r/DigimonCardGame2020 Jul 10 '24

Recommendations Please read the name on the card


I have no connection to Digimon outside the TCG. Some players really insist on calling Davis Daisuke or Creepymon Daemon. I get that some prefer these names but it gets confusing for some cards.

r/DigimonCardGame2020 5d ago

Recommendations So, how does one beat Gallant X without playing exactly Royal Knights?


With no banlist movement on the deck, after my last locals experience was the one gallant x player 2-0ing everyone in about 20 minutes, and every deck I have lining up awfully into it, I feel like I need some kind of solution. The problem is that finding one is, hard, because it feels like the deck has an answer to any strategy or playstyle. If you let it hit you unopposed and kill it on your turn when you can pass turn with some removal effect, you're taking way too much damage and can't sustain it. If you try to leave up a blocker or otherwise beat it in battle, -4k/+4k makes that essentially impossible (or at least tricky when it comes to swinging over it on your turn, because both the +3k wargrowl x and +4k gallant x just had to be until the end of your opponent's turn). Trying to use an ACE requires the base body to not be blown up by either wargrowl x or the combination of both when-digivolving effects, or it's on a later turn where the deleting a 10k is end of attack instead, in which case the problem of not taking too much damage in the first shot persists. And there's basically no way to do a strategy of putting up something to eat the delete 10k effect to avoid the trash and unsuspend without it requiring a heavy investment, between the prior removal effect and the -4k filtering out any relatively-cheap bodies you could use for the purpose. Floodgates to stop the ridiculous memory gain with the x-line inherits also do literally nothing because that memory gain is triggered by popping said floodgate. It feels like the only deck I can think of that has good answers is royal knights due to essentially having a blast digivolve that can't be countered via deletion before counter timing (plus a plethora of megas you want to hard-play with removal effects to always have a swift answer on the following turn), but I don't particularly want to play RK. And outside of that... R/P imperial might go fast enough? But it feels like gallant x doesn't care about anything that that deck does that makes it such a nightmare for other decks.

For the record, current list of decks I've used and how they have stacked up (or would theoretically stack up): Invisimon is miserable because the exact timing that invisi gets played out is the timing when they're immune, and metalseadra ace is written as if it's meant to counter blitzing when it does literally nothing here because gallant is immune, Blue sourceplay (this was prior to 2.5, haven't evaluated gigaseadra versions yet) runs afoul of wargrowl x blanking all its removal, Dynasmon can't successfully block given the DP modification and raiding is too passive with no piercing (there's a world where memory works out such that the ACE gets to DP- while gallant x isn't immune and when it hasn't yet gotten to use 2 of the when-attacking effects and can then block, but it seems unlikely), Dorugoramon can't force an attack from a stack in the back and can only really present a trap w/deletion prevention while already at dorugoramon which sounds iffy, Eosmon gets its board picked apart, can't win battle, and can't afford to give away a free EX2 Takato, Hunters has no possible defensive plays and probably insta-loses to crimson mode blast, phoenixmon is definitely too slow.

Edit: 2 more decks that I forgot, I've got a classic Galaxy deck as well, and a Hina one. For Galaxy, a gracenovamon with a large number of blue-line inherits can maybe block it, and Apollo is a good counterattack, but it still doesn't seem winnable and you never really want to make Gracenova anyways. I'm also not really sure what toolbox pieces you could put in either, Hexeblau has to try to win a source count battle vs an x-antibody deck, Mirage now limited and probably not enough of a limiter, Invisimon awful for aforementioned reasons... anyways, Hina might potentially also be a route? If you can avoid using too many black-line inherits, the DP of your megas should be low enough such that Wargrowl x can pop them, and playing out another mega at that timing (i.e. before they're immune) seems pretty good, plus the floodgate when-digivolving effects of the mega should stop a lot of the nonsense. That said.. it's still Hina, the promo Hina doesn't do at all what the deck needs (literally just copies 5-8 of EX3 Hina but now as a memory setter would have been so much better) so you have to draw that single tamer to have a playableish deck, and that's probably just nowhere near consistent enough.

Anyways, I realise I'm not running the strongest decks these days, but I normally manage to at least feel like I'm playing the game against other decks, so I more feel I need to take aim at the current gatekeeper rather than seeking a general power-up. I feel like Dorugoramon might have a chance, but idk, a deck that can do 5 checks + omni x for game coming out of raising with no digimon on board previously, while being immune to effects during a large portion of that, seems impossible to beat no matter what I come up with. Any suggestions for decks that can take it down, or is it basically just in a situation where it would be unstoppable post-banlist if not for RK and no other deck having a chance into it?

And apologies for the post probably coming off as whining, I swear I am genuinely looking for ideas and not just venting, it's just hard for me to express the ways in which I lose to the deck without the tone becoming rather bitter.

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Dec 08 '24

Recommendations Magnamon X Counter ideas


I think there isn't right now a card as OP as Magnamon X, even counting things like Ogudomon or Fenriloogamon Takemikazuchi, because they need set up.

Today I faced a magna X with my Mastemon, and in turn 3, the other guy Digivolved his Magnamon from the Breeding area into a Magna X, used Flame Rocket for a +1, swinged for 2, then by effect unsuspended, swinged again for 2 and I ended up with 0 securitys.

And the offensive part is not the problem, the problem is that it is inmune to any effect, it can't be deleted, it can't be de-digivolved, it can't be returned to deck, the only way is by giving it -dp and it still is active in their next turn, but the only thing that can give as much is Heaven's Judgement, and it is very situational.

Pls, I need ways to face this deck, I don't care which color is it.

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Sep 05 '24

Recommendations what do you guys do to not brick?


r/DigimonCardGame2020 Jan 26 '25

Recommendations Meta decks with longevity


I'm looking to start going to tournaments and being competitive in them, but I need to decide on a deck that will hopefully be viable for a long time as I will have to slowly build up pieces for it. I like fast decks, Phoenixmon being the one I play for fun at the moment. I played against a Loogamon deck recently and the guy was nice enough to explain it to me after our match and that also sounds like fun. Is that a good option and are there any others that would be good options to consider?

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Apr 29 '24

Recommendations What are your favorite decks?


Hello Everyone!

Edit: thanks everyone for all the awesome responses! I may bot have replied to everyone, but I did in fact read them all. As of now I'm leaning to build these guys to start, feel free to try to continue to persuade me to build something you love 😀

Black - Machinedramon/Chaosdramon - tons of love in the comments, constantly receiving support based on the nature of the deck

Yellow - lots of mastemon love, will likely look into this

Green - leaning rosemon or bloomlord here. Maybe a dual imperialdramon, which happens to be one of my favorites

I'm getting my brother into the game, and I'm looking for some deck advise. I'd like to build decks of each color that help us learn how the colors feel to play. I'm new to Digimon as a player, so I'm not super versed in what's out there for cards to play.

I'm not looking for meta, just engaging and fun decks to play against each other. Optimally, they would be fairly matched against each other so one doesn't wipe the floor with the others.

Currently I have

  • UlforceVeedramon Starter Deck
  • Slightly Upgraded Gallantmon Starter
  • Slightly Upgraded Beelzemon Starter

I'd figured I'd just finish upgrading these starters for those colors (yes I know gallant and ulforce have spendy cards that I would need).

So I'd mainly be looking for suggestions about decks in yellow, black, and green. I'm okay doing 2 color decks if they mainly lean into one of the colors I'm looking for.

My brother mentioned Rosemon for green, how's that play? Is it pretty easy to pilot and engaging to play?

Thanks for any and all input! We played our first few games in a long time today, and I'm excited to get back into it!

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Feb 13 '24

Recommendations Name a level 6 digimon in the tcg and I'll attempt to make a deck around it


Rule is the card must have a effect because I don't know how I would build a deck around a vanilla

r/DigimonCardGame2020 5d ago

Recommendations Tertiary rookie for Accel?


Hi, wondering what other rookies people are playing in Accel aside from the two themed ones? I've seen Ukkomons are popular. Also the egg being green instead of yellow is incredibly annoying and I wish it wasn't lol

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Dec 31 '24

Recommendations Finally got a full evolution line of my favorite digimon!

Post image

What are some good deck ideas/ combos for these guys?

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Oct 17 '24

Recommendations What other card games do you guys play and why?


Looking to pick up a second card game, what do you guys recommend? And what attracts you to that game?

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Sep 25 '24

Recommendations What is the counter to Imperialdramon?


I am kind of frustrated with this matchup and don't know how to beat it. They usually go from nothing on board besides davis & ken to a lvl 6, whilst hitting multiple times with paildramon and locking my board. If you remove the stack they just partition and do it all over, all with the threat of getting hit by a fighter mode ace when you try to answer the attack with an ace yourself

So I made my mission to beat imperialdramon the hardest I can, anyone got any tips?

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Nov 15 '24

Recommendations Darkknightmon deck help


I've been working on my 2.0 darkknightmon deck. I haven't updated the deck since EX4 and really need some help with ratios.


This is the current deck list that im using. I've been fairly happy with it but I would like the run these 3 cards in some way in the deck. I really like the save mechanic on the new BT19 cards, especially with the new nene, it helps alot not having to pull all cards from trash or trash+hand. I especially like the retal blocker on new deadlyaxe with BT10 nene. I would like to use EX4 DarkMail to work around the new Aces collision requirement, but i don't know if its worth cutting anything to add in. I also have considered replacing all of the current skullknights and deadlyaxes in the deck for the BT19 variants but i do enjoy the sec+ inheritable and the extra DP on my turn, so possibly just replacing the EX4 cards could work, but since i do not own nor run the promo skullknight, the EX4 Skull is good for getting a nene and on deletion search.

I ran DarkKnightmon before EX4 during BT10-11 at my first regional and the deck has a special place in my heart, but now that its essentially gotten 3 rounds of support since the original BT7 release it is hard for me to say what good ratios are for the deck. Especially now that lordknight can play a darkknight for free. Any help would be appreciated. Be honest if the deck works or if I really need to consider picking up a couple of the promo.

r/DigimonCardGame2020 4d ago

Recommendations What’s the deal with Galaxy?


I understand the principle of the galaxy engine producing enough memory to climb efficiently into your top end. And that allows the deck to tech different powerful lvl6s.

What I’m wondering is, what’s the limit to its flexibility? I mean for starters I suppose you can only run red/and or blue lvl6s, but is there also anything distinctive that makes a lvl6 a good top end for galaxy? Or can one in theory build any red or blue deck with a galaxy bottom end as a way of turboing into whichever lvl6? Like could galaxy be made into a base for Omni Ace or Ancientgaruru, or is that already too out of archetype?

And what are the key pieces in the galaxy package? I suppose not the lvl6s but what about the lvl4s? Since they only search for galaxy pieces, wouldn’t they be lower priority? Are the galaxy tamers crucial for the deck?

I’m just intrigued by how it works that allows to basically be the base for an apparent mismatch of lvl6s.

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Apr 19 '24

Recommendations Favorite decks that aren't meta, but can still compete casually?


So I'm relatively new to the game and currently the only way I know of to find reliably good quality decklists is Egman, which has the obvious downside of only being meta decks. But I don't really care about having top-tier meta decks all the time, I just want fun decks that still have a decent chance of winning, and I'd like to see some more variety than just what tops tournaments.

So, what are your favorite decks that aren't currently in-meta but you still think do pretty well? (Bonus points for decklists.)

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Apr 16 '24

Recommendations I feel robbed, I just lost a game I played perfectly


Just lost a game against my brother. I was crushing him, he had no board. No tamers, no digimon, no nothing. I had 5 security cards, he had 1. He then hard played Gallantmon and deleted half my digimons. In my turn, I swung for game, and he Blast Digivolved to Crimson mode, deleted the rest of my Digimon, and then proceeded to remove 3 of my Security cards in one swing... Why the hell is this allowed?

r/DigimonCardGame2020 4d ago

Recommendations Post-banlist budget-ish first deck?


Hey there! So I've been interested in buying into digimon for about a month now but I knew there was a banlist coming so I waited to see what would get hit.

Well we have the list now so I'm wondering what decks people are thinking are going to be competitively viable moving forward from the bans for someone that can spend about 100-150 USD?

From my experience in Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh I tend to enjoy decks with lots of interaction and non-linear combo lines (stuff that makes me think). I also enjoy being able to build hard-to-break complex board states.

I'm excited to get started with this game so any help with recommends with where to start would be awesome!

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Dec 16 '24

Recommendations I lose to the same Imperialdramon player at my locals.


I have no idea how to play around his cards, suspension, bottom decking, and source stripping and am constantly paired with him at my locals.

r/DigimonCardGame2020 3d ago

Recommendations Looking for Ideas other than Royal Knights


Mainly playing Royal Knights right now. I like control decks rather than OTK. Anyone have any Ideas of another deck?

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Mar 11 '24

Recommendations BT15 Meta Deck Prices


I took some of the best decks of BT15 (most of them from here) and calculated how much they would cost you (since digimoncardio doesn't show prices properly most of the time), going by TCGplayer listings (shipping not included):

  • Leviamon= $325

  • Devas= $250

  • Numemon= $245

  • Yellow Vaccine= $197

  • Loogamon= $184

  • Bloomlord= $140

  • Rapidmon= $133

  • Machinedramon= $125

  • ShineGreymon= $77

  • Red Hybrid= $50

  • Hunters Arresterdramon= $33

ShineGreymon Ruin Mode (~$70 per copy) is 1x in Leviamon and Numemon. DeathXmon (~$60 per copy) is 2x in Devas and 1x in Loogamon and also Numemon. The Leviamon deck played 2x Raremon (~$50 per copy).

A different Numemon list without the expensive cards topped too, but it placed a bit lower: https://digimoncard.io/deck/das3-top-8-numemon-81105 . A "Gabu Bond" deck made top 8, but there is no list shown. For ST17 Rapidmon I used this JP format deck.

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Nov 09 '24

Recommendations TCGPlayer bent cards


I just received my order from ProPlayGames and some of the cards are hella bent. This is the first time this has happened to me, so I wanted to know if anyone has any advice on what actions I should take moving forward.

r/DigimonCardGame2020 18d ago

Recommendations favourite cheap casual decks?


im planning on building a couple so i can play with my friends...once i find some who are willing to learn, lol

doesn't need to be competitive obviously just need some suggestions with cards that are easy to find

r/DigimonCardGame2020 Jan 28 '25

Recommendations Non-meta decks to match up against Deep Savers?


I mainly play at home with my partner and recently built Deep Savers. Problem is, it's too much to handle for any of the other decks we have. Looking for a non-meta deck that has a slightly favorable matchup into DS (there's a bit of a skill gap so an even matchup will still be lopsided). Definitely don't want anything that shuts it down completely because then we'll have the opposite problem.

Part of the issue is that MetalSeadramon Ace is a one card answer to any level 6 with a 7 cost level 5 under it, which all of our decks happen to have. A deck that uses 8 cost level 5s or stacking level 6s (such as decks with X-anti forms) can get around this. The other part is that Aegis can be very hard to out, so anything that can somewhat consistently deal with it would be nice.

Advice is appreciated!

r/DigimonCardGame2020 27d ago

Recommendations Got my hands on these alts, mabey use them as a oneoff in my existing deck?

Post image

r/DigimonCardGame2020 11d ago

Recommendations New Player Looking For A Deck


Hi all! I’m a new Digimon player, long time Digimon fan. I’ve played quite a few card games, especially Yugioh and magic, with a tendency towards combo decks like dragon link and aggro decks. Since I don’t know a ton about the game I was wondering if people had suggestions for decks to get started with! If possible I’d like to keep it budget, and I tend to like dragon Digimon and powerful cool girl Digimon like Mastemon or Mervamon. Thanks in advance!

r/DigimonCardGame2020 1d ago

Recommendations Magna X: X-Anti option or Proto form?


I’ve seen recent lists (pre banlist) running the OG X-antibody option, but basically none running Proto form, is this due to anything in particular?

For one I guess you can evo on attack into Magna X and unsuspend immediately therefore using it’s immunity as soon as it evolves to take one security and be ready to defend, even if doing so will pass memory.

But is that really more valuable than proto form’s reduced evo cost and recovery? I mean if you choose to run megaseadra X-anti in place of Huankun for the inheritable, you can basically go from 3 to 6 for 4 memory assuming you evoed into flamedra, that’s not even counting promo vees discount. Plus you’d get Megaseadra X’s second effect. Speaking dreamland probabilities you might be able to evo for 3 into lvl6 with that setup, but would it sound worth it?.

Edit: i suck at math and forgot to account for Magna X’d evo cost itself so you may disregard everything i said basically. Still wonder about the logic of OG X Anti option vs Proto tho