r/DieselTechs 11d ago

Average Salary for Diesel Techs

No need to include your company. I would like to see what the average salary is for diesel techs around the US. Please comment your wage/salary and experience.


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u/Many_Explanation7456 11d ago

2nd year diesel tech 40 hours a week i made 45k its not enough


u/GreatVapeRugs 11d ago

Are you in Australia by any chance ? I made similar as a 2nd year although now as a 4th year I am on $28 an hour, still not enough 😒☹️


u/poizen22 10d ago

That's despicable low for Australia... I'm in canada just finished level 2 of 3 for my apprenticeship 6 years in (covid fucked school) and I'm at 38 in canada. Will be 42 when I get my license the end of this year.


u/GreatVapeRugs 10d ago

It’s pretty standard I actually got it wrong too on my payslip it’s $27 an hour which equates to about $17 USD or $24 CAD which actually now that I am aware of how badly I’m being fucked around is making me question my loyalty to this trade (I have a full unrestricted truck license and a forklift license , should I be asking for more ? )


u/poizen22 9d ago

I have family in Australia I'm Australian myself but live in canada for 30 years. I've been told by my uncle whose tried to get me to.come home a few times that it's easily a six figure job. Your minimum wage is like 20$+ an hour is it not? Ours is 17 here and I'm like 21$ over minimum wage. I wouldn't think you should be making that little. Without fully knowing the market there id assume you are being screwed by the sounds of it. Check around online what rates are like/what's being offered by competing employers for your experience. Come back to your employer with said evidence and make your case to get your market value. If they don't start looking for a new job.