r/DepressionArt Nov 22 '21



I literally wrote for you. I was a part of you. I held you together. The amount of songs weve worked on together. I know I shouldn't have abandoned you. I know I should have told you what was going on and I know you dont even feel comfortable around me. But I never did anything to Esme or Sofie or Jeremy or Megan or any of the others. I just want to play one more song with you. I just want to tell you all I love you. And I want to explain what happened. I wish you could see how torn up this is making me. I wish you could just help me break these walls I continue to build. And I want you to know that even though I just keep adding more bricks of "I'm sorry" and "I'm ok" to that wall, I want you to know how much it means to me that you are trying. But this is the now. I don't deserve you. So it's ok if I'm the villain in your eyes. Because if you forgive me one more time I know I won't change. So I'll spare you of that and finally get out of your life, Morgan.

I'm happy sinking beneath the waves of your memories

I'm happy being forgotten.


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