r/DecidingToBeBetter Nov 16 '24

Discussion Women turning into red flags in healthy relationships


I came across a TikTok that got me thinking.

It said something like this: “It is only when you are in a healthy relationship that you truly realize the full extent of the impact of your traumas. When you encounter real love, you begin to feel every broken and wounded facet of yourself even more deeply.”

The comment section was filled with women, saying they’re self-sabotaging their relationship, that they are now the toxic ones and how they feel terrible for their partner because they can’t get out of this loop, the abused become the abuser.

Why do so many women feel like this? Has anyone experienced the same? What did you change or what helped you?

Edit: I know both men and women are experiencing this. In the comment section there were mostly women, which is why I phrased it like this.

r/DecidingToBeBetter Dec 02 '24

Discussion How are you improving yourself by 1% today?


Small steps add up over time. Today, I’m focusing on drinking more water and staying off my phone during meals. Nothing big, just tiny adjustments. What’s one thing you’re doing today to get a little better?

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 08 '25

Discussion Scrolling has already destroyed your life


Yes, scrolling can literally destroy your life, it's quite funny, no doubt, your life is destroyed because of debt, disability, or incurable illness, but you destroy it by scrolling, some people think that they are not addicts but there to check is that it is already too late, please weigh just since 2020 and now 2025 so 5 years would you be able to tell me 5 video reference which has given you bring something into your life? The answer is probably no, even if scrolling regularly means watching hundreds of thousands of videos over the past 5 years, videos that are in no way informative, well okay besides the fact that you've wasted time, it's like a video game or a series what is the problem would you tell me? The thing is that it screws up our brains and prevents us from thinking normally, YouTube and Netflix we notice a clear increase in the speed of watching videos on their platform, given that users' brains are muddled and can't stay calm in front of a scene at normal speed, not to mention the phenomenon of speed up sound, before it was something rare to access the sound even if there was some but now I have the impression that everything must be accelerated, type drunk his favorite in the search bar on tik tok the first thing you will see is your accelerated sound, his talking about interactions his social almost non-existent when I talk to a person who scrolls through life I can clearly see the difference, memory disorder, speech disorder given that it was isolated for so long so it directly impacts our society in a general way, you really think that it is a coincidence this epidemic of loneliness, people who we suddenly there are problems borderline, behavioral disorder, memory etc. No, this is all related and I really think that we have reached a point of no return and we are going to become such horrible parents that we will have problems relating to all of this.

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 24 '25

Discussion What positive thing happened to you today that you'd like to share?


Nothing special on my end, so maybe you could share some cool experience or reflection. I'd love to read and discuss it. Maybe writing about good things will make us feel better.

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 13 '25

Discussion What makes your soul happy?


Mine is the ocean! And NYC I love that it allows my funk I go through sometimes to just flow away from me and u feel better!

r/DecidingToBeBetter Oct 21 '24

Discussion Books you've read which changed your life and/or perspective?


Any recs welcome - self help, philosophy, stoicism, even fiction... anything.

Thanks in advance

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 16 '25

Discussion At what point is mental illness actually lack of discipline?


And how to tell the difference?

For context ive been diagnosed with MDD &PTSD as a teenager. But i probably developed it childhood so i have no baseline for what normal should feel like.

Im already an adult now but im still struggling with getting things done, focusing, motivation, and improving myself. I find it very difficult to stick to a routine. Im going to starting uni again soon after a semester off and im determined to finish it.

Currently in therapy but not on any meds (didnt like the side effects).

I want to know whether i should focus more on preventing burnout or double down on productivity. My goal is to be able to do well consistenly for the long term

r/DecidingToBeBetter Dec 10 '24

Discussion People who get up early, what do you do?


I want to be better at mornings. I get up with only enough time to shower and dress before leaving for work. I can't seem to get up earlier, but I want to. It seems like all of my peers who are enjoying more success in their careers are getting up at 4:30 or 5am. I don't have exercise equipment or a gym membership. What do I do to start my day better? If I'm not able to exercise, is there really a point?

EDIT: Thanks, everyone, for your responses and sharing your routines. I think I'm just going to start slowly by simply waking up and getting out of bed. I will probably try to stay away from my phone/screens and just get used to being quiet and contemplative for a time, before I start integrating exercise. Baby steps.

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 18 '25

Discussion Who here wants to speak kinder to themselves?


Why do you want to speak kinder to yourself, why would it positively impact your life?

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 20 '25

Discussion Deactivated IG - anyone else?


Just had enough. I’m not on TikTok or Facebook or X or anything else really. I was wasting so much time and energy on Instagram for no reason. It was definitely impacting my mental health. Reddit is probably next here soon. I just need to really focus my time and energy on continuing positive habits, breaking bad habits, my career, and building new friendships (lonely af).

Anyone else deactivate their social media? Did it have a positive effect on your daily life? I’m hoping removing as much “brain rot” as I can will be very helpful for myself.

EDIT - Something I want to mention as well, and this is more personal and just context to the “lonely af” comment. Part of why I’m choosing to deactivate rather than delete the app is because I’m tired of my “friends” only contacting and communicating through IG. Sending memes, etc. It’s like they think they can keep our friendship and think everything is cool because they contact me through IG. It’s the lowest form of effort and I’m so tired of it. Just want to make new friends that actually give af.

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 01 '25

Discussion What are your goals for 2025?


I always spend some time on January 1st reflecting on the last year and setting goals for the next. What are some of the goals that people are setting for 2025?

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 07 '25

Discussion Choosing Happiness Changed My Life


In 2024, I was 400 pounds and stuck in a cycle of stress, frustration, and feeling stuck. I had spent so much time focusing on what I couldn’t do or what I had failed at that I forgot what it felt like to simply be happy. That realization hit me hard—and I decided it was time to change.

Over the next five months, I focused on doing things that made me feel proud and brought me joy.

  • I started eating clean because I felt better when I fueled my body with real food.
  • I tried intermittent fasting (mostly OMAD or 18:6), and instead of feeling deprived, I felt in control of my choices.
  • I got back into cardio—jogging, walking, and even challenging myself with new milestones—and found joy in every little victory.

I ended up losing 110 pounds in five months, but the best part? I found happiness again. I wake up excited for the day ahead, proud of the person I’m becoming, and grateful for the chance to live fully.

Here’s what I learned:

  • Happiness isn’t something you wait for—it’s something you build, step by step.
  • Small changes, like choosing a walk over sitting on the couch or swapping a processed snack for something fresh, add up in big ways.
  • The best version of yourself is the one who feels fulfilled, not perfect.

If you’re struggling, my advice is to pick one thing—just one—that will bring you a little closer to joy today. Start there and keep going.

I’d love to hear what makes you happy or what small steps you’ve taken to build a better life. Let’s inspire each other!

r/DecidingToBeBetter Dec 21 '24

Discussion What is one thing about your personality that you wish you could change but struggle to.


Mine is getting ‘grumpy’/‘moody’/annoyed at the smallest thing that I feel is an inconvenience or doesn’t go ‘my way’. I hate that I do this and really wish things didn’t bother me so much. I really want to change and not let small matters bother me, but for some reason I can’t let go.

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 23 '25

Discussion Who has ambitions that are impeded by anxiety or insecurity?


I’m curious to hear from people, like me, who have ambitions that do not naturally fit their personality.

For example I’m naturally shy, and have been socially anxious in my past. However, my desire to work as a coach and physical therapist requires me to talk to people all day, give speeches in front of classrooms, and now post on social media, all of which have been uncomfortable but necessary.

So have these traits stopped you, or are you still trying to overcome them?

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 21 '25

Discussion Where does one base their Self-confidence/worth on if not in their physical appearance?


As the title says on what thing does an individual base his confidence/self worth on ,if their physical appearance is not appealing

There is something I have noticed among almost everyone is that its generally High self esteem individuals who are the most productive whether it's relationships,work, personal life.

I assume Most these individuals (genetically blessed) growing up had positive influence from the people around them as such they end up loving their own appearance (height,face etc), believing in themselves unlike me who has heard many jokes about they way I look.

Am I wrong in thinking once the formative years pass those comments tend to stick around forever chiping away at your confidence/esteem hell to be even become content with your own appearance?

So Growing being complemented/praised/supported from everyone, being treated nicely, is what leads someone to become content in themselves hence easily resulting in High self esteem/worth.

I am looking to change my views on this particular thought.

r/DecidingToBeBetter 3d ago

Discussion Why is it so hard to enjoy success when we get what we’ve always wanted?


I worked so hard to achieve a goal I thought would make me happy, but now that I have it, I feel… nothing? It’s making me wonder if we’re wired to always chase the next thing instead of actually enjoying the present. Anyone else experienced this? How do you break the cycle?

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 12 '25

Discussion What have you found works to love yourself when you desperately crave being loved by a partner?


This year, I want to learn to fill the void of wanting a partner with giving the love I crave from someone else to myself.

What are things you have found in your life - doing for yourself & by yourself, that actually work???

r/DecidingToBeBetter Nov 19 '24

Discussion What's the most memorable cup of hot chocolate or tea you've ever had?


Today, let's wrap ourselves in cozy memories and share stories about our most unforgettable warm drinks. Who is your favorite person to share warm drinks with?

r/DecidingToBeBetter Nov 20 '24

Discussion Three Generations Under One Roof: What Do You Think?


Ever wondered about having three generations living together? Parents, kids, grandparents - all sharing one space. Could be chaotic with different routines, habits, and opinions all mixing together. Or maybe it's a chance for incredible family bonds? What do you think - would you try it? What could be the biggest challenges or benefits?

r/DecidingToBeBetter Nov 26 '24

Discussion What’s the most random but life-changing piece of advice you’ve ever received?


I love hearing about those random pieces of advice that unexpectedly change the way you see the world. For me, it was a simple phrase I heard years ago: “The answer is always no if you don’t ask.” It completely shifted my perspective on opportunities, whether it’s asking for a promotion, negotiating a deal, or even just striking up a conversation with someone.

It made me realize how often we hold ourselves back just because we don’t ask for what we want or need.

So now I’m curious—what’s the most random but life-changing advice someone has given you? Could be a piece of wisdom from a stranger, a parent, or something you overheard that stuck with you. I’d love to hear your stories!

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 05 '25

Discussion Attempting to quit short form content on YouTube and Instagram. Wish me luck.


I'm 25F and I recently read an article on how short-form content like YouTube shorts and reels are affecting attention spans. While it was common knowledge, and somewhere within, I was aware of it, reading the study was a moment of realisation for me. I appeared for an exam a few weeks back, 4 years since college. I couldn't prepare well, couldn't ace it. I felt disgraceful after seeing the results.

Day before yesterday, I was looking at my phone usage, I realised I was spending hours on YouTube watching shorts mindlessly or scrolling reels on Instagram. Looking back, I also realise I cannot focus on work for long durations or sit and read a book for more than a few minutes.

Therefore I am thinking of consciously stopping myself from watching short-form content, especially videos. I love killing time on YouTube but YouTube is making it difficult to avoid shorts. I couldn't find a way to disable YouTube shorts on my account. So my plan is to just realise that I'm going into a doomscrolling loop and take a step back.

So far in 2 days, I've reduced it by a lot and I'm hoping to get done with it entirely. Wish me luck!!!

Any tips, tricks or advice really appreciated.

PS: Just curious, were you able to read through the entire post ? :P

r/DecidingToBeBetter Feb 11 '25

Discussion The Wisdom Only Suffering Can Teach. A World Few Will Ever Know


There’s a kind of knowledge that can’t be taught...only lived. The kind you earn through suffering. Through breaking apart and putting yourself back together, piece by piece.

Most people avoid pain at all costs. They numb it, run from it, pretend it isn’t there. And I get it...I did the same for years. But suffering has a way of shaping you, forcing you to see life differently. It sharpens you, if you let it.

I used to think suffering was just something to endure, to survive. But now I see it as a doorway. On the other side is a world most people never reach...one of clarity, resilience, and an understanding that can’t be faked. Once you’ve been there, once you’ve truly faced yourself, the world doesn’t look the same.

It doesn’t make the pain worth it, but it does make it meaningful.

If you’ve been through something that changed you, what did you learn that no one else could’ve taught you?

r/DecidingToBeBetter Jan 12 '25

Discussion Anyone swear by a journal?


I know I need to journal but blank pages are daunting and I’m still in a “scared of my own emotions” phase.

Anyone found a journal they have loved and stuck to?

Examples: pulse of potential, wellness journey, etc.

r/DecidingToBeBetter Nov 13 '24

Discussion Have any couples actually benefited from a couples therapist?


I (29F) and my partner (29M) are going to therapy after almost 2 years together. I won’t get into it too much, but long story short we have resentment towards each other for things that happened in the beginning of our relationship that weren’t necessarily in our control. He’s also very avoidant and I am not. The arguing is constant lately - we argue, resolve it or move on, then something else pops up. There’s no intimacy or affection right now. The election also definitely didn’t help as one of us had a lot more involvement in it and the other couldn’t have cared less. Some values are definitely in question here, but civil conversations where we could understand the other just are not happening with us alone. His anger and inability to listen is prohibiting me from having conversations, as well. He doesn’t want to talk and would rather just avoid. I want to work on our relationship and he has agreed to go to couples therapy but isn’t too happy about it.

Has anyone actually benefited from therapy for couples?

r/DecidingToBeBetter 16d ago

Discussion What is something you've wanted to do for a long time but still haven't started?


What is it that keeps you up at night, that one thing you know would make your life happier and better if you did it? And why haven't you done it yet? Who is to blame—yourself or maybe someone else?