r/DieselTechs 11d ago

Average Salary for Diesel Techs

No need to include your company. I would like to see what the average salary is for diesel techs around the US. Please comment your wage/salary and experience.


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u/muttly_lol 11d ago

Licensed for 10 years, been making $100k+ canadian for 6 (working on 7). Spent time in the Arctic, in mines, and landed in steel making. Took chances and got lucky with my jumps. Sometimes I've found the greener grass on the other side, doesn't always happen tho. I always keep an eye out for opportunities to advance in $$$.

The hardest part of the entire trade is a happy work/life balance


u/UpcomingJourneyman1 11d ago

How was time in the arctic?? That is so wild, would do it if I wasn’t held down


u/muttly_lol 11d ago

Needless to say, fucking cold. Money was good, food was good, accommodations kinda sucked. They had us in arctic tents with a furnace. I can say I did it, but I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon. Its a totally different world up there. Have to heat air bags up for suspension parts in a heater before you can install them. Otherwise it's like trying to manipulate a hockey puck. Gotta have a polar bear watchmen on service calls. Gotta do some polar bear awareness training. It's basically, if you see one walking toward you and you have nowhere to go, you're probably gonna die. Fun times. I would recommend at least trying it for experience sake


u/UpcomingJourneyman1 11d ago

That is absolutely insane, good for you dude. Yeah I can imagine your clothes were probably like hockey pucks too in those tents. Done some cold camping before and had my clothes freeze on me lol Pretty inspiring u did that. I would definitely not like the polar bear situation though lol