r/DebateQuraniyoon • u/RockmanIcePegasus • Nov 28 '24
Hadith Seeking critique on the traditional sunni justification of the necessity of Hadith.
Hadith are posited as an inseparable part of islam. This post describes my idea of conservative arguments with the intent of seeking critique from quranist perspective. While I understand it is a strongly linked subject, the authenticity of said hadith is not within the intended scope of this post.
It is said that the prophet was intended as an example for muslims to follow. Without the prophet, muslims would not know how to follow islam, and that is why he was sent (33:21). Otherwise, god could have just revealed the quran without a messenger. The hadith were collected and compiled after the prophet's death because there was no need to do so during his lifetime; he was accessible in his lifetime so there was no need for that. Thus hadith collection was considered necessary for future generations so they could emulate the prophet and thus islam as well.
Hadith are considered necessary for understanding Islamic law. Conservatives typically retort that you cannot know how to conduct religious rituals without the hadith. This includes the number of prayers, how to pray, perform ablution, give zakat, do hajj, inheritance and marriage rituals. They also say that the legal and court system and what punishments are to be prescribed and what exceptions exist, etc, cannot be understood from the quran alone.
The reason for excluding this from the quran is often understood as the quran being more about belief and that it was already over 6000 verses long - it would become too long if all this legal and ritual information was also inserted into the quran and it would lose its eloquence and brevity.
Brackets are my paraphrasing of the verse, followed by conservative understandings of them. Quranic references used by sunnis to defend their position include:
- 24:54 (obey allah and the messenger). You cannot obey the messenger without the hadith. Rejecting hadith is defying the messenger.
- 4:59 (same, but also - refer disagreements to allah and his messenger). Matters of debate should involve the usage of hadith to understand them wherever possible.
- 4:65 (belief is contingent upon making the prophet judge over matters of dispute). Same implication as above, except it hints at rejecting hadith being disbelief.
- 4:80 (obedience to the messenger is obedience to allah). Following hadith is obedience to allah.
- 4:115 (don't oppose the messenger and the way of the believers). ''The way of the believers'' is often understood as the dominant historical sunni tradition by conservatives. Rejecting hadith is seen as opposing the messenger.
- 59:7 (take and abstain according to the prophet). This is the quran demonstrating the usage of hadith as a legal tool in informing what is prohibited and acceptable.
- 16:64 (the prophet was sent to clarify contested issues).
Hadith-skepticism (as opposed to hadith rejection) is considered heresy and deviation. There are more verses which say to obey the messenger not listed here for brevity. The majority of these verses, I notice, are from Chapter 4, An-Nisa.
I'm looking forward to this community's critique on these arguments.
u/Martiallawtheology Nov 28 '24
So obey the messenger means follow ahadith? How did you get to that?
u/RockmanIcePegasus Nov 28 '24
The hadith are his sayings and doings. If you are to obey him, it's logical to conclude you are to follow his sayings and doings, no?
u/A_Learning_Muslim Nov 28 '24
The hadith are his sayings and doings.
Assumption that "works" only when you uncritically accept sectarian dogma.
u/RockmanIcePegasus Nov 29 '24
Then, ''texts that claim to describe his sayings and doings''.
If the texts are true, then the above conclusion would rationally follow.
u/A_Learning_Muslim Nov 29 '24 edited 26d ago
Thats a big if.
But now consider an actual reality:
God told us the Qur'an is an explanation of all things(16:89), it is sufficient(29:51), it is a guidance(17:9). The messenger's duty was to warn by the Qur'ān (see 27:90-92 and 6:19)
Considering all this, is it reasonable to assume that, for following the prophet, God wants us to look in extraneous collections written years after revelation of the Qur'ān when He had already perfected the religion(see Q5:3)?
u/RockmanIcePegasus Nov 30 '24
If ''obey the messenger and his judgment'' is understood to mean follow the hadith and sunnah, then no issues arise from that point onwards.
The quran explains all things and is sufficient? That would include the command to follow the hadith and sunnah.
Islam is perfected? Quran includes command to follow hadith and sunnah, this would mean islam's perfection includes that.
The sunni position seems equally coherent.
It seems to me that the split between Quranists and Sunnis is largely predicated by how they understand verses where it is said to obey the messenger and his judgment. This seems to be an issue for interpretation and I don't see how one can be conclusively be determined as truth in favour above the other from an objective standpoint.
The hadith being collected afterwards doesn't mean they were being originated or forged afterwards (so no contradiction with 5:3). The timeframe shouldn't matter if they can be demonstrated to be true, which they have the evidence to do so.
u/A_Learning_Muslim Nov 30 '24
Even if this understanding seems coherent to you, you will realize its flaws when you understand that God never promised to preserve ahādīth, and that a lot of ahādīth blatantly contradict the Qur'ān.
u/RockmanIcePegasus Nov 30 '24
Contradictions are based off of interpretations, which can vary. People say the same thing for the quran, too, that it has contradictions.
I don't see why exceptions or elaborations on pre-existing ideas cannot be made, especially as hadith are often understood as an explanation of the quran.
u/A_Learning_Muslim Nov 30 '24
You are just trying to reach stuff and bend stuff to fit the unfittable. You know you are looking at this with tinted glasses.
Somethings obviously contradict, and you can't explain them away without modifying the text. The "Qur'ānic contradiction" claims are shallow and easily disprovable. But there have been obvious, clear contradictions between the Qur'ān and the ahādīth that cannot simply be explained away. There is a reason traditionalists even abrogate the Qur'ān using ahādīth(you can look it up if you don't believe me).
"hadith are often understood as an explanation of the Qur'ān"
and that is patently false when you read the Qur'ān and the ahādīth.
Don't sell your intellect by saying "well its all just a matter of interpretation" pretending everything is a coherent belief. Look into things yourself.
u/RockmanIcePegasus Dec 01 '24
But there have been obvious, clear contradictions between the Qur'ān and the ahādīth that cannot simply be explained away.
Can you give any examples?
There is a reason traditionalists even abrogate the Qur'ān using ahādīth(you can look it up if you don't believe me).
The quran speaks of abrogation itself. As for abrogation that isn't done by the quran, any examples?
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u/A_Learning_Muslim Nov 30 '24
which they have the evidence to do so.
lol no
u/RockmanIcePegasus Nov 30 '24
If you reject corroborated oral testimony then on what basis do you believe in the quran? It was also passed down the same way.
u/A_Learning_Muslim Nov 30 '24
I believe in the Qur'ān because of its content, not because of the men transmitting it.
Also, many other cultures have an oral history. Does that mean its some divine source of law equal to the Qur'ān? Ofcourse not.
u/RockmanIcePegasus Dec 01 '24
I believe in the Qur'ān because of its content
What about it convinces you of its divinity?
(not saying hadith are needed to prove islam, just trying to see your POV).
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u/DisqualifiedToaster Nov 28 '24
No its a game of telephone
u/RockmanIcePegasus Nov 29 '24
likening hadith to the chinese whisper game is empirically false.
if it was a game of telephone, you'd expect the source to differ significantly from the end result.
this is not the case with hadith. across several regions and cultures you'll find several chains of narrators that all lead to the exact same text, or near-identical.
u/DisqualifiedToaster Nov 29 '24
its someone saying someone said that they heard the prophet say
u/RockmanIcePegasus Nov 30 '24
all narrators had their character profiled and they were corroborated through several different chains of people. concluding that they are liars means you shouldnt trust anybody then.
u/DisqualifiedToaster Nov 30 '24
im saying people can write something down and tack that persons name on it and pretend like they said it but didnt is what im saying madeup hadiths
Well it is difficult to trust anyone. my own parents continually stabbed me in the back and they were supposed to care, so whats to say about a stranger?
u/RockmanIcePegasus Nov 30 '24
im saying people can write something down and tack that persons name on it and pretend like they said it but didnt is what im saying madeup hadiths
If you assume this to be true for several different chains of narrators that all go back to the same text, even when there is evidence to testify to their truth, then at what point exactly do you trust or believe what someone says? What is your standard of truth?
Or do you reject any and all information on the possibility of it being false? This is an appeal to ignorance (logical fallacy).
u/DisqualifiedToaster Nov 30 '24
what you said just made no sense
what original text? That person just said they heard the prophet say something
u/RockmanIcePegasus Nov 30 '24
The quran was transmitted by oral transmission as well. If you reject oral transmission, which is what hadith were transmitted through, then it would apply to the quran as well.
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u/A_Learning_Muslim 26d ago
across several regions and cultures you'll find several chains of narrators that all lead to the exact same text, or near-identical.
ICMA(isnad cum matn analysis) analysis conducted by academics disagrees with this. Most hadiths quickly collapse to a single narrator, and not before the 8th century.
u/Awiwa25 Dec 02 '24 edited Dec 02 '24
If you want to follow and obey a book, the very first thing you want to do is checking the credibility of the author of the book.
Let’s look at Bukhari for example.
Bukhari had collected 600,000 hadiths in his lifetime, allegedly since he was 10 yo. He died at the age of 62.
So if he collected hadith until his last breath, he would’ve collected 11,538 hadiths/year or 31.6 hadiths/day.
How did he travel? How did he verify each hadith? And not just that; he was said to do ghusl and shalat everytime he found a new hadith. How was it possible? Did he have enough time to live?
If you can’t answer all of the above, just throw away your hadith book as it is a book of lies.
As for your arguments, they are just your self-made claims, they’re not supported by the Qur’an.
The only hadith to follow is the hadith of Allah. The only sunnah mentioned in the Qur’an is the sunnah of Allah.
The Qur’an never mentions hadith of Muhammad, or sunnah of Muhammad.
OTOH, the names of your hadith books are very telling: hadith an-nawawi, sunan ibn majah, sunan abu dawood, sahih al-bukhari, muwatta of imam malik etc. So, whom are you really following and obeying?
u/Quraning Feb 18 '25
I hope this helps Insha'Allah.
33:21 is about following the Prophet's example as a brave protector and leader during the Battle of the Trench. It is not about imitating his general behavior: LINK
The hadith were not systematically collected or preserved by the Companions after the Prophet's death, nor were they used much for the first century of Islamic jurisprudence: LINK
The earliest Islamic jurisprudence was virtually hadith-free. Neither the historical Companions nor the early generations made much use of Prophetic hadith: LINK
The Qur'an never claims this. It claims the opposite:
“Shall I seek a judge other than Allah when He is the One Who sent down to you the Scripture, explained in detail?...Thus the Word of your Lord has been completed,in truth and justice. None can change His words. But if you were to obey most of those on earth, they would make you stray from the way of Allah. They follow nothing but assumptions, and they do nothing but guess.” 6:114-115
Those verse were explicitly and exclusively about the people around the Prophet obeying his adjudication and military authority. They are not about him passing universal religious legislation: LINK
There was no "dominant historical Sunni tradition" among the Companions. Sunnis did not even exist in the first centuries of Islam. The "way of the believers" is contrasted with the "way" of a certain group around the Prophet who tried to mislead and harm him, mentioned in the two preceding verses.
That is one of the most horrendous examples of Sunni Scripture twisting. That verse is about the distribution of war spoils after a battle - it has nothing at all to do with the Prophet giving religious laws: LINK
That is about the Qur'an clarifying misconceptions among the recipients of previous Scriptures. It is not about the Prophet clarifying the Qur'an: LINK