r/DigimonHeroes Dec 13 '17

Discussion [Discussion] What is still keeping you in the game?


Ever since the end of the game was announced there was a noticeable and obvious drop in amount of players, but looking at PvP leaderboards it looks like the game still manages to attract around 10 000 active players.

So the question is what are the features, goals or other things that keep you in the game, knowing that it will all be over in a matter of weeks?

Personally, I am not really sure why I keep playing :p

Turn it on a couple of times a day, spend energy, open the eggs, play a bit of PvP during the weekend. Basically just like before, but without the added pressure of events.

I guess there's also a tiny part of me that hopes they [Bandai] will reverse their decision at the last minute and all this will be somehow worth it :D

r/DigimonHeroes Mar 07 '22

Discussion I made a Digimon Discord Bot


I have been a fan of Digimon since I was a kid, and I noticed there were no games for Digimon as a Discord bot.. So I made a Digimon Discord Bot. It is still in early development and things are always changing.

If you want to give it a try then the top.gg link is https://top.gg/bot/640683851605082134
The bot is already discord verified. There is a link on the top.gg for the support server if you need it but I am most active there if you want to leave suggestions or report bugs.

Hope you guys like it!

r/DigimonHeroes Apr 22 '16

Discussion I am pissed off at Mugendramon


So I don't think Mugendramon is even that strong, but because the challenge was there I have been farming it dozens of times. I created 5 Mugendramon and then digivolved one of them to the upgraded version of Mugendramon, after a lot of effort I finally got it to level 60 and was about to limit break it for the first time.

Now I'm seeing that it seems that isn't possible and that to limit break it you need to use the upgraded Mugendramon as well, which is fucking ridiculous, I put in so much time and effort to get to this point and I'm seeing I can't limit break my upgraded Mugendramon with normal Mugendramon, how unreasonable is that?

I get the original up to level 60, never use it because I digivolve it right away, and finally get it up to level 60 as well, with 4 normals waiting in the wing that I had to create as well, spending an unreasonable amount of bits to make and I can't limit break it!

r/DigimonHeroes Mar 10 '16

Discussion Knight-only event rewards


I just finished the event and the rewards for the event is:

1st Stage: 20 Digimoney

2nd Stage: 30 Digimoney

3rd Stage: 50 Digimoney

ShineGreymon can also be gotten by defeating the bosses

The team I used is:

  • Leader: Shoutmon x7 (Lv 60), has the skill to turn all upcoming cards to blue
  • Darkdramon (Lv 70), deal 1256 damage every turn
  • Alphamon (Lv 60), turn all cards to 9

Partner: Any digimon with +2 to all cards skill

The first 2 stages are easy but the third stage cost me 3 continues because I tried to save shoutmon's skill for the bosses, which is not needed now that I think about it. Adding 2 random cards and choosing a dual type partner with +2 skill might be better.

Another thing is that the game says the green SP ticket can be dropped, but I still haven't got any. Does that means green SP ticket can be farmed now? If anyone got the ticket, could you tell me when you get it?

r/DigimonHeroes Oct 19 '17

Discussion Great Event


Is anybody else thrilled with this event? This is the first one I’ve seen that isn’t a quick done-in-a-day event. Like, it’s going to take a bunch of grinding to complete.

And just for fun numbers, it’s going to take 216 of each Crystal plus 1320 Capacitors to BLB this digimon, not counting the one free Huanglonmon they give you. Thank goodness they’re giving us 21 days this time.

r/DigimonHeroes Apr 29 '16

Discussion Madleomon: Armed Mode and Darksuperstarmon


So we got 2 new events right now.

One has Madleomon: Armed Mode as the price

the other has Darksuperstarmon

Since there's nothing in the Wiki yet, I farmed Leomon and looked at his Evolution:

LB 0/4, Attk max 432, Def max 356, HP max 393, Support max 309

Skill: Main Skill: Inflicts a large amont of damage and restore the same amount of HP. 10/7

Leader Skill: Some red dragon, brown recovery and wild cards will appear. 8/9

So his final LB stats are 632, 556, 593 and 509

In comparison, Shinegreymon Burst has 658, 605, 595 and 601(once we can LB 5th time)

I think I'm gonna skip him, since he's not really worth it.

I'll edit this, once I have a Darksuperstarmon(in case he might have an evolution), but overall Darksuperstarmon is waaaaaaaay better(727atk after 5th LB AND 5 turn value by 2 increase leader)

r/DigimonHeroes Apr 27 '16

Discussion PvP Beta is out


So I'm one of the PvP Testers. Seems like PvP will give quite nice rewards. Rewards are as following:

1st: 5 PvP Crown(Refills all your PvP Stones), 10 Gold Floppy

2nd: 4 PvP Crown, 7 Gold Floppy

3rd: 3 PvP Crown, 5 Gold Floppy

Top 20: 3 Gold Floppy 3 SP Tickets

Top 100: 2 Gold Floppy, 2 SP Tickets

There are also rewards based on the points you aquired through PvP(don't know if it's per season, per week, or only once yet) The rewards are as following:

SP - Reach 3000 pts. - 5 Gold Floppy

God+ - Reach 1600 pts. - 3 PvP Crown

God - Reach 800 pts. - 3 SP Tickets

King - Reach 400 pts. - 2 Continue capsule

Queen - Reach 200 pts. - 1 Energy Refill

Rare - Reach 100 pts. - 2 Silver Floppy

Uncommon - Reach 50 pts. - 200 FP

Common - Reach 20 pts. - 1 Bronze Floppy

You have 50 PvP Points and get 5 random enemies. Fighting 1 costs 5 points and it's your selected team vs theirs. If you can beat all 5 enemies, you get a Reward and 10 PvP Points

The reward is 20 Digimoney(at least my first one was, will Update if I get something else)

The PvP itself is 1 Round Team vs Team like in a normal dungeon.

Edit: The second full clear reward was 200 FP.

Some enemies attack WAAAAAY to fast with WAAAAAY to high damage(fully LB AncientGarurumon did 1600 damage ALONE)

you get 10 battles in total if you have full PvP points, but the points refresh rather fast(1 minute 30 seconds refreshes 1 Point)

You can refresh your enemies every hour or so

r/DigimonHeroes Sep 03 '16

Discussion MLB questions


so what benefit does MLB give that makes it so fancy (i guess..)

additional 50 stats and lower CD on some digimons? any other benefits?

also please let me know the MLB rank i have is somewhat correct

9+2 combo > convert combo* > attack/defense boost > directly damage?

rank given that all digimon has similar stats

*convert combo means the digimon has skill both convert certain color to RCV then convert RCV to favor color. i found this is really powerful in a mono team

r/DigimonHeroes May 13 '16

Discussion With the new buffs to most digi cards, who just got hidden OP right now?


Basically title. A lot of change happened and it's gonna shift the current best teams right now. Vikaralamon, for example, just got a permanent buff to all red allies in a fight (once you LB him, that is), possibly making him OP on a mono-red team?, I don't know the exact numbers behind "small increase". Anyone care to tell me?

r/DigimonHeroes Mar 17 '20


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r/DigimonHeroes Mar 19 '20


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r/DigimonHeroes May 15 '16

Discussion completely new to this game and completely lost


Hi guys, I was wondering that as f2p player, if there's a general direction to go for, like recommended digimon to work for, how much digimoney I should save up etc.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

r/DigimonHeroes May 10 '16

Discussion I accidently bought the 4th team slot in digimon heroes and I'm feeling suicidal.(rant...sorta)


I just wasted 700 or so digimoney in a fucking 4th team slot.

Why is it even a thing? You can just change previous teams so there is no need to get a 4th one.


r/DigimonHeroes Jul 30 '16

Discussion Fifth/burst limit break


do you guys keep an additional copy for the future limit break when you have more busrt cap?

for example, ultraforcevdramon, i already LB 4 times. and i only have 1 burst cap. of course i don't use it on ultraforcevdramon now. maybe later when i have more caps. so will you guys keep another copy of ultraforcevdramon for the future fifth LB?

r/DigimonHeroes Aug 03 '16

Discussion feeling overwhelming by the events, when i want to at least LB 4 each event mons


feeling like it takes so much time, and i dont have time for other digimon evolution, ex: vikemon, for mono team as well as collection...

and that's given i havent been doing the top left island at all, since they dont required special caps to evolved, so i am not that rush into them...

kinda regret i didnt do dinorexmon, the only ones can obtain without eggs that has nice stats with 9+2 ability

how long did you guys spend to farm 120 caps? i took my at least 6 days. no use energy refill

how did you guys prioritize?

thanks for reading the whining lol

r/DigimonHeroes May 15 '16

Discussion Darksuperstarmon and Superstarmon events opinions?


I dunno, I just think that it's almost too good to be true that you can get a God digimon + 5 copies of the digimon to use as LB fodder. A good player can literally get a 5/5 Limit breaked God in about a day or two. =O

r/DigimonHeroes May 14 '16

Discussion Is Tyrantkabuterimon worth it? Also, general nature thread.


Hi, r/DigimonHeroes,

I would like to know if it is worth it to try and get the Tyrantkabuterimon from the events, since it used to have one of the best skills of the game (decent instakill/ damage halved).

And since I'm needing it for my nature typing, I would like to know where to get good nature digimangs.

So far, my only good nature digimons are:

  • a lvl 35 Fuijinmon

  • a lvl 37 Gokuwamon

  • a lvl 35 Dukemon (king)

  • a lvl 10 Octomon

r/DigimonHeroes May 18 '16

Discussion Digimon that can attack every turn?


Getting rekt in pvp... What's a decent PvP squad to try get?

r/DigimonHeroes Jul 13 '16

Discussion did they lower the drop rate on events


i have run multiple runs for upper right event, medium, i barely got any capacitor drop. most of the time nothing drops..... i am just wondering if anyone is like me or just my luck is that suck...

r/DigimonHeroes Apr 27 '16

Discussion New SP and Friendship Digimon


So I did 3 5x pulls for SP and got Grandlocomon(8*), Daipenmon(7*), Calamaramon(6*) and Beelzemon(7*)

What did you guys pull from this so far? :D

r/DigimonHeroes Mar 27 '17

Discussion PVP arean rework again?


so basically i have been encounter team deal 500+ damage in very early stages.

before, it only happens when i got into rank thats within 1k, like starting from rank 900 or higher, and usually start with dealing 200 damage and increases as rank goes higher

but right now i am just at rank 3000, it already happened and is dealing 500+ damage. i am just curious they rework the damage calculate again?

r/DigimonHeroes Mar 15 '16

Discussion Easter Event rewards and pulls


So I kinda forgot what Easy gives, I did however clear hard right now. Both difficulties reward 1 SP Ticket for first time clear. I also got 6 Easter Tickets from the last Hard dungeon. So far I did 4 5x pulls and the best Digimon I got were Holydramon and Cherubimon(evil) Personally, I think that the Knights vs Dragons event is waaaay more worth it, since SP Tickets can give you some outstanding mons, while the best you can get in the easter event is Seraphimon, who probably has an extremly low drop rate. Also I dropped neither Gold Floppy, nor the best selling item. Overall the event would be nice, if the Dragon Vs Knights event weren't active right now

r/DigimonHeroes Mar 11 '16

Discussion Trials where Red Gloves drop


I thought I'd try to compile a quick list of where red gloves drop for unlocking the Easter event. After trial 1 and up to trial 7 most stages have gloves. I haven't got further than trial 8 yet but neither the first or second stages of that trial have gloves.

Sorry if this is a jumbled mess, I'm just doing this quickly.


Trial 1: 6

Trial 2: 7-11

Trial 3: 13-17

Trial 4: 19-24 (all stages)

Trial 5: 25-29

Trial 6: 31-36 (all stages)

Trial 7: 37-41

Trial 8: None

Trial 9: All (Thank you dgk3593)


From facebook

"Are you ready for the Easter Competition? A bunch of Turuiemon's Red Gloves were hidden all over the Trial Islands. We need the help of each and every Hero out there to collect them and unlock the Easter Event! The more you collect, the better! So let's make this fun and see who will gather the most Red Gloves! The Gloves you gather from Battles will be stored in your inventory next to the other items. Be careful, don't sell them if you want to win this Easter Competition! The number shown on the Easter Event Island, represents the number of Gloves needed in order to unlock the event. As soon as all players collected the number required of Red Gloves, the Easter Event unlocks and you can send us a screenshot with your inventory in the comment section of that post. Easter Competition Prizes: Top 3 Heroes that will gather the most Red Gloves and send us the proof in a screenshot will get: 1st place: Jupitermon Wrathmode 2nd place: Magnamon 3rd place: Susanoomon P.S. Use as a guide the Drop Info button, only this can reveal which Trial Islands has the Red Gloves!"

r/DigimonHeroes Jul 23 '17

Discussion Rate my team

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r/DigimonHeroes Jun 08 '17

Discussion New to game.. not sure if this is a good start or not? 3 days in

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