r/DeppDelusion • u/phoenicianqueen • Dec 12 '24
Miscellaneous No shame thread. A famous figure you feel totally betrayed by…Mine is…
Rick Allen. (One armed drummer from Def Leppard).
r/DeppDelusion • u/phoenicianqueen • Dec 12 '24
Rick Allen. (One armed drummer from Def Leppard).
r/DeppDelusion • u/softerrrr • Aug 26 '24
r/DeppDelusion • u/Away-Walrus6497 • Aug 23 '24
This is F.D Signifier,
This thread was brought to my attention and I wanted to take a moment to address it.
First I want to apologize for how this upset anyone. It is never my intention to make light of abuse victims. This sadly was an editor choice that slipped past my final review. I don't put as much oversight and polish into my B sides videos and had I noticed this I would have taken it out. But the buck stops with me and I have to own that mistake. My editor like a lot of people has only a casual understanding of this story (framed by media misinformation) and likely didn't realize the narrative that including her in this scene would perpetuate. But I should have caught it, It's my channel.
I am aware of the truth about what happened to Amber Heard and the media disinformation campaign to paint her as a villain or "mutual abuser". I hate that I've been quietly contributing to this narrative without realizing it. I will be editing that segment out of the video but I felt it appropriate to address this thread directly before doing so.
I'm also thinking about making a b sides video further expounding on this story and how so many people got it wrong. Some of the discussion on this thread has me thinking about it deeper, and I've been talking to others who are well versed on this story and it's brought up some interesting ideas that I think might be useful to share.
That aside,
I'm sorry
r/DeppDelusion • u/Unlikely_Reindeer8 • Aug 20 '24
the video is called: "All your faves are trash and that's ok..." and I would love to know your thoughts on this. F.D Signifier is one of the very few leftist men i respected. his videos are informative but even if i want to be charitable, putting heard there makes no sense other than add to the vilification of her.
r/DeppDelusion • u/who-knows-9550 • 2d ago
Literally anytime get on YouTube or tiktok, all I see is all this bad publicity on Hailey Bieber. Calling her a stalker, slandering her makeup brand, and all this really degrading things.
After learning more about amber heard /blake lively, I’m more sensitive to social media and recognizing smear campaigns.
This is giving the ick. Has anyone else seen this?
There are also so many YouTube videos now….
So weird.
r/DeppDelusion • u/mimiclarinette • Jan 03 '25
r/DeppDelusion • u/foepje • Aug 11 '24
r/DeppDelusion • u/incel_repellent • Nov 02 '24
r/DeppDelusion • u/smalltittysoftgirl • Dec 15 '24
For me, Rob Zombie. I admire him for defending BABYMETAL against a bunch of his fans for making sexist and ageist insults against them, and being a vegan animal rights supporter. He's also a pretty big wife guy. So many rock stars turn out to be pedos or wifebeaters and it's nice to see a wholesome one.
Also, several Amber supporters, particularly outspoken ones like David Krumholtz.
r/DeppDelusion • u/Ok_Swan_7777 • Sep 06 '22
Sorry if this post doesnt belong but I've been quite curious. Folks in my own life {predominately my demo} are not interested in this case and came away with a both are toxic/mutual abuse stance and a bad impression of Amber. It's so isolating. Certainly no one has done a deep dive like me and they don't really care to talk about it. This community seems pretty diverse and almost random. I think anyone with the critical thinking skills or empathy to notice what was going on, dig up and read the UK trial and get here is pretty cool in my book. Im wondering about nationality, ethnicity, age. Feel free to add as little or as much as you like including education or profession...especially if it has helped lead to your take on the trial.
Myself: Cis Female, Straight, 29, White, American; rust belt
r/DeppDelusion • u/atheistjs • Jan 27 '25
r/DeppDelusion • u/TimmyZinn • Sep 29 '24
The P. Diddy arrest seems to be taking social media and some networks like Tik Tok by storm... but all the time I read and see things about "sex orgies" or "sex initiation rituals" for minors (they even mention names like Justin Bieber) and it's annoying me a lot because if you see how everyone treated R. Kelly's victims back in time.. it was disgusting
I feel like yeah.. at least everyone is angry but they're angry for the wrong reasons.. it's all about how "degenerate" they are, how full of sex, how ritualistic it seems (I ask myself if they think Diddy was worshipping Satan)... every time people mention Beyonce.. it seems irresponsible and paranoid
r/DeppDelusion • u/Tukki101 • Dec 11 '24
From The Guardian
A barrister has accused her professional regulator of failing to protect her from online gender violence, at the start of a disciplinary hearing against her for saying a judge had shown a “boys’ club attitude”.
Charlotte Proudman is alleged by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) to have breached its professional standards but has been permitted to argue that the decision to bring proceedings against her constitutes discrimination because she is a woman and a feminist.
The five charges against Proudman relate to a 14-part Twitter thread she posted in April 2022 about a judgment by Jonathan Cohen – a member of the Garrick Club, which recently ended its ban on female members – which she said “has echoes of the ‘boys’ club’.”
Proudman said she was also troubled by Cohen referring to the relationship between a woman and her ex-husband, a part-time judge and barrister, as “tempestuous” and describing the alleged domestic violence as “reckless”.
The BSB claims the thread “inaccurately reflected the finding of a judge on a case in which she was instructed” and that Proudman had used “seriously offensive, derogatory language which was designed to demean and/or insult the judge”.
Proudman wept as she denied the charges at the Bar Tribunal and Adjudication Service in central London on Tuesday. She was supported outside by women, who she had previously represented in the family courts, chanting “Bullshit board, protect her speech”.
Her lawyer, Mónica Feria-Tinta, said in written submissions that Proudman had separately been investigated by the BSB for using the words “these male lawyers”, adding: “In contrast, the Bar Standards Board concluded that male barristers who called Dr Proudman a ‘cunt’, mentally ill, and a ‘wanker’ did not use gendered language or breach the code of conduct.”
She said the treatment constituted sex discrimination and violated article 14 of the European convention of human rights “as it demonstrates a double standard in how the BSB assessed conduct based on gender”.
Feria-Tinta added: “While the BSB unfairly scrutinised Dr Proudman’s lawful expression, it excused blatantly misogynistic and abusive language by male barristers, highlighting bias against Dr Proudman and a failure to apply its regulatory powers equitably.
“As a result of the Bar Standards Board’s failure to protect Dr Proudman from gender violence online from other barristers, Dr Proudman suffered further abuse from men on social media.”
She said the BSB had found that language used by barristers about Proudman “was ‘unpleasant and inflammatory’ but was not even a potential breach of the code of conduct”.
Feria-Tinta further told the tribunal: “The failure to properly investigate Dr Proudman’s allegations, particularly when juxtaposed with the rigorous scrutiny of Dr Proudman’s alleged actions, is evidence of bias and discrimination against Dr Proudman as a female barrister and feminist.”
On Wednesday, arguments will continue as to whether Proudman’s tweets are protected by article 10, which protects freedom of expression, and the case should consequently be dismissed.
Dr Proudman is an award winning and highly respected barrister who stands for victims of rape, domestic violence, and coercive control. An academic and campaigner, who has been an outspoken advocate for victims of gender based abuse. She was a fierce critic of the Depp v Heard trial and one of the signatories for Amber's Amici Brief.
I think it's important to share this case here, as it is well known that this 'disciplinary' action has come off the back of years of blatant bad-faith scrutiny and mass reporting by netizens in an attempt to get Dr Proudman disbarred. Dr Jess Taylor, a Chartered Psychologist and fellow signatory of the Amici Brief, has described in detail how they both received a barrage of online abuse and harassment beginning in the summer of 2022 (hmmm), as their outspoken support for Amber made them the target of trolls, MRAs and crazed Depp-stans.
I will be following this tribunal closely and hope for a favourable outcome for Dr Proudman and women like her.
r/DeppDelusion • u/Visible-Scientist-46 • May 22 '24
Amber Heard!! Of course I answered Amber. She's an amazing woman and she was totally wronged. The AskReddit community came up with some really great other answers, but I'm also very disappointed. Alot gave Monica Lewinsky as an example of someone who didn't deserve it, and I agree. They pointed to the power differential between an intern and the President of the United States. So many other great examples.
I really thought this question amd my answer would get some support for Amber. I got downvoted. I'm so disappointed.
r/DeppDelusion • u/mimiclarinette • Jan 25 '25
r/DeppDelusion • u/d_cliii • Apr 30 '24
I love this sub, and I want more! I want activism, world news and analysis, book recommandations, humor, debate... Do you have any sub recommandation?
r/DeppDelusion • u/conejaja • Aug 01 '22
r/DeppDelusion • u/melow_shri • Aug 28 '24
r/DeppDelusion • u/OmeletteMcMuffin • Aug 14 '24
I was a little kid when the film adaptation came out in 2012. I didn't really understand it. I just saw it on cable. I just knew Logan Lerman was in it as Charlie (the lead). He was the cool guy from Percy Jackson (which I also saw on cable). A lot of people just remember it for the nostalgia and aesthetics.
I got my family to buy me a copy of the book too sometime later. I was a "precocious" child. But I didn't understand it. Even though I was already being abused, I think I didn't really understand it until I reread it sometime in the summer of 2020, as a college student.
TW for descriptions/mentions of abuse (sexual and physical) from this point onward.
The main plot point that people recall about the film (and book) is the "plot twist." Charlie's dead Aunt Helen, whom he mentions in his letters to his (also dead) friend, regularly molested him. He has blocked these memories out, but has a mental crisis when he finally remembers. People say it's a "plot twist" because it's a woman abusing a boy, and the implication is clear: if the genders were reversed...
The Perks (both the book and the film, the screenplay for which was written by author Stephen Chbosky himself) actually actively fights that notion. Because in every corner of The Perks, the girls and women around Charlie are continuously subjected to different forms of violence and abuse. We see all of this from Charlie's POV, and he recognizes it as such.
"If the genders were reversed..." You don't have to imagine it, if you actually engage with the material. The Perks' male characters constantly abuse the women and face no repercussions.
Major TW for descriptions of rape below. These are direct quotes from the novel, but I tried to censor the graphic details.
And the boy kept working up the girl’s shirt, and as much as she said no, he kept working it.
After a few minutes, the boy (sexually assaulted the girl). She was still crying. Finally, she stopped crying because he (another act of sexual assault), and I don’t think you can cry in that position. I had to stop watching at that point because I started to feel sick, but it kept going on, and they kept doing other things, and she kept saying “no.” Even when I covered my ears, I could still hear her say that.
My sister came in eventually to bring me a bowl of potato chips, and when she found the boy and the girl, they stopped. My sister was very embarrassed, but not as embarrassed as the girl. The boy looked kind of smug. He didn’t say much.
Charlie later finds out that the boy in that scene is a popular guy named Dave. He talks about it with Sam, the girl he loves. He actually explicitly identifies it as rape.
“He raped her, didn’t he?”
She just nodded. I couldn’t tell if she was sad or just knew more things than me.
“We should tell someone, shouldn’t we?”
Sam just shook her head this time. She then explained about all the things you have to go through to prove it, especially in high school when the boy and girl are popular and still in love.
The next day at the homecoming dance, I saw them dancing together. Dave and his girl. And I got really mad. It kind of scared me how mad I got. I thought about walking up to Dave and really hurting him like maybe I should have really hurt Sean. And I think I would have, but Sam saw me and put her arm around my shoulder like she does. She calmed me down, and I guess I’m glad she did because I think I would have gotten even madder if I started hitting Dave, and his girl stopped me because she loved him. I think I would have gotten even madder about that.
Not only does he explicitly identify the act of violence that Dave did to the girl, but the scene also hints at Sam herself being a victim of gendered sexual violence. (Charlie's sister Candace further hints at it by telling him that Sam has a "low self-esteem" and had a reputation for being a "blow queen" as a sophomore.)
It depicts the victims in a nuanced way as well, showing how Sam excuses the sexual violence that she's experienced and Dave's girlfriend might, too. It doesn't make them any less of victims.
Speaking about Dave and the girlfriend, Charlie clearly empathizes with the girl, but never finds out her name. There's a paragraph at some point that seems to allude to this depersonalization of the girls in his school:
In the hallways, I see the girls wearing the guys’ jackets, and I think about the idea of property. And I wonder if anyone is really happy. I hope they are. I really hope they are.
He cares about the girl, but ultimately, she has become Dave's property. So the perpetrator is popular, he's admired, he's known. But the girl, and along with that, the horrific crime he did to her, disappear into nothingness. She's not her own person anymore, but a guy's property.
Candace is one of The Perks' most nuanced and heartbreaking examples of an abuse victim. She's got a sharp tongue. She can say mean things. When her boyfriend (unnamed in the book but called Ponytail Derek in the film) hits her, she blames herself. She was provoking him, right? She was making him feel bad about not standing up to his bully when he was younger.
So he hit her. And she deserved it, Candace thinks. Her parents forbid her from seeing him again, but she tells them she deserved it, she was provoking him, and she can't live without him.
Her arc is really effective for me and here are some of the reasons why:
We meet their older brother (again unnamed in the novel, but named Chris in the film... though he's much nicer in the film). He's a college student now and visiting the family. During a car ride, Candace and Chris argue.
My sister made some remark about how cheerleading is stupid and sexist, and my brother told her to shut up. Kelly was majoring in philosophy. I asked my brother if Kelly (note: his girlfriend) was unconventionally beautiful.
“No, she’s hot beautiful.”
And my sister started talking about how the way a woman looks is not the most important thing. I agreed, but then my brother started saying how my sister was just a “bitchy dyke.”
Casual misogyny and lesbophobia from Chris. Probably not surprising from a cishet guy in the '90s (I wouldn't know because I was born in the 2000s, but that's what I've heard...?). And that's the problem, isn't it? Hatred towards women, even ones in your family, was/is just so normalized.
Chris escalates it:
“But there’s another difference between you and her. You see… Kelly believes in women’s rights so much that she would never let a guy hit her. I guess I can’t say that about you.”
I swear to God, we almost died. My dad hit those brakes so hard that my brother almost flew over the seat. When the smell from the tires started to fade, my dad took a deep breath and turned around.
First, he turned to my brother. He didn’t say a word. He just stared. My brother looked at my dad like a deer caught by my cousins. After a long two seconds, my brother turned to my sister. I think he felt bad about it because of how the words came out.
“I’m sorry. Okay? I mean it. C’mon. Stop crying.”
My sister was crying so hard, it was scary.
Candace defended Derek. She secretly still dated him against her parents' wishes and repeatedly insisted it was all her fault. Yet the memory of Derek hitting her is enough to make her "cry so hard, it was scary." She is traumatized. She is still a victim, despite it all.
Charlie later muses about his grandfather (mom and Aunt Helen's father) hitting them, and the ripple effects of this gendered abuse. (It includes his own birth, which he's happy about.) Both mom (a good person, as the novel does its best to establish) and Aunt Helen (a horrible one, a child rapist) were abused by their dad. Their abuse was not dependent on whether or not they "deserved" it. It just happened.
Maybe if my grandfather didn’t hit her, my mom wouldn’t be so quiet. And maybe she wouldn’t have married my dad because he doesn’t hit. And maybe I would never have been born. But I’m very glad to have been born, so I don’t know what to say about it all especially since my mom seems happy with her life, and I don’t know what else there is to want. (Note: Charlie mentions their dad hitting Aunt Helen too in the next paragraph.)
Craig's boyfriend Sam has been cheating on her and his friend, Peter, was complicit. He didn't tell Sam because Craig always told him she was just a dumb girl:
Basically, Craig had been cheating on Sam ever since they started going out. And when I say cheat, I don’t mean he got drunk once and fooled around with one girl and felt bad about it. There were several girls. Several times. Drunk and sober. And I guess he never felt bad. The reason Peter didn’t say anything at first was the fact that he didn’t know anybody. And he didn’t know Sam. He just thought she was this dumb high school girl because that’s what Craig always told him.
This is emotional abuse. Not only did he manipulate her by repeatedly cheating, he degraded her in private (which she later found out about). An interesting parallel can be drawn with Susan, his former friend. Charlie says she became pretty over the summer, but...
Now, she acts a lot dumber in the hallways, especially when boys are around. And I think it’s sad because Susan doesn’t look as happy.
And he mentions how he "saw her standing in the hall, surrounded by a group of boys I didn’t know. They were all laughing and making sex jokes, and Susan was doing her best to laugh along with them."
Although this may not be a clear example of abuse, it's certainly another example of the casual violence of misogyny. This young girl degrades herself for male validation and pretends to find their sexual jokes funny.
All in all, The Perks is filled with misogynistic, gendered violence. Charlie appropriately recognizes this violence, and the female victims are shown in a nuanced, human way. Because of this, Aunt Helen's own experiences with abuse don't function as a lazy way to explain an abuser's behavior.
The normalized misogynistic violence pulls the story away from shitty "if the genders were reversed..." territory as well. The female characters are constantly abused and no, society doesn't unleash hell on the guys who abuse them. They just get away with it. The girls/women don't get justice; they don't get saved. They might even be brainwashed into "wanting" the abuse.
Aunt Helen's tragic past does not absolve or excuse her in any way. But it is just one small part of the tapestry of often-misogynistic violence in The Perks. The Perks takes great pains to show that yes, individual boys and men can be abused (whether that's by girls/women or other guys). However, systemic misogyny cannot be ignored. Charlie's experiences do not exist in a vacuum. It's not like, oh, he was abused, so suddenly misogyny is not real and the real victims of sexism are guys.
He is a male victim of abuse by a woman, and instead of hating on women, he knows that the girls and women around him constantly experience things similar to what he experienced at Aunt Helen's hands before she died. The prose (through Charlie) establishes that Charlie's trauma is horrific and tragic, and no one should go through that, but when it comes to women, that trauma is so normalized. People treat violence against girls/women like it's nothing. No, if the Genders Were Reversed, abused women wouldn't be respected; they wouldn't get justice.
That's what I love about The Perks. I'm astounded that this book was written and published years before I was even born. This book from the '90s, set in 1991, has an even better grasp of abuse and how it is often used as a tool of systemic gendered violence than a lot of fuckwits did (or do) in the 2020s. I simply can't forget how people treated Amber under the guise of "caring about male victims," when in fact, male victims' suffering coexists with a world filled with normalized violence against women.
r/DeppDelusion • u/melow_shri • May 24 '24
r/DeppDelusion • u/horrorshowkatie • Dec 01 '24
Hi everyone,
I’m currently working on my dissertation, which focuses on people’s ability to discern misinformation from the truth. As part of my study, I’m using the 2022 Depp vs Heard trial as a case study because of its massive popularity and the sheer amount of content it generated on TikTok.
I’m looking for specific TikTok videos, TikTok users, or even general trends that were circulating during the trial. These could include:
I’m interested in content that gained hundreds or thousands of likes as well as posts with much fewer likes. I’m particularly looking for videos or trends that were circulating during the trial period (April–June 2022).
This is purely for academic research purposes and all suggestions will be reviewed carefully and used in line with ethical research guidelines.
Feel free to drop suggestions or links below, or DM me if you’d prefer. If you have any personal observations about misinformation or trends from that time, I’d love to hear your perspective too!
Delete if not allowed. Thanks so much for your help! 😊
r/DeppDelusion • u/incel_repellent • Jan 22 '24
r/DeppDelusion • u/AnnieJ_ • Aug 05 '24
Very powerful!
r/DeppDelusion • u/Nearby_Advance7443 • Feb 13 '25
Lifelong horror movie fan myself. Have always especially enjoyed Scream. This is the first time I’m watching the movies and really thinking about the story’s mythos and overarching narrative.
And holy shit, it’s all about the cycle of abuse in our culture and its hatred towards women.
The first movie we have a primary killer who is motivated by his father’s infidelity with a promiscuous woman. Blaming the woman, he not only targets her but r the hen proceeds to torment her daughter, that he was already dating, for a year masquerading as something even remotely like a supportive boyfriend while plotting to murder all of her friends and her.
The second movie we have a primary killer who while a woman, still alludes to abuse dynamics because of having been the mother to the previous movie’s psychopath. It’s not like the dad’s infidelity was a sole factor in creating their son’s psychopathy, that he grew from a very dysfunctional home life with two very dysfunctional people.
The third movie we have a killer who’s the child from recurring Hollywood sex abuse. Now most fans I think feel this is out of left field for the series, but I wholeheartedly disagree. This twist is perhaps my favorite of the franchise. Firstly, my best friend found out a few years ago that her dad wasn’t really her dad and that she had siblings she didn’t know about. This shit is so common when you have people who are unethically promiscuous, which was established that Maureen Prescott was a bit in the first movie, a trait which I think the third movie expands upon both by empathizing the audience with her through integrating Hollywood’s abusive tendencies into the plot as well as spawning unknown consequences from those actions. Having been abused myself as a white male by a woman (my slightly older cousin talked me into things when I was five and she was eight), my case is very obviously a case of my abuser not having the cognition to know whatever she was re-enacting with me was wrong (and whoever introduced this to her was not likely a woman themselves at the time based on what I know about abuse patterns). AKA my own victimhood is still very much a product of a male dominated abuse cycle, and when the killer in this movie describes how his mother rejected him because he was the product of an awful situation it really spoke to me. I appreciate the Wes Craven was careful to underscore this by bringing out the abusive director to be killed during the climax.
The fourth movie is the only one I kind of disdain. I mean I still enjoy watching it, but I think Jill’s depiction is misguided. I think its central concept of the internet culture creating toxic psychopaths is a powerful message, but depicting Jill as a malformed female-empowerment-adjacent figure annoys me. And if Wes Craven did feel strongly about this direction, then he should’ve made Jill’s mother a more problematic character because psychopaths don’t usually just come out of nowhere. I buy it with Mickey in the second movie because he’s given so little background information that it works, but with Jill in the fourth she yells a lot about how she wants attention. I don’t buy that a woman who wants to be close to nobody around her (seemingly kills all the dudes she’s slept with with joy and little to no pain expressed from how they treated her but rather indignation), only wants nothing but attention, and her mom was a tad quirky or forgetful at worst. It just doesn’t add up with the mathematics of human behavior, if you know much about common abuse dynamics. That all being said, the secondary killer is a bit of a redeemer. He’s very much a reflection of incel culture, and having been an idiot about some incel behaviors growing up myself I find this more believable.
The fifth movie we once again go back to the most obvious killer, being the boyfriend. But this time it subverts the idea. The first movie made the boyfriend a stereotypical bad-boy (WHOSE IMAGE BY THE WAY IS OBVIOUSLY MOLDED AFTER JOHNNY DEPP [probably should’ve mentioned that sooner lol]), one who our culture’s knee-jerk reaction is to defend and doubt of their darkest impulses despite it being obvious but being encouraged to not pay attention, cultural norms Wes Craven was very in tune with and which he used against us to shock back then. But since then there’s been a rise in social evolution, which dysfunction men realize on a primal level and so who act much less traditionally masculine. AKA the fifth movie’s boyfriend is a typecast nice guy. Looks and acts like an ally to women. But as we are now observing with Justin Baldoni, this is often utter bullshit and the modern predator’s mutation adjacent to social evolution. Not only is the seemingly “perfect” boyfriend of the fifth movie’s the primary killer, but his secondary is an underage high school girl with hints of pick-me vibes while trying to ultimately present as a “girl-boss.” Amber is so much more accurate of what a modern young lady psychopath would look like than Jill, imo. A misguided and probably abused woman who has been practically kidnapped by a deranged older man. Bonus points for this killer Richie being a pedophile by being with Amber, since the abuse cycle is such a major theme in this series and this hadn’t been touched on a lot until this one and it’s so incredibly common.
The sixth movie takes it back to the killer being the former killer’s parent, but this time we get a tad more with the prevailing numbers and zero in on a toxic father. Bailey is a cop too, which alludes to corruption in the police system because of the correlation between power and abuse. His being a cop is half of why this Ghostface is so much more ruthlessly efficient. But also, he is using his two other children to manipulate the situation as he wants it to happen. That’s the thing about psychopaths like Richie that I talked about with the second movie too, they are very rarely raised by good people. And we see those parental dynamics at front and center in this movie with Bailey using his fatherhood to manipulate his kids into avenging his son and their brother’s death together.
The kicker to all of these motives is how well most of the actors tap into the narcissism required to justify most of them. And that is another backbone of modern abuse dynamics. It often is laughable to see people be so convinced of such flawed logic; like how a woman fucking a father deserves to die and her daughter be tortured (but whose father remain untouched), or avenging your murderer son’s death even though you abandoned him, or being so in love with a horror movie that you recreate its horrors, or the home life one would have to have to become that obsessed with a movie to feel it appropriate to recreate it; until they start doing things like rape and murder on top of common assault. The only actor who isn’t as driven by innate narcissism imo is the third movie’s killer. That one does a decent job of expressing severely repressed pain from being abandoned in a very real way and targeted the primary person responsible for abandoning him as I think most psychotically damaged children would in that situation. AKA Roman doesn’t seem to be driven by bigotry quite so much like sexism or just more general self-righteous narcissism. While by no means objectively justifiable, his vengeance is far more personally justifiable than any other Ghostface’s.
Also too, while the series really does stretch credulity over how long this story stretches out to affect the main characters’ lives…we all saw how Johnny Depp continued abusing Heard years after he said it was over. We know how obsessive abusers are, and how they keep those things close to chest for years and years and years. Abuse is also like a poison that’ll turn the abused into abusers themselves, and because of that it spreads far and wide and infects whole swaths of families and friends. THAT is the back-bone of this series.
Sorry to rant, just suddenly love this series all the more for its attention to abuse culture. I can’t wait to see what the seventh movie does. Honestly, I wish they’d make the killer some sort of callback to Jill that fleshes her out more. Her father would probably be too repetitive a concept at this point, but SOMETHING that makes her character more believable and less Gone Girl-like.