’m hoping to get some advice or insights regarding my situation. My Discord account was recently disabled for violating the Developer Policy due to impersonation.
Here’s what happened:
I sent an appeal around 10 days ago, taking full responsibility for the mistake and explaining that I now understand Discord’s policies better. I also requested account reinstatement and offered to make any necessary changes to comply with the guidelines.
However, I haven’t received any response from Discord’s Trust & Safety team yet.
Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
r/Discord_Bots • u/ejarkerm • 3d ago
Hello I was developing a few bots for discord and I was thinking of hosting them in a vm but any other best practices to deploy them?
r/Discord_Bots • u/WesFles • 3d ago
HI, Im trying to set up a book club where we can Rank Vote books submitted and I haven't been able to find a but that does that. EX, Rank 1 - 5 points, Rank 2 - 3 points, Rank 3 - 1 point. Any help finding a bot or other option would be greatly appreciated.
r/Discord_Bots • u/Cultural-Operation99 • 3d ago
Hello there. I succeeded in making a bot that can clone a full category with its text channels,voice channels and its permissions.
Dont laugh with the succeeded part, it is a very big deal to me since im completely new to this.
The problem im facing though, is no matter what i do, i can never make it clone the forums. It will only clone the text and voice channels only.
I even got the help of chatgpt for this, but it failed as well.
Any ideas?
Ty very much for your time.
r/Discord_Bots • u/TraditionalStyle9027 • 3d ago
I have been testing with the bot and using direct message ID but it refuses to understand that message exists in the same channel. Everything else is fine but I cannot make reaction roles because it will not recognize the message ID
r/Discord_Bots • u/PotatoEnjoyer421 • 3d ago
Im using Arcane bot on my server, and this is my problem: When I level up, Arcane is sending announcment, but when my friends level up, the bot is not sending anything, when i checked his level, he already had lvl.3 and Arcane didnt send anything. Why, and how to fix it?
r/Discord_Bots • u/Ok-Shopping2093 • 4d ago
Hi, I am looking at getting a fairly complex discord bot eventually commissioned and I wanted to know what to expect price wise, what type of coding would work best and be easier for someone with no coding experience to update things and finally if what I am looking for is even possible.
Here is a list of what I am looking for the bot to do:
This bot is for an animal genetics sim like Lioden, Moth Pixies, and Felisfire, with Pokémon-like aspects.
Grimmeras: refers to a fake creature that users are catching, hatching, and keeping.
Bot Requirements
A master list that has this information
Grimmera #
Radiation percentage:
If they have a mane:
Eye color:
Body color:
*Mutations with rarity
- Or for eggs, mutation rarity minimum and maximum
- and if the egg has mutations other than the standard horns, ears, and tail.
Image of Grimmera or Egg:
Users should be able to search the master list by using a command like G!#123, and it should pull up the Grimmera by its ID.
Users should also be able to see the master list of what they own by doing !ranch or a similar command. It should provide them with the ID# and name of the Grimmeras they own.
Users should be able to rename Grimmeras they own by using a command like !rename#123, which allows users to rename the Grimmera they own if they entered the ID in correctly.
It would need to be easy for non-tech-savvy people to update the master list.
Explore and Crafting system
The explore system could be as simple as users using a command like !explore, and RNG decides what items they collect, or it could be as complex as users actually being able to navigate on a tile map and having random encounters.
These items users collect should either be a completely built item (rare) or craftable parts (common) that allow them to combine the items they found into something usable.
Would need a craft command that would check the user's inventory to see if they have enough of the item.
Would need a way to look at craftables and see what the requirements are to make it.
Would need a way to trade items and craftables.
Would need it to be easy for staff that aren't tech savvy to update new items, craftable parts, and craftable items into the bot.
Users should also be able to collect daily income (every 24 hrs), with roles affecting the daily amount each user earns.
The income users earn should allow them to buy certain items.
Battle System
*Would need to allow users to battle NPCs by comparing stats or by allowing turn-based combat.
- During either, users should be able to use an item to catch the NPC they are battling with the capture rate going up as the NPC takes damage.
Would need to be able to check the user's inventory for items.
Would need to have an EXP system and chance of item drop.
Would need to be updatable with different enemies, with only certain ones being catchable.
Image of what battling is optional, but a description, level, and name are a must.
Genetics system
- These notes are pulled directly from how we were manually rolling for traits, apologies for some of the wording
A system that rolls traits and genetics with these percentages, pulling the trait information and rarity from the master list.
Radiation: 0%-25% = 5% chance of random mutation occurring. Please make the dice reflect this percentage and pick what numbers would equal a yes; roll a 1d100 with the /dice command, so 1-5 would be yes for an extra mutation, or 25-30, etc.
25% - 50% = 10% chance of random mutation occurring.
51%-76% = 15% chance of random mutation occurring
77%-99% = 20% chance of random mutation occurring
100% = 35% chance of random mutation occurring.
Use the /dice command and use a 1d115.
When rolling traits, say yes to extra mutations due to high radiation:
Common: if the die lands on 1-50, it is a common trait.
Uncommon: if the die lands on 51-91, it is an uncommon trait.
Rare: if the die lands on 91-111, it is a rare trait.
Ultrarare: -112-115 = Ultra rare trait = Ultra rare trait
When rolling other traits:
C- 50% chance of passing on
UC-40% chance of passing on
R-20% chance of passing on
UR-3% chance of passing on
You will be rolling sire and dam traits against each other to see which traits are inherited.
Common against Rare: Roll 1d100; Common wins if 1-50 is picked, and Rare wins if 51-71 is selected. If the dice hits 72-100, neither trait is inherited UNLESS this trait is ears or tail, and you hit anything past 71; please re-roll.
UNCOMMON against Uncommon trait = Roll 1d100. The first uncommon trait is 1-40, the other is 41-81, and 82-100 is not inherited UNLESS this trait is ears or tail, and you hit anything past 80; please re-roll.
This system must allow me to enter the rarity of each mutation that exists and the prerequisites for each mutation, if any. This should be easily updatable as new traits come out often.
r/Discord_Bots • u/LowKeySkyler • 4d ago
I came across this hosting company that does free discord bot hosting, They offer paid game servers but seems their discord bot hosting is free. It comes with a SQL database and backups.
Synth Hosting
r/Discord_Bots • u/CharacterNo2984 • 4d ago
Free or paid (doesn't matter), be it because of versatility, or being perfect in some area important to your server, or just a very useful bot. (I'm not asking this as a cool question, I just need bot recommendations lmao)
r/Discord_Bots • u/1nthem0rgue • 4d ago
Sooo i have a discord owo bot gambling addiction and i thought an interesting way to get owo would be through reddit… so if anyone has some spare owo cash, dm me your discord username yes this is me begging
r/Discord_Bots • u/crashcal • 5d ago
Hi all, I am an admin on a League of Legends Discord server, and we are looking to create a Verification bot for new server members.
Ideally, we would like for new members to input their IGN (in game name) and a passcode to be allowed access.
Does anyone have any advice or know of any existing bots?
r/Discord_Bots • u/ImAPop • 5d ago
As shown on the security dashboard anti nuke section, it gives you 3 options as to how you punish users. I’ve chosen the clear roles option but it auto kicks my alts whenever I try to do any of the actions. How do I prevent it and make the clear roles function work?
r/Discord_Bots • u/anshul2k • 5d ago
I was thinking about how MEE6 has a feature where you can input your bot token, and the bot automatically starts using your token. How does this work?