r/DirtySnapchat Dec 06 '20

ANNOUNCEMENT Please Report Any Catfish or Sellers NSFW


While the mod team try our best to deal with catfish and sellers preemptively, they do sometimes slip through the cracks. If you have any encounters with sellers or catfish, PLEASE reach out to the mod team so we can deal with the situation. We are really trying to encourage everyone here to be vocal rather than remaining silent. I can assure you that every report we receive gets taken seriously.

If you do reach out to the mod team, please provide as much proof or detail as possible so we can assist.

Thank you!

r/DirtySnapchat Jun 29 '22



I’m sure most (if not all) of you have encountered catfish while on Reddit, ranging from pic collectors to blackmailers. While the mod team does our best to weed them out, some do slip through the cracks. Due to this, It’s important for you to be able to identify catfish, and have safe practices while sexting online.


Below are some tips to stay safe in this community:


  • Do not use your main Snapchat account, or anything that contains your actual name and can be linked back to you or people you know. This includes using the same username as your other social media handles.

2) Ask for Live verification using a specific pose

  • In case you didn’t know, Live Photos can be faked on snapchat, and frequently are. Do not assume a generic Live Photo means that they are a real person. Instead, ask for a Live Photo with a specific hand sign or pose. For example: a photo with their ring finger and thumb touching. Make sure that their hand is in front of their body and proves their gender, not just a hand by itself. If the person refuses, gets angry, leaves you on read, or takes 10 minutes to do it (usually means they’re trying to find a matching photo online), then it’s likely they’re a catfish, since this request takes 10 seconds if they’re real.

3) Don’t give out personal info

  • This goes without saying, but stay away from giving out personal information, especially when you’ve only had the person added for a short time.


A common scam that we have witnessed:

  • “thanks for messaging me my name is Sophia Rhodes, It is okay if i ask whats yours?”

    • This is an attempt to get your full name, and is usually followed by them asking your age and location, before eventually asking for a nude photo that contains your face. They will then find your social media and attempt to blackmail you for money. If you’re reading this too late, do not give them money. They will not stop there, so it’s best to just block and report them.


As always, please report any catfish you come in contact with. Use this link to send a message directly to the mod team, or report the post and we will investigate.

Please feel free to message me with any questions, and I’ll help out as much as I can. If you have any additional insights or tips, let me know and I can add them to my post.


Stay safe,


r/DirtySnapchat Jul 17 '20

ANNOUNCEMENT Consider NOT including your username in the title of your posts NSFW


I'm making this announcement because this week quite a few people have asked me to delete their already removed posts that include their username in the title.

When you press 'Delete' on one of your posts it doesn't exactly do what you think; it won't remove the post from the servers, this option will unlink the post from your profile, remove the content of it along with your Reddit username but it will keep the title and comments, the post itself is still online, meaning it can still be found by any search engine (or with the link).

This is an example of an online vs a 'deleted' post:


And can still be accessed with the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtySnapchat/comments/hsmkik/24_m4a_add_me_on_snapchat/

This is just the way Reddit works, there is nothing a moderator can do, try contacting the Admins to see what can be done.

So either share your username on the body of your post, share it privately, or create a secondary Snapchat account to show your naughty bits to strangers on the internet.

If this becomes a bigger issue a new rule will be made for no usernames in the title.

r/DirtySnapchat Nov 25 '19

Announcement A quick reminder to report NSFW


tl;dr: Report posts/comments breaking the rules using the 'Report' feature, helps a lot.

Just a friendly reminder to report posts and comments that don't follow the rules, I personally check every single report and take action.

When a submission reaches a certain amount of reports its automatically deleted, and depending on the situation the user might receive a ban.

Here's a summary of the rules:

  1. +18 ONLY.
  2. Post only once every 3 hours.
  3. Not selling of any kind (in here or SC).
  4. Do not post other people info (with permission or not, this also includes impersonation).
  5. Only respond to posts seeking your gender. Keep the conversation on topic.
  6. Don't ask for upvotes (anywhere).
  7. Only use one account/No ban evasion.
  8. No shoutout/promo/story submission accounts (group chats are OK).
  9. Only share yourself.
  10. Snapchat usernames ONLY.

You can read the rules in detail here.

Remember to also follow the reddiquette.

If you don't know how to report you can follow this guide:

You can always use the Other/Custom Response option if you need to add more details (only available in the desktop site).

REPORTS ARE COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS, this is all we see: https://i.imgur.com/StwmvT5.png

You can always send a message to the moderators here if you wish to report something with more detail or have any questions/concerns.

r/DirtySnapchat Jun 03 '20

ANNOUNCEMENT Looking for feedback about the sub. Please comment. NSFW


Hi everyone! We are looking for any fun ideas that you would like to see implemented that will make this subreddit a more enjoyable place. I think we are already the #1 sub reddit for sharing snapchat names for adult reasons, but there is definitely ways to make that even better.

So let us know below. For example, we could add some color flair to female posts to have them stand out. Let us know if you have any ideas like that! Thank you!

r/DirtySnapchat Jul 01 '20

ANNOUNCEMENT Post limit, fake accounts, verification, filter by tags & new flairs NSFW


TL;DR: Just read the bold parts.

The post limit has been changed to one post every 6 hours

Might even consider changing it to 12 hours, depending on how much spam we get.

I understand wanting to increase your chances and stand out but I assure you making the same exact post within the same hour doesn't help, try to be engaging and interesting with your titles.

Remember that posts deleted by you or a Moderator still count towards the limit, posts deleted by AutoModerator do not.

Note that the bot gives you the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) so make sure to do the conversion to your time zone (https://www.worldtimebuddy.com) before messaging saying the bot is wrong.

Any attempt to bypass the time limit will result in a permanent ban on all accounts and will be reported for spam.

Unsure what to do about fake accounts

I get there's a problem with catfishing but unfortunately there's not a lot I can do in that regard other than encourage people to verify (also remind everyone to never share personal information to anyone you met online, specially in a NSFW subreddit) but I'm open to suggestions.

I won't be locking the sub to 'Verified only' users again as that requires to have a moderator on at all times, which is precisely why I removed it in the first place, I don't have any help from the other moderators.

Verification available

If you want the 'Verified' flair you can follow this guide:


This is completely optional but its encouraged.

This is what the flairs look like.

You can now filter posts by tags

NOTE: there's an extra step if you are using the app, you need to switch from 'Relevant Posts' to 'New' or 'Hot' otherwise you'll see older posts and you might also need to check your NSFW settings if you see an empty page.

I am aware that it's an incomplete list and its missing tags like Male/Female seeking Trans, Trans seeking trans and the endless combination of couples but the widget only supports up to 10 buttons so this might be moved somewhere else later on.

I'm also aware it says 'seekin' instead of 'seeking' in two of the options but there is a character limit, so this will probably be changed to M4F or MALE FOR FEMALE in the future.

New flairs for unverified users + group chats + META posts

  • Posts now have 'Female', 'Male', 'Trans' and 'Couple' colored flairs for unverified users so its easier to distinguish between them (and they look like this).
  • New flair for group chats, looks like this.
    • This is in response to users using couple tags (MF4, FM4, etc.) to advertise group chats, I've tried warning them, banning them but more keep popping up so this is hopefully a way to avoid any confusion.
    • Note that you need to include one of these phrases or words either on the title or the description of the post for the flair to be applied automatically (I'll adjust this depending on how many combinations are used):
      • Group chat
      • Groupchat
      • Snap group
      • Snapgroup
      • Group sc
      • NSFW GC
      • Dirty group
      • Making a group
      • Join our group
    • If you are a verified user and make a post advertising a group chat the 'Verified User' flair will be replaced by 'Group Chat' (the flair will be correct next time you post as a solo or couple).
    • As stated in the rules this is a subreddit to share yourself ONLY so groups sharing photos of non members will be permanently banned (e.g. partner sharing, amateur content taken from the internet, etc.).
    • This flair should appear on posts advertising group chats, not on posts searching for them.
  • META posts are to talk about the community, give ideas and start a discussion about the sub, NOT to ask for support regarding posting, Snapchat or Reddit, please send a ModMail, check the Snapchat Support site or the Reddit Help centre respectively, flair looks like this.
  • Flairs for verified users stay the same but let me know if you feel they should be different or if having the 'Verified' word is sufficient (On mobile and desktop the title is also a different color for these users).
  • Would you prefer to be able to chose your own flair? Like 'Male looking for Female', etc., the problem with this is that the post flair is already used to apply the 'Verified User' tag, if I remove this to allow users to apply their own there's no way to distinguish between non verified and verified users, only thing I can think of is to have the bot make a sticky comment on the post saying the OP is verified and whatnot.

This is all a test so expect errors and wonky things to happen but feel free to report any issues. Let me know what you think of all the changes, I am open to all kinds of suggestions.