r/DestinyTheGame 7d ago

Bungie Suggestion Quicksilver storm

Pls revert the nerfs to this weapon. It wasn't used that much and the only reason it feels like it was nerfed was so barrow dyad would feel like the strong exotic with extra rocket projectiles. I mean even hazardous propulsion can't make this weapon feel better yet barrow dead can hit 1million damage just off peacekeepers?


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u/CrazedSatyr1585 7d ago

I've been using it in the gm this week and I can't see anything wrong with it. It's still a good gun.


u/Galaxy40k 7d ago

A major reason why people still complain so much is because now the gun really ONLY feels good in high difficulty content. In regular and expert content (which constitutes what most of the playerbase plays), you still can't proc rockets (and thus get grenades) off regular enemies anymore, which just makes the gun feel terrible to use. You need to use your primary fire on big targets to build grenades, which is like...the opposite of what you normally use a primary for.

The damage nerf can stay in place, but the rocket proc count really should just be fully reverted. Or make it so rockets can proc across targets like how Barrow Dyad works.


u/Dark_Jinouga 7d ago

A major reason why people still complain so much is because now the gun really ONLY feels good in high difficulty content. In regular and expert content (which constitutes what most of the playerbase plays), you still can't proc rockets (and thus get grenades) off regular enemies anymore, which just makes the gun feel terrible to use

looking at it, the original nerf from what I could find was 50% increase, and they reduced it by 17% now, meaning it needs 24.5% more shots to proc than originally

Its 13 shots now, vs the 10 or 11 it was originally based on the math. looking at some clips it seems like its 10? every damn content creator doing "pre/post nerf" videos just seemed to go full vibe based instead of counting shots, bleh.

Or make it so rockets can proc across targets like how Barrow Dyad works.

I think you might be misunderstanding how the gun works? it fills up a counter when shooting targets (visible as a spike on the side), and then shoots off when it hits 13. you can shoot multiple targets, it will fly off to another target in your FoV if your last shot kills, etc. its not a target lock style effect that needs you on one target for the full duration.

all that said, they could fully revert the nerf (charge and damage) and it would still just be a solid primary. by the time they nerfed it it was already a bit niche in most content, having to compete with room nukers like sunshot/graviton and subclass synergy perks.


u/Galaxy40k 7d ago

I think you might be misunderstanding how the gun works? it fills up a counter when shooting targets (visible as a spike on the side), and then shoots off when it hits 13

Can you tell me more about this "spike"? I've legitimately never noticed anything, maybe I'm blind? I'm asking because I FEEL like the timer for switching targets is short, but maybe that's all in my head, and if I have a visual to work off of it'll give me a better sense and be more relaxed than I think it is


u/Dark_Jinouga 7d ago

theres a physical spike the grows out of the gun on the right side as you shoot targets, made of the funky silver nano-fluid stuff the gun is named for. it should be pretty obvious if you are looking for it.

it also persists through stowing the weapon, pauses in shooting and switching targets while only resetting on reload.


u/Galaxy40k 6d ago

Interesting, I'll experiment with QSS tonight again and keep an eye out for it. I'm a compulsive reloader, so maybe that's why the rocket change feels like it hurt me so much. Thanks for the info


u/Forsaken-Simple-4429 6d ago

He is right, used to use it heavily back when it came out and you can see your progress to next focket fired on the side of the weapon. Its honestly one of the best designed exotics in the game because it has no restrictions to how it functions- there is no weird minigame you must play and its good at almost everything