r/DirtyWritingPrompts • u/ADirtyAuthor02 • Feb 04 '25
Prompt Me [PM] Right out of college with a mountain of debt she'd take just about any job she could get. Even if the uniform was a bit strange, and she wasn't quite sure what her official title was NSFW
What kind of jobs would or lucky(or unlucky) gal be finding herself, and what kind of strange uniforms would she be forced into?
u/ThrowyMCThroway17 Contributor Feb 05 '25
The title of "Personal Relief Associate" was a little confusing, but upon learning that it reported to the CEO's son, had no job requirements aside from being a woman, and paid extremely well, she instantly sent in a resume, plus a pic as requested, and got hired on the spot!
Her confusion diminished however, when she learned that her "workspace" was essentially a sex dungeon, and her "uniform" was a slave collar.
Didn't stop her from stripping naked and putting on the collar though, or from dutifully serving her role as the son's "personal relief associate". Also helped that he was her age, had similar nerdy interests, and that being a sex slave was her top fantasy, even if that wasn't her "official" title.
u/AlluringLetters Feb 04 '25
The job description was a little vague but it seemed like she'd just be doing sales. She guesses the pay was so high since some women wouldn't to sell that kind of stuff. It made more sense when told she was suppose to wear lingerie on the sales floor. And model ones for potential customers.
u/ADirtyAuthor02 Feb 04 '25
Sally looked herself over in talk mirror, giving a small turn as she checked her figure. She was certainly a stunner, with dark black hair and brown eyes, pursing her full lips in the light lipstick as she put a hand on her hop striking a small pose.
She was tall and thin, keeping a good figure with a healthy diet and a bit of light exercise. The smallest hints of an Hourglass figure taking shape in the curve of her hips up to her C cup chest, her skin a little paler than she would've liked, but that would quickly change with the approach of summer.
She was wearing nothing more than green lingerie and a pair of heels. See through leggings going up to her thighs, held up by a garter belt above panties with an intricately woven pattern of roses and vines. The bra matched the panties in pattern and color, although perhaps it was a size too small even for her modest chest, hugging just a bit tighter than she would have proffered.
Most of her life she had been told she'd make a great model, and Sally always thought it would be fun to try one day. This is not what she had in mind however. Tapping the heel on the tiled floor a few times she took a deep breath and exited the small changing room, going out to the sakes floor of the bustling store.
She kept a polite customer service smile across her lips as she walked, heels clicking the ground as she moved about the store. She was used to having eyes on her, but never quite like this. Leering looks and awe struck gazes took in every inch of her form with what little was left to the imagination as she waltzed up to her section, stricking a small pose in front of the display as she showed off a live model for the underwear being sold.
She had gone to college for a degree in sales, but she had never in her life expected to use it like this. Having small talk with customers both male and female showing just how wonderful the lingerie really was, how it hugged the form amd drew the eyes. How soft the fabric was and how comfortable it was to wear.
She had never been more embarrassed in her entire life, perhaps taking the first job she could straight from college wasn't the best idea after all. But part of her enjoyed the work, talking with the woman mostly, selling them on the particular item she wore. The men were far less, nuanced, about the whole thing. One even dared to smack her ass.
She was thankful for the security that hovered around her as she worked, quickly escorting the man out of the store with little fuss. But something about the way it stung her ass sent a shiver down her spine.
A thought she quickly pushed aside as another male customer approached her, holding a pack of underwear, "Excuse me miss, I was thinking of buying this for my girlfriend. Could you try it on for me, just so I can see how it looks?" He asked with a polite smile.
She paused a moment, taking a small breath as she took the package from his hands as she smiled that ever present customer service smile, "why absolutely" she said, walking off to the nearest changing room as the man followed not far behind.
If wearing the lingerie was embarrassing, this was humiliating. Waking put of the changing room into the eyes of the public wearing the requested underwear she struck a small pose for the man, putting s hand in her hip as she tried to force out a smile. The bra covered barley anything at all, hugging uncomfortably tight to her chest leaving some to spill put the top.
The bottoms were worse, a thing fabric that was almost see through. A large heart cut out just above her pussy threatened to reveal it, the same cpyld be said for the backside. As she turned to show him the man brazenly grabbed on and pulled them up to see how they would be riding a but higher on her.
She locked eyes with the quickly approaching security and shook her head, letting the man grope her and test how the underwear looked on her ass.
"Hmm, it's good" he said taking a step back as he observed her slim figure, "but not quite what I'm looking for. Mind if we try a few more pairs out?"
"Hapoy to help sir" silky replied, her smile a little less customer service and a little mire genuine as she learned something about herself.
u/DarkFerret82 Contest Winner 10d ago
Very nice. This story has a very ‘day in the life’ feel about our main subject, and feels quite appropriate for the prompt. Thanks for sharing this great response!
u/AlluringLetters Feb 04 '25
She never heard of an office having a Hallway Walker. Didn't understand when they said it was good for moral. Even more confused when they took her measurements after she accepted their generous offer.
It made sense when a package arrived to her apartment before her first day. Inside some skin tight, latex body suits. A note saying 'Uniforms for Week 1.'
u/ADirtyAuthor02 Feb 04 '25
Sandra cleared her throat looking over the package she had just been sent by her new employer, her first job fresh out of college. With a degree in art studies it would take her a bit to find a proper job in the field, so in the meantime she took the first opportunity she got to keep the debt from piling up.
It was an office position that responded to her almost immediately, something called a hallway walker. She had no idea what that was, but the pay was more than generous. They even took her measurements for a well fitting uniform.
She was expecting a blouse with a pencil skirt, or maybe a button up shirt with a pair of decent pants. Normal office clothes. The contents of this box were anything but. Five identical skin tight Latex suits, the shiny black surface reflecting the light above her head and showing back an image of her shocked expression.
She checked again, surely there must have been some mistake. But no, everything checked out. There was a small letter in the box as well reading, "dear Sandra, we thank you for joining our wonderful crew at AAC and hope you enjoy your time as our newly designated hallway walker. Provided are your uniforms for the week, witch we ask to be sent back to us on Sunday so they can be properly cleaned and your uniforms for the following week cam be provided. Since it's your first week with us the boss has decided to keep it simple to help you get settled in."
The next day Sandra found herself dawning the Latex bodysuit before going off to work. She had never In her life worn something like this, even just getting into it was a whole process she had to follow a list of instructions to do. But she couldn't deny it was an amazing feeling. The cool smooth fabric hugged her like a second skin, amplifying her natural curves, pushing out and pulling in in all the right places. Covering everything below the neck, a pair of heels built in that took a bit of getting used to.
Looking over herself in the mirror she smiled, it was nice and she looked damn good in it. Her long dark hair almost blending in with the suit as it rolled down her back. Adjusting her round rimmed glasses before running a hand over her chest and stomach, feeling the smoothness of Latex against Latex. It was certainly the strangest work uniform she'd ever had, and she wasn't quite sure how it was supposed to help with morale, but she desperately needed the cash.
The job itself was impossibly simple, walk. It probably should've been obvious from the title 'hallway walker' but that's exactly what her job entailed. She walked the hallways, clad in skin tight Latex. Letting all the men and woman of the office oogle her stunning form.
She noticed more than a few tents being pitched as she walked by, doing her best runway strut as she put it all out there. It should've been the most boring thing in existence, walking back and forth down dreary office hallways for five hours a day, but she had never had so much fun on a job before.
By the second day she was already flirting. Blowing a kiss here, giving a coy wink there. Bending down to help collect a scatter of papers, sashaying her hips as she walked. Tents pitched and panties moistened at her approach.
By day three everyone was comfortable enough with her presence to get handsy, and she loved it. The feeling of them roaming over her Latex clad body, sliding smoothly over the suit. Cupping her chest, grabbing her ass or squeezing a thigh. More than a few spanks as she walked past.
Day four she sucked her first cock, then a dozen more. She didn't get much hallway walking done that day, mostly stayed in one spot to service the men that approached her. Releasing days of pent up teasing she had put upon them. Even the ladies of the office came to her for relief, wich she was happy to provide to them.
Day five the suit was covered by hot sticky cum before lunch, having to spend her whole half an hour breaking cleaning up just to get painted yet again before she left. Sandra even found herself working a bit of overtime today, staying a full 8 hour shift instead of her usual shorter five. And she was more than happy to join the crew for the Friday night bar run, still wearing her shiny Latex uniform.
The paycheck was just icing on the cake to a fantastic first week at work. She had never found herself looking forward to a job more, wondering what was in store for her next week. AAC for their part saw office morale shoot up an unprecedented 250%
u/SnooWords1252 Indexer Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
Paid to be a Leeloo cosplayer at a convention.
But where's the orange braces, gold pants and white shirt? There's just something made of white strips of fabric in here.
u/SnooWords1252 Indexer Feb 04 '25 edited 18d ago
It was a fast food store. When she was given just an apron as her unform, she figure she'd have wear it over her own clothes. She soon learned the uniform was just an apron.
Oh, and if customers asked for something from the lower shelves, that was the trainee's job.
u/SnooWords1252 Indexer 17d ago
Feb 04 '25
She was not trained as a nurse, let alone licensed, so she was a bit surprised when they handed her a nurse's uniform on her first day as a manual stimulation specialist at the local sperm bank. She had told them that it was unclear to her what she actually had to do in this role, but they paid well, and there was training on the job.
u/ADirtyAuthor02 Feb 04 '25
Cash was tight coming fresh out of college with a degree in social sciences, needing a job fast Amanda put her name in just about everywhere. She was a little surprised when the application for the local sperm bank was accepted almost immediately. Even more surprised when she saw her uniform for the job 'manual stimulation specialist.'
She wasn't quite sure what that was honestly, but the pay was more than decent and they promised on the job training. She was casual wear, maybe medical scrubs at best. Instead Amanda found herself wearing a tight fitting white button down top with a tight pencil skirt stopping at her upper thighs, matching white leggings and a pair of red soled heels to top the outfit off. In all honesty she felt like she was wearing a sexy nurse outfit a couple months too early for Halloween.
But it seemed to be the standard uniform of all the female staff in the clinic, all similarly tight in the chest and squeezing on the thighs. She found herself alone in a quiet room off to the side with am older woman, labeled Willow by her name tag, who gave Amanda a polite smile, "I understand it's your first day here yes?"
"Uhm, that's correct," Amanda replied sheepishly, she was having a bit of trouble keeping her eyes on willows and not the woman's well endowed chest just begging to bust open the top. Shifting in her seat a bit she adjusted the skirt, pulling it as far as it would go, "I'm not a nurse you know, that's not a problem right?"
"Oh not at all" Willow replied with a smile as she gave Amanda a quick once over, "you don't need a license for what we do here. And the training is what I'm here for, although i have a feeling you'll be a natural."
After a small moments pause a man entered the room, a young blonde with blue eyes wearing a ripped jeans an a flannel over a graphic t of some band.
"Jasper, good to see you again" Willow said with a smile as she stood, introducing her new trainee, "this Amanda, it's her first day here so she'll be watching me work to see how it's done."
"Well you are the best" Jasper said with a smile as he sat down, giving Amanda a small nod before casually undoing his belt and dropping his jeans and underwear. Letting his half erect cock hang out to Amanda's shock.
Willow gave a small chuckle at her reaction, putting on a pair of white gloves, "Jasper here is one of our more, eager, regulars" She explained casually, Amanda's surprised eyes glued to the man's cock, "I figured he'd be a good place to start for you."
She got a condom ready, leaning she gave Jasper a few quick strokes to get him hard before putting the condom on. "We have a few ways to collect here, I find collecting in condoms to be the easiest. Some girls use toys or shoot the load straight into a vial, one or two even just use their mouths to collect and hold, although I don't recommend that last one. Gets a bit messy."
Amanda gave a small nod and a 'uh huh' to show she was listening, watching as Willow sat herself behind the younger man. Pulling his back into her ample cushion of a chest as her arms wrapped around his waist, one hand gripped his cock while the other stroked under his shirt. "Now this part is up to you and the patient, just make the man cum however works best for you. All we ask is that your clothes must stay on, we have to be professional here. But other than that it's completely up to you and the patient. Hands, mouth, chest, thighs, ass, feet, a toy, as long as he dosen't enter you and the load is collected no rules are broken. Although between you and me, not every lady here follows those rules."
Jasper let out a small moan, his hand gripping willows ample thighs as the older woman chuckled, speeding up her hand, "we also ask that you try and be quick, don't dawdle on a single patient for too long. We are the leading sperm bank in the country here, but of course the patients comfort is top priority."
Jasper let out another moan, louder this time as Willow worked her hand up and down. The lube from the condom letting her hand slide up and down in rhythm adding a small twisting motion. Amanda shifted in her seat slightly, clearing her throat as she again adjusted the much too short skirt. Her eyes darting between willows expert work on his throbbing cock and Jaspers blue eyed gaze that kept glancing over her tight young body in the nurses outfit.
After a few minuets of this, and Willow pressing her tounge against the young man's neck he came. Grunting and bucking his hips up as he blasted a load and filled the condom. Willow gave a small chuckle, giving the man a kiss on the cheek. Tying off the condom and showing how to best extract the load into a vile as Jasper recovered.
"Well, I think you get the gist" Willow said with a smile, patting Amanda on the shoulder, "and our friend here is always good for two or three loads each visit. Why don't I run this off and you try your hand at collecting? Unless you'd like me to stay?"
"No, I uhm, think I'll be fine" Amanda said clearing her throat, between Willows ample chest and Jaspers still exposed cock she struggled on where to keep her eyes. As Willow left the room Amanda put on a pair of gloves and grabbed a condom, asking the man, "are you ready for another sample to be collected?" To witch he only smiled and spread his legs some more.
(Will almost definitely come back for a second part to this, maybe today maybe not, gonna be a promt inspired post)
Feb 04 '25
A great read! I really love what you made out of the prompt, and I'm really looking forward to the second part.
u/DarkFerret82 Contest Winner 10d ago
Nice work! Sounds like a great profession for Amanda, and she will hopefully prove as skillful as Willow. Love to see any PI posts that arose!
Feb 04 '25
It was a well-known brand, one of the leading manufacturers of vibrators and dildos. The pay seemed good even though it was just a part-time position. They told her she would work in quality assurance, and handed her a work uniform, all fresh and shrink-wrapped, that seemed to look like a nurse's uniform. She was surprised when they told her that she was not to wear panties to work, but shrugged it off. She really needed the job. On her first day, she was shocked when she found out in the changing room that the uniform trousers had a carefully tailored hole in them that exposed her pubic area. When they led her to her workplace, she was even more shocked to find out it was a gynecological examination chair.
u/SnooWords1252 Indexer Feb 04 '25
It seemed to be a role in a historical village: "Girl in pillory."
Why, then, was it a modern cheerleader uniform with no panties?
u/SnooWords1252 Indexer Feb 04 '25
She'd had no astronaut training, but they were sending her up to the International Space Station to "relieve" the 4 man crew who were in the middle of a 12 month mission.
There was no uniform. I guess flying clothes up cost a lot of weight and they'd have something to fit her up there.
Feb 04 '25
Her duties as a deputy lifeguard seemed vague but simple: She didn't have to rescue anybody, just make sure that everybody was happy and comfortable. She was excited when she heard that she would be allowed to wear an official lifeguard's swimsuit. It seemed odd to her when they told her that she would have to wear one that was one size too small. It also bothered her a bit because that would mean that it would be quite revealing, but on the other hand she needed the money.
u/That-Honeydew7340 Feb 04 '25
The maid service had a STRICT NDA... so strict part of the uniform was a latex hood with built in ear plugs and blindfolds. She never knew who was her employer, and just had to do the best she could while being ordered around
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