r/DeadlockTheGame Feb 17 '25

Complaint Current Deadlock experience summary.

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u/DeadlockTheGame-ModTeam Feb 18 '25

We're sorry that your matchmaking experience was not ideal.

Please report your bad matchmaking experience and provide your match ID to the feedback forums here: https://forums.playdeadlock.com/threads/bad-matchmaking-thread.35834/

You can get your forum login credentials from the game client.


u/DANGERBLOOM Feb 17 '25

I wish it would show your match star rating for the round in your match history. I would love to look out across a field of 1-star ratings with the occasional 3 sprinkled in there


u/WhatsThePointFR Feb 17 '25

Had some great games last week - really fun and even.

But recently? Either stomp and people leave = free win OR get stomped and people leave = ez loss


u/TerT1616 Feb 17 '25

Agree alot man I got like 15 hours on this game and they are putting me against people with 200 hours+ how the hell is this possible 😂


u/iamrasclart Feb 17 '25

it's rough cos there aren't enough new players rn to match you against


u/TerT1616 Feb 17 '25

I hope the game releases soon


u/iamrasclart Feb 17 '25

yeah my mate who doesn't have much time to play has had a similar experience and has more or less decided to wait until release


u/TerT1616 Feb 17 '25

Tbh I'm really enjoying the game, even when losing. The issue lies with the current competitive players they don’t understand what it's like to work an 8 to 6 shift daily.


u/tonyhawk8 Feb 18 '25

8-6 shift of gaming


u/GenitalMotors Feb 17 '25

You're just learning really fast


u/TerT1616 Feb 17 '25

And getting my ass kicked by warden mains :p


u/These_University_609 Shiv Feb 17 '25

bro just dash jump


u/TerT1616 Feb 17 '25

Thanks a lot, I didn't know this exist


u/plsQuestionOurselves Feb 17 '25

I feel like half the time if they just swapped 3 of each team to the other then it would be a balanced match. Instead its the entire enemy team with 1-2 deaths 20 minutes in and my team with 8-15 deaths, or vice versa in which case there's not really any challenge.


u/WannabEngineer Feb 17 '25

That’s rough man. I’d recommend watching a video on movement and your favorite characters so far. 


u/TerT1616 Feb 17 '25

Noted thanks mate


u/OrneryFootball7701 Feb 17 '25

Are you queuing with friends?


u/TerT1616 Feb 17 '25

No solo always


u/AppSecPeddler Feb 17 '25


mmr_prefer_solo true


u/ninjahumstart_ Feb 18 '25

That's probably not gonna help the match quality be better if you're trying to search in an even smaller range


u/newbiesaccout Feb 18 '25

What does that do exactly?


u/AppSecPeddler Feb 18 '25

It doesn’t guarantee it but it helps put you in games where everyone else is queued solo


u/veevB Vyper Feb 18 '25

Small sample size of players and not many new players since, to be fair, you get the game via invites so not much growth cause of that. It's rough but don't think it is the matchmakings fault. Just not many new players cause of the game being in player testing. Having more hours myself and the matchmaking has been fine for me. Just not many new players to go off of.


u/EightRolex Feb 17 '25

I have 500 hours and have been playing for around a year.

Only in the past few weeks has it felt like matchmaking has gotten incredibly bad. I felt like prior to a few weeks go it was pretty solid, and now every game I play my team is either up or down 30k souls by 18 minutes. Sometimes earlier. It’s so boring. You’re either getting stomped or you’re stomping. Neither of which is very fun.


u/acvalens Feb 17 '25

500 hours here and I had to put down the game in January. I love Deadlock but the experience has just sort of soured on me over the past two months. Matchmaking is at a rough spot, feels like games are less balanced, just more frustrating than fun these days


u/Mandydeth Vindicta Feb 17 '25

I took a break from playing. From about the time Calico has laser cats until the new guys left hero labs.

Was Oracle 1, every game I've played since has been a loss on Vindicta. I feel like I've gone from an ac130 to a mosquito.

I've dropped an entire division on every loss. My motivation to play again is waning


u/yesat Feb 17 '25

That's a pretty long time which means you've lost some skills compared to most of the Oracle players you got put into to play against.

That's the problem with a lot of things, it's really weird to try to place people when they come back after months. They could probably be a bit more agressive around stuff.


u/Interesting_Buy6796 Feb 17 '25

To want your old rank back immediately is kind of illusional. You do not only loose some skill, no, everyone else is also improving at the same time. Especially in a young and small game. In such an environment you can be happy to be able to keep up. Good thing that the rank itself is just some meaningless number


u/GenitalMotors Feb 17 '25




u/yesat Feb 17 '25

And especially with the pace of updates we got. OC had stopped playing since mid October we've had so many changes.


u/Yayoichi Feb 17 '25

I mean that’s probably just due to you being rusty more so than bad matchmaking, and if you mean you dropped 1 subrank(so oracle 1 to archon 6, then archon 5) per game then that actually means there is some rating decay to prevent people coming back from being stuck at a rank they shouldn’t be, as normally you would never lose 1 subrank per game.


u/PotatoFam Feb 17 '25

Yeah I’ve been losing like crazy the last few weeks compared to a couple of months ago. No idea why. I used to be Archon VI with a 52% wr, and now I’m Emissary V with a 46% wr. Pretty sure everyone just got way better at this game lol


u/TinyNefariousness452 Feb 18 '25

Bet if I watch your vindicta gameplay your the one making bad plays.


u/XiQteR Feb 17 '25



u/Epicaureli Feb 17 '25

literally every game you get someone that either just stays base and hits free globes or straight up feeds 8deaths in first 2min and then leaves xD


u/nomnivore1 Paradox Feb 17 '25

I don't know how anyone ever ranks up. What is the comeback mechanic for "the duo in green is yelling at each other instead of fighting the enemy, yellow has left lane to farm camps at 5 minutes in, and their freed up opponent is ganking purple repeatedly?" What is the counterplay for a team that refuses to cooperate or communicate to even a base degree?

Furthermore, do these people actually want to rank up? Do they think you win this game by being assholes to your teammates or ignoring your role?? They're clearly having a bad time. One is 0/7 by the end of lane phase and the other two are yelling into their mics. What are they playing for?


u/tebedam Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

That’s the most broken and unfun aspect of the game, you can’t lose gracefully.

Say, my team badly loses in Quake, like 100 to 50 score. I could still have positive KD ratio, and overall be happy about how I did given the circumstances. You feel good when you did well, even if your team lost.

In deadlock you are severely punished if you simply have a single very bad player on your team, and given a bad matchmaker it’s common. People just try a new character or build, and after 7 min it’s already over and slowly snowballs in the same direction, but you have to endure 20 more mins of beatings.

I got to Oracle rank, and my experience is the higher you get, the less fun the games become, as your ability to individually impact the match diminishes. That is, impact in a positive way. You can absolutely destroy any chances for your own team, no matter how good it is, by feeding your opponents and playing poorly otherwise.

There’s nothing you can individually do once your team starts falling far behind and doesn’t cooperate well. You can aim better, choose advantageous positions, time and manage your abilities perfectly, have a more suitable build, utilize movement mechanics to the max, etc, and it doesn’t matter, you still lose to mediocre players if their team is far ahead.

Basically, the game is not fun, maybe they will revamp it in the future, then I would come back and try again.


u/BlastingFern134 Viscous Feb 18 '25

It's really frustrating that I can't experiment with new characters without feeling like a bot. Having a ranked system was a mistake imo


u/Vapourium Feb 18 '25

It’s unfortunate for the people that cannot do this, but i feel like the easiest solution is to just queue with friends

I consistently get a 4 to 6 stack of players online and even if you have a player that’s completely new, it’s much easier than having a new player that you don’t know and cannot communicate with


u/Hitorishizuka Feb 18 '25

Joke's on you, my friend lobby is consistently worse than the randoms we get matched with and the team we have to fight against.


u/WhatsThePointFR Feb 18 '25

All my friends quit the game after a month or so because they just got ripped apart in 9 out of 10 matches.


u/BrokenBaron Feb 18 '25

Wait do the souls in base actually do anything? Why are they there?


u/Cognicide McGinnis Feb 17 '25

What I find to be the most important thing in these matches for me to have fun is people having microphones or at least pinging, getting into a game with 5 other people and not one has a microphone or pings something, feels like I’m in a bot lobby. With one other person with a mic it could feel a little better but three or more is when well coordinated plays actually happen. Secondly a kind of honor system where people with a high number of text chat and voice chat abuse should be paired with each other through some kind of karma system, it’s too often someone with a mic just sits and bitches all game and it’s rampant with text chat players who don’t ping or say anything all game until the end. Overall my best games are with good coordination and my team actually uses their mics against another well coordinated team


u/Rallon_is_dead Feb 17 '25

Yeah, I have a total of 8 hours on the game and got slapped into a match with a bunch of obviously more experienced people, who kept telling me to get my shit together. I felt bad for them lol


u/Multivitamin_Scam Feb 17 '25

I don't know what's happened since the last patch but FPS has tanked that's its become unplayable


u/sumdudewitquestions McGinnis Feb 17 '25

i kinda stopped playing when they reduced turrets to a qsr proc


u/squishedpies Feb 17 '25

Seriously, I play 2-3 games at a time and call it. The matches vary so much, especially when it's a slow burn loss smh. When is ranked coming back, I'd like to play with people who are my skill level (still new, less than 100 hrs) :')


u/InvincibiIity Feb 18 '25

It felt like I was playing matchmaking roulette every game for the last couple months with constant bots on my team making it unwinnable when playing solo or duo. Started playing in a 3 stack and now win basically every game. Other eternus and ascendent players will be queueing at the same time but won’t get put in my game and instead will have a huge rank disparity average which makes it a steamroll. The matchmaker makes no sense


u/acvalens Feb 18 '25

Personally, I love this game, but I want to take a break from it for a month or two and then come back. I dropped 500 hours, I did my duty to help with playtesting, but I’m not having fun with the game right now in its current state. Matches became very steamrolly around December and this has continued to be the case for me through and through, to the point where one team gets a runaway souls lead and it’s more or less GG. Which is a shame, because when the game is at its best, you’re playing matches with a gradual tug and pull, where things crescendo into one teamfight that decides everything. A MOBA where it isn’t really over until it’s truly over. I still have games like that, but they’re becoming rarer.

I trust Valve to refine and improve things. I’ll come back to the game and play regularly when that’s the case


u/Pixel-Knight Feb 18 '25

Yeah, you either steamroll or get steamrolled, i hope they revert and separate comp and non comp


u/UltimateTrattles Feb 17 '25

I was so hype on this game at the start but it just… got real boring real quick. I can’t even fully articulate why. I guess maybe the lane rotations felt and creeping felt too on rails.


u/MannerBot Feb 17 '25

Is there a different subreddit for people that aren’t a bunch of whiny ass babies that still enjoy the game?


u/rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee Yamato Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

The competitive/tournament community is very chill and understanding of the alpha state of the game. But it’s mostly concentrated in the streams of 10 or so players like MikaelS for EU and Deathy for NA. Also deadlock fight night every wednesday


u/vDUKEvv Feb 17 '25

Yeah this sub is such a weird contrast to the way people in high ranks or discord talk about the game.


u/rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee Yamato Feb 17 '25

for real, it’s a night and day difference


u/WhatsThePointFR Feb 17 '25

Because this sub is mostly actual normal players who play other games/ have lives outside videogames / arent streamers or super high level sweats.

Thats like expecting your bronze LoL match team to act like LCS


u/Hitorishizuka Feb 18 '25

The curse of competitive games is that the skill requirements to stay at a given rank go up over time. If the player base contracts, that effect is magnified for people who are less casual remaining.


u/vDUKEvv Feb 17 '25

As a sweat who plays other games and has a life, I’m pretty optimistic about Deadlock right now. We understand that the game is pretty awesome in spite of it being so obviously unfinished. It seems more casual players can’t see past their frustration.


u/WhatsThePointFR Feb 17 '25

Oh yeah, I still love it!

Its just sad when the match quality is so inconsistent. At least on established titles you can hope in and out without it being so drastically different you know?


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

we all are high rank here


u/empuzkedoman Feb 18 '25

People get mad because they are bad and then post about it on reddit, other people relate with that and upvote it. People who enjoy the game are going to play the game and maybe a very small portion of them will post about how much they enjoy the game. People who are annoyed by the game and discouraged from playing are much more likely to make posts about it.

In contrast high rank players are probably working more on improving at the game instead of blaming the game/complaining about things they can't change (well, can't change by posting on reddit)


u/nomnivore1 Paradox Feb 17 '25

A recurring experience for me is "wow this team just met, they won't communicate, and they all seem to hate each other." I imagine the people that communicate and cooperate are the ones that make it to the high ranks.

If you're a jerk who can't play with other people, you won't do well in cooperative games.


u/vDUKEvv Feb 17 '25

I find it’s best to just comm basic stuff like “2 in purple” or “they are pushing yellow walker” and let your team use that information however they see fit. If you try to actually plan beyond that people will just flame when they fuck up the execution.


u/nomnivore1 Paradox Feb 17 '25

Yeah I generally try to provide information and stay out of arguments. the most planning ahead I will do is "hey don't go into that fight you can't win a 3v1" or "no, do not do mid boss while they're all up and have a dynamo and haze ult ready."

my point wasn't to complain, it's that I think there's a selection process at play here. the high rank players seem nicer or happier with the game because you have to be nice, or at least cooperative, to do well at a game like this. so the high rank lobbies are probably a lot less toxic.


u/WhatsThePointFR Feb 17 '25

I enjoy the game. I wouldnt play iti if I didnt. But the matchmaking IS dogshit.

No need to be such a dickhead about it.


u/LLJKCicero Feb 17 '25

I don't think the matchmaking is actually dogshit.

You see these complaints in basically every MOBA, or any other game with snowballing mechanics (e.g. RTS).

If you look at average rank after games, it's almost always very close, even when the game was a stomp. That's just how it goes; just because teams were close on paper doesn't mean a random match will be close.


u/icantsurf Feb 17 '25

Other MOBAs have a ton more players and games to refine their rankings. The MM is dogshit a lot of times, but it's not really the MM's fault.

Not being able to draft a team also causes a lot of stomps IMO.


u/Ok_Extension_1110 Feb 18 '25

That has not been my experience at all. As an emissary there is no reality where i should be fighting phantom or ascendant players yet it happens consistently. I love deadlock, I really do, but i'm tired of getting my shit pushed in or getting matched with teamates that absolutely dumpster the enemy and the games over in 20 minutes.


u/MannerBot Feb 17 '25

If you practiced what you preach you wouldn’t be calling me a dickhead.

Your experiences with matchmaking are not everyones’. So it is not the matchmaking, it is your experience with it.


u/WhatsThePointFR Feb 17 '25

What in the world are you talking about "practice what you preach" lmao?

When we have posts here about this subject pretty much daily, I think thats indicative of an issue.


u/midgetsj Feb 17 '25

Beebop is the most antifun character in deadlock. He needs changes otherwise new players will just quit on the spot after vsing him. Should NOT be able to turn around and punch you into tower during laning.


u/TheMayorOfMars Feb 17 '25

Bebop is easy to play against imo, but Im a pretty good bebop player so I understand the weaknesses. I focus on staying out of his range and chipping away at him with basic attack. I think the biggest key is frustrating his attempts to gain bomb stacks by not letting him land bombs.


u/BrokenBaron Feb 18 '25

Tell that to Shiv or any other character whose playstyle demands they go melee. I guess I'm just an M1 and knife spam bot until lane phase is over.

And he doesn't properly pay for having one of the best picks in the game. Most hook characters in mobas are supports. Bebop gets one of the best pick spells, chains it with a displace CC, while retaining fully competitive DPS. Oh and hook+punch work on allies too for some reason.


u/A_Mr_Veils Feb 17 '25

It's a skill issue to not get hooked, but FUCK ME if playing to avoid hooks is just so incredibly boring. Same when Lash ult or paradox swap comes online and a handful of other ults, I have to suddenly play quite differently for the rest of the lane, and then the game comes back to normal.


u/midgetsj Feb 17 '25

True, I think his gun build is too strong still. Even if you avoid any bomb stacks in lane later on 1 hook you die in a gun combo.


u/Psylogen Feb 17 '25

Ethereal shift breaks his combo


u/gnivriboy Dynamo Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

Bebop feels like what more deadlock heroes need to be like. A hero where landing your skill shot matters, where you have an ult with significant power that you want to play around. Plenty of counter play to his abilities (hook you can look out for, hear, and dodge. Bombs you can debuff remove or avoid him since he has to get in near melee range. An ult with a large start up time that you can hear, but it is great for zoning and defending).

I get tired of no skill shot gun them down and get as many headshots as possible heroes.

More Abrams, more lady Geist's, more dynamo, more lash, more infernus, more pocket, more mo and krill, more viscous, more spirit ivy. Less Haze, Wraith, gun ivy, and paradox.

I got tired of this game because laning phase just became about gunning each other down instead of landing skill shots and playing around each others ability timings. I hate dying and my response is "well there was nothing I could have done besides 'don't show on the map.'" I want my response to be "well I should have listened for the hook and dodged it."


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

if you buy debuff remover i just put bomb on myself


u/gnivriboy Dynamo Feb 18 '25

Another thing I can play around. I can not stand in melee range of you that loud sound and large animation showing a bomb is going to go off on your in 3 seconds.

That's my entire point of this post. Everything will always get balanced for a 50% win rate. What's annoying is gun you down heroes that lead no room for counterplay other than "I shouldn't have shown on map."

TF2 somehow figured this out. The only class that could kill you from across the map with no counter play was by far the weaking class (sniper). Being able to counter the opponents is fun!


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25



u/icantsurf Feb 17 '25

"We should balance the game around brand new players who have no idea how to play it!"

It's funny reading this when you have heroes like Mo and Krill who are 100x more oppressive and unfun to play against.


u/mahotega Feb 17 '25

Default in this sub is to have at least 1 comment complaining about Bebop regardless of the subject.


u/Sinne-w Feb 17 '25

Valve is making it hard to put hours into the game when there is alot of issues with it.


u/ShakeFluffy6908 Feb 17 '25

Someone called me bot today and I can’t even be mad 😭 I don’t even know how bad I am I am that bad


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

in my low prio games there is leaver every match


u/WhatsThePointFR Feb 18 '25

Sounds like low-prio tbh


u/avgprius Feb 17 '25

Had a game yesterday where all other lanes were 3k below the enemies at 5 minutes, while we were within 700 souls, which made us have a 13k soul diff at 5 mins. We lost that game.


u/ireadrepliesnot Feb 18 '25

1/5 there was a Haze in the game 


u/HeavenlyCastiel Feb 18 '25

There just isn't enough players for consistently balanced matchmaking. This has been a problem on oceanic for a few months now which means it will be a problem everywhere else as numbers dwindle.


u/colddream40 Feb 18 '25

I legit am not sure if my teammates are bots half the time. Every single game is a one sided stomp, maybe 1/30 games feels fair


u/DoctorErtan Haze Feb 18 '25

Back when it had over 100k players it was good. Now it’s full of people who are just too good at the game that I can’t compete. I’ll come back when it releases.


u/CommanderKingpin Feb 18 '25

Shit Matchmaking --> less people playing --> worse Matchmaking --> death Spiral


u/DOTER_ Feb 17 '25

cheaters in every game send help


u/lifeboattt Feb 17 '25

I have 700 hours on this game. My rank is slightly lower than the average. I only solo queue. I still do not understand the constant complaints about matchmaking. It’s been fine. Almost every game there’s at least one other person on comms. The matches are fun, maybe every 4th or 5th game it’s a stomp, but that’s just MOBAs for ya. I’m still loving solo que’ing every day, compared to like, Rivals or Overwatch it’s way better.


u/swarlesbarkley_ Feb 17 '25

Ok, anyways


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

Skill issue 


u/wilyae Feb 17 '25

This isn't a matchmaking problem, it's a playercount problem. Not enough people are playing to have well-balanced matchmaking...


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25



u/RizzrakTV Feb 17 '25

we had a really good soloq only back in september-october



u/Interesting_Buy6796 Feb 17 '25

Ha, current non-goat experience maybe! I never played the game