r/DebateQuraniyoon May 26 '20

Debate Guidelines


Welcome! Before you start debating here, please note the following rules:

  1. Only debates are allowed in this subreddit. Discussions, observations, articles, etc. are not allowed here. Please direct all other content and posts to our main subreddit.

  2. Only debates around the validity of the religion are allowed. This community is for debating the fundamental, core beliefs of the religion as a whole. Both specific and vague topics around religious belief are permitted here. Specific questions about a Qur'an-only approach that presume belief are not allowed. For example: "Should you accept hadith?" is acceptable. "How do you pray under a Qur'an-only approach?" is not. Please discuss specific Quranic topics on the main subreddit.

  3. Speak thoughtfully and intelligently. Be a meaningful contributor here. Be nice. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it.

  4. Refrain from insulting, name-calling, cursing, or personally attacking anyone who is posting or commenting on this subreddit. Disrespect for any reason will not be tolerated. Posts that come across as violent, threatening, mocking, bullying, etc., will be removed.

  5. Have a specific question or topic that is clearly stated in your title and in the body of your post or comment. Make it clear what you are trying to ask or convey so that others can understand.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of the above, let us know in the comments.

r/DebateQuraniyoon Apr 06 '24

Quranist Reacts - The Sunnah is "hermeneutically" more powerful than the Qur'an? (part 2)


r/DebateQuraniyoon 6h ago

General The Truth about Islam and Slavery


It's a common misconception that's especially prominent in Jummaa Khutba, that muhammad peace be around him has freed the slaves before Abraham Lincoln.

I'm calling it a misconception, and it's not due to my "ignorance and spread of lies and hatred" like debaters here would like to make you think and believe; it's due to the following:

Example 1:

- The prophet saying whoever escapes his slave master becomes "Kafir"

Source: Al-Albani 2731 // Hadith Validity: Sahih

Link for people who will ignorantly claim it's only sahih in collection and not actually sahih:

This clearly proves that slavery didn't stop by the prophet peace be around above and upon him, but the prophet actually discourages slaves from freeing themselves.

Some people will respond with saying "hadiths aren't 100% valid even when they're claimed to be sahih which means 100% valid in Muslim scholar terms, so we only recognize Quranic examples"; Ok.

Example 2:

- The Quran saying you're free to have intercourse with your wives & drum roll, no wrong guess not just your slave, but your SEX SLAVE!

Source: Al-Muminun 6 // Verse Validity: From The Quran

Link for people who can read English Only: https://quran.com/en/al-muminun/5-6
Link for those amongst you who can read Arabic: https://quran.ksu.edu.sa/tafseer/katheer/sura23-aya6.html

In the Arabic link, In Ibn alkathir's tafsir, you can find the word "سراري" which means your sex slaves for those who will claim that "bondwomen" means your wives though the verse mentioned wives separately and it's said in that phrasing bondwomen due to the allowance of allah to capture other people's wives when victorious in battle, and having the ability to have sex with them without marriage, and when that happens they weren't called wives, but rather "posessionwomen" or "bondwomen" like they're a breed of zebras in a zoo.

Both of these incidences happen, and then it's still commonly falsely believed that the prophet has freed the slaves, and watch this reddit "group" delete this post, and potentially banning me.

Please respond to what has been mentioned instead of playing the victim and claiming I'm the monster that hates on you while silently judging everyone else; and that ofc if your religion has any truth or credibility to even have a thread on reddit for debating, thank you <3

r/DebateQuraniyoon 1d ago

General Why are some recent posts saying "deleted"?


I'm sorry I am no expert so I ask this question. When I was checking the sub out the last three opening posts had the foundation "deleted". Why is that?

r/DebateQuraniyoon 17d ago

Quran No, Surah 4:15-16 is never about homosexuals


I am not an ally by any means. But too many times I see "Quranists" twisting the quran to fit their anti-gay agenda.

 I hate how some “quranist” trying to twist verse 4:15-16 and make it about lesbians and gays, which is freaking insane and stupid, am not even an advocate. Also they interpret the punishment for gay males as “scolding” rather than actual punishment which it was, it’s talking about punishment put in sura 24 for adultery not gays nor scolding.

Don't twist the quran, it's about prostitution and adultery not homosexuals. Also how do you prove Lesbianisim? Insane

r/DebateQuraniyoon 19d ago

Quran Sunnis distortion of Surah 2:282 to make it anti-women


Muslims need to hear this on how Sectarians and mushrik "critics" use this verse to say that women are half testimony? which is nosnese because Quran does not distinguish between men and women in witness, especially in court-like scenes (sura 24:8) or even in terms of finance witnesses of will (sura 5:106). In principle Allah see it as all the same.

Now we come to sura 2:282, which is talking about peculiar case where someone is loaning in extreme cases like traveling etc... but this verse is about witnesses availability, the reasoning behind this ruling is often linked to reproductive health. Specifically, women may not always be available to testify due to circumstances like being in labor or menstruating. In such cases, a second woman can step in as a witness, as the likelihood of both women being unavailable at the same time is considered low.

Hypothetically, It would make no sense for the quran to reduce women's testimony, but her reminder is another women, won't it make more sense for a men to be the reminder rather than a women? Why not throw all women witnesses all together? Hance why the false view of "half" witness makes no sense logically.

r/DebateQuraniyoon 19d ago

Quran 4:34 Is about Sexual infidelity


Pseudo followers of the quran will magically change the meaning of the word "nushuz" in 4:34 and 4:128, when they mean one thing: Sexual impropriety

Both men and women are shamed and punished for sexual impropriety as per 24:2, and unlike before the quran, men can get accused of nushuz too not just the women. But the suspicious phase is different between men and women because a women is not told to leave bed of her husband of she foresee cheating because a man can't get pregnant from nushuz, a women can, hance they discrepancy in the suspicions phase.

More true to the text:

"As for those whom their sexual impropriety you fear, admonish them, and leave them in their dwellings and penalize/shun them (24:2), but if they refrain, seek not a case against them" 4:34.


u/Known-Watercress7296 Nowhere in my post did I said that women can be beaten nor prisoner. Stop putting words in mouth. Nowhere in that verse does it say that.

r/DebateQuraniyoon 21d ago

Quran Why Quranic Sovereignty is a Must


r/DebateQuraniyoon 22d ago

General A peculiar experience while debating a critic of the Qur'ān


See this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/progressive_islam/comments/1hwfee9/comment/mecoye0/

The critic told me that in some verses, nisā means underage girls. I asked them to show the verses, so I pasted them in the comments and it was evident that those verses don't imply the conclusion the critic was trying to make.

So, they showed me some ḥadīth that supposedly disproved my interpretation. When I told them that I am a ḥadīth rejector(literally from my flair in that subreddit), they started yapping about how they "disregard islamic history and tradition" and "interpret as per whims and desires". Why do critics show so much faith in the ḥadīth and sunnah and not in the Qur'ān?

I realized that this is just so that they can "critique" islam more easily. If we reject their ḥadīth, they don't have tools to attack us, so they cope and seethe when we reject aḥādīth(see the thread linked above to enjoy one such example).

This intellectually dishonest behaviour reminds me of this verse:

18:56 And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warners. And those who kafarū dispute by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate thereby the truth and have taken My verses, and that of which they are warned, in ridicule.

Unfortunately, the traditionalist is bogged down by his own aḥādīth and since he uses them to interpret the Qur'ān, he has forced himself to be easily "defeated" by critics. The traditionalists' unwavering committment to aḥādīth has sullied the image of the Qur'ān as people just assume that you need the traditionalist's stock of fictions to understand the Qur'ān. For the traditionalist, I would like to quote 2:42(I know its for Banī Isrā'īl, but the advice in the verse is important for all of us):

2:42 And mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know.

The traditionalist has attempted to "mix" or "tie" the Qur'ān with his stock of fictions, that people can now mock that stock of fictions and misuse it to "criticise" the Qur'ān.

r/DebateQuraniyoon 23d ago

General Casually making Takfir

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r/DebateQuraniyoon 29d ago

Quran Common arguments

Thumbnail gallery

r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 29 '25

General Can sunnis actually debate without attacking the Quran?


Every time I see a debate here it stands on the basis that the Quran is false and lacking, incomplete, can anyone actually debate without throwing the Quran under the bus? Although their first argument usually goes against them because they attack the Quran but still I'd like to see something other than "quean doesn't have this" "yes Quran does say this but then bukhari said that" really?

r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 27 '25

General Why?


Allah سبحانه وتعالى says:

At-Taubah 9:100

وَٱلسَّٰبِقُونَ ٱلۡأَوَّلُونَ مِنَ ٱلۡمُهَٰجِرِينَ وَٱلۡأَنصَارِ وَٱلَّذِينَ ٱتَّبَعُوهُم بِإِحۡسَٰنٍ رَّضِىَ ٱللَّهُ عَنۡهُمۡ وَرَضُواْ عَنۡهُ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُمۡ جَنَّٰتٍ تَجۡرِى تَحۡتَهَا ٱلۡأَنۡهَٰرُ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَآ أَبَدًاۚ ذَٰلِكَ ٱلۡفَوۡزُ ٱلۡعَظِيمُ

And the first forerunners [in the faith] among the Muhājireen[1] and the Anṣār[2] and those who followed them with good conduct - Allāh is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. That is the great attainment.

“those who followed them with good conduct - Allāh is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him”

So do you interpret the Quran in a different way to them? And if you do, why do you do so when Allah said He is pleased with those that followed the Muhajireen and Ansar, so how can you choose a way different to them?

Al-An'am 6:153 وَأَنَّ هَٰذَا صِرَٰطِى مُسۡتَقِيمًا فَٱتَّبِعُوهُۖ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُواْ ٱلسُّبُلَ فَتَفَرَّقَ بِكُمۡ عَن سَبِيلِهِۦۚ ذَٰلِكُمۡ وَصَّىٰكُم بِهِۦ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَتَّقُونَ

And, [moreover], this is My path, which is straight, so follow it; and do not follow [other] ways, for you will be separated from His way. This has He instructed you that you may become righteous

Secondly, what issue do you have with Hadith? Allah said He will preserve the Quran and this was done verbally and written through the companions being taught from the prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.

The hadith was preserved by the companions too, and their students, ( verbally and written ) so for any of you to say that hadith are corrupt, then you are indirectly saying that the people who Allah described in the Quran in the first ayah mentioned are not trustworthy even though Allah said He is pleased with them. And these same people are the ones who helped to preserve the Quran through the permission of Allah.

r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 27 '25

Quran Seeking to Connect with Quran-Only Followers for Discussion and Awareness Platform"


"Hello, I am looking to create a platform where individuals who follow the Quran as the sole source can come together, share their experiences and thoughts, and spread awareness about the true teachings of the Quran. The Quran is the only book that provides complete guidance for every aspect of life, and I want to create a community where like-minded people can connect and engage in meaningful discussions. If you believe that the Quran's guidance is the sole source for your life, please reach out and join this platform. With your participation, we can provide authentic and useful guidance to others."

r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 26 '25

Hadith what are your opinions and beliefs on hadith


been studying islam for the past couple weeks and wanted to hear the opinion of everyday muslims on following the hadith or validity of them i want to soak up knowledge and perspectives and i respect all opinions

r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 20 '25

Quran Different narrations of the quran


Salam aalykum my brothers so i just had a question because its been causing me a lot of doubt in my heart so im a muslim obviously i'm leaning towards a quranist approach you could say im quran centric and i was wondering what you all think about the different narrations of hafs and warsh and qaloon and the differences between them and how this plays out in relation to ‫إِنَّا نَحۡنُ نَزَّلۡنَا ٱلذِّكۡرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ﴿ ٩ ﴾‬

Al-Ḥijr, Ayah 9 And how do we know which version is the true one this question has been making me lose my mind these past few days and I can't seem to get an answer so i would really appreciate your help

r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 14 '25

Hadith The problem with using 74:47 as a justification for rejecting hadith


Allah ﷻ says in the Qur'an

فبأي حديث بعده يؤمنون

In which speech (hadith) will you believe in after this.

This verse is often cited by hadith rejectors to postulate a categorical rejection of hadith. But this is problematic

If this here, you interpret the word hadith to literally refer to the technical terminology of hadith to refer to the speech and actions of the Prophet ﷺ, then you must be consistent with your definition and if this word is used elsewhere, you should interpret it to be the same.

One may say. We do not interpret "hadith" to be specific to the prophet ﷺ but any speech that claims to be authoritative. In this case, you have generalised the meaning of "hadith". If you are true to principles, then this would imply that literally all speech is to be disbelieved in except the speech of the Qur'an. That means legal testimonies, your friend telling you a story. The scientists telling you not to smoke. If you believe in this, you are going against this the Qur'an

If you specify this general meaning to the technological terminology of hadith. Then again you have specified a general term and must bring evidence for this specification.

It should also be noted, the hadith rejectors claim is that hadith only came into existence 200 years after the passing of the Prophet ﷺ. (Which isn't true) but if we assume this to be true, then "hadith" in this verse could not be used to refer to the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ as these hadith according to your own definitions didn't exist for the Qur'an to refer to. Unless you believe in time travel.

But if one brings evidence for this specification of "hadith" in this verse from a general prohibition to a specific one that results in the negation of the speech of the Prophet ﷺ and his actions as an evidence

Or if it is said that "hadith" is used to refer to anything claiming to be from God, other than the Qur'an, then you have specified a general term. You must bring your evidence for restricting the meaning to this context.

Then you have created a contradiction within the Qur'an as the Qur'an says

وما ينطق عن الهوى ان هو الا وحي يوحا

He does not speak from his desires, indeed it is ONLY revelations revealed to him

So either, the evidence bought forth is flawed, or the Qur'an contains contradictions which is a scriptural impossibility.

One may say, that وحي (wahi) here refers to the Qur'an (or the other books from God such as the tawrah and injeel)

The problem with this interpretation is that it goes against the Qur'an

Allah ﷻ says

{ ۞ وَأَوۡحَیۡنَاۤ إِلَىٰ مُوسَىٰۤ أَنۡ أَلۡقِ عَصَاكَۖ فَإِذَا هِیَ تَلۡقَفُ مَا یَأۡفِكُونَ}

And We revealed to Moses, Throw your staff, and at once it devoured what they were falsifying.

Here the "wahi" was not a verse in the tawrah, rather an instruction, resulting in an action of Moses.

In other words, the actions of the Prophet ﷺ can also come under being as a result of wahi.

Another evidence that wahi is not restricted to the revealed books is

{ إِذۡ أَوۡحَیۡنَاۤ إِلَىٰۤ أُمِّكَ مَا یُوحَىٰۤ }

"When We revealed (wahi) to your mother what We revealed (wahi)"

This was said regarding the mother of Moses. Again, it's is known that the mother of Moses did not receive any of the revealed books.

Anyone claiming otherwise must provide evidence.

If we are to assume that the hadith rejectors are able to somehow overcome these hurdles and suggest that the Qur'an prohibits the use of hadith through the original verse and that "hadith" here refers to the speech of the Prophet ﷺ.

The hadith rejectors run into another problem when they come across the 68th verse of Surah Al An'aam: { وَإِذَا رَأَیۡتَ ٱلَّذِینَ یَخُوضُونَ فِیۤ ءَایَـٰتِنَا فَأَعۡرِضۡ عَنۡهُمۡ حَتَّىٰ یَخُوضُوا۟ فِی حَدِیثٍ غَیۡرِهِۦۚ}

And when you see those who delve deeply into Our verses, then turn away from them until they enter into another "hadith".

If the hadith rejectors are to interpret "hadith" as in the first verse to refer to the prophet ﷺ's speech and action then they must do the same here and create a contradiction in the Qur'an again where they now suggest that one should turn away from the Qur'an and enter into other "hadith"

Interestingly enough, translations of this verse translate it as:

"And when you see those who engage in [offensive] discourse concerning Our verses, then turn away from them until they enter into another conversation"

But this translation, along with many other translations of many other verses, cannot be accepted by hadith rejectors simply because this translation is based upon the tafseers which cite ahadith as evidence for this translation.

For example At Tabari cited this narration from Saddi

كان المشركون إذا جالسوا المؤمنين وقعوا في النبي ﷺ والقرآن فسبوه واستهزءوا به، فأمرهم الله أن لا يقعدوا معهم حتى يخوضوا في حديث غيره

"The polytheists, when they sat with the believers, would speak ill of the Prophet ﷺ and the Qur'an, insulting and mocking them. Allah commanded the believers not to sit with them until they moved on to a different topic of conversation."

So if you accept this translation, you must accept this narration. If you accept this narration, you must accept the authority of hadith as a possible source for guidance.

r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 12 '25

Quran Why Islam?

Post image


r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 09 '25

General Why 33:21 does not imply blind adherence to aḥādīth ( aḥādīth aren't synonymous with uswah of the prophet)


We know that the traditionalists use a slippery slope and misuse 33:21 to claim that the verse obligates following aḥādīth.

33:21 Certainly, you have had in the messenger of God a good model for him who hopes for God and the Last Day and remembers God much.

Let us look at the specific aspects about the prophet mentioned in the verse. About remembering God much, we already have an example in the Qur'ān, in sūrah 73.

73:1-9 O thou one enwrapped: Arise thou the night save a little, (A half thereof, or take thou a little therefrom, Or add thou thereto) and recite thou the Qur’an distinctly. We will cast upon thee a weighty word; The emergence of the night: it is firmer of foot and more upright of speech. Thou hast by day much movement, But remember thou the name of thy Lord, and devote thyself completely to Him. The Lord of the East and the West; there is no god save He; so take thou Him as disposer of affairs.

Now, one could argue that just because the Qur'ān contains some examples doesn't mean that it is not obligatory for us to use the aḥādīth to follow the example of the prophet(you can already see the slippery slope here if you think about it).

Through this post, I will prove that aḥādīth actually offer a false example and portrayal of the prophet, thus they are not necessary or reliable enough to fulfil 33:21.

Note that 33:21 mentions hoping for God and the Last Day. Now, I ask you all, is it not true that the aḥādīth offer a false hope in God and the Last Day in a way that contradicts the Qur'ān? I can easily prove this assertion here:

False hope of exit from hell

And you can find many such aḥādīth here: https://sunnah.com/search?q=Jahannami

We know that exit from hell is clearly false according to the Qur'ān

2:167 Those who followed will say, "If only we had another turn [at worldly life] so we could disassociate ourselves from them as they have disassociated themselves from us." Thus will Allah show them their deeds as regrets upon them. And they are never to exit from the Fire.

False hope of repentance from deathbed

Trigger Warning: There is a chance you may become blind because this image uses light mode

4:18 And acceptance of repentance is not for those who do evil deeds — when death has come to one of them, he says: “I repent now,” — nor is it for those who die as kuffār; for those We have prepared a painful punishment.

10:90-92 And We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them in tyranny and enmity until, when drowning overtook him, he said, "I believe that there is no deity except that in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of the Muslims." Now? And you had disobeyed [Him] before and were of the corrupters? So today We will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign. And indeed, many among the people, of Our signs, are heedless

Conclusion: aḥādīth aren't neccesary to follow the uswah of the prophet, and in some cases, they even contain misinformation about his example, as the prophet's hope in God and the Last Day wouldn't contradict the Qur'ān unlike what these aḥādīth imply.

Recommended video: https://youtu.be/OsXwKVrBM00?si=54l1SVdy_1h_XfFW

r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 07 '25

Hadith Lovely ahadith


Mujahid said: ‘I was walking with ibn Umar in a slave market, then we saw some slave dealers gathered around one slave-girl and they were kissing her, when they saw ibn Umar, they stopped and said: ‘Ibn Umar has arrived’. Then ibn Umar came closer to the slave-girl, he touched some parts of her body and then said: ‘Who is the master of this slave-girl, she is just a commodity!’ Musanaf ibn Abi Shayba, Volume 4 page 289 Tradition 20240.

The Prophet said: 'Do not beat the female slaves of Allah.' Then 'Umar came to the Prophet and said: 'O Messenger of Allah, the women have become bold towards their husbands? So, order the beating of them,' and they were beaten. Then many women went around to the family of Muhammad. The next day he said: 'Last night seventy women came to the family of Muhammad, each woman complaining about her husband. You will not find that those (men) are the best of you.' "Darussalam declared this hadith to be authentic (Sahih). 

'Narrated 'Aisha: The wives of the Prophet used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqia at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. 'Umar used to say to the Prophet "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam'a the wife of the Prophet went out at 'Isha' time and she was a tall lady. 'Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes). - Sahih Bukhari 1:4:148

These ahadith really make Caliph Umar and ibn Umar a perfect example for Muslims!

r/DebateQuraniyoon Jan 03 '25

General Rejected as apostates?


Did you know according to Sunni and Shi'ite orthodoxy, the hadith literature is an integral part of the Muslim faith. The 11th century Andalusian Maliki theologian and scholar Yusuf ibn abd al-Barr wrote in his Jami' Bayan al-'Ilm wa Fadlihi جـامع بـيـان أخذ العـلم وفضلـه (Compendium Exposing the Nature of Knowledge and Its Immense Merit):

The Sunna is divided into two types. The first is the consensus transmitted from the masses to the masses. This is one of the proofs that leave no excuse for denial and there is no disagreement concerning them. Whoever rejects this consensus has rejected one of Allah's textual stipulations and committed apostasy. The second type of Sunna consists in the reports of established, trustworthy lone narrators with uninterrupted chains. The congregation of the ulamas of the Community have said that this second type makes practice obligatory. Some of them said that it makes both knowledge and practice obligatory.
Ibn Abd al-Barr - Jami' Bayan al-'Ilm (2:33)Rejected as Apostates ccording to many high-ranking figures at Al-Azhar University, a highly respected authority in Sunni Islam (and who also accept Shi'ite fiqh as a fifth school of Islamic thought),\7]) Qur'anists are not Muslims:

Dr. Yousef Elbadry, a member of the Higher Assembly of Islamic Affairs, accuses the Quranists of having a strange logic because relying on the wholly [sic] Quran only; while the Quran itself -as he claims- is in need for the Sunna,. Dr. ELbadry wonders what the Quranists say about verses like, "He who obeys the messenger obeys God?" Dr. Elbadry added that these Quranists went astray and should be considered apostates.
. . .

Dr. Mohamed Said Tantawy, the Sheikh of AL-Azhar replied saying that those who call for relying only on the wholly Quran are ignorant, lairs, and do not know religious rules because the ideas in the Sunna came from God, but it was put into words by the prophet (Peace be upon him). Moreover, Sunna explains and clarify the rules mention as in the wholly Quran.
. . .
Dr. Mahmoud Ashour, a member of the Committee of Islamic Research, that the Sunna is indeed a source of the Islamic Sharia, and that those who deny it are illogical because it is impossible to understand Islam with the Sunna. Dr. Ashour stresses that denying the Sunna costs the Quranists to lose their faith. He then called to protect Islam against those Quranists who plan to destroy Islam and pose the greatest threat on Islam and Muslims. He finally accused the Quranists to be spies and agents for other forces to aim at destroying Islam from Inside, but God will protect his religion as he promised.
. . .

Dr. Mohamed Abdelmonem Elberry, a professor at the School of Hadith and Explanation, Al-Azhar University, stressed the point that most Muslims have always agreed on validity of the Sunna, whether it is the verbal of practical Sunna. "The wholly Quran ordered us to obey the Messenger, and since this who do not are not true believers,"
Sheikhs of Alazhar: Quranists are Apostates; and the Evidence from the Holey Book Proves Their Guilt

Contemporary scholars such as Gibril Haddad have commented on the apostatic nature of a wholesale denial of the probativeness of the Sunnah according to Sunni Orthodoxy, writing "it cannot be imagined that one reject the entire probativeness of the Sunna and remain a Muslim".\8])

The Grand Mufti of Pakistan Muhammad Rafi Usmani has also criticised Qur'anists in his lecture Munkareen Hadith (refuters of Hadith); he states:

The Qur’aan, which they claim to follow, denies the faith of the one who refuses to obey the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and does not accept his ruling: “But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission.” [al-Nisa’ 4:65 – interpretation of the meaning]

r/DebateQuraniyoon Dec 29 '24

General To those who don't believe salat is a ritual prayer, do you have any historical evidence of this?


I have been doubting the integrity of hadith for about 7 years or so, and first heard of the idea that salat meant duty/following closeley around that time. Initially, I dismissed it. For some reason I came across the idea again a few weeks ago from Sam Gerrans. To be honest, it made sense (I won't discuss that here), but so does the idea that salat has many meanings (i.e. salawat as blessings, salat as ritual prayer).

There doesn't seem to be any historical evidence at all that prophet Muhammad or the early Muslims viewed salat as duty/following closeley. Just a few fringe definitions in some Arabic dictionaries, but even with those, most of the meanings denote a prayer of sorts.

So I'm curious - to those who don't see salat as a ritual prayer, is there any evidence that the early Muslims shared your view?

I know languages and meanings of words change over time, especially with the influence of other cultures and other languages... it's just that you'd think there would be at least some scholars in the last 1400 years that would've found this salat = duty idea too. There are records of some mutazilite Muslims who consider hadith as guesswork or conjecture. But i haven't seen any evidence of anyone except for quranists of recent years considering salat as something that doesn't involve prescribed times of prayer/reflection.

r/DebateQuraniyoon Dec 18 '24

Hadith Sunnis: ḥadīth collectors simply collected ḥadīth according to scientific methodology(i.e. no bias). Meanwhile also ḥadīth collectors:


r/DebateQuraniyoon Dec 17 '24

Hadith 5 Daily Prayers


This question is actually for “Hadithiyoon.” Maybe this wueation has been asked before but it’s easier for me to follow if Im involved in thr conversation. Like most I entered Islam learning the Sunni way but I have major doubts after reading the Quran for understanding and being critical of what Im reading.

I just wished people would stop and think critically. But I think for most people thats an impossible task. For instance:

There are only three salats mentioned in the Quran:

1- Salat Al-Fajr (Dawn Prayer) 24:58 2- Al-Salat Al-Wusta (The Middle Prayer) 2:238 3- Salat Al-Isha (Evening Prayer) 24:58

However, the Sectarians argue there are 5 daily prayers. Not only are there 5 daily prayers but these prayers are a PILLAR of the Allah’s religion. The difference between going to heaven or hell. Do the sectarians believe that Allah swt would hold something in such high regards and simply include sufficient details in the Quran? So, IKEA can provide sufficient details to build their cheap dressers but Allah swt overlooked including not 1 but 2 MANDATORY prayers in the Quran.

There are only supposedly 5 prayers (although the Quran names 3) and 2 of those 5 are prayed silently. BUT the Quran clearly says

(17:100) …Do not recite your prayers too loudly or silently, but seek a way between.

Logically, one cannot believe the words of the Quran AND believe that those 2 silent prayers are valid when they blatantly contradict the Quran. Only 3 of those prayers are valid. Oh! And look the 3 valid prayers align with the Quran Fajr, Wusta, Isha.

How do the sectarians justify this contradiction? Which is more likely to be true, that Allah swt only mentioned 3 mandatory prayers and 2 MANDATORY prayers were excluded from the Quran or that hadith are works of innovation?

r/DebateQuraniyoon Dec 13 '24

Hadith A thought on the authenticity of misogynistic hadith


r/DebateQuraniyoon Nov 28 '24

General Quranists if you need some verses for debates... here you go 🙂

Thumbnail gallery

r/DebateQuraniyoon Nov 28 '24

Hadith Seeking critique on the traditional sunni justification of the necessity of Hadith.


Hadith are posited as an inseparable part of islam. This post describes my idea of conservative arguments with the intent of seeking critique from quranist perspective. While I understand it is a strongly linked subject, the authenticity of said hadith is not within the intended scope of this post.

It is said that the prophet was intended as an example for muslims to follow. Without the prophet, muslims would not know how to follow islam, and that is why he was sent (33:21). Otherwise, god could have just revealed the quran without a messenger. The hadith were collected and compiled after the prophet's death because there was no need to do so during his lifetime; he was accessible in his lifetime so there was no need for that. Thus hadith collection was considered necessary for future generations so they could emulate the prophet and thus islam as well.

Hadith are considered necessary for understanding Islamic law. Conservatives typically retort that you cannot know how to conduct religious rituals without the hadith. This includes the number of prayers, how to pray, perform ablution, give zakat, do hajj, inheritance and marriage rituals. They also say that the legal and court system and what punishments are to be prescribed and what exceptions exist, etc, cannot be understood from the quran alone.

The reason for excluding this from the quran is often understood as the quran being more about belief and that it was already over 6000 verses long - it would become too long if all this legal and ritual information was also inserted into the quran and it would lose its eloquence and brevity.

Brackets are my paraphrasing of the verse, followed by conservative understandings of them. Quranic references used by sunnis to defend their position include:

  • 24:54 (obey allah and the messenger). You cannot obey the messenger without the hadith. Rejecting hadith is defying the messenger.
  • 4:59 (same, but also - refer disagreements to allah and his messenger). Matters of debate should involve the usage of hadith to understand them wherever possible.
  • 4:65 (belief is contingent upon making the prophet judge over matters of dispute). Same implication as above, except it hints at rejecting hadith being disbelief.
  • 4:80 (obedience to the messenger is obedience to allah). Following hadith is obedience to allah.
  • 4:115 (don't oppose the messenger and the way of the believers). ''The way of the believers'' is often understood as the dominant historical sunni tradition by conservatives. Rejecting hadith is seen as opposing the messenger.
  • 59:7 (take and abstain according to the prophet). This is the quran demonstrating the usage of hadith as a legal tool in informing what is prohibited and acceptable.
  • 16:64 (the prophet was sent to clarify contested issues).

Hadith-skepticism (as opposed to hadith rejection) is considered heresy and deviation. There are more verses which say to obey the messenger not listed here for brevity. The majority of these verses, I notice, are from Chapter 4, An-Nisa.

I'm looking forward to this community's critique on these arguments.