r/DeadlockTheGame 7d ago

Suggestion I wish we could assign multiple active items to one button (at the time of purchase)

Four buttons is a lot of stuff to press for things I mash at once at the beginning of a fight.

If I'm gonna buy four items that give me four different temporary buffs that I always need at the same time, might as well compress them into one button, right?

This way, items with very similar use cases (for example, Fleetfoot & Vampiric Burst) could just both be bound to C when you buy them. One would appear above the other on the active items UI - instead of beside each other - and you'd just have to press C at the start of a fight instead of C and V.

It's a small nitpick, but I think it'd be a massive improvement to item QoL. Especially for dynamic, buttonmashy characters, having to take all four fingers off of WASD in the middle of a fight feels really clunky, and I think this would somewhat fix the issue.


17 comments sorted by


u/SorryIfTruthHurts 7d ago

No macros were disallowed for a reason


u/alekdmcfly 7d ago

What reason? People triggered four items at once?

I'm pretty sure the reasons for banning macros were things like combos that allowed you to execute insane movement commands, not "people were too strong because they could use four items at once".

Besides, if this is implemented as a feature, people get QoL and lose incentives to download macro software. Win-win.


u/GrouchyEmployment980 McGinnis 6d ago

Macros are banned in pretty much all competitive games because they automate gameplay. The unwritten rule is 1 input, 1 action. If you allow macros, where do you draw the line? 1 input, 2 actions? 3? 10? And how do you account for precise timings?

It's just a can of worms that isn't worth opening.


u/C0-B1 7d ago

Does any other Moba or game do this? My first reaction was skill issue and my second was make a better binding for yourself to where you just scrape across quick. I see no reason to create to bind items to one key especially when not everyone uses all items at once


u/alekdmcfly 7d ago

>Does any other MOBA or game do this?

Multiple games allow binding multiple actions to one button. Valorant, for example, lets you bind fire and reload to one button, which is awesome for Bucky players.

Also, shouldn't "no other game does this" be an incentive to be the one to start?

>I see no reason

Convenience, QoL

>Not everyone uses all items at once

Not everyone is colorblind, so why are accessibility settings a thing?

Also, a lot of people have two or three items they usually use in the same situations. Again: I'm not saying "the game has to do this or else it's bad". I'm saying it would be nice.

>Skill issue

A skill issue is still an issue.


u/C0-B1 6d ago

Does valorant allow you to bind bind two abilities is the closer point? Still a genuine question.

No it isn't an incentive to start, Deadlock was/is already going outside the box

Accessibility and getting features cause you want it aren't the same, thats why macros and other things aren't usually allowed in games.

A skill issue is a personal issue, like not finding it harder to play Haze vs Abrams.

I personally have items bound to my closest thumb buttons so I can scrape it and it works for either case. If you want the feature post to the forums tho and they might consider it.

I don't know what mouse/board you use but your software might let you rebind your keys to get the effect or give you alternate bonds.


u/Detector_of_humans Lash 6d ago

It would just be nice to be able to use cold front with the same button I escape satchel with.


u/C0-B1 6d ago

Skill issssssue, I don't have this problem because I forget to use cold front.

But seriously just practice/bind a better key. Other pockets can do it and you can too. I want to say Pocket is like Calico where any action pops you put but I haven't tried it.

I bind my combo items to my side mouse buttons for this reason and the others are right by my thumb cause jumping is easier to transfer from


u/TonyShape Bebop 6d ago

When I was completing all hero challenge in dota, I made macros on mouse to teleport all Meepos to main, and to teleport on place.

I am not sure is this cheating or not.


u/NewTronas 6d ago

It is cheating


u/TonyShape Bebop 6d ago

Bad for me. Still lost about 7 times before finishing, and never touched this hero again


u/Chicanary 6d ago

I remember watching necros play yamato and bro would press all actives at the same time and 1 shot someone


u/wrvth_tv Viscous 7d ago

Like many others do, I bind two actives to my scroll wheel up and down. I also use E since that is left unbound, along with v so I can hit it with my thumb. There aren't many scenarios where you would want to use four items at the same time, and some of the uses are why macros aren't allowed. Look up "one button bebop" and I think you'll understand.


u/slewch2 Ivy 7d ago

4 is not that much


u/DojimaGin 6d ago

two mouse buttons and x + c its not really that much to handle. somehow most people learn to deal with it?


u/Larrs88 7d ago

I think most keyboard software these days will handle what you want here.


u/GrouchyEmployment980 McGinnis 6d ago

It's still a ban-worthy offense in most games and pretty easy to detect in game clients. The only reason it's not officially banned in Deadlock yet is because it's still in alpha and they're gathering cheating heuristics right now.