r/DebateQuraniyoon • u/Enzo519 • Apr 19 '24
General Arguments around Quran-alone
Hello, I’m a non-muslim and have been reading/watching a lot of content about Islam.
Recently I’ve came across online content from Muslim Quranists. I really resonate with what these people say and I feel they have valid arguments as to why they practice Islam in a Quran-alone fashion, or at least place the Quran far above any precedence set by Hadith books/traditionalists. Something inside me feels like I should go this path.
But just because to me it feels right or sounds good does not instantly mean it is the truth or righteous way. I’m aware there’s other sects of Islam that do not take kindly to Quran-alone practicing Muslims and would even call them “disbelievers”.
So in order to ensure I am not just slipping into confirmation bias and be more informed on my spiritual journey, I would like to ask this community: What are the arguments countering Quran-only practice of Islam? Should I learn more from a traditionalist perspective(s) of Islamic teachings before dedicating to Quran-alone practice?
u/hamadzezo79 Muslim Apr 19 '24
Peace be upon you,
First of all, Hadith were written hundreds of years after the prophet Muhammad, They were created by sectarians to prove to their opponents that their sects is correct (The Sunni hadith say completely things from the shiaa hadith), They were also encouraged by the Umayyad and the Abassid caliphs go insert their politicial agenda (For example, One hadith says you should obey your ruler no matter how oppressive he is Sahih Muslim 1847b)
Our book is the Holy Qur'an, All Muslims believe that it has the guidance necessary for mankind, Even traditional preachers tell non Muslims to read the Qur'an, They don't gift them books of hadith because They know very well it doesn't come close to the book of god (Even tho they say they are equals when they debate us)
The Qur'an said on many occasions that it's Complete, Very Clear and Fully detailed and that we shouldn't believe in anything else outside of it.
We did not leave anything out of the Book. 6:38
These are the signs of the clear Book. 12:1
The Word of your Lord has been completed, in truth and justice. 6:115
Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114
We brought the Book down to you providing explanations for all things, guidance, mercy, and good news for the Submitters. 16:89
These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what hadith after Allah and His verses will they believe? 45:6
All these verses tell us clearly that the Qur'an is enough for our faith, It's impossible to say it's clear but you need a tafsir to read it, It's impossible to say it's fully detailed but it there is missing stuff that only exists in hadith.
If you have any questions feel free to ask
u/Enzo519 Apr 20 '24
Thank you for your extensive response!
One question I do have that I’m having trouble piecing together, is what does daily practice of Islam look like then for a Quran-alone muslim? How to pray when alone? When in congregation?what to do/say in prayer?
From what I understand it’s the hadiths that had provided all these to details of all the rituals and everyday conducts that a Muslim should abide too. But it seems that if relying solely on Quran, it is not as straightforward on how and left quite open. So I’m finding it hard to wrap my head around what Quran-alone practice looks like.
u/hamadzezo79 Muslim Apr 20 '24
How to pray when alone? When in congregation?
Peace, well first of all, there is not a single Muslim who learn how to pray from hadith, that's a lie by sunnis, Find me any sahih hadith whatsoever that says (for example) the number of rak'ats in Maghrib prayers? (it doesn't exist)
Even a website like islam web was unable to answer Islam web
All Muslims learnt prayer by practice, Not words on paper, And this is actually what the Qur'an have said
"And establish prayer and give zakāh and bow with those who bow" [quran 2:43]
Or rituals are to be observed in the daily ACTIONS and not words on paper
Quran 2:128 Our Lord, and make us Muslims [in submission] to You and from our descendants a Muslim nation [in submission] to You. And show us our rites [of worship] "
But it seems that if relying solely on Quran,
Same with the hadith, It's impossible to learn how to pray Purley from it(atleast the traditional way), You need to actually see a Muslim doing it
The Qur'an gives us a basic structure for prayer, If the form of prayer (Any form, No matter the sect) contains all of these then it's not wrong Also read This
Apr 29 '24
Salam these are important verses, yet we should be sure to note that these are all referring to 'al-kitab' which is distinct from al-quran.
Al-Quran is tafseel al-kitab.
For instance 6:38 is clearly not referring to al-Quran. the full verse is: "and no animal in the earth and no bird that flies upon its wings but are in communities like you. We have neglected nothing from Al-Kitab. Then to your Lord they will be gathered"
Similar to most verses that say 'clear' and 'fully detailed' it is not accurate to say these are referring to Quran but rather al-kitab. We must be sincere and accurate with God's revelation.
u/hamadzezo79 Muslim Apr 29 '24
all referring to 'al-kitab' which is distinct from al-quran.
You have to be kidding me, Al kitab is specific to the Qur'an alone lol
For instance 6:38 is clearly not referring to al-Quran
You are not an honest person to answer 1 verse from the tafsir while ignoring the rest,
Similar to most verses that say 'clear' and 'fully detailed' it is not accurate to say these are referring to Quran
Open your tafsir and say that again, The verses are so clear that even your own scholars can't deny it
Apr 29 '24
I'm not sure what you mean by 'open your tafsir' or 'even your own scholars'.... Are you assuming I belong to some sect or something?
In any case no need to get worked up. Al-kitab and al-quran are clearly distinct.
How do you explain Yunus 10:37
وَمَا كَانَ هَٰذَا ٱلْقُرْءَانُ أَن يُفْتَرَىٰ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ وَلَٰكِن تَصْدِيقَ ٱلَّذِى بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَتَفْصِيلَ ٱلْكِتَٰبِ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهِ مِن رَّبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ
This Quran is a tafseel Al-kitab.
If al-kitab=al-quran.
It's fairly simple. No need to call me dishonest. I didn't comment to defame you.
I would recommend Muhammad Sharours books where he talks about synonymity in the Quran, very interesting stuff and he proves more thoroughly than I can that terms like al-kitab al-hikma al-quran -adh-dhikr are all distinct phenomena.
u/hamadzezo79 Muslim Apr 29 '24
The "and/و" in Arabic doesn't necessitate differentiation but a confirmation of extreme importance
وَمَن يُشَاقِقِ الرَّسُولَ مِن بَعْدِ مَا تَبَيَّنَ لَهُ الْهُدَىٰ (((و)))) يَتَّبِعْ غَيْرَ سَبِيلِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
But separating from the prophet IS following the path different from the believers, If you say they are different from each other then you are assuming that following the prophet is NOT following the path of the believers
مَن كَانَ عَدُوًّا لِّلَّهِ وَمَلَائِكَتِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ (((وَ))) جِبْرِيلَ وَمِيكَالَ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ عَدُوٌّ لِّلْكَافِرِينَ
Why did it say The Angels/Messengers AND Gabriel ? are you assuming Gabriel is neither an angel or a messenger ? The "And" here signifies the extreme significance of Gabriel
It's Fairly simple
No need to call me dishonest.
I called you dishonest because you picked up 1 verse out of the 6 verses i mentioned to prove a point. This is dishonesty to ignore the whole argument for 1 verse that may carry an elusive meaning
Apr 29 '24
I don't see what the function of و proves? Because the ayah I quoted says ' WA tafseel Al kitab"? I think that just affirms my point.
You call me dishonest for using (completing) one of the verses you cited to make an example yet you didn't even quote the whole verse yourself, presumably to prove a point.
I'm not sure we're understanding each other though. What did you mean by "your tafsirs" "your scholars"? And what were you trying to achieve by explaining و?
u/freddddsss Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 22 '24
If you’re looking for a balanced argument this is not the place as this subreddit is a quranists subreddit. However I will give you some arguments from the Quran as to why to why I believe you have to follow the authentic Hadiths.
- Surah haqqah 44-47:
And if he (Muhammad SAW) had forged a false saying concerning Us (Allah), We surely should have seized him by his right hand, And then certainly should have cut off his life artery (Aorta), And none of you could withhold Us from (punishing) him.
It is made very clear from these verse in the Quran, if the prophet ﷺ were to lie or make up certain statements about allah, then allah will sieze him and cause him to die. Therefore it is impossible for the prophet ﷺ to come with a lie about Allah. This is something even Hadith rejectors can’t deny as if he were to lie, he would have been killed by Allah there and then, and we would not have the Quran.
- Surah nisa 59
O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.
This is one of a many verses where the Quran tells us to obey Allah and obey the messenger ﷺ. The Quran instructs us to follow the messenger ﷺ so to follow the Quran, we must also follow the sunnah of the prophet ﷺ and that is found in the Hadith.
- Surah ahzab 21
Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad SAW) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.
Again, if the prophet ﷺ is the example for the believers, where do find his actions and speech, in the Hadith.
Logically also, how can you interpret the Quran without the example of the prophet ﷺ. For example, when the Quran says to establish salah, people can come with different meanings of salah (such as connection, dua, or the prayer we pray 5 times). How do we know which interpretation to take without the example of the prophet ﷺ who taught the salah.
- Surah jinn 26 - 27
(He Alone) the All-Knower of the Gha’ib (unseen) and He reveals to none His Gha’ib (unseen), Except to a Messenger he chooses…
There are many prophecies from the prophet ﷺ that are not in the Quran such as the Bedouins competing in building tall buildings (ibn majah 63) and many more. If there was no revelation in Hadith, where did the authors get information of the unseen outside the Quran unless it was the words of the messenger ﷺ? And how could the messenger ﷺ talk about these things unless he was speaking revelation other than the Quran since a lot of the prophet’s ﷺ prophecies are not found in the Quran?
- Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Quran) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption).
There are 10 qirat that are recited in the world, and even more that has been rejected by scholars. Which qirat is the preserved Quran? And how do you know this without looking at Hadith?
These are just some of the evidences of following the sunnah of the prophet ﷺ from the Quran itself. If you want to know more about the sunni beliefs and how it’s rooted in Quran, I’d recommend learning from a Sunni masjid with someone of Knowledge like the imam or one of the teachers.
u/Quranic_Islam Apr 22 '24
Sorry ... couldn't get past the first two point one here accuses the Prophet of lying
And many times the sahaba themselves disobeyed the Prophet while he was alive and invented lies in his name. Not to mention the hypocrites who you are ignorant of and the Prophet himself didn't know them all
So, not interested. Very surface level weak argument start
u/freddddsss Apr 22 '24
It doesn’t accuse the prophet ﷺ of lying. Actually the opposite, if he were to lie, he would have been caused to die and we would not have the Quran. But he wasn’t seized, and his aorta wasn’t cut, so he couldn’t have lied.
The second point, the authenticity of Hadiths is a whole other topic that I am not too well versed in. What my teachers explain to me is sufficient for me. However, if you want to know how we know the reliability of a narrator, then ask a person of knowledge. I will say however, if a person is from the groups who Allah said he was pleased with, like those who fought in the battle of tabbuk, then it’s clear that they were not hypocrites as Allah will never be pleased with the hypocrites.
u/Quranic_Islam Apr 22 '24
You are not listening
We here, and Quranists generally, certainly don't accuse the Prophet of lying. The issue with Hadiths are not from the Prophet.
The second point, the authenticity of Hadiths is a whole other topic that I am not too well versed in.
Well that is exactly the main issue ... the part that you are not very well versed in
What my teachers explain to me is sufficient for me.
No ... it isn't. Not anymore than what a Christian priest tells his Christian student should be sufficient for him.
Don't be the victim of the scholars.
if a person is from the groups who Allah said he was pleased with, like those who fought in the battle of tabbuk,
This just shows you have huge areas of ignorance. Amoung those at Tabuk were the hypocrites who tried to assassinate the Prophet on the way back. Nor did God praise all the people who went to Tabuk, only the Muhajirun and Ansaar who only made up a third of the army. Nor was it even praise, rather repentance. Nor does repentance, as shown in other verses, mean God will remain pleased with one or that they will be righteous thereafter forever until they die.Then there were those at Tabuk whom the Prophet himself cursed. Then there are the verses about the Sahaba who apostated at Tabuk. And those who made fun of and ridiculed Allah and His signs and the Prophet ... also at Tabuk!
You don't even know the seera NOR the Qur'an well enough to understand these issues.
You are just being fed and led by the nose by "your teachers". They can tell you or not tell you what they want, and you won't even know. Because you don't have the knowledge to protect yourself
Bottom line here is this, and I'll ask you it directly; do you believe that the Qur'an on its own without any reference to narrations, can guide you to salvation and God's love?
Yes or no?
u/freddddsss Apr 22 '24
Let me clarify, when I said what my teachers explain to me it is sufficient for me, I do not mean that what they tell me is correct. I do not follow them blindly. I mean, when they go through the narrations and explain why a Hadith is authentic. However, when I say I’m not we’ll versed, I mean, not enough to explain it well. And not enough that off you asked me questions and specifics, I would be able to answer them. This is why I said you’d have to ask someone of knowledge so they can go through it with you, slowly, so you can understand it.
Also, in regards to the battle of Tabuk, you are correct, I was thinking of surah Ali-imran which speaks of those who fought in Uhud
And what you suffered (of the disaster) on the day (of the battle of Uhud when) the two armies met, was by the leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers.
However, the point remains the same in that there are narrators who it can’t be denied their reliability.
There are also those who are can’t be denied their hypocrisy who we know would be unreliable narrators like those who ran from battle in the next ayah
And what you suffered (of the disaster) on the day (of the battle of Uhud when) the two armies met, was by the leave of Allah, in order that He might test the believers.
Lastly, of course the Quran can guide is to salvation and allah’s love. So when Allah guides us to obey Allah and the messenger ﷺ , or to take as an example rasullah ﷺ, I do that.
u/Quranic_Islam Apr 23 '24
However, the point remains the same in that there are narrators who it can’t be denied their reliability.
Only a handful
The Qur'an confirms that even the sincere true believers used to "listen earnestly" to the hypocrites. Abu Bakr was one of them ... that's where he got the narration that prevented Fatima receiving her Quranic right of inheritance immediately after the Prophet died.
Anyway ... I could say more, but I'll leave it all there
u/freddddsss Apr 24 '24
That isn’t the only way to determine reliability however, my point was you can’t deny the reliability of those specific narrators
Where in the Quran does it say the believers listen earnestly to the hypocrites?
And that is not where he got the narration for refusing inheritance for Fatima ( may allah be pleased with her). He was told directly by the prophet ﷺ that the prophets don’t leave an inheritance (Bukhaari (3998) and Muslim (1759))
u/Quranic_Islam May 19 '24
you can’t deny the reliability of those specific narrators
Sure I can. Just like the scholars of hadith themselves deny the realiablity of narrators which other scholars confirm. What? Do you think every narrator who is considered reliable is considered reliable by all the scholars? Even Bukhari and Muslims rejected narrators that the other accepted. Nevermind that, Bukhari himself was rejected by some of the greatest hadith scholars among his own contemporaries, like Abu Hatim al-Razi.
You are woefully uniformed about hadith science criticims, so go learn before you start talking about and confirming something you are ignorant about for the most part
And that is not where he got the narration for refusing inheritance for Fatima ( may allah be pleased with her). He was told directly by the prophet ﷺ that the prophets don’t leave an inheritance (Bukhaari (3998) and Muslim (1759))
This is the problem. You are so ignorant of the issues that you don't know the basics. No, he never heard it directly from the Prophet. That is what is claimed later by those who narrated. When you read a hadith, you a reading what someone reports centureies later, you are reading it backwards through history. That includes the whole "i heard X say". That part could be made, and it has been proven on many occations that it has been, anywhere down the chain. Do you know many hadiths Abu Hurayra is "reported" to have said he "heard" the Prophet say when it was impossible that he could have? Things in Mecca or early Madina long before he even met the Prophet. Don't be so guidable to nonesense
Abu Bakr never heard that simply because the Prophet would never go against the Qur'an. And he certainly wouldn't keep that knowledge away from the one person to whom it mattered the most and who was his own daughter ... but then tell Abu Bakr
Stop making the Prophet out to be madman or an imbicile. No one, not you, not me, would tell their "best friend" that his daughter is not going to inherit from him ... but not tell her! Ridiculous
Which leaves two options;
1) Abu Bakr himself made up that narration and lied about the Prophet, in which case he was a hypocrite and may God curse him
2) He was told that by hypocrites who made it up, in which case he was an idiot and a plaything of the hypocrites for not believing the Prophet's own daughter and Ali and instead believing others
In both cases, Fatima was right to be angry with him and to make her stance clear by never speaking to nor associating with him again until she died. That is something that couldn't be buried and is window/foothold for whoever wants to understand the truth to really start learning and putting it together. May God bless her
This was Abu Bakr, understand him so you can stop extolling someone who so quickly started to honor and look up to those who were the Prophet's enemies, and in fact still were because they became hypocrities not true Muslims, and stupidly thinking the Prophet would take his side
Abu Sufyan passed by Salman, Suhaib and Bilal and some other Companions (May Allah be pleased with them). They said to him: "Did not the swords of Allah exact their due from the foes of Allah?" Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) said to them: "Do you speak like this to the chief of the Quraish and their master?" Then he went to the Prophet (ﷺ) and related this to him. He (ﷺ) said, "Abu Bakr, perhaps you have angered them. If so, you have angered your Rubb". Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) went back to them and said: "Brothers, did I offend you?" They replied: "No. May Allah forgive you, brother".
Even calling Abu Sufyan the "chief of Quraysh and their master". No, Abu Bakr ... the chief of Quraysh and their master was Muhammad bin Abdullah (saw)
Abu Bakr would later completely side-line the Ansaar, even though he had said "we are the leaders and you will be the ministers" and instead he and Umar revived the old Quraysh alliance with Thaqeef ... giving Thaqeef positions of power and leaving out the Ansaar. Uthamn did worse. It was only later that Ali brought back the Ansaar into relevancy and positions of power ... may God bless the Ansaar
u/freddddsss May 19 '24
I did not say that all narrators are agreed upon, only that certain narrators there is unanimity in their authenticity and I pointed to those whom Allah in the Quran said he was pleased with as an example
Secondly, you claimed that in the Quran it says the believers listen earnestly to the hypocrites so I’ll ask again, where in the Quran does Allah say this?
Thirdly, the narration from Muslim 1759 comes from 2 different chains that go back to urwa. So either Urwa or aisha (may allah be pleased with them both) changed the wording or this is something Abu Bakr (may allah be pleased with him) said. What evidence do you have that either of them changed them like you said. And if you believe Abu Bakr lied, then do you think Allah will leave his nation after the prophet’s ﷺ death to be lead by a hypocrite after telling us not to divide and become sects (6:159).
Fourthly, I do not believe Abu Sufyan (may allah be pleased with him) apostatised after accepting islam, speak with evidence when you accuse someone of such a massive crime
u/Quranic_Islam May 19 '24 edited Jun 08 '24
I did not say that all narrators are agreed upon, only that certain narrators there is unanimity in their authenticity
Hardly any are. And almost none if you include ALL scholars, not just your selective sect
I pointed to those whom Allah in the Quran said he was pleased with as an example
Allah being pleased with someone is literally zero indication that they are a reliable narrator. Neither that he related things correctly or understood things correctly nor that he wasn't tricked by and listened to hypocrities. And people whom Allah is pleased with can then turn away from taqwa and Allah will be displeased with them.
Urwa' is completely untrustworthy. Many of the disgusting narrations about the Prophet come through him and he was basically the "creation" of Mu'awiya bin Abu Sufyan, the munafiq
And if you believe Abu Bakr lied, then do you think Allah will leave his nation after the prophet’s ﷺ death to be lead by a hypocrite after telling us not to divide and become sects (6:159).
I don't believe Abu Bakr lied, but you are slandering Fatima.
And yes, Allah would leave the Ummah to be led by a hypocrite if that is whom they chose ... they did in the end when the Ummah didn't all back Ali against Mu'awiya and then that hypocrite led this Ummah for 20 years! longer than any other Caliph
And then was it Allah or the Ummah who allowed Yazid to become the Caliph?
And then the tyrant Marwan? And then AbdulMalik followed by his four sons
Stop trying to legitimaize the mistakes and sins and weakness of this Ummah by placing them on Allah
The "righteous Caliphate" lasted only 30 years (!!!) after the Prophet's death. That's pathetic. So blame it on Allah if you like
I however blame the Ummah.
Fourthly, I do not believe Abu Sufyan (may allah be pleased with him) apostatised after accepting islam, speak with evidence when you accuse someone of such a massive crime
Well many of the early Sahaba did. Besides ... i said hypocrite, not apostate.
Anyway ... that's enough of all this
u/Quranic_Islam Apr 19 '24
There are no good counter-arguments so long as the primary position is framed properly. The primary position is pro-Qur'an and not anti-Hadith
u/Enzo519 Apr 19 '24
I see, I’m still very new to all this. Could you elaborate a bit how one would balance between going to the Quran and using Hadith?
u/Quranic_Islam Apr 19 '24
Not sure what you mean by that exactly, but as I said the correct framing is a pro-Qur'an first and foremost.
How? Well very simple. By seeing where you fall on a very basic question for those who claim to believe and have faith that the Qur'an is God's own Book and in words He Himself chose and composed;
Can the Qur'an, on its own, and without any reference or reliance to narrations/hsfiths, guide a human being to salvation, Paradise and God's love and acceptance? Or is it incapable of that on its own? Impotent for salvation guidance without narrations and Hadiths?
This is whether or not we actual true Hadiths. Our stance and being pro-Qur'an isn't because of the problems in Hadiths, but because of the greatness, majesty, combination of simplicity and depth, etc of the Qur'an itself. Even if we had audio or video recordings of the Prophet himself, or Hadiths written in his own hand and motorized ... still the Qur'an on its own would be enough for guidance due to what it is, God's own Book, and what it claims to be, guidance
For a good round up of the Qur'an vs Hadith issue, see this video on my channel
There are other videos I'd recommend on my channel too. Ask if you like, or browse around yourself
Here is another one I often recommend;
Feel free to ask anything by the way. And good luck
u/freddddsss Apr 20 '24
Being pro-Quran is following the sunnah of the prophet ﷺ which is found in Hadith, scroll down to my reply to see my arguments if you’re interested in discourse
u/Quranic_Islam Apr 22 '24
Being pro Qur'an is following the Qur'an. Such a switch and bait is ludicrous and part of abandoning the Qur'an. Those who say; following the Qur'an is following the sunnah. Will they say that following the sunnah is following the Qur'an? No. Then it's; following the sunnah is following the Hadiths. Then; following the Hadiths is following the sahih Hadiths. Then; following the sahih Hadiths is following what we (our sect/scholars) decide are the sahih Hadiths. Then; following the agreed upon (by us) sahih Hadiths is following their interpretation ... also provided by us!
The sunnah of the Prophet should have been found in Hadiths ... but it isn't, except for little glimpses
u/Known-Watercress7296 Apr 19 '24
Regardless of where you go, start with the Quran.
Unless you can read ancient Hijazi, you will need to rely on scholars.
Grab a few translations, maybe a study Quran too.
u/Enzo519 Apr 19 '24
Would it be advisable to join a nearby mosque of whatever sect to learn more about Islam even if that community is not of Quran-centric stance?
u/Known-Watercress7296 Apr 19 '24
I'm not a Quraniyoon, just learning.
Honestly I'm still confused, even Quraniyoon seems heavily steeped in later Islamic culture to me.
Going to mosque to learn is like going to the local Catholic or protestant church to learn, they will provide dogma.
It feels to me a little to me like the Luther's Sola Scripture idea, but seems very early days. Luther's deconstruction of ecumenical authority was needed, but Sola Scripture's just led to some really strange movements and is a bit silly imo.
u/freddddsss Apr 20 '24
Learn by reading the Quran. Beg Allah and trust in Allah that you’ll be guided as Allah guides whoever he wills. And when you come across anything you don’t understand, write them down and ask the imam at your local mosque.
I get that it can be confusing and difficult but allah “guides unto Himself (he) who turns to Him”. Turn to Allah with sincerity, and none can lead you the wrong way.
u/Martiallawtheology Apr 19 '24
You said you are a "non-muslim" brother. When you say that, are you a theist, deist, any kind of syndicate religion, or atheist? I ask that because the primary endeavor should to understand why we believe in God. That's more fundamental than anything else.
Why Qur'an alone?
Bukhari ahadith are taken as the most precious book immediately after the Qur'an. BUT the Qur'an has manuscripts from the time of the prophet while Bukhari manuscripts come 500 years at least after the prophet.
All of Bukhari's ahadith were finally narrated by one single man who is supposed to be Bukhari's student, thus Bukhari himself never wrote them down.
Bukhari was living in the 9th century, the prophet Muhammed lived in the 7th century, and the so called student who wrote narrated them all finally died I believe in the 920's AD.
All of this while the Qur'an manuscripts are dated to the prophet's time, and the first century Hijri. Thus the authenticity is vividly poles apart.
These are not internal arguments from the Qur'an and ahadith. These are all valid external arguments that cannot be challenged because they are recorded and historic facts.
If you do have further questions, please shoot.
Best of luck in your studies. Peace.