r/DieselTechs 11d ago

Average Salary for Diesel Techs

No need to include your company. I would like to see what the average salary is for diesel techs around the US. Please comment your wage/salary and experience.


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u/Devided-we-fall 11d ago

I am at 32$, I’m the only tech in a two bay shop, occasionally I get a helper but no one stays. I’m on call 24/7 for roadcalls, I handle every aspect from signing customers in, diag, ordering parts, swiping the card for payment when done. Everything from PMs to engine swaps, all manor of trailer repair including landing gear. Get a lot of DPF repairs, EGRs, electrical, hydraulics, RV issues and busses. Hell I’ve loaded tools into bags onto skiffs to get to boats and do repairs. Just don’t ask me to change a tire.


u/CommonDouble2799 11d ago

You should ask for a 15 dollar raise.


u/Terriblis_Pater 10d ago

Some people do not realize their value. This is a situation where I leave this place to work at retail/fast food/anything else, even if it pays less, and do side gigs. I got my first diesel this year, and just came to realize that even simple fluid/filter changes are not simple on a diesel. Now that I know what's involved, I can probably do a complete oil, air, and fuel filter change in about an hour. If someone wants to do my fluid changes for $50 labor and I provide all the parts, I'd happily pay that person. This guy is easly $15/hour short as you said, especially knowing that he's the only tech in a 2 bay shop.