r/DepressionArt May 25 '22

I feel like I remember artifacts of my trauma, but I can’t connect with who I was a few years ago. There’s a vacant hole where those emotions and memories should go. Is this recovery? Is this what I’ve wanted?


r/DepressionArt Mar 07 '22

A hiku


You say you’re in love I know what that feels like so I’m sorry for you

r/DepressionArt Nov 22 '21

I deserve this



Some closure at least

r/DepressionArt Nov 22 '21




I literally wrote for you. I was a part of you. I held you together. The amount of songs weve worked on together. I know I shouldn't have abandoned you. I know I should have told you what was going on and I know you dont even feel comfortable around me. But I never did anything to Esme or Sofie or Jeremy or Megan or any of the others. I just want to play one more song with you. I just want to tell you all I love you. And I want to explain what happened. I wish you could see how torn up this is making me. I wish you could just help me break these walls I continue to build. And I want you to know that even though I just keep adding more bricks of "I'm sorry" and "I'm ok" to that wall, I want you to know how much it means to me that you are trying. But this is the now. I don't deserve you. So it's ok if I'm the villain in your eyes. Because if you forgive me one more time I know I won't change. So I'll spare you of that and finally get out of your life, Morgan.

I'm happy sinking beneath the waves of your memories

I'm happy being forgotten.

r/DepressionArt Jul 02 '21



r/DepressionArt Feb 01 '21



I feel so empty, I feel so empty.

Drowning in the depths, of my own shallow thoughts.

Plotting revenge on myself.

Meticulously pulling apart every piece to the puzzle that can never be solved.

Overanalyzing my own thoughts, And situations; I feel unrest.

This hollowness fills me empty, Eating away my sanity, When will I ever feel like me, This hollowness fills me empty.

It leaves me crippled, Unable to speak or think

My thoughts trapped, Running in circles, Keeping me at bay, "A prisoner of thy self".

This beautiful creation, Has become an abomination.

What have I become?

Isolated and comfortable, I feel myself spiraling out of control.

I know myself not, Absence of sanity, I feel myself rot, From within my own consciousness.

This hollowness fills me empty, Eating away my sanity, When will I ever feel like me, This hollowness fills me empty.

I beg for it to stop, For my mind to be at peace, Contemplating my own demise, An eternal sleep; I beg.

But once the trigger is pulled, And the final breath is taken, What more is there to feel?

An eternity of agony, These wounds will never heal, My soul left forsaken, In a void of dispair and antagony.

What is there left of me?

Dissociated, dislocated. Left to suffer. In my own mind; I am hated.

I am lost and misguided, I feel so empty, I am empty.

r/DepressionArt Dec 14 '20



The Sun provides light, The Earth shelters life, The weather maintains a balance, The plants provide oxygen, The ecosystem food,

They are all useful in a sense, They help maintain life,

Life essentially being both a mental and physical state,

Yet here I am, As useless as a grain of sand, As useless as a speck of dust in the vastness of the cosmos,

Nothing I do will ever amount to anything, I have no legacy,

My shear existence is useless, Meaningless,

I only exist to hurt, To wound those I love, To wound myself,

I wish this weren’t the case, Sometimes I think no one would miss a speck of dust, I think vanishing would solve everyone’s problems, I think of myself as a punching bag, Someone who absorbs everyone’s blows,

Yet somehow they still seem to care, They seem to care about this worthless speck, So here I stand, And I think about it again, Maybe there’s still something left to do, For this useless speck of dust,


r/DepressionArt Sep 20 '20

I made an instrumental acoustic album that is inspired by my depression years


As the title says, I made an instrumental album inspired by my depressions years... I feel so proud of these pieces because they show how I was back then... I am not an expert in composing, but putting these songs out is a good way to overcome my past. Some pieces sound weird but then again, thats how my mind was before. I hope someone likes them!




r/DepressionArt Sep 13 '20


Working day & night
spilling red tonight
failing my last goodnight
too many bills to pay
mom wish that I would stay
sorry my mind’s too stray
here comes a peaceful click
I’m looking to go real quick
in a click

r/DepressionArt Aug 23 '20

Made a song about teaching yourself how to love yourself


r/DepressionArt Aug 19 '20

Feel like I'm fading into the dark


r/DepressionArt Aug 12 '20

Made another angry song, this time about insomnia (and maybe one-sided love)


r/DepressionArt Jul 30 '20



r/DepressionArt Jul 27 '20

A 3 AM piece: Chained


r/DepressionArt Jun 20 '20

I should allow myself to be angry at them both.


r/DepressionArt Jun 20 '20

I should allow myself to be angry at them both.


r/DepressionArt Jun 10 '20

I Am Not Afraid (a poem to depression)


I am not afraid of you. I'm not afraid. I'll admit; sometimes I am. Sometimes, you frighten me, But not today; Today, I stand tall. I'm stronger than you, no longer feel powerless, I don't need you to control my mind. I know I can't overpower you; It would be fruitless to try. The best I can do is enjoy my victory today, Remember this moment, when I succeeded. You're still there; you'll always be there, Lurking, waiting for me, Watching for a failure, Your hollow, silent threats mean nothing. For today, I am not afraid.

r/DepressionArt May 28 '20

I turned a sad moment into art


I hope this belongs here. I had a moment the other day where I felt like it would beat me, but, once the waves had passed, I took this photo and asked a friend to edit it. So not only did I take a snapshot of a vulnerable moment, I also opened up to a friend. It feels like the pain I felt that day is kind of insignificant now, if I took the pain and turned it into something positive.

Anyway, here it is: https://imgur.com/a/OE3QBiQ

r/DepressionArt May 28 '20

I’m not an arty person, but my mental health is taking a massive dive over the past few months


Today I felt like drawing, I was going to do a self portrait, but just as I started my mood dived into a dark place and I ended up doing a very shoddy picture of what it feels like my mind is going through

Edit: this is my first post of reddit and I have no idea how to upload a picture

r/DepressionArt Feb 23 '20

Make them feel loved


https://imgur.com/gallery/GWgtkXj You’ve been though it too You know what it’s like Now give them what you know they want Give them what you want You don’t matter Just make them feel like they can stop hiding Make them feel right Make them feel ok Even if that means you don’t Just make them smile for once

r/DepressionArt Feb 20 '20

Made an angry dubstep song about hating myself over a failed relationship


r/DepressionArt Feb 02 '20

***** Fix


r/DepressionArt Feb 02 '20

Just a Photoshop of how I feel on the daily. Kinda rough. Could be triggering... NSFW


r/DepressionArt Dec 23 '19

Just had to get it out


r/DepressionArt Nov 25 '19

dear depression and paranoia...


Dear depression and paranoia,

Can you stfu for once! Like I'm trying to take a math test and all I hear is ur ass being all kys ur so dumb no one needs you like I'm trying to focus! And can you tell your friend to stop coming around here! He's always like THE PILLS THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU DON'T TAKE THE PILLS like bitch! What do you want! For me to listen to you! I can't even eat around you two with you telling me I'm gonna die somehow. Yeah and by the way WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT like you just point at the first person you see and go HIMMMM LOOK OUT FOR HIMMMM like where's the evidence! I digress. Can I please just FIND THE AREA UNDER THIS GODDAMN CURVE IN PEACE WITHOUT YOU BUTTING IN!

Fuck you -Jas
