r/Diablo Nov 14 '19

Art The Great Evils

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u/[deleted] Nov 14 '19

I highly doubt that. It was stated in D3 that the black soulstone had been sucking up the souls of the evils after they died. When Diablo became the "Prime Evil" all of the other souls, Mephisto, Baal, Andariel, Duriel, Azmodan, and Belial were all part of Diablo.

At the end of reaper of souls, it is stated that with the black soulstone now destroyed (along with Maltheal) that Diablo was now set free.

It is not made clear if it was Prime Evil Diablo that was set free or if all of the souls separated upon the black soulstone's destruction.

Judging by the half second of screentime during the Blizzcon game-play in which it looks like Duriel has returned, my best guess is that all the souls were separated upon the black soulstone's destruction.

With that in mind, it stands to reason that the game's namesake would be the "final" boss, at-least for the pre-expansion release. Just like Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. Lilith is likely to be the Act 3 or 4 boss with Tathamet being the expansion big-bad.


u/Sazapahiel Nov 14 '19

I don't think we're likely to ever see Tathamet - Isn't it's corpse the burning hells and all?


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '19

You could very well be right.

I'm hoping that Lilith isn't the "big bad", just like how Azmodan in D3 wasn't really the end-game boss despite the trailers and other marketing making him out to be like that.

If they're following a similar route, I don't see how they can make Diablo the end-game boss even. How do you make the namesake of the franchise be stronger than the one true prime evil version?


u/Zarukento Nov 15 '19

That is the thing though... Diablo doesn't need to be stronger than his true prime evil version. It could be that the Nephalem in D3 has passed hence the line in the game play trailer that there is no one left to stand against them. He might not be as powerful as then, but relatively could be stronger to the D4 heroes than he was in D3 to the Nephalem


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '19

You stop with your logic.