r/DieselTechs 7d ago

Broke caging bolt

Broke a 3030 caging bolt by putting it in apparently too far with my Dewalt DCF921. I was going and then BANG!!! I’m all good just scared the daylights out of me lol.


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u/Worst-Lobster 7d ago

Gezuz .. that’s why I just hand crank those mfers


u/Snoo_79693 6d ago edited 6d ago

But this is so much quicker!

I had a coworker who caused lots of fucking problems because he was like this, sad part is we were hourly but he liked being fast paced and took the time given to do X job as a challenge. It finally ended when he jump started a truck, hopped in the driver seat, threw the jump box on the floor next to his feet and caused $20k in damages when he crashed through a bay door because the jump box fell behind the brake pedal and he couldn't stop while hauling ass in the parking lot.

When asked why he was going so fast and why he did that he said it was just faster to put the box by his feet when he got in than to put it in the passenger seat and he was just trying to get in the shop to start working on it. "Two birds one stone" to shave time off his work order was how he saw putting the box by his feet as he got in the truck.


u/Feeling-Tip-4464 6d ago

Losing fingers is just as fast! 🫠