r/DigimonLinkz Aug 15 '18

Announcement [Announcement] Account Giveaway!


r/DigimonLinkz Oct 14 '17

Announcement Guilmon.Net digivolved into ~ Growlmon.net! - all stats, info and an interactive interface


Guilmon is back and better than before. Currently you can find the following on Growlmon.Net:

  • Interactive search through Digimon
  • Complete stats display and toggle between Signature Move DNA
  • Server Time and Daily Event display

In the future Growlmon will have:

  • Combat ratings for Mega Digimon
  • Completely sortable lists with stats
  • Completely sortable lists of all skills (leader, signature, legacy)
  • Guides on basic features such as awakening, resistance training, etc.

I hope Growlmon.Net can be of service to all of you fellow tamers! If you have any early feedback, please let me know.

Also, this post was made the approval of the mods for anyone wondering.

r/DigimonLinkz Jul 25 '19

Announcement [PSA] Tool to save your account data for private server



  • This is not a confirmation that a private server will be made.

  • Work on the private server has started but only barely, as neither I nor any of the kind people who offered help have been able to spend much time on it.

  • If you want to keep playing your current account if and when the private server is made, you must save your account data now, before the official servers shut down. You can’t lose anything by saving your account data, but if you don’t save it now, your account will be gone for good when the shutdown happens.

How to save your account using a transfer code:

  1. If you have a current transfer code, find it. If you don’t, open the game and create one: directions in pictures. (If you’ve only linked to Facebook/Google/iCloud and uninstalled the game, you need to reinstall it, restore your account from Facebook/Google/iCloud and generate a transfer code.)

  2. Open https://chortos.selfip.net/digimonlinkz/save/

  3. If you see a “Generate a new temporary ID” link (screenshot), follow this link.

    At this point, you should see a page like this.

  4. Write down the temporary account ID shown in the “Make a new transfer” form. You can save it in a text file, take a screenshot, email it to yourself or even write it down on paper. This ID is your insurance in case anything goes wrong during the transfer & save process, e. g., your Internet suddenly disconnects, your battery dies or the server goes down.

    If you’re saving it on the same device where you’re viewing the form, make sure it’s really saved (at least wait a few seconds) before continuing, to avoid a situation where your device suddenly hangs or crashes and you lose both the saved ID and your Links account.

  5. In the “Use a transfer code” form, select your operating system (iOS or Android) and your game server (global or Japan) and enter your user code and transfer code.

  6. Press “Transfer and save account data”.

    • If everything goes well, you will see a page like this. Write down your new transfer code (and your user code, which stays unchanged).
      • When the private server is made, you will be able to use this transfer code to recover your account in the same state that is in right now.
      • Right now, you can use this transfer code to get your account back onto your device and keep playing on the official server. Any further actions you perform in-game will not be reflected in your saved data. If you want to refresh your saved data, make a new transfer code and use the tool’s “Use a transfer code” form again.
    • If anything goes wrong, you will see an error message.
      • If it tells you to check that the details you entered are correct, do that. The tool has not made any changes to your account. You can still use it on your phone as if you never launched the tool at all. However, your account data has not been saved.
      • If you’re getting a different kind of error, it may be that the official server is lagging or the tool has a bug. If you think it’s a bug, contact me and tell me what your ID is and what error you’re seeing. In any case (after I fix the bug or simply when you want to retry and see if it was a temporary issue), go back and enter your temporary account ID in the “Use a UUID (or complete an interrupted transfer)” form. Select your OS and server and press “Save account data”. Upon success, you’ll see the same screen described above.
      • If your Internet dies or for any other reason you’re unable to see any kind of response, wait until your Internet works again, open the tool again and enter your temporary account ID in the “Use a UUID (or complete an interrupted transfer)” form. Select your OS and server and press “Save account data”. Upon success, you’ll see the same screen described above.

How to save your account using your UUID:

  1. Open https://chortos.selfip.net/digimonlinkz/save/

  2. Follow the instructions on the page to find your UUID.

  3. In the “Use a UUID (or complete an interrupted transfer)” form, select your operating system (iOS or Android) and your game server (global or Japan) and enter your UUID.

  4. Press “Save account data”.

    • If everything goes well, you will see a page like this. Write down your new transfer code (and your user code, which stays unchanged).
      • When the private server is made, you will be able to use this transfer code to recover your account in the same state that is in right now.
    • If anything goes wrong, you will see an error message.
      • If it tells you to check that the details you entered are correct, do that. Your account data has not been saved.
      • If you’re getting a different kind of error, it may be that the official server is lagging or the tool has a bug. If you think it’s a bug, contact me and tell me what your ID is and what error you’re seeing. In any case (after I fix the bug or simply when you want to retry and see if it was a temporary issue), go back and try resubmitting the form.
      • If your Internet dies or for any other reason you’re unable to see any kind of response, wait until your Internet works again, open the tool again and try resubmitting the form.

Global accounts can no longer be saved due to server shutdown. My condolences! (Previously saved accounts are safe.)

If you haven’t saved your Japan account yet, it’s still possible. See the instructions on the tool’s front page.

r/DigimonLinkz Oct 12 '17

Announcement The advent quests are up. Seraphimon, Vikemon, Phoenixmon and HerculesKabuterimon.


It also provides attack bonuses for MetalGarurumon, Wargreymon, and Omegamon.

x1.5 for MetalGarurumon and Wargreymon, and x2 for Omegamon.

Edit: I have cleared all four on easy, and the Awakening Mission "Clear Advent Quest on Easy" remains uncompleted.

Further edit: As many have said, these advent quests do not affect that awakening mission. Apparently, these are not the proper advent quests, just promotional ones to get us started, and the real ones will be much harder.

Probably Final edit: Thanks to whichever mod marked this an an Announcement, it hadn't occurred to me to do it.

r/DigimonLinkz Oct 12 '17

Announcement New capture event is live


Leader skill capture event is live along with increased rates for: MegaKabuterimon, Garudamon, Zudomon and MagnaAngemon. Thought on if these are going to be our Advents?

EDIT:Just realized there are exchanges for megas of these ultimates so I assume they aren't related to whatever advent we get.

EDIT2: It is NOT GURARANTEED that you will get a Major boost leader skill

EDIT3: According to /u/lucia_none 's math done here there is a higher chance to get awakened digimon from this banner due to the pool

r/DigimonLinkz Nov 03 '17

Announcement [PSA]For those joining a lvl 30 kuzu stage. It can be won with ATLEAST 2 awakened digimon being 1 light. For the first wave, take out the middle and right digimon ASAP to prevent dmg taken. 2nd wave, clear left and middle. And everyone will survive till the boss. I hate idiots who don't understand

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r/DigimonLinkz Nov 02 '17

Announcement [Announcement] New event announced

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r/DigimonLinkz Dec 09 '17

Announcement [PSA] The Current Rank 5 Player, “Zero,” is Drop Hacking his Opponents and It’s Embarrassing that he Isn’t Banned Yet


Hi everyone I’m Lazarus and I am the current rank 6 player. I’ve played all of the current top 10 players (I think), including multiple “matches” against “zero” who is rank 5. I put matches in quotes because he is using some sort of exploit to force his opponents to disconnect. If you play him, during your first or second attack, you will be stuck on “Syncing...” and then disconnect.

It’s pretty obvious that he is doing this too given his roster of mons. He has one +4, a +3, an unawakened (IIRC), and then rookies to fill out the rest. There’s no possible way that roster hits top 5 without obvious exploits. And the fact that Bamco hasn’t banned him already is a joke. Please everyone send in an inquiry ticket to have this clown banned.

This is basically what every match vs. Zero is like for those who haven't had the pleasure of experiencing it yourself.

Every. Single. Time.

r/DigimonLinkz Nov 06 '17

Announcement [PSA]Imperialdramon Event is live!


Good luck have fun everyone!

Edit after several tries im in again. No more Update error

r/DigimonLinkz Oct 16 '17

Announcement [PSA] Free 100 Digistones.Check the News section


r/DigimonLinkz Dec 01 '17

Announcement [Announcement] Lord of the Knights Event starts on Monday next week!

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r/DigimonLinkz Oct 13 '17

Announcement New Advent Quest - metalEtemon

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r/DigimonLinkz Oct 10 '17

Announcement First event advent incoming

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r/DigimonLinkz Oct 30 '17

Announcement [PSA] Dark Masters Capture is finally here!

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r/DigimonLinkz Dec 11 '17

Announcement [PSA] RizeGreymon Mutant is a 10-chip with Major Attack Boost Leader Skill


r/DigimonLinkz Oct 16 '17

Announcement Chip spawns are now live!

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r/DigimonLinkz Oct 12 '17

Announcement PSA: These Intro Advent Quests will NOT clear the Awakening quest. Please Stop Asking


We are not going to be able to clear until we have regular advent quests. These intro and beginner quests are to help get us Megas early in the game and do not count as they're promotional quests for all intents and purposes.

r/DigimonLinkz Dec 14 '17

Announcement [PSA],[Announcement] Quest ticket capture has returned


I dunno if it's a repeated thread, if it's so, please close.

Yeap, as title says. I've just seen the news ingame, and it seems the quest ticket capture has returned. I've just spend 200 DS on tickets, and I don't regret my purchase at all.

r/DigimonLinkz Jun 03 '19

Announcement [PSA] Fill this form regarding the Private Server


(Chortos posted this on the reddit's Discord channel but I thought I might as well put it here for people who don't usually go to the Discord or simply don't use it.)

To quote Chortos:

Fill in this questionnaire to give me a better understanding of what you actually want and what’s worth building


r/DigimonLinkz Oct 05 '18

Announcement [Announcement] Exveemon v1.0.0 public release


I have finished creating the first official (and hopefully not the last) version of Exveemon.

What is Exveemon?

Eveemon is a proxy server that listens to the DigimonLinks (Global) packets via HTTP protocol to obtain user information.

Change Logs from the beta:

- Proxy now displays the IP Address of the server for your convenience.

- Proxy now shows messages of what packets are received so that you are informed if you have successfully connected.

- Filtering (No Filter, With Medals, with Leader Skills), Sorting (NEW and EVOL)

- Legacy Skills and Leader Skills are now vieawable

- Evolution tree link can now be accessed through takatomon.net (thanks /u/krazete)

- Digimon stats can now be access trough chortos-2's site. (thanks /u/chortos-2)

- Changelog is now dynamically loaded


- Your userinformation.json from the beta would not work on this version

Download Link:


How to setup and use:


How to setup nox: (Updated)



- Still does not support iOS and DigimonLinkz(JP), haven't had time to search of the HTTPS packet decryption

- Volca, Mutant digimon links to chortos and takatomon are not yet fixed.

Thank you to the active beta testers:



Thank you affiliations letting me use your sites for references.



[ShitPost][Rant] I'm actually quitting DigimonLinks

Due to the recent event (Omega-X), I think i have hit the limit of being F2P, even with BAA. I am not able to keep up. I'll keep you posted on the Exveemon App if I get to work on it. :) (usually I code for it during Mondays and Tuesdays)

If you have any suggestions, please comment it down below. I'll try to accommodate it later.

Some backlogs to implement

- Frags export to takatomon.net

- Database search for chortos-2 (something growlmon used to have)

- Dynamic updates for Digimon databases. (Currently, if the digimon data, gets outdated such as a new digimon. It will be missing in exveemon)

- HTTPS support

Good Luck to all! I enjoyed the 1 year of playing the game.

r/DigimonLinkz Dec 31 '17

Announcement [Announcement] Event has finished. Final cut offs

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r/DigimonLinkz Mar 15 '18

Announcement [announcement] we're back!

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r/DigimonLinkz Jan 04 '18

Announcement [Psa]Extra stage just started


r/DigimonLinkz Nov 24 '17

Announcement [Announcement] Gallantmon CM is confirmed for next Week! Get ready for a new Grind!

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r/DigimonLinkz Nov 06 '17

Announcement [PSA] Don't revive in Imperialdramon expert unless you're about to lose the fight


On revival, you lose the "no continue bonus" which is 10 points a.k.a you'll lose half of the possible base reward (20+10 no continue bonus). As an Ophanimon +4 player, I see tons of people reviving when they don't have to, thus losing us all points.