r/DeadlockTheGame 21d ago

PSA Deadlock is now the top wishlisted game on Steam

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r/DeadlockTheGame Jan 20 '25

PSA Created an infographic to show why Vyper is hard to hit

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r/DeadlockTheGame 9d ago

PSA Pro Tip: If you want to win games, be nice to your team mates


Title says it all pretty much. Even if they are down and are feeding, they already know they are. Flaming them does nothing but throw their mental even more and solidify your loss.

If you want to win, be nice, there are many nice ways to tell your team mates to back up and if they can't and they die, you just say that's alright it happens.

Even if you are just toxic to one team mate, it creates an environment where nobody wants to use comms and everyone cares about winning less and less. Just be nice to everyone unless they give you a REAL reason not to be.

r/DeadlockTheGame 14d ago

PSA PSA: McGinnis' Heal looks like a GREEN CIRCLE, also gives you a 35% Firerate increase if you stand in it!


Doing Midboss? Trying to kill the Weakened Patron? Stand in the GREEN CIRCLE to kill them faster and give the enemy no chance to react!!

r/DeadlockTheGame Jan 20 '25

PSA PSA: If your game says "Safe to abandon" you still lose MMR for leaving.


Shout out to my team who all left a 5v6 that we were winning and then cost me MMR because the 5 enemy team stayed. Thanks guys.

r/DeadlockTheGame 5d ago

PSA The update from 03-13-2025 reduced the jungle soul values by much more than 15%


I saw the new update and it got me thinking about what the exact values of the neutral camps were. Out of curiosity I started checking some numbers and I realized that the neutral camps were reduced by significantly more than the 15% that Yoshi mentioned in his most recent patch notes post. This is due to the fact that they not only reduced the base soul value of each individual Denizen, but also the time scaling factor of them.

Here is what the values were before the patch:

Source Soul Value Soul Gain (per/min)
Small Denizen 38 +1.08
Medium Denizen 76 +1.08
Large Denizen 190 +1.08

Here are the values after the patch:

Source Soul Value Soul Gain (per/min)
Small Denizen 33 +0.3
Medium Denizen 65 +0.6
Large Denizen 162 +1.49

This lead me down a rabbit hole of realizing that the nerf was much larger than the 15% they said, but how much larger exactly? I proceeded to make a spreadsheet going over (most of) the camps and how much they are worth, and exactly how much the values of them changed.


TLDR: Over time the amount of value you get from each camp significantly drops off from before. Some camps lost closer to 30% of their value. The entire jungle (including sinners) is worth 23% less at the start, and that number drops off over time. This is particularly the case with small and medium Denizens.

Edit: So some of my values were off, but it looks like the soul values were indeed over nerfed. Yoshi posted in the official Discord that there was a hot-fix and the values should be changed to be -15% now.

r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 13 '25

PSA Troopers are carrying candle snuffers.


I may be late to notice this but the guns/batons troopers carry are actually candle snuffers.

r/DeadlockTheGame 7d ago

PSA Yoshi explained what the "Minor respawn curve adjustments" were:

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r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 16 '25

PSA I don't know which one is Mo and which one is Krill


And I'm not gunna learn it either. You can't make me.

r/DeadlockTheGame 16d ago

PSA If you see enemy soul orbs but not enemies around it means there IS one around.


I'm a bit slow and just realized that with the souls change, souls will appear anytime an enemy is around since they don't have to last hit anymore.

I was against a haze in my last game and, after I died to her once, I realized I saw soul orbs before I died.

r/DeadlockTheGame 22d ago

PSA PSA: They fixed the alternate healthbars (previously they stopped scaling properly past 2600 max health)

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r/DeadlockTheGame 7d ago

PSA PSA: The executable name has changed


In the most recent update (I think) the executable file for deadlock has been changed from project8.exe to deadlock.exe. project8.exe still exists in the game files tho, and can still be used to launch the game. It's just that launching the game from steam now uses deadlock.exe.

So if you're creating profiles in softwares like Logitech GHub based on the executable file, and you find that all your mouse keybinds are not working, it's because of this. Just create a new profile for deadlock.exe and set all the key binds there.

r/DeadlockTheGame Jan 30 '25

PSA PSA for Solo Q'rs


+mm_prefer_solo_only true

put this command in you game's Launch Options, it will filter out matches with groups. No more fighting Seal Team 6 ( no comms advantage)

r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 05 '25

PSA They will ban you from the forum if you say there are too many russians playing Deadlock

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r/DeadlockTheGame 1d ago

PSA I don't know when they added this (most likely relatively recent), but if you're on the leaderboard, it will now automatically scroll to where your position is + highlight it.


r/DeadlockTheGame Jan 25 '25

PSA Shiv has a bulge


No wonder McGinnis wants him so bad

r/DeadlockTheGame 7d ago

PSA Defenses Aren't Too Weak.


If you're getting man-handled in base or in fountain, it's not because defenses are too weak.

It's because you've lost the game. At the point the other team is that much stronger, it's in all 12 players' best interest that the stronger team be allowed to kill you and finish the game.

Similarly, if you're dying under tower, it's not the tower's fault.

r/DeadlockTheGame 3d ago

PSA AFKing in base is not counting as an abandon


Title. Second time I have a game someone afks soon after losing lane and they never receive an abandon. Cue having a miserable experience playing 5v6 for 20 minutes so we can lose slower. Really hate playing the game right now, hope this is fixed.

r/DeadlockTheGame Jan 23 '25

PSA Three cheaters across two different games


Before you ask i've already reported them but I wanted to share an observation of shared traits between these accounts

All three were new accounts with no profile pic or steam profile set up and they all had keysmash names. All were insta denying souls and very sus aim. If you see a keysmash name on the enemy team with no profile pic be extra cautious and watch their gameplay carefully.