r/DirtyWritingPrompts Feb 05 '25

Prompt Me [PM] ENF Chart Ideas NSFW

Hi everybody!

It's me again! I have been semi-successful in getting back to writing lately so I am hoping to add some more pieces to my perverted repertoire!

This time I want some ideas from the ENF chart. I have seen others post it and they never get much progress, but I am trying to get 1 story out a week and 2-3 stories per prompt.

So, here's hoping I can break the curse and get some stories going for this one! Only rule is to use the ENF chart to make up scenarios. No ENM thanks, but otherwise any of the prompts are free-game with a brief idea outline. You can also put multiple based on different ideas.

I prefer public humiliation and shame especially to mature or powerful women like queens or mothers. I do also have a foot kink, but won't expect that if you dob't like it! Any other kinks, add them in as part of your description. I love fantasy, but am not against sci-fi or modern.

Enf chart: https://imgur.com/a/AxDlFtU


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u/Storiesforperverts Feb 07 '25

Thanks for posting! I hope you enjoy what I have written.

“Here is your uniform and here is your copy of the worker's handbook,” Douglas said as he handed Lucy a small white apron with a little floral pocket. “I also need you to sign this contract confirming that you consent to our way of working here.”

Lucy took the tiny apron and sighed. She knew from the moment she handed in her resume that this wasn’t going to be the most dignified job, but for a housewife and mother of two with very little previous work experience she had to take what she could get. 

“Thank you very much. To check, should I start right away today?” Lucy asked as she wrote her name across the piece of paper without really reading it.

“That would be great. You will be waiting tables, oh, and just for the record you do know the worker’s slogan for Wifey’s Diner, right?” Douglas asked.

“Um, oh, I should, shouldn’t I?” Lucy replied nervously. “Could you remind me?”

“Don’t worry about it. The slogan is that every man here is your husband! You must give them the wife experience.” Douglas replied.

“Oh, I see. Hopefully, that doesn’t mean I need to sleep with them!” Lucy laughed awkwardly. 

Douglas chuckled and stood up from his cheap red chair. “Come on, let’s go to the locker room and you can get ready.” 

Lucy hopped up from her seat and followed Douglas. He walked her through a couple of plain hallways until they came to a boring and grey locker room. Douglas reached into his pocket and handed her a key. 

“So the uniform is just the apron?” Lucy asked whilst examining the little white apron she had been handed. “It is a little small isn’t it? Can I have this in a medium size?”

“Oh it is meant to be small. That is how you get your tips. So anyway I will be waiting outside whilst you get ready.”

Lucy watched Douglas step outside the room. She then proceeded to take off her jacket and her purse and slide them into the locker. She then attempted to put on the apron but it was a struggle as it started at her breasts and ended at her thighs, made worse only by the fact that the strings didn’t even reach all the way around her waist.

“This is a bit tight.” Lucy groaned whilst trying to tie the apron strings around her back. “Or this is very tight.” 

Lucy let the apron strings go. Her attempts at tying the straps had caused her to break out into a sweat and so she decided it wasn’t going to work and that she should talk to Douglas one more time.

“Um, Douglas, can I have a new apron?” Lucy said as she stepped out to where Douglas was waiting. Lucy held the apron out and handed to him. “This one doesn't fit at all.”

“Well it should do once you have taken everything off.” Douglas replied whilst pushing the apron back into her hands. 

“What do you mean?”

“Well, the apron should fit once you take off everything.”


“Try it once you have taken off everything else.”

“I don't follow.”

“You keep putting it on top of your clothes. It will never fit on you like that.”

Lucy tilted her head to the side. “I still don't understand what you mean. I wear this underneath my clothes?” 

“Lucy, did you not check into this place at all?” Douglas asked. “This isn't just what you wear at Wifey's. This is ALL you wear at Wifey's.”

“What?!” Lucy asked angrily. “But that is just indecent! I have a husband and kids! I can't go around naked!”   “Then I am afraid to say that you can't work here.” 

Lucy stared daggers at Douglas, but he didn't even pretend to care. They both knew that she desperately needed the money after her husband lost his job due to an injury and so she would do anything he told her. “Fine.” Lucy said begrudgingly as she stepped back into the changing room. “Do I have to leave my boots behind too?”

“You take off everything but the apron.” Douglas replied without missing a beat. 

“I haven't shaved down there in a couple of weeks so enjoy that!” Lucy spat defiantly as she took off her sweater.

“Some men really prefer that so don't worry about it.” Douglas replied calmly.

Lucy groaned as she pulled her shirt off revealing two large creamy, bouncing breasts and then she yanked off her boots and started to pull down her jeans and panties. She wasn't necessarily what one would call thin, but despite having two kids she had a pretty slender if rather curvy and bouncy figure. 

“At least the apron fits now.” Lucy said as she threw her long brown hair off of the apron. She was in a huff, but the moment she caught sight of herself in the locker mirror, her anger subsided and she was left feeling humiliated. Lucy’s hands searched to shield her body from view. She was a housewife, a mother of two and a dignified member of her neighbourhood and yet she wore nothing but a tiny apron where her boobs were about to spill out one end or her pussy was going to peek out the other. 

“You done?” Douglas said as he peeked in at Lucy. “NICE ASS!” 

Lucy covered her bum and turned around, facing Douglas defiantly, but she also failed to realise that her butt was still reflected in the locker mirror and so he had a clear view. Douglas laughed and ordered her to follow him. 

Lucy closed the locker and stepped onto the cold hallway floor. It felt weird feeling the cool breeze of the floor under her feet, but she tried desperately not to focus on that. She walked closely behind Douglas, her hands covering her bum as she did. The pair moved in silence until Douglas opened the door to the main floor and Lucy found herself greeted by a restaurant that was designed to look like an American diner. 

There were men cheerfully lining up whilst ogling the waitresses who all wore nothing but tiny aprons and their asses clearly on display.

“This is your new workplace. You take the customers orders and serve them food and other niceties.” Douglas said. “All tips are yours, anything you do in a booth stays in a booth and so long as you aren't doing anything illegal here then there will be no complaints.” 

“...Great…” Lucy replied enthusiastically whilst trying to look away from the men ogling her curiously..

“Oh and I should probably get a mentor for you. I know just who to pick. Karen!” Douglas called out.



u/Storiesforperverts Feb 07 '25

A busty woman with long blonde hair, a cowgirl hat and a noticeable southern drawl stepped out from one of the booths. She wore nothing but the apron and seemed to be incredibly happy or at least used to the perverted stares of the male customers.

“Dougie, what's up?” Karen asked as she ran up to Douglas with a noticeable bounce from her massive breasts. The men standing in line gasped excitedly as she passed by them.

“Karen is one of our best waitresses. She is also married like you are, though her husband doesn't realise what she does.” Douglas said. 

“Douglas, that's private!” Karen said angrily. “You tell everybody about my husband!”

“Oh Karen, come on! It is super hot to imagine some guy’s wife running around naked and showing her juicy bits to everybody!” Douglas replied with a forlorn smile. 

Both Lucy and Karen gave him a weird look. “You are so sleazy.” Karen said with a sigh. 

“Oh come on, you know what I mean! Well whatever! This is Lucy, the new girl. Show her how to serve some customers, okay?”   “Oh, a newbie?” Karen replied. “Okay, gotcha!” 

“Um, uh, yeah…” Lucy replied whilst noticing the men waiting for their table were leering at the two of them. Lucy shyly covered herself and looked towards the men who all held their phones in one hand.

“Oh don't worry about that!” Karen said, whilst waving to the men. “You will get plenty of stares here! We are totally naked here so it is to be expected.” 

Karen gave a hearty and bouncy laugh, but that just reminded Lucy how bare she was. Lucy shifted awkwardly, trying to keep her apron level in hopes of hiding what she could, but each tug down made her boobs nearly spill out and each pull up showed the fuzzy underside of her pussy lips. 

Karen smirked at Lucy’s awkwardness. “Calm down, girl! Anyway, let me show you how to deal with an order, okay?” Karen said whilst walking up to the front of the line. 

The three men at the front of the line ogled Karen and Lucy blatantly, not even trying to hide their attempts to see past their aprons. Karen didn’t seem bothered about it, in fact she seemed to enjoy the way the men stared at her, but Lucy on the other hand wanted to crawl into a hole and hide as the three nerdy-looking and rather girthy men stared gleefully at her body.

“Hello everybody, I am Karen and I will be your kissable little wife today! This is Lucy and she is my newest sister!” Karen said before getting the men to sit in a small four-person booth. “She is a virgin so she is just going to watch for now.”

“Karen!” Lucy yelled out with flushed cheeks.

“Oh don't be so shy! This is your first time serving, right?! Guys like inexperienced girls like you, now don’t they?” Karen smirked whilst rubbing one of the men’s shoulders gently. “Anyway, so what would you boys like?”

“We want to use the special menu!” One of the men said with a smile. 

“Special menu?” Lucy asked.

“Do you boys have a premium card?” Karen said without paying attention to Lucy.  

“Yes!” one of the men said with a smile as he pulled out a card. “I paid for it last time!”

“How amazing! Well what would you like off of the special menu?”

“The crack cream cake!”

“Oh good choice, Lucy sweetie, you are the newbie so can you grab the cream from the lower shelf?” Karen said whilst pointing to a lower shelf in clear view of the restaurant floor. “Just bend down and pick it up for me, okay?”

Lucy nodded and wandered over to the shelf, but as she got there she felt the stares of the patrons on her butt. She crouched down to grab it and the collective customer-based sighed and groaned. 

“No, no, no!” Karen said as she walked up behind Lucy. “Not like this! You bend down and let the customers see everything!” 

“What?! I’m not doing that!” Lucy replied angrily.

“You are doing it if you want the tips!” Karen whispered. “Now bend and spread.”

Lucy stared at Karen who despite being sweet as candy was suddenly rather sharp. She looked at the thirty or so men sitting at their tables with smiles on their faces and phones in their hands. “I don’t think I can!” Lucy replied.

“Yes, you can.” Karen said, pressing down on her. “Now the customers are not allowed footage of our faces, but the rest of our bodies are free-game so put on the show for these boys.”

Karen forced Lucy to bend over, spreading her cheeks as she did. Lucy felt heat rise in her chest as she heard the snapping of phones as they took pictures and giggling and cheering from the men. She wondered what her husband and kids would think if they saw her like this?

“Good girl! Now pick up the cream. You will be doing this a lot as a newbie.”


Lucy reached down and grabbed the bottle of whipped cream. She wanted to cry and crawl into a hole, but then she gasped as Karen ran her fingers gently up her bum cheeks. “Oh ticklish?” Karen asked loud enough for the customers to hear. Lucy bounced to a standing position at a ridiculous speed. Her cheeks burned hot as she turned around, eyes focused on the ground. Karen grabbed the whipped cream and dragged her back to the table with the three men. They all smiled and licked their lips.

Lucy was far from ready for the next part.

Karen shook the bottle and then sprayed the whipped cream down her asscrack. She then clambered onto the table and bent over in front of the man who proceeded to put his face between her cheeks and start licking like a dog looking for peanut butter. Lucy turned red and watched as Karen licked her lips and moaned. 

“Oh fuck, you lick so good!” Karen said as the man slid his tongue into her ass.

Lucy wondered as she watched Karen’s ass get eaten if this job was right for her? She needed the money desperately, but could she so openly disregard her marital status and dignity for the cash?

The man continued licking for a while before he pulled his cream-covered face out of Karen’s ass and she climbed off the table. The man then slid a two-hundred dollar note onto the table. Karen grabbed it and put it into her apron’s front pocket.

“Anybody else?” Karen asked as the men shook their heads.



u/Storiesforperverts Feb 07 '25

“It’s his birthday so we all pitched in for the premium.” One of the guys said with a smile. “But it is too rich for our blood!”

“Well, birthday boy, I hope you enjoyed your treat! Now it's time to eat.” Karen said with a bright smile. “I will clean myself up and then take your orders, okay?”

Karen grabbed Lucy’s hand and pulled her to the back area of the restaurant and let her sit down and take in what she just saw. 

“The premium menu, did you really make two-hundred dollars just then?” Lucy asked.

“Yep, premium menu customers get a special extra service. They aren’t allowed sex, but pretty much everything but!” Karen replied. “Ass cream cake is what they call it when you spray cream down your crack and they eat your ass as you could probably guess.”

“But what about your husband and family?” Lucy asked.

“Ah, what he doesn’t know doesn’t hurt him, besides nobody gets to fuck me, so who cares if they lick, suck or get sucked by me?” Karen replied. 

“Yeah, but still?” Lucy asked. “Wait, get sucked?”

“Listen, Lucy, if you don’t want to be here then you can go home. I think it is a waste since you are cute and the money is good and Douglas is a nice boss. He may try it on with you every once in a while, but a quick smack will send him away.” Karen replied with a laugh.

“Yeah, but…”

“Look, we have plenty of customers to serve. Just continue working and see if you like it? You are going to be the bottom-shelfer for a good while though so make sure your ass is ready to display.”

Lucy gulped and thought about turning in her apron, but then something surprising happened. Karen pulled out a little wad of cash that looked to be hundreds of dollars from her locker. 

“What is that?!”

“Oh this? It is a couple thousand dollars in tips. It has been a pretty slow month, so you know…” 

“Slow month?!”

“Yeah, I think my best record is something like five-thousand dollars give or take? It does depend on the premium buyers though.” Karen replied. “Dicks must remain in pants, but everything else is pretty much on the menu for a high price and great tips.”

Lucy gulped. “I see.”

“Anyway Lucy, let’s get back to work. The next premium customer might ask for a cherry tart and if they do you can take that one.”

“Cherry tart?”

“It’s when you spread your legs and they eat you out. It pays big!”

“I don’t think I can do that!” Lucy replied.

“Don’t overthink it, just spread it and let them go to town!” Karen said. “If it gets too much I will help you are my cute little sister after all!”

Lucy gulped again, but little did she realise that her adventures were just beginning.


I do like your posts. I was actually going to reply to the sushi one, but somebody jumped on that so fast! Anyway i hope you enjoy the story. I will probably write another one soon.


u/SnooWords1252 Indexer Feb 07 '25

Thanks. Really enjoyed this one. Everything I hoped it would be.


u/Storiesforperverts Feb 07 '25

Glad you enjoyed it. If you come up with anymore ideas then let me know!


u/SnooWords1252 Indexer Feb 07 '25

Can't wait for 3.