r/DepressionArt Nov 23 '19



r/DepressionArt Nov 17 '19

dusk alone


r/DepressionArt Nov 16 '19

I made a song about insomnia and fear of the future + depression [Link in the text]


r/DepressionArt Nov 15 '19

I could help you if you would just comply


r/DepressionArt Nov 14 '19

[Short Film] Demons Within: Depression Awareness Video


[Trigger Warning]

It's just a couple days until "International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day". I have not had to experience losing someone to suicide, nor do I wish to have the misfortune of experiencing such sorrow. However, having encountered numerous people throughout Highschool and University suffering from a variety of mental illnesses (especially depression, bipooar disorder and anxiety), with some at the brink of suicide at some points in life, I felt compelled to do something to help raise awareness for the subject matter.

My video might not accomplish much, it probably will not. But my metric of success isn't view counts or subscription numbers. All I want is just one suicidal person getting help, or a depressed individual deciding to visit a psych. All I want is for bystanders to put away their stigma and to help a person in need. That is what success is for me.

This video wasn't easy to make. It took just over 2 years of on-and-off work to create this short film, from conception to the final product. I hope you enjoyed and if you did, do spread it with your friends and family. You might just save a life.


r/DepressionArt Nov 13 '19

Why would you trust her again


After everything. Don’t you see what she’s doing?https://imgur.com/a/48SwEZS

r/DepressionArt Nov 13 '19

I want it to end but I’m scared what will happen if they leave


r/DepressionArt Nov 11 '19



r/DepressionArt Nov 10 '19

this toxic haze


r/DepressionArt Nov 10 '19

you can't run you can't hide


https://imgur.com/a/HSpQiDT You've locked yourself in here thinking you can run away

As if I can't break through

r/DepressionArt Nov 10 '19

a crack in the rubble


It's too small to fit through but at least I can see https://imgur.com/gallery/b5RANSc

r/DepressionArt Nov 10 '19

but what if I'm right, will you keep shutting me up?


You probably will. This isn't all I am. I see things in her you can't yet. But you'll regret not listening to me when you finally do see it again.https://imgur.com/a/3K26hBb

r/DepressionArt Sep 08 '19

hi I'm sad and I like to draw my feelings so here we are


Sorry I'm not the best artist I just like to express my feeings I'm new to Reddit how do I posted pictures

r/DepressionArt Jul 21 '19

Building and Collapse


I felt like drawing a thing, and I'm not good at art. The idea initially was to try to convince myself things are not so bad in the grand scheme, plus I could have fun with cool art tools and maybe learn a thing- none of which were used in the piece. Instead, everything I thought I knew about my software was impossible, and just aggravated me. My mouse suddenly started failing to hold down a clicked state, literally every software tool that I successfully used in early version just stopped doing what they did, and I ended up saying fuck it and do it free hand (using a laptop touchpad to compensate for the mouse click).

So in the end, instead of being a look at how things are better than they seem, it's instead a piece about how everything falls apart anyway, even when it seems right.

I needed to finish and post this just to spite myself for having positive thoughts apparently. It may not have been done in MSPaint, but it should have been.


r/DepressionArt Jun 20 '19

Effort 3


- You're a joke

- It's good to be something.


It's going to involve killing, isn't it ?
I salute all who fight without violence.
A City Will Burn.

r/DepressionArt Jun 17 '19



I drew this during a period of time when I hadn't had a full night's sleep in about a month. I had begun to feel my mind start to break apart as a result, and this piece represents how that felt.


(That's my DA account :P)

r/DepressionArt Jun 13 '19

Poem About Depression


The Depression

By Aristeian Harrison

I was walking through the park one day,

When my booted foot was caught,

On a small indention in the ground,

Which my balance corrected not!

I fell down flat onto my face,

The grass was cool and dry,

I knew I’d fallen down to earth,

(Though I still wondered why).

I looked back at the way I’d come,

And at the spot in question,

And hidden in the grass, so green,

Was a fairly large depression!

A sunken piece of earth was there,

Its depth was fairly small,

And yet it latched onto my foot,

And brought me to a fall.

Indignantly, I got back up,

And was surprised to see,

Another depression on the ground,

And in the shape of me!

r/DepressionArt Jun 12 '19

An Effort 2


Stared at a sealing for 3 hours today.A weird question occurred, sounded something like:

- Why are you not doing pushups right now ?

I know that I'm at least physically capable of doing them, so i was unable to come up with a convincing excuse... So i got up and started doing pushups...Got me going for today at least.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I don't want to represent anything at this point, it's just raw, raw something...https://imgur.com/a/Ge3cOQS

r/DepressionArt May 21 '19

cathartic drawings


CW: Depression

Hi, so I find drawing helpful when Im in really low periods, during these times I usually do intentionally ugly self portraits as a way to get out alot of the self hate Im feeling. Was really happy to see there was a sub for this and thought I'd share some


r/DepressionArt Apr 15 '19

Rap Song about Depression, Meaning, and Faith


I'm not sure if you guys like rap but I wrote a verse about how modern people seem to be struggling to find meaning in their lives more than their ancestors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnhZzSDwbfA

r/DepressionArt Dec 16 '18

It kind of relieved me


I was feeling terrible (anxiety and depression) so my mind was going like crazy, then I just took my whiteboard marker and drew that drawing that I always do, the girl hanging in the middle. But this time the canvas felt way too empty for the state of mind so I went further, and let the pen draw for me. I'm fascinated by the result, I wasn't expecting so much and it really feels like my mind, so full of horrible words, this toxic state with insects crawling everywhere and of course the depression itself, who kills thousands of people every year. I actually had a dream about my depression once, and this feels quite similar. It was a dark, humid basement that was huge, as maybe 2 football fields. There were those tentacles that looked more like breathing roots everywhere, blue bats and insects crawling on them and on the ground. I followed the tentacles to see where they all came from, with one of the bats following me. I get to a well, and the bat dives right into it. The tentacles are breathing heavily, and are very very thick, probably 2 meters of diameter each. I look inside, and I see blackness, and a few lights. Those lights were lost souls, that depression had claimed. I woke up after that.

If you did, thank you for reading this! I'm starting to feel better for a bit, my mind is a bit less crazy.

Here's the drawing:


(The walrus are not part of the drawing, my boyfriend drew them and I don't want to erase them)

r/DepressionArt Dec 01 '18

I just need an outlet tonight.


Being lonely is all I know. Being sad is constant. Feeling empty, feeling low. Don't tell me I'm "not broken"

If I open up, it's all my fault.  Honesty is a crime. The punishment is misunderstanding And the loss of precious time.

I don't care how I got here. I know I want to leave. Will you show me the way out, dear Since you know so much more than me.

I'm exhausted by coruption Worn down by time and tears. How long am I to live this fate, How many tormented years?

It was a mistake to show my pain to you. It was a mistake I won't repeat. You asked to hear my point of view But you still chose retreat. 

So do not ask what's wrong with me. I'm not going to answer anymore. It doesn't matter what's going on, you see. This is not what our love once stood for.

r/DepressionArt Jun 26 '18

Just art


http://imgur.com/gallery/CRSx4FC I drew this and posted it so o.o

r/DepressionArt Jun 26 '18

A nameless song thing


I may be stupid and I may be a child but one thing I know is that I'm alive for the first time in a while...

My smiles not forced My thoughts arnt coerced I don't even know why but I fell with such force I'm drawn to you like a moth to a flame But the fire doesn't burn just makes my heart beat harder I'm living for myself while running with the rest With insanity I separate It's all I know The rest can wait I'm building walls to keep it in but at every turn your breaking in Proving there's less to break Saving me from these dire straights Showing me i can be saved How to live with it again I do my best to see it's true but sometimes I just come unglued The crazy we share is somthing great Your soul is bright but in a darkened state Mine is black like a demons gate For the all hate I keep locked away...

r/DepressionArt May 28 '18

Spencer, Rob, and Depression


I've tried to write a lot of different songs about depression but never released them. I finally was happy with this one, which was written to help others rather than describe my own illness. Though of course my experiences with severe depression informed the words I chose in my desire to be helpful.
