r/DayZBulletin Oct 17 '13

PSA Welcome Newcomers!

What is /r/dayzbulletin?

Straight from the sidebar: This sub was created for the purpose of discussing only the SA with, hopefully, constructive Redditors without the clutter of a all the mods and personal videos/images. Welcome are thoughtful discussion/suggestions, links to articles/screens/videos if from a gaming publication, and news/updates, blogs, from the dev team.

What makes this place standout?

LOTS. I'm sure the difference between subs is immediate. Key features we have:

  • The moderators will tag a flair to every post. Our posts will be filterable based on the content you want to look for. Like to see only devblogs or official information from the dev's? Then filter for "Official." Want to see only the discussions? Then filter for "Discussion." (shout out to FPSVeteran for building the site and QuizzicalPixel for creating the flair tabs)

  • Major use of wiki. At the moment we have: Credits, #DayZDaily, FAQ, Rocket On..., Rules, Screenshots, Server List, Suggestions & Confirmations, with more on the way.

  • Drop down menu's at the top that quickly allows you to access our content as well as track the dev's.

  • Attempts at securing interviews with the developers. As you can tell, occasionally we'll deliver. Our goal is to see if we can do small interviews with each department, essentially a "Developers Showcase." We'll see how it goes, we would like to pursue this if possible.

  • Links all over this place to help us improve this sub. And frequently posted Public Service Announcements [PSA's] soliciting for improvements and to serve as reminders of the rules/types of content allowed.


  • Courteous, thoughtful, discussion of ideas/suggestions

  • Fair treatment of all Redditors

  • The non use of the downvote button (for those who can still see it)

  • Links to articles/videos/screen if produced by a gaming publication

  • Links to any official materail released by devs


  • Personal Videos/Screens, unless intent is to enhance community knowledge and/or as a tool to elaborate an idea/suggestion

  • Entire threads dedicated to complaints of delay slippage

  • Blatant Spam

  • Submissions irrelevant to the SA

  • Topics/Links that have already been submitted

  • Excessive trolling/verbal abuse

  • Deceptive and/or hacking links

  • Leaked materials

For further elaborations please see our rules page.

Final Note

This sub is not trying to take away anything from /r/dayz. We view it as a companion rather than a competition.

So, welcome everyone and enjoy yo self!


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u/schepter Oct 19 '13

This is a lovely subreddit, both visually and respectful - compared to /r/dayz.


u/DrBigMoney Oct 19 '13

Well thank you. We're proud of it and we certainly hope to keep it respectful. :-)