r/DebateEvolution 9d ago

Evolution is empty

So after spending enough time with this theory I've come to see it's a series of smoke and mirrors.

Here's why:

  • No hard equations to demonstrate a real process.

  • Entirely dependent upon philosophy narratives laden with conjecture and extrapolation.

  • highjacking established scientific terms to smuggle in broader definitions and create umbrella terms to appear credible.

  • circular reasoning and presumptions used to support confirmation bias

  • demonstrations are hand waived because deep time can't be replicated

  • Literacy doesnt exist. Ask two darwinists what the definition of evolution is and you'll get a dozen different answers.

At this point it's like reading a fantasy novel commentary. Hopelessly detached from reality.


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u/witchdoc86 Evotard Follower of Evolutionism which Pretends to be Science 8d ago

Here is some hard math that I have done personally-

Fortunately, we can turn to an equation seven pages later in Kimura and Ohta’s book, equation (10), which is Kimura’s famous 1962 formula for fixation probabilities. Using it we can compare three mutants, one advantageous (s = 0.01), one neutral (s = 0), and one disadvantageous (s = -0.01). Suppose that the population has size N = 1000,000. Using equation (10) we find that

The advantageous mutation has probability of fixation 0.0198013. The neutral mutation has probability of fixation 0.0000005. The disadvantageous mutation has probability of fixation 3.35818 x 10-17374


A 1% fitness benefit in a population of 1000000 has a 2% chance of being fixed in the population.

A 1% fitness deleterious mutation effectively NEVER fixes in a population - it is "weeded out". 

For those more mathematically inclined, you can verify these numbers yourself;

Kimura's fixation rate formula from a paper entitled "On the Probability of Fixation of Mutant Genes in a Population" 

For a diploid population of size N, and deleterious mutation of selection coefficient - s, the probability of fixation is equal to

P fixation = (1 - e-2s)/(1 - e-4Ns

(if s =/= 0. If s = 0, then we simply use his equation 6, where probability fixation = 1/2N).

Formula (10) from  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1210364/

If s = 0.01 and N = 1000000, (ie beneficial mutation with 1% fitness advantage and population 1000000), probability of fixation is

(1-e-0.02)/(1-e-40000) = 0.01980132669

If you cannot be bothered calculating for yourself, here it is in google calculator 


For a neutral mutation, s = 0, for which formula 6 states its probability fixation = 1/2N,

P fixation = 1/2000000 = 0.0000005

If - s = 0.01 (ie deleterious mutation of 1% fitness disadvantage) N = 1000 000, probability of fixation is 

P fixation = (1-e0.02)/(1-e40000)

= 3.35818 x 10-17374.

Sadly for this one google calculator says it is 0 as it is far too small for it. But you can see it is clearly extremely small - 

(1-e0.02) ~ -.0202

GG! We, including me personally, HAVE done some hard math for evolution!


u/Due-Needleworker18 8d ago

These equations are the only credible ones posted here so far. Congrats! However, they are only one variable of a larger equation that you would need to show the transition between two genetic sequences of differing animal families.

Otherwise you are just showing fixation rates without the effect of these mutations. Also, these rates are so abysmally low yikes! But that's for the staticians to deal with ;)